Not even Saint Obama proposed such a huge number.
In the midst of a pandemic when large numbers of Americans are unemployed and struggling…
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigned on lifting Trump’s so-called Muslim ban and immediately setting the ceiling to 125,000 refugees to be admitted in this fiscal year (FY21).
Trump had set the ceiling at 15,000 the lowest cap since the program began over four decades ago.
That 125,000 does NOT include those flowing toward our borders now in anticipation of Biden opening the borders and would be the highest cap in nearly 30 years.
(The 125,000 ceiling is only for those we fly into the US from the third world at taxpayers’ expense.)
Because we need to have facts, which are going to be harder to get as the Refugee Processing Center (US State Department contractor) has removed the very useful “Interactive Reporting” function we have have come to rely on for the last decade to understand who is being admitted and placed in your towns and cities, I will be posting information like this below when I can get it. (To be archived in my Knowledge is Power category).

This information (below) is available at the moment:
See that Biden has said he would admit tens of thousands more refugees than any predecessor (including Obama) for the previous nearly 30 years.
The number greater than 125,000 was 132,531 (1992), one of George HW Bush’s big refugee admission years!
The Refugee Act of 1980 was signed into law in the spring of 1980 by Jimmy Carter who of course later that year went on to lose the election to Ronald Reagan. The vast majority of those early refugees were from Southeast Asia and they were escaping COMMUNISM.
Interesting that it was George W. Bush who really opened the flow from Africa. And, it was Clinton who favored the flow from Russia.
President Trump admitted the least number of refugees in one year—11,814 in FY20.
Total refugees (again these are the refugees we flew into the US mostly at the behest of the United Nations)— 3,456,532—admitted over four decades.
Biden/Harris plan to put the US Refugee Admissions Program on steroids as they have promised the refugee resettlement contractors—the nine fake non-profits below. Your tax dollars fund them to change America by changing the people.