Thanks to reader John for sending me a couple of links last night that help broaden our understanding of the advance of Islam. First he cites a post yesterday by our friend Baron Bodissey at the Gates of Vienna blog. Mr. Bodissey discusses at length what he calls “probes.” Probes could take many forms but basically they are actions (some violent, some not) by Islamic groups and individuals to push us to accept the Islamic way of life. We have written about this before in our category, the stealth jihad.
I would add one additional observation. The “probe” is a basic tenet of the Alinsky “community organizing” strategy. It is plain old “agitation.” Read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (Obama’s bible) and you will see what I mean. The basic idea is to make people feel uncomfortable, create chaos and crisis, and then the people (and governments!) beg for relief and give in to the demands in order to bring “change” and get some peace. Peace is an illusion. There will never be peace because they will then push for the next step.
Of course, Alinsky (Obama?) was going for a Marxist-style, ultimately one world, government. The Radical Left is working with Islamists now, but the Islamists are going for a one world government of a different sort—quite a different sort than the Radical Left, and one day they will discover that their goals are mutually exclusive. Regular readers know that my prediction is that the Islamists will destroy the Communists if it gets that far! Why? because the Islamists are smarter and they are driven by religious zeal wholly lacking and underestimated by secularists and atheists.
As I said at the top, John sent me more than one interesting link which I will discuss in a separate post.