The West is raising Jihadists in immigrant populations

I just came across this article on Drudge that you should see.  It is from the UK Telegraph and describes a “village” of Germans fighting with Pakistani and Afghani Jihadists against Western forces.  So, not only are we in America supplying young fighters—former refugees to whom we have given much—to Jihadi forces in Somalia, Europe too is supplying Muslims and Muslim converts to kill NATO soldiers.

The village, in Taliban-controlled Waziristan, is run by the notorious al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which plots raids on Nato forces in Afghanistan.

A recruitment video presents life in the village as a desirable lifestyle choice with schools, hospitals, pharmacies and day care centres, all at a safe distance from the front.

In the video, the presenter, “Abu Adam”, the public face of the group in Germany, points his finger and asks: “Doesn’t it appeal to you? We warmly invite you to join us!”

According to German foreign ministry officials a growing number of German families, many of North African descent, have taken up the offer and travelled to Waziristan where supporters say converts make up some of the insurgents’ most dedicated fighters

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which has a foothold in several German cities, has capitalised on growing concern over the rising profile of German forces in Afghanistan.

Now it becomes clearer.  When the article mentions “white” jihadists, they don’t mean ethnic Germans or Swedes, they mean immigrants who had been given an opportunity for a good life in a Western country, but took what they could get (like military training as this article points out) and then have headed to the mountains to kill the infidels for Allah.

“The Europeans are there [in Waziristan]. The most dedicated people there are from Europe. They will do anything for Islam. They are not there because their father’s are Muslim, but by choice,” he (former Pakistani intelligence officer)said.

As I have pointed out previously in our extensive coverage of the Somali refugees who have left America to kill in Somalia, those strong healthy Somalis are alive and healthy thanks to the do-gooders who resettled them in the US.  We gave them food, shelter, a good education and have raised up Islamic militant warriors who would likely not have survived to adulthood if we had left them in Africa.   It just blows the whole theory that all Muslim immigrants want is a good life—a piece of the pie—and proves again something the Leftwing “humanitarians” are unwilling to grasp—Islam and Islamic supremacism is the driving force in their lives.

P.S.  We have resettled thousands of Uzbeks in the US.  It is unclear how many exactly because the State Department for many years lumped all former Soviet Union refugees together in their statistics.

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