Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Bring more Haitians so they can send money back to Haiti

Apparently bills have been introduced in Congress to hurry up and bring more Haitians to the US.   The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is backing the idea.  I’m guessing if I went to the other eight major volag  (federal refugee contractor) websites I would find a similar endorsement of the bills.

So let’s see, we have huge unemployment in the US, but these Haitians would come here, get jobs and send money back to Haiti.  In reality most of these Haitians would not get jobs but draw welfare benefits in a city near you!  So,which part of this story benefits America?  And, perhaps more telling is which part benefits the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society?

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is backing measures that would allow Haitians awaiting immigration visas to come to the United States and work.

HIAS says the bills introduced last week in both houses of the U.S. Congress would address the plight of 55,000 Haitians whose family-sponsored immigrant petitions have been approved by the U.S. government but who have waited up to 11 years for visas because of backlogs.

“Allowing Haitians to enter the U.S. will not move them ahead of other immigrants on the waiting list, rather it would allow them to leave the devastation of Haiti and send remittances back to the country,” said HIAS, the lead Jewish group advocating for immigrant rights, in a statement.

The bills “would permit these petitioners to come to the U.S. immediately to join their families and work here while awaiting their turn in line for a green card,” the statement said.

Oh, looky here!  Obama’s Change.org has a petition to support this legislation.  I’m not surprised, gotta get those immigrants dependent on the Democratic party!

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