Here is a good idea! Pay them to go home as Australia is doing

It is infinitely cheaper than putting them on the welfare rolls for decades!

Of course the UN will scream like a stuck pig if the US should try such a thing!  But, after all, most are economic migrants and not legitimate refugees.

As we have reported previously on many occasions, Australia, Israel and Bulgaria are three countries (international pockets of resistance!) willing to take the heat from “humanitarian” scolds in order to save their countries from invasion.

Abbott and Morrison: We are paying them off to go home! Alas, if only we had leaders like these!

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

The Abbott government is offering asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru detention centres up to $10,000 to abandon their hope of resettlement in Australia and voluntarily return to the country they fled from.

The revelation comes as the High Court on Friday issued a stunning rebuke to the Abbott government’s border protection policy, striking down its decision to to refuse to issue permanent protection visas to boat arrivals found to be refugees.

In two unanimous decisions, with implications for thousands of boat arrivals, the court ruled that Immigration Minister Scott Morrison’s decision to impose a cap on the number of places in Australia’s refugee intake for boat arrivals was invalid.

The sudden boost in payments is the latest tactic being used by the Abbott government to cement its hardline stance against asylum seekers who come to Australia without a visa.

UN:  Australia slipping!  (so what!)

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees on Friday showed Australia’s efforts to help alleviate the crisis have stagnated or worsened, with the country sliding backwards in the global rankings, according to some measures.

Australia now ranks 17th in the world to resettle refugees, according to the Refugee Council of Australia.

See our Australia category for many more posts on clever Australian solutions.

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