That is one of the latest Leftwing media attacks on the President, but when I saw this headline (below) my reaction was WOW! that would be great!
Trump praised Orban in the White House in May—for saving Christians from migrants (sniffed) EuroNews.
Trump’s Dream Is to Become America’s Viktor Orbán
But, before I get to the news (a change of pace from the daily dribble of reports about weak-kneed Republican governors who have no hope of ever being brave leaders like Viktor Orban, or Donald Trump)—-Happy New Year!
And, thanks to all of you who have come back to the newly reconstructed Refugee Resettlement Watchafter efforts by the Leftists to delete my work from the internet failed earlier this year. Also, I very much appreciate letters and e-mails expressing support even if I don’t always have time to answer, and many thanks for donations that have come my way.
This morning I wanted to chuckle a little and so had saved for today thisNew York Mag story from the day after Christmas by political commentator Jonathan Chait famous for having gotten it hilariously wrong about a possible Trump presidency in 2016.
Chait said smugly in February of 2016 that liberals should welcome Trump’s candidacy, a story that was smacked down hereas one of the ten stories of the 2010s that should never have been published:
Chait’s immensely confident take on why the Democrats should support a Trump nomination is a humiliating crystallization of the wrongheaded thinking that propelled him to the White House: he asserts that Trump would easily lose (wrong), that he might force the Republicans to rebuild their party (wrong), that his presidency would do less harm than a conventional Republican (wrong) and might even do some good (WRONG!!!), that Trump’s presidency might end up like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California governorship (wrong, and based on nothing besides “they were both celebrities”).
In addition to wanting a break from dreary domestic refugee policy, I wanted to get back to a bit of news on one of my favorite topics—the Invasion of Europe.
Here is the ever astute Jonathan Chait (pretending to get inside Trump’s head) opining on how Trump wants to be an AUTHORITARIAN like Hungary’s Orban, or so Chait says of Orban.
AUTHORITARIAN must be a word selected as a Progressive talking point for 2020!
And, in case you don’t get it after the first or second time the word AUTHORITARIAN is offered, Chait uses the word ten times in its various forms to make his point.
For several years, Hungary has been the name American liberal intellectuals have given to their worst domestic nightmares.Hungary’s president, Viktor Orbán, has fashioned an apparently permanent majority for his conservative Fidesz Party by wielding the levers of the state to marginalize the social, political, and legal power of his opposition. American conservatives are now becoming fascinated in equal measure with Orbán’s Hungary. The liberal nightmare of an authoritarian America is becoming the conservative dream.
Orban has been working to keep Soros hard Left political agitators out of Hungary. BTW, have you noticed that the Left is now suggesting that attacks on Soros’ globalist political machinations are somehow displays of antisemitism.
Orbán’s attacks on liberal democracy long predate Donald Trump’s candidacy. Five years ago, Orbán delivered a famous speech denouncing liberal democracy (“liberal values today incorporate corruption, sex, and violence”) and promising an alternative. To the extent American conservatives paid Orbán any attention then, it was to denounce him, perhaps while throwing in a swipe at the Obama administration for failing to confront him forcefully enough. The Republican Party’s growing defense of Orbán is a window through which we can glimpse its slow descent into authoritarianism. [Ha! I doubt the Republican Party is defending Orban!—ed]
Orbán’s political style, combining hyperbolic denunciations of Muslim immigrants with anti-Semitic tropes targeting George Soros as puppeteer, anticipated Trump’s by several years. He has won a place in the president’s circle of trust. Orbán, along with Vladimir Putin, reportedly helped persuade Trump to distrust Ukraine’s reformist president. Connie Mack IV, a former Republican member of Congress and a paid lobbyist for Orbán, participated in a whisper campaign undermining hawkish Russia adviser Fiona Hill as a tool of Soros.
You get the drift of where this is going, read it yourself.
He wraps with this paragraph suggesting that any of us who are concerned about immigration and its impact on western civilization are really just hankering for AUTHORITARIAN control.
Even so, the appearance of Orbánism on the American right is yet another sign that the most dangerous undercurrents of the Trump era are not particular to one buffoonish septuagenarian reality television star. Trump has brought out a strain of authoritarianism on the right that will survive his presidency. Whether or not Trump succeeds in his transparent goal of becoming America’s Orbán, he will not be the last to try. [There is no one on the horizon who will come close to trying, sadly—ed]
If you are as much an Orban fan as I am, read it all (for a laugh!).
Now, here is the primary reason for Orban’s popularity, something that Chait barely mentions (from Politico in 2015):
Orbán says migrants threaten ‘Christian’ Europe
….and Western Civilization!
Interesting that in Chait’s polemic there is only a tiny mention of why Orban is so popular at home and admired by many here, and that is his dogged defense of his borders, his people, and his fight for western civilization and a Christian Europe.
So if indeed President Trump wants to be more like Orban, he needs to work a little bit harder in 2020.
See my complete file on the Invasion of Europe by clicking here. And, go here, for my previous posts on my hero—Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
In a story about Indiana’s Pete Buttigieg, Vox News reports that he has released his immigration plan which includes a huge jump in refugee numbers that consequently will make the nine refugee resettlement contractors*** wealthier than they have been in their entire history.
Buttigieg’s refugee welcome numbers will put the old man’s (Obama’s) to shame!
Contrary to popular opinion, Obama admitted no where near the numbers the Dems are proposing.
He averaged just under 70,000 for his entire 8 years in office. See here.
A couple of those years were in the 50,000s!
These numbers being proposed by leading Democrat candidates will put Obama to shame.
And, as I have said repeatedly Open Borders Inc. will claim they need to be this high or higher to ‘MAKE UP FOR WHAT THEY WILL DUB THE LOST TRUMP YEARS.’
It isimperative that President Trump is re-elected and then in his second term he must work to dump the entire UN/US Refugee Admissions Program as originally crafted by Senators Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and President Jimmy Carter.
Pete Buttigieg’s immigration plan rebukes Trump and calls for an overhaul of the system
Buttigieg’s plan aims to reverse various Trump policies: his travel ban on individuals from seven countries deemed to be security threats, the practice of family separations, and his cap on annual refugee admissions (to a historic low of 18,000), as well as the practice of keeping migrants trapped in Mexican border towns while they wait for decisions on their asylum applications.
Warren wants 175,000 needy third worlders (future Democrat voters!) admitted to the US as refugees by the end of her first term in office.
He proposes to raise the cap on annual refugee admissions to 125,000 during his first year in office, and says he supports legislation that would set an annual floor of 95,000 admissions.That’s on par with what Biden and Warren have proposed (though Warren has pledged to raise the cap to 175,000 by the end of her first term.) Sanders, by contrast, has vowed to increase the cap, but hasn’t specified a number.
By the way, the reason they are pushing the idea of legislatively setting an annual floor is to make the contractors happy because it will assure them job security from year to year (their income depends on numbers) in the event the country elects another President like Donald Trump.
And just so you don’t forget: ol’ Uncle Joe worked with Teddy to craft this original flawed program back in 1979. Jimmy Carter signed the Refugee Act into law in 1980. And, to show what a hypocrite Biden is, his home state of Delaware takes only a handful of refugees annually. Some years it has taken a big fat zero!
I laughed when I saw that ‘Creeping Sharia’ recently tweeted out this video I did a few years back and made a slight change!
The secretive and corrupt Refugee Admissions program that continues to fundamentally change America by resettling so-called "refugees" in small towns and cities was the brainchild of former senators Ted Kennedy and @JoeBiden
***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decidedin secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayersto work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.
I’ve been noticing an increase in the number of readers who want more information on how they can actually fight back against a tide of, for lack of a better description, progressive political activity including election victories by the Open Borders Left intent on changing America by changing the people.
First and foremost remember they have been working away at their progressive agenda for years, for decades! Community organizing is in their DNA!
They get up every day—day in, day out—planning their transformation of America into what they think will be a socialist/communist nirvana once they get enough people on their side.
Finding those people includes importing them legally or illegally in whatever way they can.
Conversely, you have been getting up every day going to work, spending time with the kids and grand kids, doing your duties and generally enjoying life.
We have a lot of catching up to do!
So here we sit in November 2019 and your most important goal, above all other goals, is to keep Donald J. Trump in the White House for four more years.
I know, I know, he is an imperfect man, but he is all we have and you have only eleven months remaining to stop America’s slide into socialism!
Why do you think the impeachment hearings are on in the House of Representatives—the Leftists know that the only thing standing between them and their ultimate goal of a socialist country is a President Trump!
Therefore, if you have formed, or are planning to form a local citizens group, or re-energizing a local Tea Party group, anything and everything you can do to support the President is your top priority now.
If he wins in 2020, we get four more years of peace and prosperity, not to mention four more years to put some of our reforms in place (like dumping or reforming the US Refugee Admissions Program!).
If he loses, we are finished and I mean that!
Re-elect Trump!
I’m no expert, but here are some of the things I think you need to be doing in addition to re-electing the President:
Your next priority is to defeat the progressives who are running your local governments.
I know that is a tall order, but I’m telling you, mayors, city councils, state legislators, those are the offices the socialist Democrats are working to control.
You need to find good people to run against them.
Even if you can’t win yet, people who think like you must run in order to get your message out. Your local Leftwing media will be forced to report your ideas if candidates are presenting them.
And, if yours is a contested Congressional District, get involved and work to defeat the Democrat. You can see the damage being done to the country under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi.
Knowledge is power! So you must have your facts!
***Update*** See my new category ‘Knowledge is Power’ by clicking here.
Of course you need to know about myriad issues, but it is my view that the most important issue of all time is immigration because once they change the people, there is no going back.
If I were running a local citizens group I would have a couple of people assigned to learning about all of the programs that admit immigrants and refugees to America—the refugee program that I write about all the time, Temporary Protected Status, DACA, the insane Diversity Visa Lottery.
Those experts can then share with your group what they learn which includes investigating those programs in your own state. Find out who the players are on the Left and in your state government and when the time is right expose them.
As part of investigating, especially as it relates to the refugee program, you must find and infiltrate your local interfaith groups. They are the primary promoters of the refugee program.
A reader told me that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service’s new CEO was speaking next month to a local Interfaith group and what that says to me is that they are getting ready for a new push into new communities as they anticipate a post-Trump White House.
Frankly, you are going to have to designate someone (with acting skills!) to infiltrate their groups.
All of your research is important to educate your fellow citizens, but will be especially useful in the four more years you will be buying by getting Donald Trump back in the White House.
Bring in speakers!
(LOL! I am not talking about me, I’m not good at it!)
Bite the bullet and find the funds to bring in people knowledgeable about immigration issues, about socialism/communism, about Islamic fundamentalism, and about how to community organize!
Unfortunately the Left is rolling in money and they use it to spread their propaganda. It annoys me that conservatives are often so cheap and don’t spring for national level speakers to educate and energize local grassroots groups.
Send me an e-mail and I will name some national level educators for your group, but be prepared to pay them for their time and for the knowledge they have worked hard to acquire!
But, don’t let this happen: A knowledgeable speaker comes in, attendees shake their heads about what they are learning, saying to themselves—‘it is awful’—and go away and do nothing! Provide specific goals for the audience to follow before they leave the room!
There is nothing worse than for a handful of group organizers to hold meetings, do all the work, and everyone else walks away after the meeting and says ‘see you next month.’ (Tick-tock and then there is one less month until the 2020 elections!)
Give out assignments! And, you must meet more than once a month!
Network, network, network!
It is not enough to be simply a news junky who spends your day reading the news on the net (tweeting!) and feeling superior because you know more than your friends.
You absolutely must network with other like-minded groups and individuals in your state even if you have to hold your nose because you don’t like so-and-so who is involved with that group. Get over it! The stakes are too high for you to let petty differences hinder your work—the work to get Trump reelected in less than 12 months.
But, that said, I am not a fan of creating one large group. It is too easy to take down. Create and encourage many small groups. It will confuse the opposition! By the way, it is one of their tactics. They don’t have that many activists, they just make it look like they do by spawning ever-more groups.
If you are sitting alone at your computer screen and reading this, find two more people and form a group, give it a name and get to work!
You’ve done all that, you’ve gathered your facts, you have people planning to run for local offices, how do you get your message out?
That is a problem as the Left now controls most local newspapers (they have been working at that for more than a decade while you led your life). If you plan events, demonstrations, conferences, they might publish your news.
And, occasionally they publish letters-to-the-editor, but don’t rely on your local paper to carry your message.
Find social media experts in your group and use any and all forms you can find.
I’m a big fan of setting up a blog or website to spread the message to your members and to gain new members in your community. However, after my experience of RRW being silenced for a few months, I know it isn’t as easy any longer to set up blogs.
The advantage of a website or blog is that you can archive everything your team of investigators is learning.
I know you might be saying, but then the other side will know about us. Yes, they will, but the downside of not publicizing your work is that you won’t find more people to join you!
If you are interested, send me an e-mail and I’ll send you the name of a professional who can help you get a site up. But, again be prepared to spend a little money!
And, even if they might not publish your letters-to-the-editor, assign some people in your group to write them anyway. If you are responding to the news or another opinion piece they have already published, you might get your letter in print.
This is getting too long, sorry!
Just remember!
Even as we gripe that the President isn’t doing this, or that, or LOL! saying things you wish he wouldn’t, he is all that is standing between us and a new America, filled with new Americans marching down the path toward a socialist/communist future for our once great country—a future that might only be 11 months away!
Did you see the news that Democrat candidate for President Beto O’Rourke told an audience recently that he wanted to pull the tax exempt status of any religious organization that refused to perform gay marriages?
Yes Beto! Get rid of tax exempt status for some ‘religious charities’ but not for the reasons you suggest!
Well after having followed the fake non-profits hired by the feds to place refugees into unsuspecting towns and cities for over a decade, I have been thinking that we ought to pull the tax exempt status of any ‘religious’ group that operates in secrecy, gobbles up millions of tax payer dollars and then goes out and protests against the President (who is funding them!)….
….You know groups like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops,Church World Service, and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
But holy cow! I never expected to see the Daily Caller carrying the water for those federal refugee CONTRACTORS in order to take a swipe at Beto.
The Daily Caller, called by wikipediaa right wing media outfit started by Tucker Carlson in 2010, must be trying to suck up to the Left with this distorted piece about how much religious groups do to help the poor and struggling refugees coming into the US from the third world.
Go for it, help the poor refugees (ignoring vulnerable Americans!), but do it with your own private charitable resources—NOT WITH TAXPAYER DOLLARS AND TAX EXEMPT STATUS!
[I just had a look at dozens of posts about the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the millions it receives from the federal government and came acrossthis 2017 postwhere Tucker Carlson eviscerates the Bishop’s Washington, DC lobbyist! Clearly Carlson is ‘Tucker who?’ at the Daily Caller!]
Religious Institutions Support Refugees, But Beto Wants To Take Away Their Tax-Exempt Status
What do you mean by “but?” I agree with Beto—take away their tax-exempt status! Of course, however, the young Catholic-educated reporter is referring to his statement about gay marriage.
Here are the opening two paragraphs in a report by Mary Margaret Olohan:
2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke wants to take away religious institution’s tax-exempt status if they will not perform same-sex marriages, but religious institutions make major contributions in helping refugees.
O’Rourke sparked backlash at CNN’s LGBTQ forum on Oct. 10 when he said that religious institutions that would not perform same-sex marriages should lose their tax-exempt status. He reiterated his statements Sunday, adding that this would apply to mosques and minority churches.
And, then she uses the supposed good works of two of nine refugee contractors to make her gushing points about how they help refugees and thus it’s an outrage for Beto (who loves refugees!) to suggest these benevolent politically Leftwing groups should lose tax exempt status.
Let me say it more clearly, it isn’t just that these ‘religious charities’ help refugees with taxpayer dollars, they promote illegal immigration and they actively protest on the streets against this President while living almost entirely on OUR US Treasury!
See Ms. Olohan’s credentials!
You can read more from Ms. Mary Margaret Olohan, the Daily Caller‘s Social Issues reporter, yourself, but since she extols the virtues of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) as an example of a ‘religious charity’ making a major contribution to helping refugees (not American poor people!), I thought I would have a look at their most recent IRS Form 990.
[I mentioned the latest finances of the US Catholic Bishops here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’]
First take a trip down memory lane andsee this postabout LIRS I wrote on Valentine’s day 2018:
Lutherans announce departure of CEO Hartke amid claims of financial irregularities, poor management
During the Obama years LIRS was 95% federally funded. According to the most recently available Form 990 (2018) they have slipped some and only received 87% of their funding from the US taxpayer—$41 million!
But here is the stunner! CEO Hartke was getting the heave-ho that year, but look at the salary she got going out the door! Over $400,000! That is about $80,000 more than the previous year! Pay-off?
This is largely your money!
Screenshot of a portion of the salaries page at LIRS 2018 IRS Form 990
What good is it if we have “right wing” media doing propaganda for Open Borders Inc?
So, I suggest Ms. Olohan do a little more research before picking which ‘religious charities’ to use as examples of virtue. And, btw, where was her editor?
Endnote: I don’t want to sound like I’m whining, but I’ve just spent a couple of hours (I don’t get paid!) doing research that salary-collecting reporters should be doing.
The transgressions of LIRS have been widely reported for years and even if she couldn’t find my work because WordPressdotcom killed RRW,Breitbartdid do a bunch of stories on the financial scandal surrounding Hartke’s departure.
Any day now, the Administration will send a delegation to the Hill to consult with the House and Senate Judiciary Committees on the President’s plan to admit a maximum number of 18,000 refugees to the US in FY2020 (the fiscal year began on October 1).
A reminder: Trump set the level for FY19 at 30,000 and reached that ceiling on September 30th. An 18,000 ceiling for FY20 would be the lowest in the program’s history.
Over the last couple of weeks there have been dozens and dozens of stories planted throughout America each one showcasing some poor refugee family that would not be reunited if the ceiling is that low. And, without fail, the articles tell us which of the resettlement contractors had to close subcontractor offices.
Frankly I have read so many of these whiny stories I want to barf. That said, I would like you to have a look at this one from Twin Falls, Idaho where the local resettlement subcontractor is expected to continue in operation for another year at least and my guess is that is in order to keep a refugee worker flow going to Chobani Yogurt. See my Twin Falls archive here.
However, when quoting the director of the program there, the reporter, Megan Taros, says something that is not factually correct and I want to mention that to you:
A new executive order issued by President Trump last month that cuts the number of refugees the U.S. will accept from 30,000 to 18,000 this fiscal year threatens the center’s funding. The center receives federal money based on the number of people it takes in. With the new order its approved intake, which is now 140, may drop. Congress will meet on Tuesday to decide what the final nationwide cap on refugees will be.
Maybe the consultation will happen today as the reporter suggests, but Congress will NOT DECIDE ON THE FINAL NATIONWIDE CAP. Congress’ only role under the Refugee Act of 1980 is a consultation role when it comes to setting the upcoming ceiling/cap (but of course they do appropriate the funding for the President’s plan).
That said, it will be interesting to see if over the last few weeks, the massive media PR campaign (like the one here in Twin Falls) by the refugee industry has succeeded in getting the administration to up its original number of 18,000!
The article also reminded me to direct you to the Refugee Council USA‘s (lobbyists for the refugee industry) report which lists the subcontractor offices that have been closed since the Trump Administration began reducing the number of refugees being admitted.
Please take a minute andgo hereto see if an office has closed in your city.
Scroll down to page 23 to see the list. Here is a screenshot of the first page:
Trump can’t do this alone!
If you want to see the Refugee Program dumped or reformed, you must get involved now where you live. This is no time to sit back and assume the President is taking care of this. The refugee industry is extremely well funded and has a massive media network.
As soon as the Trump Administration ends—it will sooner or later—they will be back full steam ahead and they have been laying the ground work with the sob-story news reports spread throughout small city newspapers everywhere.
One thing you can do right now is to send letters or opinion pieces to papers like this one to express the theme I think is most powerful—why aren’t we taking care of our own vulnerable people first? After all, we the taxpayers are paying for all of this! Use some statistics or sad stories about your community.
And, it goes without saying, you absolutely must attempt to elect people to local offices that represent your views on the subject of mass migration! Start now by dogging candidates for the 2020 Elections and press them on their views on immigration!