Hey Malcolm, these mostly Muslim boat people are not our problem!
Check out the news here at Australia’s Nine News.
So here’s my idea!
Donald Trump could get the last laugh by cancelling the “dumb deal” Obama agreed to that would bring up to 1,250 of Australia’s unwanted so-called ‘refugees’, presently held in offshore detention facilities, to (your!) American towns.
Bringing them here would save Turnbull’s political neck, while American taxpayers foot the bill and risk our lives! Some deal!
See my post yesterdayabout the deal! (A deal implies both sides get something!).
Looking for something you can do?
Contact the White House and tell them to scrap the “dumb deal” with Australia! Click here.
Then tell your Congressman too!
Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studieshas done us all a great service by pulling all the threads together on the “dumb deal” that could see the US taking over 1,000 ‘refugees’ that Australia does not want to take to its mainland.
Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily summarizes the key points and adds some comments by me and others:
According to a new report, President Trump is moving forward with a deal made by the Obama administration to resettle illegal-immigrant boat people whom Australia will not accept as “refugees” even though they have been classified as such by the United Nations.
The Trump administration is reportedly preparing to implement the deal with Australia. Under the terms, the U.S. will accept hundreds of unwanted Muslims rejected for asylum by the Aussies in return for several thousand Central American refugees awaiting resettlement at a U.N. camp in Costa Rica.
The deal was negotiated last summer by Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry. And Trump famously tweeted that he was going to study the “dumb deal” before accepting it.
Now, Trump is reported to be moving forward with the deal.
There’s only one problem, say refugee watchdogs.
These really aren’t refugees at all. They are illegal aliens who tried to sneak into Australia, were interdicted at sea and taken to an off-shore detention center in Papua New Guinea. They migrated from some of the world’s worst jihadist strongholds – in Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Iran and Iraq.
The process of resettling these refugees, mostly men, is “well underway,” immigration analyst Nayla Rush reports for the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies.
“The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) referred for resettlement in the United States over 850 detainees who were granted refugee status,” Rush writes. “Those could be admitted by the end of October, after undergoing ‘extreme vetting.’ But, no matter how ‘extreme’ or dependable the vetting (and the data U.S. officials use to screen these refugees is transmitted from a private refugee-resettlement contractor), the question remains: Why resettle Australia’s unwanted refugees in the United States?”
Rush highlights that these “refugees” are, for the most part, from countries which the Trump administration is trying to ban travel.
“Most also suffer from serious mental health issues, are not keen on coming to the United States to begin with (Australia was and still is their preferred destination), and are likely to have nothing but disdain for President Trump,” she reports.
This happened on Sunday and the story seems to just now (late Monday and this morning) be coming to the world’s attention (perhaps the more deadly London Islamic terror attack, also carried out by refugees, simply dwarfed it in the media).
A Somali refugee killed one man and took a woman hostage in Melbourne. He was shot dead by police
Here is the New York Timeson the news yesterday:
MELBOURNE, Australia — The Australian authorities are treating an abduction and a killing here in Melbourne on Monday, which ended with the gunman dead, as a terrorist attack.
The police killed the gunman after he held a woman hostage at an apartment complex in Brighton, one of Melbourne’s wealthiest suburbs. The woman was rescued, and another man was found dead in the lobby, the police said. The authorities did not immediately identify the victims.
The police identified the gunman as Yacqub Khayre, an Australian citizen with a long criminal record who came to the country from Somalia as a child refugee.Graham Ashton, the chief police commissioner for Victoria State, said Mr. Khayre was known to the police “for a whole range of offending,” including drug and violent crimes and arson.
The laugh line in the story is at the end of this paragraph: Police Commissioner Graham Ashton
Mr. Khayre served a significant amount of prison time and was on parole at the time of the attack, the commissioner said. The gunman was acquitted in an investigation of a terrorism plot in New South Wales several years ago, but since then, he was involved in routine criminal activity, Mr. Ashton said. “There wasn’t anything suggesting he was about to do this.”
The Somali refugee had been acquitted on plotting an earlier terror attack, had a long rap sheet and had traveled to Somalia yet his action is a big surprise to the police! Here is a more dramatic telling of what happened, with much more information about the refugee who thumbed his nose at the country that gave him protection and an opportunity for a good life.
It might be politically incorrect to say, but it is just simply true: If you have Muslim migration to your country, you will get Islamic terrorism at some point in time.
This bit (below) in the Scallywag and Vagabondstory was very very interesting and mirrors the huge mistake the UK is making as well. The US is making it too! If ‘refugees,’ who have sought protection (from persecution) in a western country, return (for a little visit) to the hellhole they supposedly escaped, they should simply not be permitted to return to the good life in western civilization (in Europe, in the UK, in Australia, in America).
Khaye had escaped jail time in a previous foiled attack and went on a trip to Somalia for “religious enlightenment”:
At the time prosecutors argued Khayre had travelled to Somalia to look for clerics to give their blessing for the plan.
The man’s legal team argued that he was looking for religious enlightenment and harbored no plan to wage jihad in Australia.
Khayre’s uncle told The Sydney Morning Herald that he believed his nephew’s 2009 trip abroad was when the ‘weapons and military training may have happened.’
It is true, in spite of the Leftwing media campaign to say it isn’t—refugees commit crimes and acts of terror, in Europe, in Australia and in America. Two countries, so far, that refuse refugees from Muslim countries—Poland and Japan—do not have this problem.
“Dumb deal!”
For new readers, one last thing! The Trump Administration (Trump’s DOS and DHS) is on the verge of accepting as many as 1,250 failed asylum seekers (Australia does not want them!), held in detention on offshore islands. They tried to reach Australia by boat and hail from the following countries: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, and Sudan (4 of those countries are on Trump’s original travel ban list).
See my Australia category(200 previous posts!) for more on Australia’s Muslim migrant problems and that “dumb deal.”
“What we’re doing here is unprecedented in the current system.”
(Kathya Araya)
HIAS dropped the word Hebrew from its name a few years back.
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of nine federal refugee contracting agencies (largely funded by you), has a new office in Costa Rica (opened in February of this year!).
Normally I wouldn’t have noticed this item on their website but because Costa Rica is somehow part of that Australian “dumb deal” it piqued my interest. Here and here are news items on HIAS’s website about the new office.
And, here is one of several posts of mine on the Australia deal where we will take up to 1,250 illegal alien boat people (mostly from Muslim countries) that Australia is holding in detention centers, and ‘refugees’ in Costa Rica will be shipped to Australia in exchange. I’ll ask again, what do we get in this deal because illegal migrants and asylum seekers in Costa Rica are not our problem—or are they now that HIAS is there processing people?
Most of those in Costa Rica are economic migrants and others (some running from crime) who are really not persecuted people legitimately in need of refugee protection.
It sure looks to me like our US Department of State is getting out of control!
Is HIAS paying for this “legal” office with private charitable donations? Or, is this ‘program’ one more little gift the Obama Administration left for you—the US taxpayer! And, if Costa Rica’s immigration issues are of concern to the US government, why do we need middlemen NGOs there who are not accountable to taxpaying voters?
Here is my archive on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Since Trump/Tillerson have not yet chosen anyone to rein-in the bureaucrats at the DOS, I’m starting to wonder if the contractors, like HIAS, are running the show there!
“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump told Turnbull in the call, adding that the country was trying to send the “next Boston bombers” into the US. (February 1, 2017)
Sometimes I wonder if the real Donald Trump was somehow swapped for a fake Donald shortly after getting in to the White House. Is the real Donald Trump, who knew this was a “dumb deal,” being kept behind bars in the White House basement while the fake Donald runs the country?
His instincts on February first (12 days after reaching the Oval Office) were right-on (see here). What happened to him?
The (Obama!) deal, for the US to take over 1,000 of Australia’s detained (mostly Muslim) ILLEGAL ALIENS off their hands, transform them in to refugees, place them quietly in US towns and cities and put them on welfare in exchange for Australia to take some not-yet-determined number of Central Americans (safely living in Central America) in exchange, is nuts. All that is to save Turnbull’s political skin!
See my extensive archive on the Australia deal by clicking here.
Here is news being peddled by Reutersthat the Trump interviews constitute the “extreme vetting” that the real Donald Trump promised us.
Clearly the interviewers know nothing about Islam (most of those detained in Australia offshore camps are from Muslim countries***). Again, these are illegal aliens who attempted to get to Australia by boat. Legitimate asylum seekers, who tried to get to Australia, are Australia’s problem!
There is no way to check the ‘stories’ provided to interviewers with functioning governments in most of these countries.
Do our interviewers even know that there is such a thing as Taqiyya (the Islamic permission to lie to infidels).
From Reuters:
U.S. Homeland Security officials have begun “extreme vetting” interviews at Australia’s offshore detention centers, two sources at the camps told Reuters on Tuesday, as Washington honors a refugee swap that U.S. President Donald Trump had called “a dumb deal”. [“Refugee” swap! Neither are legitimate refugees—ed]
The Trump administration said last month the agreement to offer refuge to up to 1,250 asylum seekers in the centers would progress on condition that refugees satisfied strict checks.
Coming to a town near you! ‘Refugees’ on Nauru! LOL! One of my readers suggested they all be resettled in Hawaii!
In exchange, Australia has pledged to take Central American refugees from a center in Costa Rica, where the United States has expanded intake in recent years, under the deal struck with former President Barack Obama.
The first security interviews finished last week at Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island detention center, two refugees who went through the process told Reuters.
The refugees told Reuters that interviews began with an oath to God [which god?—ed] to tell the truth and then proceeded for as long as six hours, with in-depth questions on associates, family, friends and any interactions with the Islamic State militant group.
What the heck! Does anyone believe they would tell the truth if they had had an interaction with ISIS!
“They asked about why I fled my home, why I sought asylum in Australia,” said one refugee who declined to be named, fearing it could jeopardize his application for U.S. resettlement.
The security interviews are the last stage of U.S. consideration of applicants.
A decision on the fate of the first 70 people interviewed is expected to be reached within the next month….
And, when the first Australian-rejected migrants get to America this will no longer be Obama’s “dumb deal.” It will be Trump’s “dumb deal” as I said here on Wednesday.
There is more at Reuters, click here to continue reading.
*** The illegal aliens we are interviewing at Australian off-shore detention facilities are from the following countries: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan and Stateless (probably Rohingya Muslims from Burma).