Editor’s note: Since we have been so focused on the ruckus going on in the US with resettlement, especially as Rep. Trey Gowdy does the first brave thing (out of Congress) that we have ever seen in our nearly eight year project to shed light on the US Refugee Admissions Program, we have been forgetting our readers around the world.
Below is an update from Australia thanks to ‘FatherJon’ where the Abbott government is one of the few in the world discouraging the illegal aliens (phony asylum seekers) from trying to break into their country.

Ann, the boats have stopped, due to the efforts of our Abbott Federal government. If they don’t get a lot right they’ve certainly got the boat problem solved.
Problem is that under the previous Labor governments a backload of foreign kids built up to several thousands, as families thought that this was a better ruse than just sending teenage ‘Ali’ out as a forward scout. A government can get tough with a young shaver and refuse him landing rights, but they can’t do that with a family which includes young kids, right? Wrong! Kids were locked up with their families, firstly on the mainland, then on off-shore detention centres, then in neighbouring countries that welcomed the cash injection as we off-set our detention costs at home by giving hand-outs to Papua New Guines, Nauru and Cambodia to look after the illegals.
However the human rights lawyers attacked that on all fronts, claiming it was doubly inhumane to lock up children, and the gradual push was to get as many kids on the mainland to be given temporary protection visas. This allowed them to go to school and lead lives outside internment. There are now a little over 100 kids left, who have yet to be placed due to initiatives of the present government.
The Abbott government is now negotiating with Iran to take back its own nationals, who comprise roughly 80% of the detainees, but it’s proving a tough nut to crack as Iran just says ‘we can’t take back our own if they didn’t want to be here in the first place’. Our Foreign Minister is in Iran as I write trying to work out a deal about sending them back.
See our entire ‘Australia’ category for more.
The next US President needs to get some pointers from Tony Abbott!