Comment worth noting: Correspondent from Australia brings us up to date

Editor’s note:  Since we have been so focused on the ruckus going on in the US with resettlement, especially as Rep. Trey Gowdy does the first brave thing  (out of Congress) that we have ever seen in our nearly eight year project to shed light on the US Refugee Admissions Program, we have been forgetting our readers around the world.

Below is an update from Australia thanks to ‘FatherJon’ where the Abbott government is one of the few in the world discouraging the illegal aliens (phony asylum seekers) from trying to break into their country.


From Australian government campaign to stop the boats.


Ann, the boats have stopped, due to the efforts of our Abbott Federal government. If they don’t get a lot right they’ve certainly got the boat problem solved.

Problem is that under the previous Labor governments a backload of foreign kids built up to several thousands, as families thought that this was a better ruse than just sending teenage ‘Ali’ out as a forward scout. A government can get tough with a young shaver and refuse him landing rights, but they can’t do that with a family which includes young kids, right? Wrong! Kids were locked up with their families, firstly on the mainland, then on off-shore detention centres, then in neighbouring countries that welcomed the cash injection as we off-set our detention costs at home by giving hand-outs to Papua New Guines, Nauru and Cambodia to look after the illegals.

However the human rights lawyers attacked that on all fronts, claiming it was doubly inhumane to lock up children, and the gradual push was to get as many kids on the mainland to be given temporary protection visas. This allowed them to go to school and lead lives outside internment. There are now a little over 100 kids left, who have yet to be placed due to initiatives of the present government.

The Abbott government is now negotiating with Iran to take back its own nationals, who comprise roughly 80% of the detainees, but it’s proving a tough nut to crack as Iran just says ‘we can’t take back our own if they didn’t want to be here in the first place’. Our Foreign Minister is in Iran as I write trying to work out a deal about sending them back.

See our entire Australia’ category for more.

The next US President needs to get some pointers from Tony Abbott!

Australia: Anti-sharia and anti-racism demonstrators square-off in several cities, violence breaks out

Will this be coming one day to a city near you? 


Reclaim Australia over Islam! In Melbourne, demonstrators were separated by mounted police.


We just told you about the rise of the European right in our previous post, and now we see the right fighting back in Australia as well.

A special tax on that gruesome Islamic halal slaughter was the ostensible focus of the rally by anti-Sharia activists, but so-called anti-racism demonstrators (hard Leftists) turned it into a melee in which some demonstrators were hurt.

Amazingly, proceeds from the fees that companies must pay to label their foods halal would go to Islamic organizations.

From the Daily Mail (hat tip: Brandon):

Anti-Islam protests in Australia against Sharia law and halal tax turned violent after demonstrators clashed with anti-racism activists who burned the country’s flag.

Police were forced to separate the Reclaim Australia supporters and opponents of the group in Melbourne, after clashes turned ugly and several people had to be treated by paramedics.

The protests came as companies seeking to label their foods halal – must pay fees to Islamic organisations for inspection and certification.

Recent figures show the halal sector could be worth $1.5 trillion worldwide by 2050.

Across the country, 16 rallies were scheduled to take place, with events in Sydney and Melbourne appearing to have drawn the biggest crowds.

About 500 people attended the rally held in Martin Place, Sydney, which included speeches from former Australia Defence League member Shermon Burgess and Rise Up! Australia Party NSW President Norm Bishop.

There was a strong police presence throughout the protest, which included riot police. Two people were taken away by officers after they rushed the stage and attempted to disrupt the rally. One took the microphone and told the crowd they should be ‘ashamed’.

In Melbourne, protesters clashed with anti-racism activists in Federation Square. Two people were arrested after they attempted to break through a police barricade that separated the different groups.

There is more, here, with lots of photos.

Just as we do with our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, we post on Australia so you know that one day, as the Muslim population grows, this could be happening where you live!  Our Australia archive is here where the present government is attempting to stem the tide of Muslim migration, but possibly it is too late with the population already too high and the stealth jihad well underway.

Europe has not yet developed the backbone that Australia has in blocking invasion

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..

This is yet one more story about the invasion of Europe and how the continent is bracing for the next onslaught of migrants from North Africa as spring advances, but near the end of the Breitbart piece the answer to the dilemma is clear to all who are willing to see it—the invaders must be blocked as Australia is demonstrating!

European Union countries are bringing the migrants ashore, while Australia sends them back to the country from which they launched (the best way to save lives at sea!). Photo:

From Breitbart (first the same old stuff!):

It is “relatively easy” for jihadists to gain access to the European Union by coming with an influx of refugees, the head of the European Union’s counter-terrorism group has warned.

Although jihadists have to this point seemed to find no difficulty in slipping between Europe and the Islamic State by way of porous eastern borders and Turkey, the enormous volume of humans crossing the Mediterranean every week, and EU-funded efforts to help them, appears to be offering another route of ingress. Counter-terror chief Gilles de Kerchove said: “We must be vigilant. It is relatively easy to enter into the European Union when one joins an influx of refugees”, reports

Australia is proving it can be done (a nation can save itself)!

Terrorists entering a nation posing as innocent refugees and applying for asylum is a problem with which Australia has grappled, and solved. A terrorist arrested in February for conspiracy to commit murder by stabbing blonde people in the kidneys with hunting knives arrived in the country by boat using a false passport during the Labor-party era of open borders. The new policy of using the Royal Australian Navy to turn migrant boats away has sent such an effective message to would-be travellers only one boat attempted the journey in the whole of 2014.

Breitbart has been doing a really good job of reporting on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’  Our complete archive on the topic is here.

Australia to fund school security in attempt to keep Australia safe (from all those they let in for decades)

Many of the schools will be Jewish while some will be Islamic schools (which apparently fear violence from crazy right wing Aussies!).


Graffiti on a boys’ school—must have been written by one of those right-wingers.


From the Daily Telegraph (hat tip: Jon):

MORE than 50 schools at risk of a terrorist attack around the country will be given security guards and closed-circuit TV systems amid heightened ­national security fears.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal the overhaul will be ­unveiled today by federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan.

The program will include $18 million in funding for 54 schools that have requested ­assistance to hire security guards and buy security products to safeguard students.

The fears stem from the ­potential lone wolf terror and racist attacks at Islamic and Jewish schools.


More than half the schools are Jewish and Islamic schools, while 22 are government and independent schools.

The majority of schools are in Western Sydney, with 29 of the 54 in NSW.

I guess Western Sydney is where immigrant diversity is most beautiful in Australia.

Regular readers know that at least the Abbott government, one of just a few governments in the world, is attempting to slow the invasion of the country by economic migrants and phony asylum seekers.  Saudi Arabia and the rich Arab states are doing their bit to keep multiculturalism away.

See our complete Australia category here.

Australia: Tony Abbott cracking down on radical Muslims and mosques; welfare mooches

Sigh!  How wonderful it would be to have a real leader….

From Top Right News (Australian Leader Abbott Slams Muslim Imams, Launches Crackdown on Radical Mosques, Muslims Furious) thanks to Fatherjon:

Australian Muslims were outraged on Tuesday after Prime Minister Tony Abbott hurled criticism at their leaders to “get with the program” to combat Islamic extremism, and launched a nationwide crackdown on radical Muslims and mosques.

It was a speech that many Americans wish their own leader might give.

In an address to the nation about security, Abbott slammed Islamic leaders and their attitudes toward extremism:

“I’ve often heard Western leaders describe Islam as a ‘religion of peace’,” the conservative leader said. “I wish more Muslim leaders would say that more often, and mean it.”

Abbott’s speech comes in the wake of a hostage siege by a Muslim radical Imam in a Sydney cafe that left three dead last December.

Abbott also announced a national security crackdown that would deny welfare payments to people seen as potential threats, strip the passports of those with dual nationality and curb travel overseas — a move designed to curb Australians from fighting with ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

[Actually on this bit—stopping them from leaving Australia—I wouldn’t stop them.  In fact, I might offer a free ride out to the Syrian wilderness and revoke their passports.  All aboard!—ed]

He linked welfare to terrorism

Abbott said new laws would remedy failings on the immigration, welfare, policing and intelligence fronts by clamping down on supporters of radicals, especially Muslim welfare recipients, and also target “hate preachers.”

He explicitly linked welfare to terrorism, accusing dozens of Australians fighting in Syria and Iraq of having been on the dole, and adding that payments to “individuals assessed to be a threat to security” could soon be cancelled.

We have an extensive archive on Australia, here, one of the only countries in the world actively trying hard to save itself from Muslim migration (from the Hijra!).