Australia grapples with Bacha Bazi compulsive predators

Editor:  This is another important guest post from ‘Pungentpeppers.’  If you are new to Refugee Resettlement Watch and think you can dismiss this horror story because it is in faraway Australia, think again!  It has happened right here in America and reminds us of the dangers of falling for cultural relativism and that the old tired line about diversity bringing us strength is propaganda.  We have enough child predators of our own, we don’t need to be importing more and then excusing them because these acts aren’t criminal ones where they come from!

See Part One, “In the West: A Modern Form of Afghan “Bacha Bazi” Pedophilia?” for arrest of Qayed Shareef, a California CEO, and the insidious Afghan practice of targeting boys for sexual abuse called Bacha Bazi.

Map depicts Melbourne suburbs of Geelong and Dandenong where the sexual crimes occurred.

Australia grapples with Bacha Bazi compulsive predators

Around the time Qayed Shareef was role playing with 9- and 10-year olds via the internet in the U.S., Afghan natives Ali Jaffari and Omid Roshan were on the prowl in Australia’s Greater Melbourne area. As events build on each other, Australia wakens.


2010 – Ali Jaffari, aged 30+, arrives in Australia via smuggler boat. He seeks asylum and is detained 15 months.

Jan. 2012 – Jaffari is granted a permanent protection visa.

2012 – Omid Roshan, age 19 or 20, arrives late in the year via smuggler boat. After 1-month detention, he is granted a temporary bridging visa. Thus, two boy-seeking sexual predators are released into the general population.

Nov. 2012Jaffari molests 12- and 13-year old boys at a swimming pool in Geelong (near Melbourne). [A number of years ago another Afghan refugee creep did something similar: as soon as Hussain Haidari was released from detention, he swooped into the Adelaide Aquatic Center where he found his 13-year-old boy prey – at the swimming pool.] Jaffari remains free pending trial.

As an asylum seeker Jaffari was granted permanent protection by the Australian government. Photo:

Jan. 2013Jaffari tries to kidnap a 4-year-old girl at a Geelong cricket field. Grabs her hand and starts to lead her away. He tells police, “for us is not an issue”.

Aug. 2013 – Geelong swimming pool molestation trial. The boys testify that Jaffari approached them and, at first, was “mucking about” with them in the pool:

One witness said things changed when he started grabbing at them, cuddling one boy, kissing him on the neck and telling him he was “sexy”. He also rubbed himself against a boy. The victim told the court Jaffari followed them to the showers, where he cornered one boy, asking him if he “wanted company”. He said Jaffari then tried to pull him out of sight of his friend. The boys fled and reported the matter to their parents.

The court heard both suffered nightmares after the attack and one mother broke down while giving evidence, telling the court her son’s first words to her were, “I was nearly raped”.  (See facebook here)

Verdict: Jaffari found guilty on 6 counts indecent acts with child & 1 attempt.

Sentence: NO JAIL TIME! 300 hours community service. Magistrate Ann McGarvie takes into account Jaffari’s refugee status and that he had previously spent 15 months in detention. She deems him to have low chance of reoffending (despite already facing charges for the separate kidnapping and his unknown history in Afghanistan and Pakistan). Jaffari appeals.

November 2013. At child-stealing hearing, politically-correct Magistrate Ian von Einem says about Jaffari holding little girl’s hand and leading her away: “If a middle-aged, friendly woman did this, I doubt she’d be charged.”

February 2014. Jaffari is reconvicted on appeal of swimming pool case. Police withdraw the child-stealing charges because Magistrate Ron Saines says he’d have trouble finding Jaffari guilty, citing “cultural differences”.

Afghan refugee Roshan is charged with raping nine-year-old boy. Photo and story here:

March 2014. Afghan Omid Roshan of Dandenong (southeast Melbourne) kidnaps a 9-year-old boy from a soccer match, rapes him, and then flees the Melbourne area to Sydney. (See previous post at RRW, here) Detectives track him down and charge him with 2 counts of rape and other offenses. Roshan does not ask for bail.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison promises to keep the temporary visa holder in detention if the court should release him pending trial. … Meanwhile bloggers in America pick up the story of how Ali Jaffari, the other Afghan sex- and asylum-seeking predator, avoided prosecution because of “cultural differences”.

Australian media figure and blogger Derryn Hinch is outraged. He posts a piece on “cultural insanity” showing Jaffari’s photo. He writes:

“Apparently Jaffari is an Afghan refugee with cultural differences. Is it culturally acceptable there for adults to sexually assault children? I doubt it. But even if it were, it is abhorrent here and our laws say so.”

Hinch’s post reaches 130,000 people. Australia’s “Pickering Post” piece on Jaffari is so popular that its servers shut down; the Facebook version logs over half a million hits. The people are roused. But Jaffari himself causes the coming commotion.

April 4, 2014. Police spot Jaffari in a St. Kilda public library (suburban Melbourne) viewing child porn on his laptop (violent sexual images of children). April 7, a passing cyclist notices and photographs a man behaving in “a not quite right” manner near public toilets, at the rear of football changing rooms used by under-8 to 10-year old boys at Albert Park Lake Reserve (Melbourne area). Police identify the suspicious person as Jaffari and caution him. Within weeks, Jaffari is back, again hanging around the site.

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison wants to revoke Jaffari’s permanent visa, but is stymied by Australian law. The current character test requires a “substantial criminal record” including at least a 12-month jail term, something that does not apply to Jaffari. Clearly, there is a mismatch between criminal law and immigration law. In Australia, cases involving child sexual abuse are often handled by magistrates rather than judges – shockingly, they are considered low level crimes. The magistrates who were involved in Jaffari’s cases were extremely lenient and made reckless allowances for Jaffari’s foreign origins and foreign customs — they effectively put Australian children at risk, and the Government found its hands tied. Morrison tells the public they are working on a solution.

May 2014. A member of the public is alarmed by the potentially dangerous situation developing at Albert Park and contacts Derryn Hinch whose piece about the roaming Ali Jaffari, called “Help …. please” reaches over 170,000 Australians (here).

Mainstream Australian press runs editorials – Herald Sun: “Send abuser back home”. Daily Telegraph: “Old tribal customs no excuse for crimes.”

WHERE’S ALI JAFFARI? HE’S EVERYWHERE! Mass awakening of public concern follows Jaffari’s re-arrest and release on porn charges. Police investigate his behavior towards young children at footy training (Australian football practice) near Albert Park. Worried parents report seeing Jaffari loitering near a school, parks, and playground. TV and radio personality Kate Langbroek tweets that Jaffari was loitering at her children’s school and MSAC (Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre). “So there’s a pedo hanging around our kids’ school. Seriously. And at MSAC. Apparently he has ‘a right to pursue fitness’. Holy moly.” Jaffari is also seen at a Beaconsfield Parade playground where an irate parent confronts him. “A mother left shaken after she claims Jaffari followed her and her two children through Albert Park after dark, making noises and touching himself.” She is horrified he’s back at large.

What’s to be done? How will Jaffari be kept off the streets, and out of parks, and pools, and libraries? Can he, should he, be sent back to Afghanistan? How about Derryn Hinch’s question: Is it culturally acceptable in Afghanistan for adults to sexually assault children? ….

More to come in Part Three. Subscribe by email, so you won’t miss it!

***Update***  Part three is here.

For further background see the following links used in the preparation of this post:

Two other Derryn Hinch editorials:

Pickering Post:

News on Jaffari and Roshan:

Iranian refugee in Sydney: Had Problem With the “Revealing Garments” of Australian Women

Editor:  Moving on from Africa (here and here) this morning, here is another excellent news analysis from ‘Pungentpeppers:’


Police at the scene where the woman was sexually assaulted in January 2014. Picture: Bill Hearne (Daily Telegraph)


A distressingly large number of sexual assault cases have been coming up in my internet news searches. The perpetrators are mostly Muslim Middle Eastern men. Some are refugees or asylum seekers. Some are well educated. However, all appear incapable of adapting to our Western society and mores. These men, in committing their crimes, may be acting on impulses rooted within their own religion and culture and upbringing – and doing irreparable harm to our citizens. Here is one such case.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran women must be covered by law. Even in the middle of summer, women wear the jet black veil called the chador in order to “protect” themselves from attack by lustful males. Uncovered Western women are portrayed as whores. Such was the society where Amir Mohebbifar, age 27, was raised. His name in Persian has a nice and pleasant meaning: “Prince of the Lover’s Light”. However, his behavior once he reached Sydney, Australia, was horrid and despicable.

Mohebbifar left Iran purportedly out of concern for himself and his girlfriend. Although he was university educated and came from a middle class family, the girl’s parents did not approve of their relationship, and he was afraid they would harm her or him. He left the girlfriend behind and joined the flood of other migrants who were traveling to Australia on smuggling boats. He arrived to Australia’s Christmas Island in March of 2013 and received a bridging visa. [At that time – not having had enough experience with Middle Eastern asylum seekers – Australia was still handing out “bridging visas”, or temporary permission to stay in the country, to migrants who arrived by boat. The practice has since been stopped.]

In Australia, Mohebbifar was increasingly out of his element. Frustrated and bored, he felt excluded, depressed and socially isolated since he did not know, and could not know, how to make friends in Australian society. He also had issues with the way Australian women dressed.

Last January (it was summer in Australia), Mohebbifar, having finished most of a bottle of whiskey, saw a 19-year-old woman headed home late at night on a pathway leading to Sydney’s Anzac Bridge. He approached her in his drunken state and asked, “Hi, are you walking home?” The young woman refused to make eye contact and walked fast to try and remove herself from the situation. She thought she had lost him, when she heard footsteps as he ran up to her and grabbed her. He then attacked her and dragged her off the path and into the bushes, where he sexually assaulted her while she was kicking and screaming and fighting and biting him. His attack lasted some 20 minutes when he suddenly stopped and started walking away. The girl called triple-zero (the equivalent to our 911) and he ran. Police arrived and, using CCTV footage, located Mohebbifar hiding under a car and sweating profusely.

Last July, Mohebbifar pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated sexual assault. The charges of sexual intercourse without consent and indecent assault were withdrawn. Sentencing was last week.

Mohebbifar told the court he had found it difficult to “adjust” to Australian women’s “revealing garments” but had been taught to “respect people”. In sentencing him, Judge Donna Woodburne said Mohebbifar had preyed on a vulnerable young woman who was simply trying to get home. “To be accosted, seized and dragged off the street by a complete stranger must have been terrifying.” She added, “She was doing nothing more than peacefully going about her business walking along public streets to go home.” “There’s a gap between the concern he felt for his Iranian girlfriend and the utter lack of concern he felt for the welfare, safety and security of his 19-year-old victim,” the judge said.

Mohebbifar trembled and cried throughout the sentencing. He was sentenced to a maximum term of eight years, and will be eligible for parole in January 2020.

He should never have left Iran!

For more on the story here are several links to the news:

Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine weighed in on the story here also:

For our ever expanding archive on Australia, go here.   Remember that the Sydney coffee-shop terrorist was also an Iranian refugee.

By the way, the US has taken a lot of Iranian refugees in recent years and I assumed most were religious minorities.  I think I had better do a little research on how many are Muslims.

What is going on with the UNHCR in Malaysia, and why are we taking all these “refugees?”

I wish I knew who we were processing into America from Malaysia.  As I told readers here recently we have already “welcomed” to America, 1,504 “refugees” from the safe Muslim country in only the first two months of the fiscal year.

Why is it in our national interest to relieve Malaysia of some of its asylum seekers/illegal migrants?

This is what I said on December 20th:

If you go to this fiscal year’s (FY2015) State Department statistics you can see that we took a huge number of “refugees” from Malaysia in the first two months of this year (October and November)—1,504.  Again, Malaysia is a safe Muslim country so who are we taking?

I bet we took thousands from Malaysia in FY2014, but those stats are no longer available to the general public.

Who are those “refugees?” Are they persecuted Malaysian Christians? Are they illegal aliens (Muslims) who got to Malaysia hoping to make it to Australia?  Is this like our Malta situation where we are taking another country’s illegal aliens?

The State Department does not make public the nationalities of those coming to America from Malaysia!  We can only guess that they are Burmese Muslims, or Somalis, or more Middle Eastern Muslims.  Again, persecuted minorities (like the Christians) won’t be seeking protection in Malaysia.  And, if they are why is the State Department keeping it secret?

If migrants have a valid UNHCR ID card, they can stay. Imagine what the fake ones must cost on the black market.

Two articles about problems the UNHCR is having in Malaysia caught my eye yesterday.  The first one was about how 365 migrants were caught carrying FAKE UNHCR identification cards.  Those “Myanmar nationals” mentioned are likely mostly Muslims, possibly Rohingya.

From the Sun Daily via UNHCR News on December 23rd:

KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 365 illegal immigrants, mostly Myanmars, were caught by the authorities, possesing fake United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) cards to stay and work in the country.

They were among 416 illegals nabbed in the six-hour integrated operation called ‘Op Bersih’ led by the Kuala Lumpur police contingent and other security agencies, including the Immigration Department, Registration Department, UNHCR, Rela, and the Civil Defence Department at the Selayang Wholesale Market, here, that began at midnight.

Kuala Lumpur police CID deputy chief, ACP Khairi Ahrasa in a statement said the operation to reduce the number of illegals in the country managed to detain 351 Myanmar nationals, 20 Bangladeshis, 30 Indonesians, seven Indian nationals and six other nationals for illegal entry and using fake UNHCR cards.

And the funny part (not really funny) is that just a week before, the UNHCR was blasting authorities in Malaysia for harassing those poor “refugees” carrying UNHCR ID cards.  Here also at the Sun Daily:

PETALING JAYA: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is concerned over the arrests of UNHCR card holders in the country for various Immigration-related offences.

UNHCR External Relations officer Yante Ismail said these card holders are at risk of being arrested by the authorities as currently there are no domestic laws that can make a distinction between refugees and undocumented migrants.

She said they will intervene with the authorities whenever the registered refugees are arrested for various Immigration-related offences to advocate their release.

According to UNHCR statistics, there are over 150,000 refugees and asylum-seekers in the country from countries such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Somalia and Pakistan.

In an immediate response, an Immigration Department spokesman did not deny that Malaysia lacks a legislative and administrative framework to address refugee matters, adding that all of the refugees are allowed to stay in the country only with the government’s compassion.

However, he refuted the allegation of UNHCR card holders being arrested saying that it is always their standard operating procedure not to arrest registered refugees.

“Even if we (mistakenly) detain the refugees, we will check with the UNHCR to find out whether the card is valid or not, if it is valid, then we let them go,” the spokesman told theSun.

Can you just imagine the amount of corruption going on in a place like Malaysia with 150,000 mostly Muslim “refugees” and “asylum-seekers” hanging around waiting for the big prize—a ticket to Australia or America!


Indonesia wants to put Muslim asylum seekers on an island; blasts Australia for lack of welcome

This is actually pretty funny!  Indonesia, a Muslim country, has long served as a transit route for the Middle Eastern and African illegal aliens (boat people) wanting to get into Australia, but Australia has been attempting to stop the illegal migration and is now guarding its borders.  Consequently, the pile-up of “asylum seekers” in Indonesia has become a problem.

Here is a thought—let Indonesia give refuge to fellow Muslims.

Australian Immigration Minister, Scott Morrison: We are taking the “sugar off the table!” Where is America’s Scott Morrison?

From the Global Post (emphasis is mine):

 JAKARTA — Senior Indonesian officials say they are looking for an island to accommodate some 10,000 asylum seekers and refugees waiting for resettlement in the country, as they have become a “burden.”

Asylum seekers flock to Indonesia from the Middle East, Asia and Africa, hoping to reach Australia. But Indonesia’s southern neighbor has recently announced that all refugees registered at the Jakarta office of the UNHCR refugee agency from July 2014 will now automatically be banned from resettlement in Australia.

Australia’s immigration minister Scott Morrison compares the ban to “taking the sugar off the table,” and says it’s in Indonesia’s interest. “We’re trying to stop people thinking they can go to Indonesia and wait around till they get to Australia,” he told Australia’s ABC Radio late November. “This is designed to stop people flowing into Indonesia. It will help Indonesia.”

But Indonesian authorities don’t see it that way. “It’s Australia’s right, but it’s creating a burden for us,” said Indonesia’s Justice and Human Rights minister Yasonna Laoly on Australia’s ABC News. “There are 10,000 foreign citizens, which becomes a burden for us.”

Indonesia has never signed any refugee treaty with the UN!  So, why isn’t UNHCR Antonio Guterres blasting Indonesia?  Is it because it is already a Muslim country and it is Australia that should be Islamized?  (LOL! is that a word?).

As a signatory to the United Nations’ Refugee Convention, Australia is bound by international law to protect refugees. Indonesia has not signed the treaty.


Faisal, a 23-year-old Somalian who calls Australia’s policy “inhumane” and “cruel”…


Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s anti-immigration “Operation Sovereign Borders” was launched shortly after he took office late 2013, and has created tensions with Jakarta. Indonesian authorities haven’t been happy with Australia towing back boats of migrants en route to Australia towards Indonesian waters.

There is more, read it all!

Hang tough Australia!

We are cheering for you as a model for all Western societies!  See our complete archive on Australia by clicking here.

Australian gunman (refugee) got to Australia through Malaysia; US taking hundreds from Malaysia

Malaysia is a safe Muslim country.  At the time the Iranian “refugee” gunman got into Australia as an asylum seeker, the Australian government was pretty much “welcoming” all.  Why couldn’t the Iranian phony cleric simply ask for asylum in Malaysia? Why did Australia give him asylum in 2001?  I’ll bet those are questions the Abbott government is researching (or should be) at this very moment.

Today things are different in Australia as it is one of the few countries in the world at least trying to control its borders, if it is not already too late.

Just a short hop to Australia…

From the Malay Mail Online (hat tip: Robin):

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17 — Iranian gunman Man Haron Monis who kept Sydney gripped in a deadly hostage crisis had fled to Malaysia after committing “violent” crimes in Iran before seeking asylum in Australia, according to the Middle Eastern nation’s police.

Monis, who was shot dead by Australian police after holding 17 people hostage in a Sydney cafe, had absconded to Malaysia in 1996 during a time when he was wanted for those and fraud-related crimes.

Aside from his alleged crimes in Iran, Monis was also facing trial in Australia for a number of offences, including being accessory to the murder of his wife as well as over 40 sexual assault charges involving seven alleged victims.

Man Haron Monis was known to authorities in Sydney

It is unclear when the Iranian left Malaysia for Australia, where he was granted refugee status in 2001.

Iranian police chief General Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam also revealed that Australia had declined Iran’s request to extradite Monis to stand trial for his crimes.

Moghaddam also alleged that Monis had sought asylum by masquerading as a Muslim cleric.

“It lasted four years to collect evidence on Manteqi’s [Monis’] identification documents and we reported this to the Australian police but since Australia has no extradition treaty with Iran, they didn’t extradite him,” Moghaddam was quoted as saying in a report by the Mehr News Agency.

Monis’ refugee status also precluded Australia from repatriating him to Iran.

Malaysia is a popular transit point for Iranians seeking to escape the Middle Eastern regime, owing to shared religious and cultural links between the two nations.

There is more, read it all.

So why is the US taking refugees from Malaysia and who are they?  Surely no Christians went there for protection!

If you go to this fiscal year’s (FY2015) State Department statistics you can see that we took a huge number of “refugees” from Malaysia in the first two months of this year (October and November)—1,504.  Again, Malaysia is a safe Muslim country so who are we taking?

I bet we took thousands from Malaysia in FY2014, but those stats are no longer available to the general public.

Who are those “refugees?” Are they persecuted Malaysian Christians? Are they illegal aliens (Muslims) who got to Malaysia hoping to make it to Australia?  Is this like our Malta situation where we are taking another country’s illegal aliens?

The State Department does not make public the nationalities of those coming to America from Malaysia!  We can only guess that they are Burmese Muslims, or Somalis, or more Middle Eastern Muslims.  Again, persecuted minorities (like the Christians) won’t be seeking protection in Malaysia.  And, if they are why is the State Department keeping it secret?