It is climate change that is driving displacement of populations in Africa and elsewhere. That is the message coming from the United Nations as the celebrations for World Refugee Day on Sunday were taking place.
Far from the public eye, jihadist forces have struck with little reaction from the American press. More than 160 civilians were murdered in a terrorist strike on two Burkina Faso villages this month. Another 40 individuals or more were injured in the attacks, which mark the deadliest episode of Islamic jihadism in the country in several years.
Burkina Faso, a sub-Saharan African nation, has been the site of a growing conflict between terrorist groups and government forces that have affected the Sahel since 2015. More than one million Burkinabe have been displaced because of the violence, which has also affected neighboring Mali and Niger, and several thousand have been killed. The insurgency in this part of the world is closely linked to other Islamic terrorism efforts in North Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere.
Survivors describe the killing as indiscriminate, as the terrorists targeted any individual they could find in the village, including women and children. It has been reported that the attackers burned the local hospital, as well as homes and the village market. No terrorist group has claimed credit for this attack.
Now along comes Angelina Jolie to proclaim (while wearing a head covering) that the biggest threat to the world is Climate Change and “nationalism.” I am sure the people of Burkina Faso are not thinking much about global warming (or America First nationalists!) as Jihadists roam the countryside indiscriminately killing men, women and children.
Hey world! Look over here, it is climate change (and right wingers!) that is the enemy, not Islamic supremacists!
Angelina Jolie: Climate Change will Force Hundreds of Millions into Refugee Status
Marvel Studios’ Eternals star Angelina Jolie made a fly in-fly out visit to a remote camp in Burkina Faso on Sunday to address refugees who have fled Islamic jihadist violence in the region, warning them the threat of climate change is real and could lead millions to a fate like theirs.
She says she wants refugees to be empowered with “a new life of peace, love and bountiful prosperity in a new world of caring and sharing.”
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Special Envoy, 46, donned a headscarf as she delivered a speech to the troubled West African nation to mark World Refugee Day, confiding she would “bow my head in respect for your courage and strength.”
Speaking in Burkina Faso’s Goudoubo refugee camp, in the central city of Kaya, Jolie added she had “never been as worried” about displaced people as she is now, as the world’s media gathered to record her appearance in words and pictures.
“We have to wake up to the track we are on globally, with so many conflicts raging and the very real possibility that climate change will force tens if not hundreds of millions of people to have to leave their homes in the future, with no possibility of return,” the Those Who Wish Me Dead star warned.
As Breitbart News reported, in 2017 she defended both in a lengthy speech at U.N. offices in Geneva, where the actress and humanitarian warned of a “rising tide of nationalism” in the West “masquerading as patriotism.”
Jolie is also a dedicated campaigner warning the world of the dangers of “climate change” and exhorting nations to change their ways to avert global disaster as she flies around the wrold.
In a nearly 20 minute-long address, Jolie said as an American citizen, she sees a global environment “more troubling and uncertain” than at any time in her lifetime. [Wow! Imagine that, worse than any time in her 46 years.—ed]
“We are grappling with a level of conflict and insecurity that seems to exceed our will and capabilities,” Jolie said, “with more refugees than ever before, and new wars erupting on top of existing conflicts, some already lasting decades.”
“We see a rising tide of nationalism, masquerading as patriotism, and the re-emergence of policies encouraging fear and hatred of others,” she added.
The Tomb Raider star said she is keen to help “empower” those who are trying to make a change, while standing with the poor and leading them on to a new life of peace, love and bountiful prosperity in a new world of caring and sharing.
This is a press releasefrom the UN with words from her speech. I don’t see anything where she points a finger at Jihadists and Islam. Let me know if you find a full text of her remarks.
The globalists and their commie pals have been for over a decade setting us up to accept that millions of third worlders will be flooding into the first world due to changes in the weather and you have no say in it.
I don’t even want to be writing about it, but it’s why I continue posting at RRW at all. I write to continue building a historical record of how those seeking to create a borderless world think and act.
The most important lesson you can take from this is that the Socialist Left, the No Borders pushers, never give up.
Year in, year out, they push out their propaganda to move you and to move elected officials and governments to accept their goals.
So, as boring as I find this, this is an update of where they are on this excuse to erase borders altogether.
Climate Migration Poses Thorny Questions for White House
The White House has taken the first steps to grapple with the massive issue of climate migration, as drought, storms, and rising seas displace millions of people worldwide.
The Biden administration plans to release a report in August on the impacts of climate change on forced migration, mandated by an executive order. Migration advocates, who have long called for safeguards that address displacement from global warming impacts, have welcomed the progress.
But there’s a lack of U.S. policy to protect climate-displaced people, one of a host of challenges in developing safeguards for people migrating from disasters abroad.
One of its most difficult tasks, experts say, is defining the problem. No legal safeguards exist specifically for people who claim they were forced to leave their country because of climate change.
And without a solid legal definition for what a ‘climate migrant’ is—the precursor to protections under refugee law—changing U.S. immigration policy could a tough sell.
They haven’t fully captured the international communities attention, but they are working on it as they dream the Biden bunch will lead the way.
While climate change is driving migration, the world isn’t at yet at a crisis point that would spur widespread political action, Kamal Amakrane, veteran senior UN official who led efforts behind the UN Global Compact for Migration, told Bloomberg Law.
“This human dimension of the climate crisis has yet to fully capture the international community’s attention,” said Amakrane, who is an adjunct professor of international affairs at Columbia University.
This opens the door for the U.S. to take up a position of leadership on the issue—which Amakrane believes should be treated as one way to adapt to a changing climate.
Here is the rub, climate refugees do not fit the international definition of refugee.
Pay attention to this because those “asylum seekers” (wannabe refugees) flooding the US border do not either.
Notice (below) nothing in the definition says refugee status is possible due to lack of jobs or violence in one’s home country. Or, because storms are more frequent (if that is even true!).
Bloomberg continues….
Current U.S. refugee law stems from the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, which mandates that refugees must prove they’re fleeing persecution on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion affiliation, or membership in a particular social group. This remains the definition under U.S. refugee law.
Climate as crowbar?
Conservatives oppose using climate change rationale as qualified grounds for refugees or asylum seekers, citing the strict legal definition under U.S. law to bar admitting more people into the country.
“To create this new category of climate refugees is a transparent attempt to use the climate issue as a crowbar to pry open the borders of the U.S,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the low-immigration think tank, Center for Immigration Studies.
Krikorian also disputed the argument that the U.S. owes a moral responsibility to citizens of countries overwhelmed by climate change because of its history of high carbon emissions.
“That’s not a basis for immigration policy. And even if that were a legitimate argument, that might be an argument for helping people adapt to climate change—not for having them move to Cincinnati.”
Transitioning smoothly (they hope) from COVID Crisis to Climate Crisis to bring about the new world order.
That is, of course, if Biden ever gets anywhere near the White House come January.
So why is that bit of news posted here at Refugee Resettlement Watch?
It is because former Secretary of State, and failed presidential candidate Kerry is beating the drum about how we must focus on Climate REFUGEES soon or we will be in deep s***!
In 2016, did Kerry put his $25 million Nantucket mansion on the market because he knew this!
Surely he, an ethical man, informed the buyers that the sea was going to eat up their investment before too long!
But, this is not a new ‘scare-the-West’ campaign.
I first took note of the global warming refugee media campaign in 2009 (here is one post from eleven years ago), and I may be the only blogger following this effort by the Commie/Left to open borders (and redistribute wealth) for yet another reason, the climate (eeeek!) is changing.
Biden Picks John Kerry, Paris Accord Author, as Climate Czar
Former Secretary of State John Kerry will be named as special presidential envoy for climate by President-elect Joe Biden, according to his transition team, in a sign Biden plans to fulfill promises to elevate the issue of global warming to the highest levels in his White House.
Having a so-called climate czar could help coordinate a whole-of-government approach to confronting global warming, which Biden has referred to as an “existential threat.”
Kerry, 76, who helped broker the landmark Paris climate accord while serving in the Obama administration, has been viewed as a natural fit for the position and as a seasoned politician who enjoys goodwill on Capitol Hill. He said earlier this year that in addition to rejoining the climate agreement, which Biden has called a priority for his first day in office, the next step is “to lift ambition significantly, on a global basis.” President Donald Trump quit the accord.
“America will soon have a government that treats the climate crisis as the urgent national security threat it is,” Kerry said Monday. “I’m proud to partner with the President-elect, our allies, and the young leaders of the climate movement to take on this crisis as the President’s Climate Envoy.”
Now see that in just this past August, Kerry was on the Climate refugee bandwagon big time!
Watch carefully what they are doing! This isn’t about taking care of some impoverished migrants. Kerry is linking the COVID ‘crisis’ to Global Warming which is all part of the ‘Great Reset.’
I wonder if living through 2020 will change that. As we’ve all seen firsthand, that one threat — an insidious virus — can mean everything from fatalities spiking in just weeks, to food and grocery shortages, to schools closing, to everyone (well, almost everyone) wearing a mask just to go outside and check their mail.
If we don’t act on climate change in this decade, future decades will look and feel a lot like 2020. And one of the most dystopian realities we’d see would be the exponential increase in something we’re already seeing in isolated cases: climate migration.
Much more here, including John Podesta and Kerry on video discussing their plans.
That is enough, save this post and the link to World War Zero, if Biden/Kerry et al succeed in their coup to remove our protector, Donald Trump, from the White House, you will need to be informed of what comes next.
Remember that famous phrase, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’, well hell, they are first creating the crisis then scaring us (attempting to scare us!) into submission.
You are getting old says George Washington University grad student Rosemary Dent so the US must get ready for the climate refugee migration which will supply America with a whole younger generation of (diverse!) workers to help pay for us geezers.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
I’ve been warning for years that the Leftwing media has been busy dropping information like rabbit turds about how the US (and the western world) has a whole new migration crisis brewing from those on the move due to changes in the weather.
The ‘droppings’ approach is how they do it. Day after day, year after year, they drop their nuggets of propaganda until one day whatever it was they were promoting becomes common knowledge.
COVID-19 shows how unprepared the US is for waves of migrants arriving on our shores, says Ms. Dent.
As the impacts of climate change become more severe and widespread, the United States must prepare for the resulting surge of human migration. Climate scientists are currently predicting that both primary and secondary impacts of climate change will collectively produce 140–200 million climate refugees by 2050. This sharp increase, if mismanaged, would likely overwhelm refugee processing systems, flood points of entry to the United States and strain both society and the economy.
In order to protect the United States from these potential shocks, the government must begin to prepare the appropriate infrastructure, processes, and funding for integrating climate refugees into the population. As the coronavirus ravages the country, it is highlighting many of the systemic failures that occur when the government is not adequately prepared or pro-active.
In 1990, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognized human migration as the biggest impact of climate change. The IPCC predicted that primary impacts like shoreline erosion, coastal flooding, and agricultural disruptions would create massive disruptions to the livelihoods of millions. The resulting secondary impacts relate to the effects on society globally; such as political unrest, food insecurity, and mass migrations. As four out of five refugees flee on foot to nations bordering their home country, most human migration is localized to areas affected by conflict. However, as climate change affects communities globally, the flows of refugees will no longer be concentrated to conflict zones and their surrounding nations, bringing the issue to U.S. borders. The sheer scale of migration that the IPCC is predicting renders any previous methods of dealing with refugees unsuitable for this impending crisis.
In terms of physical processing capacity, the United States is currently severely unprepared.
The author goes on to tell us why we are unprepared and it has to do with Trump, of course.
Here is a prime example of the ‘droppings’ they repeat with no evidence. It is just true because they believe it to be true!
The benefits of accepting more migrants goes far beyond economics. Studies show that increasing immigration quotas improves both economic innovation and community resilience, proving that diversity and inclusion make the United States stronger.
In view of the abundant challenges ahead for the United States, as highlighted by the current pandemic, uniting communities and reinforcing the economy to maintain employment levels will be key to survival. As a global leader in developing methods for climate change adaptation, the United States must be prepared to take these first steps.
While we are fixated on the Coronavirus mess, don’t forget that good ol’ Uncle Joe will be expanding the refugee admissions program if the Dems regain control of the White House.
Although he didn’t jump on the ‘climate refugee’ bandwagon during the primary campaign as some other candidates did, you can be sure he will be open to it as one more excuse to expand the Democrat voter base with migrants, any migrants.
Emphasis below is mine:
Increase the number of refugees we welcome into the country. With more than 70 million displaced people in the world today, this is a moment that demands American leadership. Offering hope and safe haven to refugees is part of who we are as a country. As a senator, Joe Biden co-sponsored the legislation creating our refugee program, which Trump has steadily decimated. His Administration has reduced the refugee resettlement ceiling to its lowest levels in decades and slammed the door on thousands of individuals suffering persecution, many of whom face threats of violence or even death in their home countries. We cannot mobilize other countries to meet their humanitarian obligations if we are not ourselves upholding our cherished democratic values and firmly rejecting Trump’s nativist rhetoric and actions. Biden embraces the core values that have made us who we are and will prioritize restoring refugee admissions in line with our historic practice under both Democratic and Republican Administrations. He will set the annual global refugee admissions cap to 125,000, and seek to raise it over time commensurate with our responsibility, our values, and the unprecedented global need.
“Global need” like accommodating millions escaping changing weather patterns!
I guess I haveBernie Sanders on my mind today (see my previous post)!
Presidential candidate Sanders says if he gives Trump the boot from the White House he will ‘welcome’ 50,000 so-called ‘climate refugees’ to America each year in addition to likely a hundred thousand regular refugees.
When I say “regular refugees” I mean those people who say they would be persecuted for one of several reasons (politically, racially, etc) if returned to their home countries.
However, Open Borders Inc. has a whole new group that they call climate refugees who are moving from one place to another due to changes in the weather and they now want to expand the refugee definition to move those migrating third worlders to the west.
Somehow America is responsible for them too!
Here Bill Frelick atHuman Rights Watchpenned an opinion piece that I see was only picked up by Aljazeera in which he argues it is time to come up with a new definition of the word refugee. What he means is expand the historic definition in order to guilt-trip the west into taking in even more of the world’s impoverished and low skilled people to facilitate the Cloward-Piven strategy.
I’ve been writing about ‘climate refugees’ for years, but only yesterday someone told me that he had never heard of such a thing! See my ‘Climate refugee’category.
Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and as such, should be included in legislation on asylum seeking.
Actually mass migration is an existential threat to America if you ask me!
When Trump was elected Frelick confirmed that the President has no legal requirement to admit a single refugee under the Refugee Act of 1980.
Despite recent and increasing efforts by the United States and other governments to narrow their interpretations of the refugee definition and to shirk their protection responsibilities, the need to expand the grounds for asylum is becoming increasingly urgent as the consequences of climate change become more pronounced.
A desperate appeal for asylum by a family from a Pacific island may have far-reaching implications for protecting people forcibly displaced by the effects of climate change. It could cause countries around the world to reconsider their laws and policies concerning refugees.
Go to the piece and read all about the recent UN case, then this…
But Pacific islands are not alone in facing such threats. In landlocked countries like Chad, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe, where populations are heavily reliant on agriculture and livestock, rising temperatures have contributed to flooding, drought, famine and disease that erode not only arable land but also the resilience of populations that have suffered armed conflict and human rights violations.
Whether environmental disasters are the direct cause of displacement or an aggravating factor in combination with violence, inequality, and poor governance, millions of people on the African continent have already been displaced internally or forced to seek refuge in neighboring countries because they consider staying at their homes a threat to their lives.
While there still may be room to argue whether life-threatening threats are imminent in particular cases, the [UN] Human Rights Committee has recognized that fundamental refugee-protection principles need to be broadened now.
This means not only that our common understanding of what it means to be a refugee needs to change, but also that the 173 countries that are party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights should ensure their asylum standards and procedures are adapted to protect all who face existential threats if returned to home countries that have become unlivable. [The US is a party to that treaty.—ed]
Open Borders, Inc. is priming the pump for the post-Trump era of their dreams because no matter how many we admit, it will never be enough as far as the Socialist Dems are concerned as they scheme to redistribute your wealth.