Where do WE put a billion people?

The ‘WE’ of course being the great planners and social engineers of the universe, including the environmentalists and the human rights gang (the UN surely).
In a recent article in Nature, the authors say the world’s population will grow by 1 billion by 2030 and they are plotting where would it be best for the earth to put that next billion (if they were granted permission I suppose to move people around the globe—but wait! Isn’t that what the UN is already doing without permission?).
No surprise! Most of the population that will expand is in Africa and Asia so those people would presumably need to be moved.
Here is the story at the Daily Mail:

Academics Richard T.T. Forman and Jinguo Wu mapped out areas around the world where these additional people could live most sustainably.

[They] ruled out regions with already dense populations as well as areas with high water stress, extreme climates and unique species.


In Nature, the two professors called for ‘worldwide coordination’ to promote a balanced population in a way that would minimize the ‘already heavy ecological footprint on our finite Earth’.

So check it out.  Do you live in a population dump target zone? Yellow! And, to a lesser degree blue!
Sure looks like the excess population of the Middle East/North Africa would be moved elsewhere.  Did you ever wonder why there is complete silence on the subject of excessive population growth in Muslim countries?
UN family planning for Muslims!
No, you know the answer, these population police are afraid to tell Muslims that they need to stick to 2 children per family to save the planet! Ha! Ha! I would love to see the new Secretary General of the UN—Antonio Guterres—take on that project (UN family planning for Muslims!). Hey, if we send so much money to the UN maybe a Trump administration could demand that such a program be launched!
Although we haven’t said much about it lately, you might be interested in our ‘Climate refugees’ category because although I’m not a big conspiracy hunter it doesn’t take much to figure out that the great minds and social engineers are busy getting all this in place.  Maybe the Refugee Program is part of the overall plan to soften us up for kill.
2030 is not far away!

Sec. of State John Kerry: Climate refugees our next move to erase borders

Thanks to reader Joanne for sending us this bit of news from one-worlder John Kerry. Kerry must be so thrilled to combine two of the the Left’s favorite pet propaganda campaigns—global warming and refugees.
It is not “new” as Kerry claims, we have an entire category devoted to so-called ‘climate refugees,’ go here (46 previous posts) for more of this nonsense.

Climate refugees coming to a town near you? I love this illustration! It comes from Diplo (http://www.diplomacy.edu/blog/climate-refugees-new-concept-move)

From Breitbart:

Secretary of State John Kerry warns the world that more and more people will be fleeing the devastation caused by global warming. “It’s something new. We have climate refugees today,” he said during a town hall event about the oceans.

Kerry described climate refugees as people who had to leave their homes because of drought, rising sea levels, and thawing permafrost.


International organizations, like the United Nations, he admitted, would have to codify the term “climate refugee” and put it into law. That would grant special immigration privileges to immigrants claiming refugee status, allowing them to move to other countries.

“I think it’s just a matter of time before it fits in under a category and countries have — and the refugee process has legitimately incorporated it into our policy,” Kerry said.

For anyone interested, there has been a huge controversy between the environmentalist ‘climate refugee’ pushers and the ‘humanitarian refugee’ establishment over definitions.  If you go to earlier posts in my ‘climate refugee category’ you will see what I mean.

Alaskan island residents looking to become first American climate refugees

The people who chose to build their town on an island are now whining that the bad old USA needs to save them as the island is supposedly sinking.
News flash! Islands submerge and often reappear again over centuries the world over as part of the dynamism that is our planet.
Back in the ’70’s I wrote a report about islands off the coast of Virginia that had whole towns on them (hotels, schools, cemeteries) that began to be uninhabitable by the early 1900’s as they were buffeted by major east coast storms (before cars were widely used! before global warming!).  The people simply recognized that it would be foolish to stay, and moved inland.   They didn’t cry out to the federal government to save them from their original choice.

Now we have these whiny Alaskan islanders who wonder if the federal government will leave them there to die!

Alaska’s Kivalina Island.

Here is the news at HNGN:

Kivalina is located on a very thin barrier reef island between the Chukchi Sea and the Kivalina Lagoon, in the northwest of Alaska, above the Arctic Circle. And it may not be there in a decade, thanks to climate change.

In approximately 10 years, the village of Kivalina in northwestern Alaska could be submerged, giving its approximately 400 residents the ubiquitous honor of becoming the first climate change refugees of America, so much so that the U.S. government says it may be too dangerous to live there.

Waahhhh! Is the US government going to leave us here to die?

“If we’re still here in 10 years time we either wait for the flood and die, or just walk away and go someplace else. The U.S. government imposed this Western lifestyle on us, gave us their burdens and now they expect us to pick everything up and move it ourselves. What kind of government does that?” Swan (a local elected official) asked while speaking to the BBC.

You pick it up and move it yourself!  And, maybe whaling is going the way of the buggy whip anyway!
One more case in the PR campaign that is building for governments (the US taxpayer mostly!) to take care of ‘helpless’ people worldwide while they bash America!
See our category—Climate refugees for more on this newest excuse for the redistribution of wealth and people.

Climate refugee news: New Zealand's highest court rejects first 'climate refugee' asylum appeal

For our many new readers, you may not know that international Leftists and NO borders advocates are pushing the meme that there are millions of so-called ‘climate refugees’ that must be taken into first world countries as refugees because the climate is changing where they now live.
You are probably laughing at how ridiculous this sounds, but believe me the issue is getting legs especially now that the Vatican is weighing in.

climate refugee
Watch for it! The next big hue and cry will be for the US and other first world countries to save climate refugees! Photo here: http://www1.american.edu/ted/ICE/maldives.html

Sensibly, New Zealand’s Supreme Court has ruled that, in an important test case, the man claiming that he would suffer harm if returned to the island nation of Kiribati must be deported.  He is not a refugee.
Remember the other day, I mentioned that in order for someone to be a legitimate refugee they must prove they would be PERSECUTED if returned to their country of origin and that Obama and his minions in the US State Department are working day and night to eviscerate refugee protection programs by deeming the ‘children’ from Central America as refugees when they are no such thing.
Economic migrants, people trying to escape crime or changes in the weather are NOT refugees.
Thankfully, in this case, the New Zealand court is demanding adherence to the long-standing definition of the word “refugee.”
From Sky News:

A Pacific Islander who applied to the New Zealand government to give him status as the world’s first climate refugee has had his appeal turned down.

Ioane Teitiota, 38, argued he should not be sent back to the island nation of Kiribati because it was under threat due to rising seas.

That, he argued, made it unsafe for him and his family.

However, while NZ’s Supreme Court agreed that the tiny nation of about 100,000 people was suffering environmental degradation, it said Mr Teitiota’s application did not meet the legal definition of a refugee because he was not facing persecution.

“While Kiribati undoubtedly faces challenges, Mr Teitiota does not, if returned, face ‘serious harm’,” the Supreme Court said in a ruling released on Monday.

Unfortunately, the court left the door open for a better test case.

In other ‘climate refugee’ news….

* Ireland’s President says we need to save climate refugees, here.  This made me laugh because I envisioned some Irishman claiming he was a climate refugee in someplace like Tahiti because it was just too darned cold and rainy in Ireland!
* In a new report, the Leftists in Norway say there were 20 million climate refugees around the world in 2014, here.
* And, finally, a good piece at the Washington Post of all places debunking this as another Leftist scare tactic, here.  Love it!
For more of this ridiculousness, see our ‘Climate refugees’ category going back several years, here.

IRC's Miliband: Climate change creating refugees, not a word about the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorism

The hard Lefties like David Miliband, CEO of the largest (in financial terms) of the US refugee resettlement contractors, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), says we need to increase our refugee ceiling for the coming fiscal year from 70,000 to 80,000 (beginning Oct. 1, 2015) to help rescue the hordes of climate refugees on the march around the world.

Hillary loves Miliband! See “Big crush” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/17/hillary-clinton-david-miliband-interview

Embrace political Islam!
To hear him tell it, climate, not Islamic terrorism, is the driver of the wars that are displacing people across the globe. That doesn’t surprise us because in 2013 Miliband said we “must embrace political Islamism.”
Not a word here either that Miliband is the first one to get the ball rolling on Syrian resettlement by asking Obama to admit 65,000 (65,000!) Syrians to the US before Obama leaves office.  The vast majority, of those resettled so far, are Muslims, not the persecuted Christians!
Miliband is the former foreign secretary of the UK and brother to “Red Ed” who took a bashing along with his Labor Party in recent UK elections.  Miliband’s fans include George Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power etc.  (see them welcoming him to NYC here).

This is what Miliband told Reuters (reported here at Business Insider):

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A historic 52 million people are fleeing conflict worldwide, a trend that will intensify over the next two decades because of climate change, International Rescue Committee chief David Miliband said on Friday.

Will climate refugees soon be on the march to your town?

“One of the drivers of displacement and potential conflict over the next 10 to 20 years will be climate (change) – resource scarcity,” said Miliband, a former foreign minister of Great Britain. “Climate change is going to compound the cocktail that’s driving war and displacement.”

Miliband said there were 16 million refugees and 36 million people displaced in their own countries, typically by civil war. That is the largest number of people fleeing persecution since World War Two, he said during a Reuters Newsmaker event in New York.

“Do I think the current level is a blip or a trend?” Miliband said. “I would say it’s a trend.”


Miliband, whose relief and development agency is helping vulnerable people in 35 countries, urged the United States to raise its ceiling for resettling refugees to 80,000 from the current 70,000.

The International Rescue Committee and the other eight resettlement contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees so they are always urging an increase in numbers!
By the way see the Green Left here also on the Climate refugee bandwagon.  It is all about the weather and nothing to do with Islamic supremacists seeking world dominance!

How wealthy is the IRC?

I just had a look at the most recent Form 990(2013) for the IRC.  It took in that year, from gifts, grants and contributions, $451,017,146 (nearly a half billion $) and $305,481,609 came from YOU!  They are thus 68% taxpayer funded.
Their former CEO pulled in a very handsome salary and benefits package totaling $485,321 to run a NON-PROFIT!  We can assume that David Miliband didn’t move across the Atlantic for much less than that! Probably next year’s tax return will report Miliband’s compensation package.
Doing well by doing good (again)!
What was even more interesting to me is the fact that they have 2 other employees who make over $300,000 a year, and 8 who make over $200,000 A YEAR!   To find those numbers you have to go all the way to page 175 of a 218 page tax return!
For more on the Climate refugee hysteria, go to our special category here.  When I first started following this issue a few years ago, there was a conflict on-going about using the word “refugee” to define those displaced (supposedly) by global warming.  The ‘humanitarians’ didn’t want the environmentalists mucking around with their word —refugee.  I see they now must have patched things up and ‘climate refugee’ is an acceptable term!