Impeachment Leader Rep Zoe Lofgren Longtime Proponent of More Refugees for America

Lofgren (72) has served 13 terms in the House of Representatives serving a district near Fresno, California—a district that is now 58% Hispanic. For as long as I’ve been writing RRW, a dozen years, she has been an outspoken proponent of more third world migration to the US.

When I saw her droning away on the floor of the Senate last night I was reminded to tell you that she has been a leading advocate for more refugee resettlement for decades.

In fact, late last year, she, along with Senator Leahy of Vermont, introduced the ‘Refugee Protection Act of 2019’   which among other things seeks to set a minimum number of refugees that a President must admit to the US each year.

Lofgren, Leahy and a whole host of Democrat lawmakers want the ‘Refugee Act of 1980’ changed to REQUIRE a President to set the annual cap at 95,000 or higher.  Presently there is no floor and a President could set the level at zero if he wished.

A level of a minimum of 95,000 a year would keep the nine federal refugee contractors*** rolling in federal dough with not a worry about a year like this one where the President set the level at 18,000 thus straining their budgets that in many cases depend entirely on federal funding.

You can read about other changes the Democrats want to see, here.

I must say again that this is why the Leftists are successful—they push and they push and they push—while those of us who want to see immigration brought under control must always play defense.

Trump changed that dynamic and that is why they want him gone.

Personally I think it is Trump’s America First! immigration policies that are driving the Dems to a state of insane frenzy.  They are comfortable with Chamber of Commerce Republicans who quietly go along with ever-increasing numbers of cheap labor coming into the country…

...but, a Republican on the offensive is something new and frightening.

From the Leahy/Lofgren November press statement:

The Senate bill is cosponsored by 16 Senators: Senators Leahy, Harris, Booker, Hirono, Markey, Shaheen, Gillibrand, Blumenthal, Cardin, Wyden, Murray, Sanders, Reed, Merkley, Warren, and Klobuchar.

The House bill is cosponsored by 31 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives: Representatives Lofgren, Nadler, Jayapal, Neguse, Castro, Crow, Dean, DeLauro, DeSaulnier, Engel, Escobar, Espaillat, Garcia, Grijalva, Higgins, Johnson, Khanna, Lowenthal, McGovern, Napolitano, Norton, Pallone, Panetta, Quigley, Raskin, Sires, Smith, Swalwell, Watson Coleman, Welch, and Tlaib.

The Refugee Protection Act of 2019 is endorsed by a wide range of refugee, asylum, immigration, and faith-based organizations. A short outline of the bill can be found here, and a sectional analysis can be found here. Text of the legislation can be found here.


*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

Don’t miss the endorsement list for the Leahy/Lofgren bill. See that Church World Service (above) is on it, as is CAIR.

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.


Catholic Bishops Support Judge’s Decision; (Again!) No Mention of their Millions

“Our mission is the truth. Join us!

As a CNA reader, you know our team is committed to finding, reporting, and publishing the truth.”

(JD Flynn, CNA Editor-in Chief, Catholic News Agency)


Readers, please forgive me!  This is the third post in three days about the US Catholic Bishops inability to report the truth that they are paid millions of taxpayer dollars to “welcome the stranger.”

As I have said in my two previous posts (here and here), I’ll keep reporting the truth as they continue to hide it.  As a federal refugee resettlement contractor, the US Bishops ‘Christian charity’ runs on MONEY extracted involuntarily from you—taxpaying citizens.  It does not come from generous parishioners as they want you to believe.

All I am asking is that they admit that the Refugee Act of 1980 (Kennedy, Biden and Carter) set them up as the middlemen to pass along your money to ‘new Americans’ and then pretend they are benevolent Christians.

And, of course they keep a cut for their overhead and lobbying office! It’s been a sweet deal for four decades—until Donald Trump came along.

Here they are again this morning—high-fiving the judge and disparaging the President.

From Catholic News Agency:

Ruling against Trump executive order helps people flee danger, bishops say

Bishop Mario Dorsonville is from Colombia and gee he has his own coat of arms, see here:

Washington D.C., Jan 21, 2020 / 02:01 pm (CNA).- A federal judge’s ruling has halted President Donald Trump’s executive order that allows states and localities to refuse permission for refugee resettlement. The ruling drew praise from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which stressed the need to help refugees to safety and to maintain a uniform refugee policy.

“Today’s ruling is a welcome step in our ongoing ministry to provide refugees, who are fleeing religious persecution, war, and other dangers, with safe haven here in the United States,” said Bishop Mario Dorsonville, an auxiliary bishop of Washington who chairs the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Migration.

“Jesus Christ, who was part of a refugee family, calls us to welcome the stranger….


Dorsonville noted the Catholic bishops’ previous “deep concerns” about the executive order.

“We feared the negative consequences for refugees and their families as this Executive Order would have created a confusing patchwork across America of some jurisdictions where refugees are welcomed, and others where they are not,” he said.

Wouldn’t common sense tell them that knowing where refugees were welcome, or conversely not welcome, should benefit refugees they place. The most welcoming places would then be made clear to them.  But, no, they want to decide, without you ‘deplorable’ citizens having any say, where they want them placed!

Next, praise for the consenting governors:

“Once more, we see the intention to act united as a nation in the effort to provide solidarity to those who need it most and are encouraged by the compassion that this nation has towards refugees,” Dorsonville said.

The U.S. bishops said that federal officials will “diligently engage” with state and local officials to ensure local concerns are taken into account, but federal officials will have the final decision over refugee resettlement.

Hypocrisy Alert!  They want the feds to have the final say in this case, but it is an entirely different matter when it comes to sanctuary cities they support! In the case of sanctuary cities, the cities run US immigration policy!

And, just a reminder.  Under the Refugee Act of 1980, the President can decide to admit zero refugees—watch how loudly they will be wailing if that ever happens!

More here.

And, too funny that CNA’s editor makes that comment (above) about truth at the end of this story.

Just so you know, as we reported a couple of days ago, according to USA Spending, the Bishops have lost millions of federal dollars for their ‘migration fund’ during the Trump presidency (so far).


From USA Spending. Federal grants to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Down from over $104 million in most lucrative year under Obama.


For readers who are wondering where is the ACLU and other groups working for the separation of church and state—they ignore the billions going out to the ‘religious’ charities bringing in refugees and working for amnesty for illegal aliens because they are all on the same team.  They are all Leftwingers working toward a socialist America.

Good and faithful Catholics must speak up in your parishes!

Endnote: Let’s hope I don’t see another deceptive media report about the Bishops tomorrow!

Texas Catholic Bishops Blast Governor; Once Again NO Mention that Bishops are Paid to do their Christian Charity

I’m going to be busy (possibly bore you), but I am going to have to follow through on my promise of yesterday and point out the fact that Catholic Bishops are paid handsomely to do their ‘good works’—paid by you, the US taxpayer.

Once again we have a ‘welcome the stranger’ sob story with no mention of the millions of federal dollars the refugee industry, the nine federal contractors*** (including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops), has enjoyed for near FOUR DECADES!

I have a dream that one day I’ll see an article in the mainstream media that actually tells the public about the Bishop’s pipeline to the US Treasury.

From Radio NB:

(CBSDFW.COM/CNN) – The bishops of Dallas and Fort Worth are among the 16 Texas Catholic bishops who have denounced Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to reject new refugees in 2020. Texas is the first state to do so under a new executive order signed by President Donald Trump.

The bishops released a joint statement Friday after the decision was made. They called Abbott’s decision “deeply discouraging and disheartening” and “misguided.”

“It (the decision) denies people who are fleeing persecution, including religious persecution, from being able to bring their gifts and talents to our state and contribute to the general common good of all Texans,” the statement read.

“As Catholics, an essential aspect of our faith is to welcome the stranger and care for the alien,” the bishops added. [Yes!  But with private Christian charity, not with money taken from taxpayers!—ed]

Bishop Olson of Fort Worth: We need to get our MONEY! Well, no, he didn’t say that and that is why I am posting on their MONEY again.

Texas is home to about 8.5 million Catholics, nearly 30% of the state’s population. Bishops Edward Burns of Dallas and Michael Olson of Fort Worth represent the dioceses in North Texas.


Since 2010, Texas has received more refugees than any other state — about 10% of the nationwide total, the governor said in the letter. The Pew Research Center reports that since 2002 Texas has accepted more than 88,000 refugees — more than any state but California.

“Texas has carried more than its share in assisting the refugee resettlement process and appreciates that other states are available to help with these efforts,” Abbott said.

More here.

This is why they are so upset!  From USA Spending posted yesterday.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has lost millions of federal dollars under President Trump’s refugee resettlement reform effort.

From USA Spending. Federal grants to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.


Do the 8.5 million Catholics in the state of Texas condone the Bishops living off the US taxpayers and keeping that fact secret?

I bet the vast majority of Catholics think that they are taking care of refugees by passing the plate at mass.

By the way, the Bishops were not alone. Texas Muslims blasted Governor Abbott as I reported earlier today.


*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

A ‘religious’ message from CWS’s “ministry!” CWS is one of three federally funded contractors suing to stop the President’s effort to reform the UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program.

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

Go here to see that the nine contractors sucked down over $3 BILLION in federal grants in the last 11 years.

(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.




Texas: Ten Political Agitation Groups Trash Governor’s Decision on Refugees

“It’s unfortunate that Gov. Abbott once again chose to make Texas distinct with its hate.”

(Imam Omar Suleiman)

Of course the first thing I wanted to know was who are the ten, and I’ll be darned, I couldn’t find out.  Maybe one of you can, but this story at the Dallas Observer only identifies a few of those who blasted Governor Greg Abbott for asking for a brief break in the stream of refugees being placed in Texas.

Just so you know, Abbott asked for a break that would last from only June to September 2020, surely not enough time to significantly slow the transformation of Texas from a conservative red state to a socialist blue state—which is what this is all about.

And, look who is prominently featured at the presser—CAIR and professional protester Imam Omar Suleiman.

Far Left: Imam Omar Suleiman, founder and president of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and Faith Forward Dallas.


Dallas Refugee Organizations Unite Against Abbott’s Ban

Since when are CAIR and the Muslim American Society refugee organizations.

I don’t think the Trump White House planned it that way, but Trump’s September Executive Order sure is helping identify the political players working to change America by changing the people.

Here is a bit of the Dallas Observer  story:

Ten Dallas refugee, immigrant and religious organizations spoke in unified opposition Friday to Gov. Greg Abbott’s refusal last week to continue accepting refugees to Texas. [But, who are the ten?  The reporter names a few, mostly Muslims.—ed]

In a joint press conference, representatives of those agencies, who collectively offer housing, job, language, legal, social and general support to refugees and other displaced people, spoke directly to Abbott, arguing that refugees are an asset to Texas and asking him to reconsider his decision no longer to be a resettlement location for refugees.

“Today, we have a large multifaith, multicultural group of people coming together … to stand united to let the world know that Texas welcomes refugees of all backgrounds. And that we unequivocally condemn and stand against the governor’s decision to not allow refugees to come to our great state,” said Faizan Syed, executive director of the Texas DFW chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.


Advocates and agency heads one by one called out Abbott’s ban as shameful, detrimental to Texas and contrary to the state’s values.  [I still want to know who are the ten groups.—ed]


“It’s unfortunate that Gov. Abbott once again chose to make Texas distinct with its hate,” said Imam Omar Suleiman, founder and president of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and Faith Forward Dallas.

Suleiman, like other speakers, compared the present government policies toward refugees with those during the 1930s and 1940s, in which the country rejected many Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust.  [Crocodile tears!—ed]

Read it all here.

You met Imam Suleiman participating in an illegal sit-in at the US Capitol in March of 2018.  The corny demonstration was organized by our old friends at Church World Service.

That is Suleiman, CAIR’s Nihad Awad and Linda Sarsour about to be arrested at the demonstration against the President’s plans to end the DACA program for young illegal aliens.

The Leftwingers love this stuff—demonstrating, holding press conferences—and it works for them or they wouldn’t do it.

It occurred to me—where are our immigration restriction groups holding press conferences in support of Governor Abbott either on the national level or in Texas?


Pennsylvania: Catholic Charities Shopping for New Refugee Sites within 100-Mile Radius

And, they are accompanied by a paper company executive who wants a small community nearly 60 miles from Harrisburg, PA to ‘welcome’ refugees the company wants to employ.

I have been saying for twelve years that there is an unholy alliance between businesses seeking cheap labor and ‘religious’ resettlement contractors acting as their head hunters!

Additionally, in case you thought I didn’t have my facts, here we see clearly that this US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ subcontractor*** is talking about the 100-mile radius from their office in which refugee resettlement agencies can place refugees.

We should be thanking the President for his September Executive Order even if the contractors succeed in killing it in the courts because we are learning new things every day and citizens like those in Juniata Terrace, PA, like those in Beltrami County, MN, are being educated.


Catholic Charities is out and about lining up new locations within a hundred miles of Harrisburg!


From The Lewistown Sentinel (emphasis below is mine):

JUNIATA TERRACE–The public was out in full force Tuesday night for the Catholic Charities group presentation of their refugee resettlement plan to the Juniata Terrace Borough Council.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Harrisburg is 35% taxpayer funded. An additional 40% of their income is ‘service fees’ which I assume taxpayers are funding as well.

Anne Lusk and Amin Habeeb [Egyptian see here.—ed] from Catholic Charities spoke about the resettlement to the public and the council. Lusk and Habeeb wanted to lay out the facts so the council and the public had a better understanding of the program. The resettlement will not be happening any time soon. [But they are getting people primed because they think that when the Dems regain the White House, the gates will open wide.—ed]

Programs like this are popping up all over the country and Pennsylvania is no exception. Lusk spoke on the major presence of resettled refugees in areas like Lancaster County, noting that Cumberland County had also recently passed the program for their area.  [Juniata Terrace is in Mifflin County so it appears the county itself has not consented (so far).—ed]

Seeking locations within 100-mile radius!

The program is based out of Harrisburg and is attempting to resettle refugees within a 100-mile radius. These refugees are fleeing issues in their home country, whether religious prosecution, war or other struggles.

Catholic Charities lining up future locations!

For now, the charity is visiting different locations in Mifflin county to provide information to the boroughs so they can decide whether to adopt the program at a later time. The refugees who are part of the program are “very educated and very hard workers and are respectful to the community,”according to Lusk.

She has no idea if the refugees are “educated” and “respectful” because Catholic Charities, nor the county or state, is permitted to choose refugees—they will get what they get from anywhere in the world: impoverished and uneducated Congolese or demanding Somalis, or Iraqis who think low-skilled work is beneath them, for example!

We are paying for Catholic Charities to act as an employment service!

Here we see that Catholic Charities is working with business interests to supply them with workers! What the h*** ! Why are we, taxpayers, paying for this!

Donald Chapman III, president of Nittany Paper, was also present. Chapman contacted the Catholic charity for help finding workers for the paper company as they look to expand. The positions would be full-time. According to him, bringing in the refugees would not take away from the jobs for county citizens. The program is meant to have a positive impact on the local area as a whole.

The program would integrate, at most, 10 families and settle them into the area. They would have a jobs at Nittany Paper and a living space near the company, making transportation to work easier. [Living space near the company? Is the company paying for that, or are the taxpayers shelling out for the housing?—ed]

Attending members of the public expressed concerns about the program. Several citizens were worried about crime and an increase in drug problems if the resettlement were allowed. The public also expressed concern for how the community will support the influx of people. Tensions ran palpably high during the presentation, with several agruements breaking out between citizens. The Catholic Charities group will be present at next month’s Lewistown Borough Council meeting, according to Lusk.

Many thanks to The Sentinel!

*** I’m going back to correct my ‘Knowledge is Power III’ post where I said I didn’t have a list of the Bishop’s subcontractors.  I found it in the course of researching this story. Go here to see the long list of subcontractors working for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.