Citizen researcher: Get “the plan” for your community before it goes to Washington

Editor:  Every resettlement agency (contractor) must submit to its parent contractor (those top nine we harp about all the time) a plan for your town or city every year.  “The plan” (sometimes called an “abstract”) includes the number of refugees the local agency thinks they can accommodate and lists the resources/amenities your town has to offer the refugees.  These “plans” are never available for public review and comment, but are used by the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement to determine how much of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars are needed by the contractors.

A citizen activist in Tennessee has penned this important guest post so that you can learn how to obtain and research “the plan” for your community.

Last week we asked you to get your state plan, here.  Now it is time to get your local one.

Here are the resettlement subcontractors working in over 190 cities across the country.  Find one near you and ask for their “abstract” for FY2015.  Unfortunately 2015 has already been approved, but it will give you an idea of what they are doing at this minute in your city.

 As we approach FY2016, demand “the plan” before it goes to Washington.  FY2016 begins on October 1, 2015, so they are working on these now, or will be shortly.

Get the Plan Before Federal Contractors Bring Refugees to Your Community

By Joanne Bregman

Federal refugee resettlement contractors should be required to openly disclose their proposed plan to the receiving host community before it is accepted and funded by the federal government. These plans contain no proprietary information and should not be awarded public money without first being vetted, commented upon and accepted by the proposed receiving community.

This is especially important in the states being run as Wilson-Fish programs, which means that a federal contractor is in charge and the state government has no voice in the running of the program. In states where the program is run by the state government, not only would this be appropriate but state dollars appropriated to the program should be discussed openly and the priority questioned by the state legislature prior to adopting their annual budget.

This GAO Report was critical of the process for resettling refugees into local communities, but it seems to have disappeared down a black hole. We see no reform, or more transparency coming from its release nearly three years ago.

Refugee resettlement is a government procured set of services that federal contractors are paid to provide. In fact, the resettlement contractors are paid for each individual refugee they bring to a community and as the 2012 GAO report noted:

“…local affiliate funding is based on the number of refugees they serve, so affiliates have an incentive to maintain or increase the number of refugees they resettle each year rather than allowing the number to decrease.”

The nine national voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) have affiliate (local) offices spread throughout the country, except for Wyoming where there is no refugee resettlement program.

Sometime before the start of the federal fiscal year (October 1 of the previous year) when these businesses get to find out how much public money they will receive, the local affiliate offices submit a resettlement proposal, sometimes called a “resettlement abstract.”

They “bid for bodies” and write narratives explaining why their location is a good place to resettle refugees. These “bids” are sent to their national VOLAG, which works with the State Department and the other VOLAGs to divide up the new fiscal year’s anticipated arrivals and the money that attaches to the arrivals.

The abstracts/annual resettlement plans include statements like “ELL [English Language Learner] services in the public schools are free.” Of course lots of other taxpayer- funded services such as Medicaid and cash welfare are also “free.”

They detail how many mosques might be in a location and how many languages are spoken by the agency’s staff members. They might include information about the ethnic composition of the seed communities they helped to start and the medical services available in a community. The plan might disclose the work of the resettlement agency’s “employment specialists” paid to get refugees employed ahead of unemployed Americans in the same community.

Here (below) is an example of a local resettlement plan; there should be a requirement that they be presented to local communities before being funded with public money. Until then, community members should inquire of the local resettlement organizations in their communities and when they are told (as they most likely will), that they do not have the information, move on to the national parent VOLAG office and request the documents.

This plan is an older one for Memphis, Tennessee:

Abstract 1Abstract 2

Abstract 3

abstract 4

After recent Somali terror indictment in Ohio, reader asks: do we vet those applying for citizenship?

It sure doesn’t appear that we do!

This is a ‘comment worth noting’ we received from Julia, a regular reader of RRW, in the wake of the indictment of a Somali refugee on terror-related charges this past Thursday, here.


“Here’s another item to add to the list of reasons to not trust the Obama administration – be it on refugee resettlement, immigration reform, negotiations with Iran….

Civic engagement? Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud was naturalized in February 2014, yet had been writing terror-related facebook posts in 2013! So we gave him citizenship and a passport anyway!

It has been reported that the Ohio man from Somalia who was naturalized in February 2014 and was indicted on federal terrorism charges Thursday, April 16, 2015 applied for a passport a week after he obtained his U.S. citizenship.

Fox News has also reported that this guy made terrorism-related Facebook posts in 2013 and was communicating online with his brother over plans to travel to Syria to fight in September 2013 – well before he was naturalized.

Does the U.S vet who it naturalizes as citizens? Will the media, Congress, or the GOP presidential hopefuls ask this question?

Part of the Federal Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration released by the Task Force on New Americans on April 14, 2015 is to “Celebrate our Newest Citizens.” The Obama administration intends to do this by providing individuals who become naturalized a Welcome Packet at their Naturalization Oath Ceremony. The Welcome Packet will include “practical tips” on applying for a U.S. passport and registering to vote.

Vetting these “New Americans” does not appear to be addressed in the plan. What will Congress do to prevent terrorists from becoming U.S. citizens? Let them vote in the next election?”

See our earlier post this morning about the Obama “plan” and see that WND writer Leo Hohmann also noted that security screening was never mentioned for the tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands!) of new American seedlings being planted in a town near you!

Comment worth noting: Correspondent from Australia brings us up to date

Editor’s note:  Since we have been so focused on the ruckus going on in the US with resettlement, especially as Rep. Trey Gowdy does the first brave thing  (out of Congress) that we have ever seen in our nearly eight year project to shed light on the US Refugee Admissions Program, we have been forgetting our readers around the world.

Below is an update from Australia thanks to ‘FatherJon’ where the Abbott government is one of the few in the world discouraging the illegal aliens (phony asylum seekers) from trying to break into their country.


From Australian government campaign to stop the boats.


Ann, the boats have stopped, due to the efforts of our Abbott Federal government. If they don’t get a lot right they’ve certainly got the boat problem solved.

Problem is that under the previous Labor governments a backload of foreign kids built up to several thousands, as families thought that this was a better ruse than just sending teenage ‘Ali’ out as a forward scout. A government can get tough with a young shaver and refuse him landing rights, but they can’t do that with a family which includes young kids, right? Wrong! Kids were locked up with their families, firstly on the mainland, then on off-shore detention centres, then in neighbouring countries that welcomed the cash injection as we off-set our detention costs at home by giving hand-outs to Papua New Guines, Nauru and Cambodia to look after the illegals.

However the human rights lawyers attacked that on all fronts, claiming it was doubly inhumane to lock up children, and the gradual push was to get as many kids on the mainland to be given temporary protection visas. This allowed them to go to school and lead lives outside internment. There are now a little over 100 kids left, who have yet to be placed due to initiatives of the present government.

The Abbott government is now negotiating with Iran to take back its own nationals, who comprise roughly 80% of the detainees, but it’s proving a tough nut to crack as Iran just says ‘we can’t take back our own if they didn’t want to be here in the first place’. Our Foreign Minister is in Iran as I write trying to work out a deal about sending them back.

See our entire Australia’ category for more.

The next US President needs to get some pointers from Tony Abbott!

Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home…

Editor:  We have a special category here we call ‘Comments worth noting’ to showcase comments we believe more readers need to see.  This is a comment in response to ‘Jake’ at our record-breaking post on Spartanburg about the plan by the US State Department to open a resettlement office in the city.  ‘Jake’ said I was “speculating.”  (For the record, I don’t know ‘7Delta,’ but I wish I could say it half as well!)

From ‘7Delta:’

“Compassion has never been a suicide pact.”


Since Spartanburg is my home, I’ve done a lot of research into the RRP, including here at this blog. When ‘speculation’ is demonstrated over and over and has written and verbal confirmation from the welcoming communities, international organizations and government offices involved (though it may be presented in convoluted language to control the narrative) speculation looks a lot like facts.

No one wishes to turn away strangers in need, but when that altruistic spirit is being used as a weapon against kind and generous people, it ceases to be about compassion for either the refugee or the community that opens it arms. It becomes something so deceitful, it fails every rational or reasonable test of principled compassion.

The people who would have us believe we’re unkind, uncaring, bad Christians or whatever other disparaging adjective they can wring out of legitimate concern are manipulators. Name calling and deceitful practices meant to silence ‘pockets of resistance’ tells us everything we need to know about the resettlement scheme.

If asking legitimate questions, requiring respectful honest answers without the community organizing tactics and psy-op strategies makes me a pocket of resistance, then I will pay for my own button and wear it proudly. Compassion has never been a suicide pact. Love is not detrimental permissiveness. Charity begins at home.

I care because I care about our own vulnerable citizen population. I care that Spartan High and Dorman don’t have 82 different languages being spoken that we have to provide translators for. I care that assimilation takes precedent over integration and navigation, so a positive experience is provided for the limited number of any people we can aid in becoming successful Americans and for ourselves. I care that those people must want to be American, that their need is real, that our community is the best place for them and that they’ve abided by our laws in truth and in spirit. I care that we will not be expected to cater to them, but that they want to embrace us, while retaining cultural traditions that fit well into the community and our laws. I care that we don’t kill the goose because she was too timid or vain in her own self-image of false goodness that she stuck her neck out to be chopped out. Believe it or not, I care about the refugee being manipulated too.

I’ve learned enough about subversive tactics over the last 8 years or so to fill a book. America must not be fooled again, for if we do not believe what we see with our own eyes, we shall surely perish and that will not be a good thing, no matter what the tiny minority of our population who have maneuvered themselves into power want us to believe. These poor souls will rue the day they believed their own lies. It never fails. History is our friend. Logic and reality still reign and the most loving thing we can do for them, illegal aliens and refugees is to stop them in their tracks now.

Editor’s endnote:  We have published 6,441 posts here at RRW over the last nearly 8 years, so I think we have passed the point where we could legitimately be accused of “speculating.”

A reader from Malta gives us a look at what the illegal aliens are doing to the tiny island nation

Update March 20th:  Now a bunch of rich Germans are going to rescue illegal aliens at sea, sure hope they take them to Germany and not Malta!

Editors note:  We have been following the plight of Malta since our earliest days of writing this blog.  As an island in the Mediterranean Sea it serves as a beachhead for the invaders arriving in Europe from Africa and the Middle East.

In some weeks our readers from Malta are near the top of the list of our readers worldwide!

There are many other routes to Europe, but this is the clearest one depicting Malta in the line of fire.

Why should you, American readers, care about Malta?

First, because the invasion of Europe should be of great concern to anyone watching the destruction of western civilization and secondly because the US State Department, illegally in my opinion!, transforms some of Malta’s illegal aliens into refugees destined for your American towns!

In the first 5 months of Fiscal Year 2015, we have “resettled” 274*** of Malta’s illegal aliens to America (see stats here).  They are somewhere now in small town America.

Here is what Maltese citizen Charles Sammut told us today:

“I am attaching just a small list of acts of gratitude that we receive from these poor refugees that we welcome on our tiny island. That is just in one day!”

* Woman murdered, Libyan suspect flees to Italy, here.

* Algerian man admits to defiling niece at her grandmother’s house, gets probation, here.

* Syrian accused of raping ‘drunk’ Romanian woman in his car after giving her a lift, here.

I assume it isn’t escaping your notice that these are all crimes against women.

Be sure to see our whole archive on Malta by clicking here.  See especially, rich couple helps ‘rescue’ migrants at sea to bring to Malta.

Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

***When you look at the stats note that there are 274 individuals representing 248 cases which means that the vast majority being brought to America are single people—most likely young single men!