We Paid to Welcome Them to America, Now They Join the Mob

I had been wondering if Minneapolis’s large population of African refugees had joined the throngs of rioters and looters. It seems they have.

It is more proof that the citizens of Minnesota’s St. Louis County who just last week protested against refugees for their towns and cities are right—diversity destroys the social fabric of communities.

Feel the rage!  From the refugees?  Or, from American taxpayers who for decades have been paying billions of their hard-earned dollars to bring, dare I say it, a bunch of ingrates who now say we are racists and they fear for their sons?

I suspect you have one answer for them!

From Channel News Asia (yes, an international news site painting white America as the root of all evil):

In Minneapolis, African refugees see American dream in tatters

(Their dream in tatters?  What about our dreams for the country we love?)

MINNEAPOLIS: African refugees living in Minneapolis were already struggling with their “American dream” when George Floyd died in police custody.

Now their dream is in tatters and they have joined their African American “brothers” in the streets to protest racism in their adopted homeland. [Cut the B.S. with the mushy “adopted homeland” lingo. They didn’t come here because they love America!—ed] 


The state of Minnesota, where Minneapolis is located, has the highest percentage of refugees per inhabitant in the whole country, with two percent of the US population but 13 per cent of its refugees, according to the most recent census.

Among them are a large number of people from the Horn of Africa – Ethiopians and Somalis – whose presence in the marches was noticeable because of the colourful robes worn by the women.


Deka Jama, a 24-year-old woman who came to the United States from Somalia in 2007, showed up with friends, all of them veiled, to protest the discrimination that met them in their new homeland.

“We thought that everyone would be equal, that we would not be judged by religion, by colour, by our dresses. That’s not how we were welcomed,” she told AFP.

She feels a close affinity to African Americans, many of them descended from slaves and who have been Americans for generations.

There is “something connects us,” she said. “We are all dehumanised, regardless of our cultural differences. We have to be here for them.”

Minnesota’s Somali community has a source of pride, though, in Ilhan Omar, a 37-year-old born in Mogadishu who was elected to Congress in 2018.


“So many people know a social and economic neglect,” Omar said on Sunday.

According to Minnesota Compass, a website that tracks the state’s demographics, families from Africa are particularly hard hit.

In 2016, Obama was President, he sure didn’t do much for African poverty in America (or was that part of the plan?)!

In 2016, 12 per cent of the population of Minnesota was living under the poverty line, but that number rose to 31 per cent among the Ethiopian community and 55 per cent among Somalis.

Immigrant-owned businesses destroyed too!  And, yet, it is all about racist white America.  Have they no eyes to see or brains to think?

That has meant that for many refugees, an important facet of the American dream — social mobility – has broken down over time.

And the riots that have followed some protests have not helped their plight, since some of the looted businesses were immigrant-owned.

Here is an idea!  If so many live in poverty, then we need to stop importing them. Clearly there isn’t enough work!  Clearly they are ungrateful.

Frankly more angry demanding refugees, like these Minnesota Africans, will be the death knell of America.

By the way…..

Where were all these angry Somalis (and their African-American “brothers”) marching in the streets demanding justice for Justine Damond when one of their people, a Somali police officer, killed an unarmed white woman in ‘Little Mogadishu’ in the summer of 2017?

That police killing didn’t send white mobs into the streets to demand justice by committing violence, and to rob and steal.  Civilized people respect our legal system—the legal system that is the bulwark of a successful and prosperous country.


Refugee Rights Activist Arrested in NYC; Alleged to Have Thrown Incendiary Device at Police Car

See the story over at Frauds and Crooks!  I need to get some numbers posted here at RRW since I am so far behind these days!

Urooj Rahman prepares to throw a Molotov cocktail. Gee I wonder where she learned her bomb making skills. Nice face covering (just saying). Photo: https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-brooklyn-lawyer-molotov-photo-20200601-g67rmev3oram7mcd4sxsu5tepu-story.html

Minnesota County Backs Out of Vote on Refugee Resettlement, Opposition Out in Force

“It’s not lost on me the refugees people have such a problem with have black and brown skin.”

(Commissioner Beth Olson speaking in support of refugees for Louisa County)


A week ago, before I was called away for a (happy) family duty, I told you that the St. Louis County, Minnesota County Commission was planning to vote on an issue they tabled months ago—the question is should the county in northern Minnesota open its arms to refugees, or not?

Those who do not want the social and economic burden of ‘welcoming’ third worlders to northern Minnesota came out strongly in advance of the vote.

On Wednesday the Grand Forks Herald  gave this report:

Topic of refugees raises citizen voices in St. Louis County

Peacefully demonstrating in northern Minnesota on Tuesday!


VIRGINIA, Minn. — Throughout most of April and May, only one person who wasn’t previously scheduled to do so spoke on record to the St. Louis County Board.

As the board had gone straight to web-based conferencing once COVID-19 emerged, constituents held back, mostly emailing and voicing their opinions privately to commissioners.

But that changed Tuesday as calls poured in to the site of the board’s remote meeting at the Virginia Government Services Center.

An unofficial count of 94 residents spoke or left voicemails that were aired during the daylong meeting.

“I thought we’d have more calls — I expected more,” board chair Mike Jugovich said, still pleased people seized the opportunity.

Demonstrators in Minneapolis on Wednesday!

The callers were fueled by months of anticipation around the topic of refugee resettlement consent.

And while the board voted to file the issue away with county administration, citing a federal court injunction nullifying a President Donald Trump executive order, people were heard.


“I’d like to express my disdain for refugees coming to St. Louis County; they can go elsewhere,” said one Mountain Iron caller.

“It’s a disgrace they’re being shoved down our throat,” another woman said. “Nobody wants them here; put them in Minneapolis.”

Commissioner Beth Olson


Commissioner Beth Olson refuted doubts about vetting, saying refugees were vetted by nine agencies, including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service.

“It’s not lost on me the refugees people have such a problem with have black and brown skin,” Olson said.

More here.

It is not lost on the citizens of  St. Louis County*** that the Left’s insatiable desire for diversity destroys the social fabric of communities. 

Just look at the photos and videos coming out of Minneapolis in the last couple of days!  Any sane person would not want this coming to their towns and cities.

When Trump is gone…..

One of the most persistent arguments, by those who want more refugee resettlement for a given location use, is that the Trump Executive Order (requiring approval by the local county government for refugee resettlement) is tied up in the courts and besides so few refugees are coming now anyway.

Don’t fall for that argument to dodge the issue.

I can’t express strongly enough how important it is for groups like those who took to the streets this week and peacefully demonstrated in Virginia, MN are helping to insure that the message gets out—find another resettlement location in future!

If the Dems win in November, the future is only months away! 

Joe Biden says he will open the doors to 125,000 third worlders in year one.

Or, it might be 2025 that the flood gates open!

Whichever it is, from past experience, I have found that the resettlement contractors and the feds will stay away from towns and cities they see as clearly ‘unwelcoming’ because they will still have plenty of locations eager to welcome the multi-cultural Nirvana they foolishly dream of—like the one they have been growing and nourishing for years in Minneapolis!

P.S. Work to make sure Ms. Olson is not elected again!

*** Sorry, I had the county name wrong in my first version of this post!


Female Genital Mutilation on the Rise in Africa Due to Chinese Virus (huh?)

The dreadful practice is increasing, says Canadian author and women’s rights activist, Farzana Hassan, because aid workers/support networks are no where to be found due to the virus crisis and the social and economic decline it is causing worldwide.

You can be sure that Somalis resettled by the tens of thousands in America brought some of these “entrenched social norms” with them.

From the Toronto Sun:

HASSAN: COVID-19 brings FGM increase to Africa

Writer Farzana Hassan

COVID-19 has caused widespread illness, death and economic misery everywhere. It has also given rise to social problems, exacerbating crimes like female genital mutilation in the developing world.

Recent reports from Somalia, the country with the highest percentage of FGM, show a disturbing trend. This brutality inflicted on underage girls has reportedly increased during these weeks of confinement and isolation.

This is not entirely unexpected.

In fact, humanitarian agencies across the world predicted the figures would get worse. The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has resulted in an increase in all forms of violence toward girls, partly because their access to the support networks put in place by humanitarian agencies has been blocked.

Any small gains previously made toward gender equality and the basic human rights of women and girls have suffered a serious blow.

They had been getting this support at school or in the workplace, but now they are confined to their most dangerous environment: home. The pressure is on parents and guardians to provide for them under these economically stressful times. The solution for families is to get these girls married off, and in Somalia only girls who have undergone FGM stand any chance of marriage.

Regrettably, the mutilation is not confined to Somalia. In other African countries, like Sudan and Sierra Leone, the practice is also prevalent. It is a manifestation of entrenched social norms rooted in gross gender inequality right across the continent.

A staggering 98% of African females have endured the painful and traumatic procedure of having parts of their outer genitalia cut off by women who have made a profession out of this. Of these victims, 40% happen to be under the age of 15.

More here.

The first time I ever heard of this sick and depraved practice was when I read Ayan Hirsi Ali’s first book ‘Infidel’ in 2007. The author describes in graphic detail what was done to her.

If you don’t know exactly what the procedure involves, see this short Youtube video:

Somali National Stabs to Death 7-year-old in UK Park; Katie Hopkins’ Letter is a Must Read

“I watch people wiping, disinfecting, masking, flinching, distancing themselves from nice looking couples with dogs. No amount of hand-sanitiser will save them from the state of this country and the people we have let in.”

(Katie Hopkins)


It happened in March, but made little news mostly we can only assume, and others have speculated, that it is because the violent act was perpetrated by a Somali woman against a beautiful innocent white child unknown to the attacker.

Emily Jones, Age seven


Early reports of the killing never mention a word about the identity of the attacker as a migrant from Africa.

I think that in addition to the political correctness of the media, much of the silence surrounding the horror is, yes, it was so horrible that people hide from the truth of it to protect their own hearts and to not have to face the blunt truth British writer Katie Hopkins says of it.

Facing it means that one should do something about it and that is too fear-provoking for most who cower at the prospect of being labelled a racist!


From Frontpage Magazine (read the whole thing!):

A Letter to Emily’s parents…

Dedicated to Emily Jones, Age 7

Dear Mrs. Jones,

Most people will avoid talking to you about Emily’s death because it is too terrible. The things we know are too shocking to mention in front of a grieving mum.

That your child was a happy little thing playing on her scooter in the park with her family on Mothering Sunday when she was stabbed to death, her life ended in one blow by a Somali woman, a stranger to you and to this land.

If these words are too brutal for the grieving, how is it possible these things can happen to the living, on an otherwise normal day?

Instead we tiptoe around the truth, soften our language. We do not talk of murder or of killing. We softly whisper that Emily was ‘taken from you’, like a reclaimed gift or prize, regretfully removed from your arms by gentle hands.

We are not supposed to talk, either, about the Somali killer who hides behind her color and her mental health.

That is only a bit of it.

Please read it all, and if you do nothing else today send this powerful letter to everyone you know!