'Welcoming America' comes to Long Island, is it in your town yet? Find out!

It’s been almost exactly two years since I first heard that the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the Dept. of Health and Human Services had hired a community organizing contractor (with your money!) to tamp down any “pockets of resistance” to the seeding of immigrants (legal and illegal) in your towns and cities.
Read my original post here.

The ORR spokesman at the meeting in Lancaster, PA actually used the phrase “pockets of resistance” to describe any of you questioning what Washington was doing to your community.

Wanted! Bloggers to track and report on what David Lubell is doing! He is the founder and head honcho at Welcoming America. Obama honored him in Nashville last year. His community organizing group was started with seed money from George Soros and he is working to change your communities across America forever. http://www.tennessean.com/story/money/2014/12/09/obama-honors-immigrant-rights-leader-david-lubell/20156983/

Since then of course we have learned that the whole seeding idea is part of Obama’s New Americans initiative.
I’m bringing you this post at a website called the Independent Sentinel for a very specific reason (in addition to educating you about how ‘Welcoming America’ is working to control anyone in Nassau and Suffolk counties that might object to being replaced by 526,000 immigrants with more on the way).
First, please read the post by Sara Noble, here.

And this is why I am posting it:  Sara Noble is doing something!

She is investigating, writing reports and publishing them on national issues and on her local community.
Everywhere I go, people ask, what can I do?  What can I do? This is what you can do—become an investigative blogger!  Or, a regular letter-to-the-editor writer, a facebook page editor (not just yak about personal stuff), tweet on a specific subject.

We must do the work old fashioned investigative reporters used to do.  And, we have to get our research out beyond our own circle of like-minded people.

Here is what Sara says:

Independent blogs like this one provide an opportunity for common folk to battle the corrupted mainstream media in a search for truth. We are searching, always searching…

I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but it does you no good to be a great reader of the news, or even a researcher and then send me e-mails (filled with links) that fill up my in-boxes!   Remember it is just me here!
The other day I suggested someone start an investigative blog on food stamp fraud at immigrant-run convenience stores—someone please tell me you will soon launch that!
We can help save America, but we have to get our facts and get them out far and wide because the mainstream media (even Fox News) is controlled by the establishment.

Welcoming America Watch!

Now that would be a great title of a blog or website!  One of you looking for something to do from home could easily do this….
Track Welcoming America around America!
Report what they are up to!
See our archive on Welcoming America by clicking here.

Weekly RRW roundup for week ending June 6th, 2015

Yes!  This month we celebrate our 8th anniversary!
Refugee Resettlement Watch was created at the end of June 2007 and we had 7 visitors that month and (LOL!) that was us figuring out how to post. The following month, July 2007, we published 47 posts and had an average of 37 readers a day.  We have now posted 6,628 posts and in late May we had our biggest day ever with over 15,000 visitors helping to make May 2015 our top month ever!
I know we aren’t like some of the really big blogs, but considering our narrow focus, we think that is great!

Harangue of the week! (of the year!).  Use your free speech while you have it!

Everywhere I go, people ask what can they do and I say the number one thing you must do is do your research, get your facts and WRITE  a blog or website so the good information you are finding gets out to people in your state—people you have never met, people not in your circle!  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had 50 or 100 blogs focused on how immigration of all kinds is destroying America!
It might be overused, but it is true!   Information is power!  It does no good to unearth documents and reports and news generally on immigration issues where you live if the information never goes beyond your little group and is eventually lost!
And, don’t worry about how well-done your investigative blog is, RRW is amateurish-looking and pretty messy now (my techie son tells me so!), but it still gets the job done!
And, would someone please write an investigative blog on Food Stamp Fraud at immigrant-run stores!  You would have a winner right out of the chute!

After you begin doing your research and getting the facts out far and wide, we need to talk about ‘community organizing’ — that will be my harangue for next week!
One more thing!  If you didn’t see our first Youtube video (here), it is now at almost 600,000 views and we have a new one on Syrian refugees (here), please help get it outside of our circle!

Here are the Top Three Posts of the Week (top daily posts are in the right hand sidebar):

1)  Minnesota Somalis: we would rather be in Somalia

2)  Alabama: Massive food stamp fraud bust; some of your money went to Yemen

3)  Stick’in it to Rep. Trey Gowdy, US State Department contractor World Relief brings first refugees to Spartanburg

Here are the Top Ten Countries in descending order from which visitors arrived this week (excluding the US):










South Africa

For new readers!

Since we get new readers every day, here is my usual spiel with two points I need to continue to make:
First, we do screen our comments (sometimes I don’t get to them right away!) and I don’t post any that threaten any kind of violence or ones filled with foul language.  An occasional expletive might slip in if the comment is otherwise a good one.  You are always free to disagree with our point of view if you follow those two simple rules.

And the other thing I want to mention is about e-mails that come to you every time we post.  They come directly from wordpress to subscribers.  We don’t send out e-mails.  So, if we are posting too much for your e-mail inbox, then just unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have the time I understand completely about too many e-mails!  You might want to simply follow us on twitter or on facebook (below).
This is where you can find information (in addition to our fact sheet). We have over 6,500 posts.

*  See our categories (left hand sidebar)
*  See the tag clouds (right hand sidebar)
*  Also, we have a great search function and since neither the categories nor the tags go all the way back to our first posts more than seven years ago, use the search window with a few key words.  You might want to first try your city, state, or country to see what we have reported from there over the years.
Readers from Europe should search for key words ‘Invasion of Europe’ for all of our many posts on the migration crisis on the Continent.
By the way, our category entitled ‘where to find information’ is filled with reports and documents, but with 348 posts archived there, it is pretty unwieldy now.
Past weekly roundups can be found in our category entitled ‘blogging.’
If you wish to be notified when we post, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource).  ‘Like us’ on facebook! (We are no longer posting every story we write at RRW to facebook so as not to overload your facebook feed either.)  We also have some content on facebook that isn’t posted here first, so like us and follow us (I do have a volunteer helper at facebook—Kelly Monroe Kullberg).
And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!
Thanks to all of you for following RRW.  The subject is on fire (maybe you have noticed)!
P.S.  I have added two photos of myself to our About page, if you need one for any reason.

Reader says Fox and Friends not a friend of free speech

Editor: From time to time we publish good comments or opinion pieces from our readers.  Previous commentary is archived in our category entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts,’ click here to read previous reader opinions.  This opinion from reader ‘Julia’ is a view I share.  When Fox&Friends and other Fox News talking-heads blamed Pamela Geller for what happened in Garland, Texas, we knew the writing was on the wall and that we have no defense for free speech in the dinosaur media.  Fox (excepting perhaps Judge Jeanine!) has joined that despicable club.

From Julia:

Saturday, May 30, 2015, Fox&Friends joined an alarming trend when one of its hosts labeled former Marine Jon Ritzheimer and his fellow bikers who held a “Draw Muhammad” contest as “anti-Islamist activists.”

Is Judge Jeanine the only one left at Fox News who ‘gets it’ about free speech and Islam!

Perhaps Fox&Friends should have read the stories on “The Gateway Pundit” detailing how Islamists have made threats of violence – including murder – to attendees of the contest, published the home address of Mr. Ritzheimer, and caused Mr. Ritzheimer’s family to fear for their lives and go in hiding.

There has been a coordinated effort to characterize citizens who are concerned about the growing threats of terrorism in the U.S. as “anti-Islamic.” There are legitimate concerns about the radicalization of Muslims in America and F&F, by joining the effort to smear these individuals, is failing Fox’s “fair and balanced” approach to reporting.

What’s more is that F&F is employing the tactics of the left that one of its own contributors, Kirsten Powers, denounced in her new book, “The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech.”

Ms. Powers appeared on “Justice With Judge Jeanine” *** on Saturday, May 30, 2015, and was questioned by Judge Pirro on whether there is currently an attack on the First Amendment. Ms. Powers responded by warning that progressive scholars “have been taught that the First Amendment is not a bulwark against the government, but is an impediment to progressive policy;” that now there are “major legal scholars coming out and suggesting that maybe we need to to have hate speech laws;” . . . “and it’s terrifying.”

During this interview, Judge Pirro touched upon the movement to ridicule and ultimately marginalize those concerned about radical Islam when she suggested that “we’ve gotten to a point where even the word [Islam] is almost frowned upon.”

Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily recently reported on the plans of refugee resettlement contractors to quash the efforts of persons and groups opposing the resettlement of refugees in their communities. Part of these contractors’ plans include coordinating their offense with the Center for New Community and the Southern Poverty Law Center – groups known for ridiculing their opponents and associating them with hate speech.

Much has been written about an alliance between Islam and the left – be it Marxism, communism, etc. This targeting of persons and groups concerned about the spread of radical Islam in the United States suggests the reality of such alliance. That is, Islam is being used as a tool of the left to limit free speech and perhaps ultimately eliminate the First Amendment protections of speech in the U.S. Constitution.

This is why F&F’s joining in the chorus of the left’s demonization of Mr. Ritzheimer is so problematic. Inasmuch as Mr. Ritzheimer titled the protest the Freedom of Speech Rally Round II, Mr. Ritzheimer and the other contest attendees intended to act as “free speech proponents.”

F&F dropped the ball. They owe Mr. Ritzheimer an apology.

In addition, perhaps F&F can demonstrate its support of free speech by investigating and reporting on law schools that teach “that the First Amendment is not a bulwark against the government, but is an impediment to progressive policy.”

We won’t be holding our breath waiting for Fox&Friends to utter an apology!  Why? Can you hear that sound (after the ad)?
*** Watch the Judge Jeanine interview with liberal Kirsten Powers about how the Left is killing free speech, here, beginning at the 1:57 mark.

Muslim immigration to America must be 2016 Presidential campaign issue!

Update: FBI: Thousands of ISIS followers in US, here.  Hat tip: Diane

Breitbart News, which has been doing a lot of good work on the issue of immigration generally, has posted a review of how much Muslim LEGAL immigration of one sort or another is occurring in the US.  The news hook is that Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders, one of the world’s top targets for assassination by the Islamists, was in Garland, Texas for the ‘draw Mohammad’ competition.  And, he has called for a halt to Muslim immigration to the Netherlands.

wilders-markedHere are just a few nuggets that I thought were the most interesting.   There is some blah-blah-blah by politicians saying the problem is lack of “assimilation” which just shows how deep their heads are in the sand.  The word “assimilation” has been banned from our vocabulary going back to the Bush years!

From Alex Swoyer at Breitbart:

The Muslim immigration warnings offered by Dutch politician Geert Wilders—who was in the facility in Garland, Texas, that was attacked by terrorists last weekend—seem to be coming true.


Immigrants from the Middle East are currently the fastest growing immigration demographic coming into the U.S., a recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows. America in just three years imported more immigrants from the Middle East than from Mexico and Central America combined.


In fact, the United Nations is currently planning to settle roughly one million refugees – mostly Muslims – in western countries, Fox News reports.


Census data reveals roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants are admitted to the United States each year. Immigrants who enter the U.S. legally are entitled to welfare, U.S. jobs and to vote.  [Refugees get everything, but some other classes of legal immigration do not, and that is why everyone wants to be a refugee.—ed]


The Washington Post reported that immigration from Africa is a contributing factor to the increased Muslim immigrant population: “The number of African-born residents in the United States has doubled every decade since the 1970s, with the greater Washington region remaining among the most popular areas for them to live, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Wednesday.”


In addition to the immigration from the African Continent, the nation’s student visas program also contributes to the growing number of Islamic immigrants. “Nearly 81,000 subjects of the Saudi kingdom are studying in the U.S. this school year, up from about 5,000 in 2000-01,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

Muslim immigration a major issue for 2016? Let’s help it ‘burst on the scene!’

Few candidates or potential candidates have zeroed in on the issue yet, but with terrorism and national security concerns on the rise—heading into an election season where immigration is a top-tier issue according to every honest pollster—this is likely to burst onto the scene as a major 2016 front burner issue.

There is more, including lots of links, click here.

Every time you meet a Presidential candidate over the next year ask them how they feel about Muslim immigration and the Refugee Admissions Program.  I’ll bet they won’t have a clue about what you are talking about, so educate them!

It is my opinion that there is no greater issue for America’s survival going forward than how we handle immigration, and especially immigration from the Muslim world.

Check out my little book at AmazonRefugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America. Hijra is the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.

Your tax dollars raise terrorists as one more refugee wages Jihad

We haven’t written about the very brave American hero Pamela Geller and what happened in Garland, Texas, when she and other organizers of a ‘draw Muhammad’ contest flushed out a pair of jihadists living in our midst, because you would have to be living under a rock to have missed the news.

One more recipient of American generosity and good will! I bet you will never see the mainstream media mention the ‘R’ word (refugee) when reporting on Muhammed Hassan (aka Miski)

However, it now appears that another of the Somali “youths” you raised to adulthood with your tax dollars is at the center of the attack.

Remember readers that Somalis do not “find their way” to America.  The vast majority of Somalis in the US came (and continue to come!) through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.  You feed them, you house them, you give them medical care and you educate them!

Minnesota, where Muhammed Hassan is from, is Somali-central having received 10,000 Somali refugees in ten years directly from Africa and elsewhere around the world thanks to ‘Christian’ resettlement contractors.   (We are not counting the ‘secondary migrants’ who moved to Minnesota after being resettled somewhere else in the US and then move to join their kind of people in MN).

In the first six months of FY2015 we have admitted 4,425 Somalis to the US. Why are we bringing in any?

From ABC News:

A mysterious ISIS recruiter known online as “Miski” was in close and repeated social media contact with Elton Simpson for months before the Sunday attack in Garland, Texas, an ABC News investigation has found.

Miski is well known to FBI officials who say his real name is Muhammed Hassan, a fugitive since 2009 when he fled Minneapolis as a teenager to join terror groups in Africa.

Speaking in late April about the forthcoming Prophet Mohammad cartoon contest – the one targeted in Gardner Sunday – would-be shooter Simpson tweeted “When will they ever learn?”

A few minutes later Miski responded, “Where are the warriors of this Ummah [community]?” And then, “The brothers from the Charlie Hebdo attack did their part. It’s time for brothers in the #US to do their part.”


Since leaving the country in 2009, Miski has popped up repeatedly online as a vocal proponent of jihad. Each time Twitter shuts down his account, he simply returns in under a slightly different username and quickly reconnects with his supporters and potential recruits.

“His influence is quite extensive,” David Ibsen, Executive Director of the Counter Extremism Project, told ABC News. “He’s known as one of the go-to individuals online who individuals who want more information about how to travel to ISIS-controlled territory, who want information about what these radical groups are doing, they go to him.”

For new readers, we first began following the ‘missing Somali youth’ news way back in 2008, here.

We must demand a moratorium on the resettlement of Muslims from anywhere in the world—from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Burma, Uzbekistan and Syria to start with—if we want to have any hope of surviving!  Let the rich Arab countries take them!