Media Research Center Prez: "Shadow-banning most sinister threat to free speech in history"

It is bad, but I’m not sure it is the worst threat to free speech.  In fact, if you aren’t a Twitter user you might not know what all the fuss is about.
If anyone asked me, I would say the worst threat is the kind of silencing that people like South Dakota’s Taneeza Islam use when they bully venues to shut down speaking events she and her ilk disapprove of by frightening owners/managers in to cancelling events. And, often frighten speakers in to silence.
That kind of intimidation is mean and personal and causes people to fear for their safety.
In America we have a right to speak and we have a right to gather!

Brent Bozell sent a letter to Twitter’s CEO demanding he address censorship by the social media platform.

That said, let’s talk more about the stunning revelations this week from James O’Keefe who got the dirt on Twitter and shadow-banning—a less personal, but nonetheless serious threat to free speech.
And, it isn’t just about Twitter! Shadow-banning can be used in all sorts of situations where social media is taking the pulse of citizens’ views, as we mentioned when we talked about shadow-banning possibly being used by the Heritage Foundation, here.
Breitbart (Twitter Censorship!) has a good explanation here, but simply put this is how it works:

You post a comment, or tweet something, and you can see on your computer screen that the comment posted and you think your remark is being seen by the world, but no one else sees it but you!  

As Breitbart  says, the very best, most skillful, shadow-banning is when you are never the wiser about the fact that you are speaking to an audience of one!
Here is CNS News on Brent Bozell’s comments on O’Keefe’s latest :

Twitter’s practice of “shadow banning” conservative posts, exposed Thursday in a new James O’Keefe undercover video, constitutes “the most sinister threat to free speech in history,” Media Research President Brent Bozell warns in a statement reacting to the news.

The Project Veritas video, featuring current and former Twitter employees describing the social media giant’s shadow banning censorship tactics, prompted the previously-skeptical Bozell to issue a warning to all Americans:

“I have been a critic of some of James O’Keefe’s work in the past, so I have the credentials to say the following: What O’Keefe has produced is not just extraordinary but it demands national attention.

“If social media is the communications vehicle of the future — and it is — then this represents the most sinister threat to free speech in history. That is no exaggeration.

“The radical left is out to censor the voices of all with whom they disagree. O’Keefe has proven it. Every American needs to watch this — if, of course, Twitter will allow it.”

I’ve been shadow-banned by Twitter on a couple of occasions (maybe more times than I know before I caught on!), so now I am wise to them!
Without getting too deep in to the weeds and techie details, here is what I have found and what I do.
After each tweet that I consider important, I check the feed for my tweets and the analytics which is where each tweet is recorded and statistics are gathered. If it is missing there, I quickly go to the tweet on my screen (before it is lost in hundreds of new incoming tweets) and get a screenshot.
Then I do this as I did yesterday when I tweeted about the President’s supposed comments on certain countries.
I bring attention to the fact that Twitter shadow-banned me and I put a screenshot of the original tweet into a new tweet.  Like this…

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By putting a photo of the tweet that ‘disappeared’ in another tweet, I alert my followers to dirty tricks by Twitter! And, likely end up with more interest than if Twitter had published it in the first place! So far, they haven’t shadow-banned my second attempt to get the message out.

If you are on Twitter, follow me (@RefugeeWatcher).  I tweet a lot of information that I have no time to write about in a post here at RRW.  And, you can see what I’m tweeting in the right hand side bar when you visit my blog directly.
This post is filed in my “free speech” category and in “blogging.”

Hungary's Orban has the international Left in panic mode

Invasion of Europe News….

And, you can tell by this article at HuffPo that paints him as an “authoritarian” that they are very very afraid of him and his growing “nationalist” power in Eastern Europe. They also see him exporting his views (about especially Muslim migration) to other European countries like Italy, Austria and (gasp!) even Germany.

orban and family
Orban and family (protecting their futures!)

One of Hungarian Prime Minister Orban’s greatest strengths is his willingness to speak (as Trump did yesterday) straightforwardly. Muslim refugees are invaders.
I’m still waiting for President Trump to invite Orban to the White House. If he wants to push the Left (and CNN) over the cliff (into a mental breakdown) now, that would do it. 
Here is the Huffington Post on Orban (the truth-teller):

In a January 8th interview with Germany’s Bild newspaper, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban, said “we don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as invaders.” Multi-culturalism, he said, is an illusion. Muslim culture, he continued, is so different from Europe’s that parallel societies are being created.

Orban’s anti-migrant campaign is resonating beyond central Europe into Austria, Italy and even Germany. Earlier this month he was welcomed at a conference of Bavaria’s Christian Socialists, whose leader Horst Seehofer is critical of chancellor Angela Merkel’s immigration policies. In 2015 over 1 million mostly Muslim refugees were resettled in Germany. About 150,000 of those refugees transited Hungary. Few wanted to stay in Hungary.

Orban has made common cause with neighboring Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic where public opinion opposes refugee resettlement. Hungary and Poland are being targeted by the European Union Commission for refusing a quota of 10,000 refugees under a burden sharing measure agreed to three years ago. The case is before the European Court of Justice. Since the 2015 migration crisis Poland has accepted no refugees while Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria have each taken fewer than twenty.

The Fidesz Party that Orban founded holds a two-thirds majority in parliament and is favored to win new elections set for April 8th. Orban has ruled Hungary with an increasingly authoritarian hand since 2010.

HuffPo writer Barry Wood throws everything at Orban he can think of that would paint the man as a monster (eg. “flame-thrower” with close ties to Russia), and then goes on to say this below, as if we would all be shocked, that Orban doesn’t like that nice old man—George Soros (I bet HuffPo gets a bit of moola from Budapest-born, György Schwartz).

Soros poster Hungary
On the streets of Budapest:  “Letʼs not let Soros have the last laugh!

Wood continues:

During a visit to Budapest in November I was startled to see posters bearing the image of billionaire Hungarian-born investor and philanthropist George Soros all over the city. Paid for by Fidesz, these ubiquitous posters tell Hungarians not to let Soros have the last laugh. Soros is the favorite target of Orban, representing everything he opposes—multiculturalism, diversity, globalization, and tolerance. Soros is accused of wanting to Muslimize Europe. Some Jewish groups see the campaign as anti-Semitic, others do not.

More here.
Come on Donald! Give us some more fun! Welcome Viktor Orban to the White House and give him a lavish State Dinner!  (Stick it to Soros too! You know he hates you!)
Looking for something to do? Write to the White House and tell the Prez you want to see Orban invited to the White House (and have him bring his lovely family)!
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

President Trump gives us permission to speak!

With all the hullabaloo since yesterday about the President’s question about why we needed to import so many people from certain s***hole countries, I’m thinking that the great fear the PC crowd (pulling out the smelling salts) has is that when the President speaks straightforwardly (on anything), it gives permission for masses of Americans to do the same.  Speaking freely about critical issues facing our country could be the death of the hard Left and they know it.

Graham and Durbin chuckle
So who leaked the comment to the Washington Post? Some speculate it was someone connected to these two unhappy participants—Senator Dick Durbin and Senate pal Lindsey Graham

I’m expecting that half of America was laughing in the privacy of their homes when they heard the President voice something that they themselves dare not say.
I didn’t look around for what might be the best discussion about what exactly happened, but this one at the American Spectator by Scott McKay seems on point and brings up the Somali issue something we know a good bit about.
Here are a few snips (emphasis is mine):

A quote attributed to President Trump horrifies our snowflake intellectuals, but accurately reflects the sentiments of much of America.

Thursday saw a media firestorm erupt over a Washington Post report that amid a White House meeting with several members of Congress working on a compromise having to do with the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, President Trump asked why America should have to take in so many immigrants from “s***hole countries” rather than people from places like Norway.

The Post article isn’t exactly the finest example of American journalism, identifying as its source no one actually in the room to confirm what Trump supposedly said but instead naming two anonymous people who were “briefed on the meeting.”

Those anonymous second-hand sources claimed that the offending statement came amid a discussion over a proposal to eliminate the diversity visa lottery program and use the 50,000 visas per year tied up in it to offer protection to “vulnerable populations” living in the United States under Temporary Protected Status. Trump became irritated at this, according to the Post, and asked about Haitians, and when the conversation turned to Africa Trump supposedly said, “Why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here?” and suggested that maybe instead America should be taking in more people from Norway — whose prime minister visited the White House the day before.


The Post reported that the Senators attempting to come to a DACA solution, most prominently Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin (whose track record indicates a lack of reliability where it comes to good faith in negotiations) and South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham (no more need be said) were upset over, upon arriving at the meeting, being joined by immigration hard-liners Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia), among others. Durbin and Graham thought they’d have the president more or less to themselves. And when the meeting devolved into disagreement, with Trump showing no interest in a DACA deal, it’s pretty obvious someone on one or both of their staffs rushed to the Post to offer up a juicy second-hand Trump quote which might or might not have been reported in proper context.

Author McKay then goes through a list of dysfunctional countries whose nationals are here in large numbers, including from Somalia:

Abukar Ibrahim
The most recent Somali machete attacker in Vermont last week (at a hotel for the homeless). A reader tells me he came as a refugee in 2004. If so, what has he contributed to America in those 13 years?

How about Somalia? Who’s up for more mass immigration from Somalia? Is there any argument Somalia is a s***hole, or do we need a national screening of Black Hawk Down to remind us what that country is like? If you’d like a more recent depiction of what Somalia has to offer the world we could all watch Captain Phillips, the 2013 Tom Hanks vehicle about the true story of the Maersk Alabama, set upon by one of the multitudinous hordes of pirates — yes, actual pirates — sloughing off from Somali shores in search of fat from international commerce.

Somalia is such a s***hole that its stench infects nearby countries like Kenya — viz., the Westgate Shopping Mall attack in Nairobi in 2013 — and Uganda, where Al-Shabaab, Somalia’s home-grown jihadist terror group, set off a series of bombs in the capital of Kampala to slaughter 76 people as they watched the 2010 World Cup soccer final.

What has America derived from mass immigration from Somalia? Machete attacks on street corners in Columbus and mall stabbings in suburban Minneapolis. And if you like, you can ask the current and former residents of Lewiston, Maine, what a boon Somali immigration has been to that town. [See machete attack in Shelburne, VT in the last week.—ed]

The last thing the open-borders Left wants is for you to talk openly about immigration and who should be permitted to live here.

The open-borders crowd doesn’t want to talk about that, though, and it wants to call you racist if you’re opposed to a deluge of immigrants from the worst places on earth. That’s why Trump’s “s***holes” objection is big news rather than the fact there are so-called political leaders who can’t agree to reorient our immigration policy toward taking people who can successfully assimilate here.

Between the two, the crude man who tells the truth and looks out for his own citizens is preferable to the genteel man who sells us out for cheap labor or ballot-box fuel for a political machine. If Trump is the former, so be it.

Much more here.

US News and World Report takes notice of South Dakota refugee controversy

“Refugee resettlements and interfaith dialogue is a part of a war.”

(State Senator Neal Tapio)

If you missed it, please visit my previous post on South Dakota, here.
Update January 12th: See what happened at the ‘Interfaith’ rally, here.  Also, see this incredible research on Taneeza Islam, here.
In preparation for reading this you might also visit the work of Islam expert Steve Coughlin on how “Interfaith” groups came to be used by the Muslim Brotherhood in their work to promote Islam in America.  See my 2016 post here.

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Here in November of last year (after Taneeza Islam shut down several speakers she disagreed with in SD, denying them of their First Amendment rights) she was granted a forum at the University of South Dakota for HER free speech and she said this: “Islamophobia and anti-immigrant, refugee bigotry has been rampant and largely unnoticed by South Dakotans until this past year.”

Members of South Dakota’s “Interfaith” community descended on the capital in Pierre to protest any possible consideration of a plan to study the cost of refugee resettlement in the state being proposed by State Senator Neil Tapio.
See how clever they are to immediately spin the issue of the economic impact of refugees on the state’s economy as one of a threat to freedom of religion.  I suspect that is the work of Taneeza Islam, a clearly well-trained community agitator.
Islam was formerly the CAIR-MN Civil Rights Director and one can get an insight on her previous work by clicking here.
LOL! I wonder if hard core Leftists hold training programs for promising Islamic supremacist activists on how to sucker the mainstream media and the average citizen.
Oh, and by the way, since there aren’t enough people converting to Islam in America, in order to build their population (and increase their political power) they need high birth rates and immigration (thus the huge attention Muslim activists are paying to President Trump and the roll back on the refugee program). See my Pew Research post here.
Here are a few snips from the AP story at US News:

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Clergy and members of several religions gathered Wednesday at the South Dakota Capitol to meet lawmakers and urge them not to denigrate people of faiths different than their own.

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Lutheran Bishop Zellmer leading his South Dakota sheep.

The prayer and outreach come after some state lawmakers last year pushed measures targeting refugee resettlement in South Dakota. David Zellmer, bishop of the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, said the gathering was about “lifting up” that the freedom of religion guaranteed in the First Amendment is for everyone.


Taneeza Islam, executive director of the nonprofit South Dakota Voices for Peace, said she hopes lawmakers recognize the diversity in the state. She said it’s important they understand the decisions made at the Capitol affect everyone in South Dakota.


Tapio, who is preparing to run for U.S. House, called the interfaith group a “political movement.” Tapio has said he will form an unofficial legislative work group to examine state immigration and refugee resettlement programs in South Dakota.


“We have a domestic threat that’s going on right here in our country,” Tapio said after the prayers. “Refugee resettlements and interfaith dialogue is a part of a war. It’s a silent part. It’s a part about taking away the Christian fabric of our nation. Now, some people are OK with that. That’s their prerogative, but there’s American patriots that want to fight.”

Continue here.
Just like when the US Catholic Bishops talk about their charitable good works for refugees and never mention their pecuniary interest, so too do the Lutheran Bishops never mention that there is federal boodle involved with refugee resettlement.
So what can you do? Wherever you live, pay attention to your local “Interfaith” group promoting Islam as somehow special and in need of protection.  If you are brave, infiltrate the group. Then figure out what is the best way to expose their agenda to the general public.
Concerned South Dakotans need to immediately check out Islam’s group, South Dakota Voices for Peace. Find out if it is properly incorporated. Find out who is on its Board of Directors. Find out who funds it, etc. Is it just CAIR with a squishy sounding name?
Unfortunately we have to learn to fight like the Left!
See my ‘What you can do’ category for a whole bunch of ideas!

I guess the Heritage Foundation doesn’t want to hear from you after all

Update #2:  Here is what I said about the missing comments being found.

***Update***  Happy news and happy reading! Some of you went to work today and just now I see that there are 137 comments posted (while the number had hovered around 28 since yesterday)!  All of you who contacted me are now posted for all to see!  Here !

Yesterday I told you about that completely inadequate “reform” proposal for the US Refugee Admissions Program that the Heritage Foundation took to the White House last week.  If you missed the story click here.

Heritage invited comment from the public on its plan, but has apparently failed to post many of your comments.  

I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt until tomorrow morning that their failure to post comments, or more accurately let the commenter believe his or her comment was posted, but then not make it visible for the general public is because they had a technical malfunction and that all comments would be posted on Monday when they return to work…..

However, the other scenario is that Heritage was practicing what is called “shadow banning” (a highly questionable trick in the tech world) where the commenter can see his comment as if it had been posted, but no one else can.  I wrote about it here in August when obviously twitter had briefly shadow-banned me.

Again, we will see what happens tomorrow when DC workers return to their offices and Heritage checks its system.

(I do know that Heritage says they screen comments and reject some, but if so, why do they appear to some readers and not to others if they had been outright rejected? And, if you are immediately thinking they are rejecting comments they don’t like, it doesn’t make sense.  Some of those that have disappeared don’t seem any more critical than some they did post for all to see. And, besides, is it reasonable to assume that a Heritage worker, knowledgeable about refugees, was screening comments on Saturday of a holiday weekend? No.)

This is why I suspect shadow-banning is possibly going on. It would be very shameful if the estimable Heritage Foundation is engaging in that unfair practice.  After all, they were soliciting comments!

Here is what they asked:

What do you think should be done about America’s refugee program?

Several readers wrote to me to tell me that they had posted comments, but I couldn’t see those comments. Some reported that they hadn’t seen mine.  Strange, I thought, because mine is right here in front of me.  This is a screenshot of what I saw.  (At that time there were about 16 comments and as of this writing there are 28.)

I was the first commenter on November 25th right under Ron and before Gail:

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I then tried something else.  I opened the site in another browsing window and what do you know, I was gone!  See screenshot below. Who is now missing between Ron and Gail? Me!


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So, dear readers, how many of you can see my comment, and how many can’t?

About six other people reported that they had posted comments that they could see, but  were not visible to me.  Here are two of those.  Tell me, can you see Margaret Starry or Richard Falknor’s comments?  I can’t (other than in the screenshots they shared with me below)!

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Look for her just before Thomas Stark, do you see her comment?

How about Richard Falknor’s?


Can you see Richard Falknor’s comment immediately following Stephen Palmer? Mr. Falknor could obviously see it in order to take this screenshot.

Since so many comments are missing, there is no way for me, or anyone!, to know if you posted a comment. Please send me an e-mail here: and I will tell you if your comment is visible.  I have already received e-mails from a few of you who sent me your comment’s text and I confirmed that it is not visible to me.

If you can, get a screenshot of your ‘posted’ comment and send it to me.

Or, ask one of your friends to go to Heritage’s comments and see if they can see your comment!

And, tomorrow if Heritage has a good explanation we will report that—stay tuned!