Former State Department employee: virtually impossible to vet refugees

Adding a knowledgeable and experienced voice to the on-going debate in the White House on possible refugee admission numbers for FY19, don’t miss Mary Doetsch writing at the Daily Caller yesterday on the question of security screening of refugees.




As refugee contractors — who make money on every refugee they resettle — break into hyper-lobbying mode to demand that the Trump administration resettle “at least 75,000” in the coming fiscal year, the recent lies and criminal activity of five refugees who were resettled via the fraud-laden U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) are, once again, being willfully ignored.

we are all america tweet
This is part of the refugee industry’s extensive and well-funded media campaign to pressure the President in to agreeing to admit 75,000 refugees beginning in five weeks.

Four improperly deemed “refugees” were charged with murder, lying to gain admission into the United States, and immigration benefits, among other crimes, while a fifth was charged with attempted murder.

In each case, the approved refugee likely would have been subjected to the much-touted, though often feckless, “enhanced vetting” that advocates say both ensures the legitimacy of the refugee claim and protects U.S. security interests. Nonetheless, at least four of the five successfully lied their way through what advocates claim is the “most vetted” interviewing process, duping refugee officers with their fabricated stories.

Sadly, these cases are simply the tip of the iceberg. As a Refugee Coordinator who covered the Middle East, Africa, Russia, Europe and Cuba for eight years, I had first-hand knowledge of country conditions and political realities, and I saw and read hundreds of fraudulent refugee claims.

Disturbingly, the majority of refugee claims are ultimately approved, despite serious questions regarding the applicants’ reliability and truthfulness, often based solely on their testimony.


Despite claims that refugees are subject to the most intense scrutiny prior to resettlement into the United States, the bottom line is that in countries with ill-functioning governments or where no reliable data exists, it is virtually impossible to vet refugee candidates.

Read it all here.


And, if you haven’t told the White House what you think about how many refugees could be admitted to the US beginning October first, do it now.

I’m saying zero until the refugee program is completely reformed by Congress!

Case of Iraqi refugee linked to ISIS exposes failed vetting system under Obama

The UN helped pick him for US resettlement!

Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies poses a wide range of questions about how a man with two arrest warrants in Iraq got in to the US from Turkey in 2014, received extensive benefits from the US taxpayer, and lived here until now undetected.


Follow-Up Questions on Omar Ameen’s Refugee Resettlement Case


I have chosen two questions to highlight the fact that we allow the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and a non-profit Catholic group to do the initial screening of refugees entering the US from Turkey.

BTW, during Obama’s term in office, Turkey was the second highest processing country for refugees entering the US after Kenya.

Do you trust those two agencies to decide who your new neighbors will be?

Continue reading “Case of Iraqi refugee linked to ISIS exposes failed vetting system under Obama”

Security ‘specialists’ and Open Borders activists argue that Trump is doing TOO MUCH vetting of refugees

They claim the Trump Administration is intentionally slowing the arrival of refugees destined for your towns and cities by TOO MUCH security screening.

See my two previous posts this morning: Comey said (as recently as May 2017) that 300 refugees were being investigated for possible terror connections, here, and Trump’s FBI (Department of Justice) has instituted more rigorous screening, here.

But, the Open Borders Left is screaming bloody murder saying that the few refugee terrorists they know of don’t warrant extra screening measures being put in place primarily by the FBI.


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Just a few we know of….circled is Uzbek Islamist and convicted terrorist who tried to kill a California prison warden in 2016. I will bet he isn’t even on the Leftists’ radar screen!


Continue reading “Security ‘specialists’ and Open Borders activists argue that Trump is doing TOO MUCH vetting of refugees”

Refugee processing slowdown blamed on FBI’s new vetting procedures

If you didn’t see my first post this morning go here.

Then FBI Director Comey told the Senate last year that 300 refugees (about 200 of them Iraqis) were being investigated for possible connections to terrorists.

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This is number two in a three part series today on how the Trump Administration has been beefing up vetting and thus slowing the flow of refugees in to the US.

From Reuters (remember I told you yesterday that the Pentagon is the new ally of the Open Borders Left):

Exclusive: Pentagon raises alarm about sharp drop in Iraqi refugees coming to U.S.

After a lead-in about Pentagon concerns, we learn this:

Continue reading “Refugee processing slowdown blamed on FBI’s new vetting procedures”

Memory lane: Then FBI Director Comey told the Senate that 300 refugees were being investigated by the FBI for terror connections

That was in May of 2017.

Love him or hate him, this testimony he gave to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017 was swept under the rug by the mainstream media. But we have this segment of that testimony from the Washington Post in a story entitled:

Read the full testimony of FBI Director James Comey in which he discusses Clinton email investigation

LOL! Maybe they should have subtitled it:

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Comey drops bombshell, says hundreds of refugees did get in to US with ties to Islamic terrorism!

I’m posting this now as a separate post before I get to the main thing I wanted to say today.

From testimony where Director Comey is being questioned by Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii about Trump’s so called “Muslim ban:”

Continue reading “Memory lane: Then FBI Director Comey told the Senate that 300 refugees were being investigated by the FBI for terror connections”