US Conference of Catholic Bishops says it’s time to bring in the Syrians

This (below) is a press release from the Bishops on World Refugee Day which I hadn’t seen until I saw a short news account of it at Catholic World News earlier today.

USCCB Press Release.  I have to laugh, they sure work in one of their favorite buzz words—vulnerable—but not a word about vulnerable CHRISTIANS!  And, never a peep about how they are paid by the head to bring in the “vulnerable” Muslims.  See our recent post on the USCCB and its unholy dependence on Caesar’s money!

Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, leading his immigrant flock on facebook?

And, go here to learn more about Syrian refugees—-the most difficult in the world!

WASHINGTON—Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration, marked June 20, World Refugee Day, by calling for U.S. support and resettlement of vulnerable refugee populations across the world, including Syrians fleeing conflict in their country.

“The conflict in Syria is worsening and it is time for the United States and the international community to do more to respond to the needs of Syrians fleeing their country for safety,” Archbishop Gomez said.

Archbishop Gomez added that particularly vulnerable Syrians should be considered for resettlement to the United States and other countries, such as vulnerable women with children, the elderly and disabled, and unaccompanied refugee children.

“Durable solution” (another buzz phrase!) is code for bringing them to America.

“Resettlement to a safe third country should be considered, both to provide the best durable solution for vulnerable Syrians but also to take pressure off of neighboring countries, such as Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan,” Archbishop Gomez said.   [We gotta take the pressure off those Muslim countries you know!—ed]

To date, the United States has resettled only 24 Syrian refugees.  [I doubt that and we just learned recently that 2,000 are in the pipeline for this year—ed]

Gomez: We need to bring in the Rohingya Muslims too!

Archbishop Gomez referred to other refugee populations worldwide in need of support and possible resettlement, including Rohingya Burmese in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Thailand; Congolese in East and Southern Africa; and Afghans [Muslims too!] who are fleeing to Turkey and other areas of the world. “We have an obligation to help these vulnerable populations,” he said, “including and especially the most vulnerable refugees: unaccompanied minors and those that have become victims of human trafficking.”

“Sadly, there continues to be no shortage of refugees in need of the world’s attention and support,” Archbishop Gomez concluded.”As the world’s leader in protecting refugees, the United States must do more to respond to humanitarian crises in and around Syria and other parts of the globe.”

Did you get the message—they are VULNERABLE?   But, what about the vulnerable Americans who don’t have jobs and are struggling to make ends meet in your town.  And, what about the vulnerable taxpayers who pay for all of this?

“Radical” Buddhists stand up to “radical” Rohingya Muslims in Burma

The Washington Post calls the Buddhists trying to keep Islamic supremacism from washing over Burma “radicals.”  But, of course the Rohingya Muslims are “long-suffering” and play no role (according to the media meme) in the bouts of violence springing up in Burma/Myanmar.

Westerners need to take a free-speech lesson from the monks!

Thanks to The Muslim Issue for directing us to the latest whitewash of the controversy spreading throughout Southeast Asia as Rohingya Muslims from Burma arrive by the boatload and expect asylum especially in places like Australia.

Having followed the issue for almost 6 years (148 previous posts here at RRW), I find this one-sided reporting maddening.  The latest flare-up of violence began last year when a Buddhist girl was raped and murdered by Muslim men, yet that is long-forgotten in the latest telling.

From the Washington Post (is this a news story, or an opinion piece—it is hard to tell!):

Members of Burma’s Buddhist majority, including some of its much-respected monks, are increasingly persecuting the country’s long-suffering Muslim minority and adopting an ideology that encourages religious violence. It seems a far way from the Buddhism typically associated with stoic monks and the  Lama – who has condemned the violence – and more akin to the sectarian extremism prevalent in troubled corners of the Middle East. The violence has already left nearly 250 Burmese Muslim civilians dead, forced 150,000 from their homes and is getting worse.  [It is infuriating because scores of Buddhist villagers were killed and made homeless by Muslims as well.  Where is the balanced reporting?—ed]

“You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” Ashin Wirathu, a spiritual leader of the movement and very popular figure in Burma, said of the country’s Muslims, whom he called “the enemy.” He told the New York Times, “I am proud to be called a radical Buddhist.”


Already, the movement has expanded beyond this one self-styled radical Buddhist monk. It’s now expanding across Burma (also known as Myanmar) according to the Times article. The anti-Muslim sentiment has spread with alarming speed over just the last year, as Burma – which is finally opening up after years of military dictatorship – loosened its strict speech laws. It has prompted boycotts and sermons that can sound an awful lot like calls for violence against Muslims. Monasteries associated with the movement have enrolled 60,000 Burmese children into Sunday school programs.

The article goes on to criticize Aung San Suu Kyi who has largely remained silent on the Muslim Issue.

Just a reminder to American readers, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops testified at the State Department last month that they wanted more Burmese Muslims resettled in America!

Some real Christian charity toward the Rohingya!

Take note Catholic Bishops!

True humanitarian charity is helping them where they live!

This is what truly charitable people should be doing for refugees of the world—helping them where they live with private funding, instead of taking taxpayers’ money and dropping them off in slum neighborhoods in American cities, confused and jobless where they will turn to the local radical mosque for support!

For new readers, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops testified recently at the US State Dept. that we should be bringing more Rohingya Muslims to America.  It sure is a lot easier being charitable with other peoples’ money as you (Catholic lobbyists) live cushy lives in Washington DC, right!

From Mission Network News about Partners Relief and Development:

Considering all of this [earlier paragraphs of the article discussed the difficulties.—ed], where do you even start to pray for the Rohingya?

“My prayer has been that the leverage and machinery of justice, moved by the people of God that are out there praying, would indeed turn,” says [Steve] Gumaer [of Partners].

His prayer is also that “somehow we could see [a change] through the efforts of a lot of people and through the field efforts of those that are [in Burma], so that these people have a home.”

Partners’ consistent presence is helping change Muslim hearts. Islam is inherently tied to the Rohingya’s identity as a people group, but they’re not standing in opposition to Christ-followers.

“These people refer to us as the ‘Christians who care,’ and we run into no resistance because of our faith,” says Gumaer. “We have, rather, run into a feeling of brotherhood.”

Graphic language warning!  The politically-correct should cover your ears now!

Pray that this goodwill continues. Please pray also that more of the Rohingya will come to Christ as they experience His love through His people.

Will wonders never cease?  Partners has published its most recent Form 990 (2011) on its website and when you go to page nine, where government grants are reported, please note—THEY DO NOT TAKE GOVERNMENT MONEY (your money!) unless you freely give it to them.

By comparison, the USCCB received nearly $68 million in 2011 from the US taxpayer through government grants and contracts to resettle refugees in America, here.

Militant Islamists riot in Bangladesh, including militant Rohingya

Rioting in Dhaka yesterday. Which one of these Islamists do you want in your town?
Photo: Dhaka Tribune

Watch for it, Muslim hardliners are trying to overturn the Muslim government of Bangladesh as riots broke out in Dhaka in recent days.

Here is the story from the Dhaka Tribune:

 Fearing militant attacks, law enforcers  have kept close and constant surveillance on at least 40 Islamist groups in the country.

According to the intelligence department, supporters of those Islamist outfits are plotting to launch militant attacks by whipping up the masses through anti-government propaganda.

The members of law enforcing agencies were asked to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious by those Islamist organisations.

The 40 Islamist groups under intelligence watch are: International Khatme Nabuat Movement, Arakan Rohingya Force, Islamic Solidarity Font, Arakan People’s Army, Liberation Myanmar Force, Arakan Mujahid Party, Rohingya Independence Force, Rohingya Independence Army, Rohingya Patriotic Front Al-Harat-Al Islamia, Tauhidi Janata, World Islami Front, Jumaatul Al Sadat, Sahadat-e-Nabuat, Allahar Dal, Islamic Front, Jamaat As Sadat, Al-Khidmat, Hizbullah Islami Samaj, Muslim Millat, Sharia Council, Ahle Hadis Andolan Bangladesh, Dawati Kafela, Hizbul Mahdi, Bangladesh Anti-terrorist Party, Al Islam Martians Brigade, Jommiat Ahle Hadis Andolon, Jommiatul Ehzia Utraz, Hayatur Ilaha, Sattabad, Anjumane Talamize Islamia, Kalemar Jamaat, Tazir Bangladesh, Forkan Movement, Sahaba Parishad, Ketal Bahini, Eshar Bahini, Al Fahad, Horkatul Mujahidin, Mujahidin-e-Tazim, Jadid Al-Kayda, Al Markajul Al Islami and Jamatul Falaiya.

Intelligence sources said the parties are mainly active in the Baitul Mukarram Mosque area and Chittagong district.

The Chittagong district is where tens of thousands of Rohingya are living.

Why do we care?

We care because the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (the largest of the top nine federal refugee contractors) testified that they want to resettle Rohingya from Bangladesh to your towns!

Here is what Anastasia Brown told the US State Department on May 15th, in her testimony for the USCCB:

we strongly believe that the Rohingya in Bangladesh should receive a Priority Two designation from the U.S. government, allowing them to be resettled as members of a persecuted group.  [Meaning that someone need only say, I am Rohingya so therefore I am persecuted.—ed]

This is our 147th post in our Rohingya Reports category.  We have followed the “humanitarian” agitators public relations campaign to bring more Rohingya to the West ever since we began RRW in 2007.

Muslim sets Buddhist woman on fire in Burma; ignites new wave of violence

Before I get to today’s news, please please pay attention!    I’ve been writing about the Rohingya Muslims of Burma for more than five years.  We have (to date) 145 posts in a special category we set up just to chronicle the recent history of the Rohingya in Burma (Myanmar), Bangladesh and elsewhere because we could see that one day there would be a push to bring them to America.

***Update and an afterthought!*** If you are from somewhere other than the US and think this story doesn’t apply to you, think again!  Just search “Rohingya and your _____country” and see if they are already arriving where you live.  We know Rohingya have gone to Ireland, Canada, Australia and India among others.

It is your classic case of the media  in cahoots with NGOs developing a false victim’s status for the troublesome Islamists as a drumbeat is built to demand that the West take them as “refugees” to your towns and cities.

USCCB:  Bring them to America!

Below is what the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) spokeswoman told the US State Department at the hearings we attended on May 15th.  The USCCB is the largest of the nine major federal refugee contractors. This is directly from the official testimony of the USCCB as presented by Anastasia Brown:

The most important hope for the Rohingya in Bangladesh and other places is that they achieve a status that will allow them to live normal lives.  Given the limited options for this population, we strongly believe that the Rohingya in Bangladesh should receive a Priority Two designation from the U.S. government, allowing them to be resettled as members of a persecuted group.  [Meaning that someone need only say, I am Rohingya so therefore I am persecuted.—ed]  While the Rohingya have not received this designation, other refugee minorities of Burma have….[Here she is referring to Christian Burmese we have been resettling by the thousands.  Brown is essentially saying, we Catholics gotta be fair to the Muslims!—ed]

We applaud the U.S. government’s resettlement of a small number of Rohingyas out of Malaysia and Bangladesh. However, the need is much greater than this. We encourage the US government to continue to work for a solution with the government of Bangladesh which would allow resettlement to start, and we believe that a P-2 designation for those in the camps would facilitate this.  We also encourage the U.S. government to look at expansion of resettlement for Rohingya and other refugees that have reached Indonesia, to avoid onward movements by boat towards Australia.

Why is Burma’s ethnic violence a problem that the US must attempt to solve by bringing refugees to America?  Indeed, as much as we feel sorry for Australia, why is Australia’s boat people problem ours to solve?

If Brown and others get their way, the next huge Muslim wave (after Somalis) to America will be Rohingya!  And, remember that the contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees—the more they bring, the more they get of your tax dollars.

Readers must contact your elected officials in Washington and tell them Burma’s ethnic conflicts are not our problem and do not allow Rohingya migration to the US!

The Muslim Issue has this photo, but I can’t find it anywhere else at the moment. I’m wondering if it appeared in early versions of the story and has since been removed and replaced with photos of burning mosques!

So here is the latest from Burma.  Hat tip: The Muslim Issue via twitter.

From Agence France Presse:

YANGON—Houses and mosques were set ablaze by mobs in a town in eastern Myanmar after a Buddhist woman was allegedly “torched” by a Muslim man, authorities said Tuesday, in a fresh bout of religious violence.

An ethnic Shan-Muslim man was arrested after he “torched” a woman selling petrol, a police officer in the Shan State capital of Lashio told AFP under the condition of anonymity.

A town official confirmed the arrest of the Muslim man who he said had “torched a woman with petrol,”

A curfew was imposed late Tuesday to disperse angry mobs of local people—including Buddhist monks—who had “destroyed some houses and mosques,” the official added, also declining to be named.

“Fires have been put out at some places in the town… the situation is under control now,” the official said, adding soldiers have been deployed to enforce the curfew.

The woman, an ethnic Shan-Buddhist, was taken to hospital, but neither official could give details of her condition.

The article goes on to list the Rohingya grievances as is the usual case in any media story coming out of this ethnic conflict.

Human Rights Watch has accused Myanmar’s authorities of being a party to ethnic cleansing over the violence, which killed some 200 people and saw mobs set fire to whole villages.

Myanmar’s reformist President Thein Sein this month vowed to uphold Rohingya rights, while opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Monday made a rare intervention in the incendiary issue to condemn a ban on Rohingya having more than two children in strife-torn Rakhine.

On this last point, we have written many times that Aung San Suu Kyi has previously remained silent angering the pro-Rohingya ‘rights’ agitators.   There are many stories in the last few days that she has spoken out on the two-child policy for Burmese Muslims.  But, truth be told, just as anywhere in the West, Muslim Rohingya are producing more children then Westerners and everyone knows it’s just a matter of numbers and time.

By the way, China’s one-child policy is a reason Chinese migrants (even men!) use to ask for a grant of asylum in the US.

I’m AnnC@refugeewatcher on twitter. Please tweet this and also follow me!