Minnesota: More Somali refugee “youths” arrested on terror charges, FBI to comment today

Update April 26th:  More excitement in Little Mogadishu as feds arrest another refugee ‘youth,’ here.

Update April 21st: They were not without prospects for a good future in America, here.

News that is getting all too common…..Surprise! They wanted to join ISIS!

From Breitbart:

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Six people were arrested Sunday in connection with a terrorism investigation in Minnesota, where authorities have been tracking youths who have traveled or tried to travel to Syria to fight with militants, including the Islamic State group, authorities said.

A spokesman for the Minnesota U.S. Attorney’s Office said the arrests were made in Minneapolis and San Diego but there is no threat to public safety. Spokesman Ben Petok did not give details about the charges. He said more information would be released Monday.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI planned a news conference Monday to announce details. The news conference was billed in a press release as an announcement of a joint terrorism task force operation.

Continue reading here….

Harpstead is one of those contractors responsible for seeding Minnesota with Somalis. She pulls down a salary and benefits package of over $300,000 a year to ‘change’ Minnesota. Her ‘Christian charity’ is 89% taxpayer-funded. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/03/26/lutheran-social-service-of-minnesota-is-responsible-for-the-somali-chaos-in-st-cloud/

BTW, if I were in charge I would let them go and revoke their passports so they can never come back.  Now we will have to pay for their incarceration and a charade of rehabilitation (besides having raised them on the taxpayer’s dime).

See also from last week Patrick Poole at PJ Media asking whether the FBI misled us just before last Fall’s election on the number of Americans going to fight for ISIS.

Who is responsible in Minnesota for colonizing the state with shariah-loving Somalis?

These Somalis didn’t just “find their way” to Minnesota, they were “resettled” there by federal refugee resettlement contractors.

For new readers, check out this post:   US State Department and its resettlement contractors are responsible for the Somalis they delivered to over 60 towns in Minnesota (over 10,000 Somalis in the last ten years)!  That is in addition to the approximately 2,000 ‘secondary migrants’ (refugees placed elsewhere) who head to Minnesota each year.

In recent research, we learned that five of the nine major US resettlement contractors are operating in “welcoming” Minnesota.  Four are so-called ‘Christian charities.’

Here are the nine major federal resettlement contractors (increasingly working to resettle those ‘unaccompanied alien children’ as well).  Those with offices in Minnesota are in red.

Doing research?  Go to this handy list to see who is changing your city by changing the people.

Violence against migrants flares again in South Africa (the “Rainbow Nation”)

What a joke that Rainbow Nation mumbo-jumbo is!  Someone tell the mainstream media that the mostly black South Africans don’t “welcome” the stranger no matter what color they are! 

And, no matter what sort of myth the international Left has built up about South Africa.

No time to bring you up to speed on the mess the Mandela legacy has left.  See our South Africa archive here for more.

From Bloomberg:

Yesterday in Durban, an immigrant waits for gangs of locals….http://www.timeslive.co.za/thetimes/2015/04/15/flames-of-hate-engulf-durban

South Africa’s government is struggling to contain a flare up of attacks against foreigners in the port city of Durban that’s left at least five people dead and forced more than 1,000 immigrants to flee their homes.

Police battled with groups of foreigners on the streets of Durban’s city center on Tuesday as they burned tires and threw stones in protest after facing attacks from a mob, police spokesman Jay Naicker said by phone. Water cannons and rubber bullets were used to disperse various groups of locals and immigrants, the municipality said in a statement.

“It is completely unacceptable for South Africans to treat foreign nationals in such a diabolical and nefarious manner,” the municipality said. “The city will not tolerate any form of violence instigated by a few individuals.”

The wave of attacks in Durban since last week were sparked by locals who accused a supermarket of firing workers and hiring foreigners to replace them, according to the police. A 14-year-old boy was allegedly shot and killed during looting of immigrants’ shops on Monday night, bringing the death toll from the violence to at least five, according to the municipality. About 48 suspects have been arrested since April 11.

South Africa is in the midst of the worst anti-foreigner violence since 2008, when about 60 people were killed and 50,000 displaced from their homes. Attacks against mainly Somali, Ethiopian and Pakistani immigrants in townships around Johannesburg flared up in January after a Somali shop owner shot and killed a 14-year-old boy during an alleged burglary.

Continue reading here.

It is Sunday morning: Will US Catholic Bishops choose conscience or cash?

Religious principles or Caesar’s money?

The major US refugee resettlement contractor (in terms of the number of refugees ‘served’), the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, is between a rock and a hard place.

They have been taking millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars for decades and now they are faced with a possible lawsuit from the ACLU which wants to know how their federal contracts are awarded and how the Bishops, in taking federal money, are still allowed to impose their religious beliefs on those new ‘refugees,’ the ‘unaccompanied alien minors,’ they are contracted to care for.

You knew this day was coming—-the day of reckoning for the Bishops!

From Breitbart (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum).  Emphasis below is mine:

Probably not laughing now! Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, M.Sp.S., auxiliary bishop of Seattle and chairman of the Committee on Migration of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) testified here in 2014—bring in 15,000 Syrians in 2014! http://www.usccb.org/news/2014/14-010.cfm (follow links to written testimony).

Religious groups such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) are the target of an imminent ACLU lawsuit that hopes to order the federal government to release information about how the groups are awarded government funding contracts to assist illegal unaccompanied minors, yet refuse to allow the minors access to contraception and abortion.

According to a press release, the ACLU states, “The U.S. government has committed to providing services to meet the basic needs of these teens. Reports indicate that between 60 and 80 percent of women and girls who cross the border are sexually active.”

“Some of these organizations impose their religious beliefs on these teens by denying them access to contraception, emergency contraception, and abortion,” the ACLU continues.

Equating abortion and contraception with “health care,” Brigitte Amiri, senior staff attorney with the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, said, “Religious freedom does not include the right to take a government contract that requires providing access to health care, and then refuse to provide a teen who has been raped the health care she needs.”

The ACLU’s suit comes in the wake of recent proposed federal regulations that require groups that receive federal contracting funds to assist with care for illegal minors to ensure they are provided with access to contraception and abortion. In response, however, the USCCB said such a requirement would violate religious freedom since contraception and abortion are against the teachings of the Catholic Church.

As the largest resettlement agency in the United States, the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) reported last year that “upwards of 90,000” young illegal immigrants were projected to arrive between October 1, 2013, and September 30, 2014. MRS showed a total budget of approximately $71 million, of which nearly $66 million–or about 93 percent–has come from federal grants and contracts.


The Catholic and evangelical groups requested that ORR [Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS] ensure their organizations are able to “remain free to act in accord with their religious beliefs and moral convictions in the area of human sexuality” when caring for illegal minors.

Phil Lawler, Editor of Catholic World News: If the Bishops stopped taking federal money they would become a recognizable Catholic charity again!


Phil Lawler, editor of Catholic World News (CWN) cautioned the bishops about relying on federal contracts, stating, “Stop taking federal contracts. President Obama doesn’t want help from the Catholic Church. Say it’s a deal; don’t give him any.”

“Imagine the chaos that would ensue if ‘the largest resettlement agency in the United States’–the bishops’ MRS office–withdrew from that effort,” Lawler wrote. “For decades, some concerned Catholics have warned that by accepting (and, more important, energetically lobbying for) government support, Catholic charities have compromised their independence. President Obama has now illustrated that point.”

Given that, from its annual report, the bishops’ MRS program would shrink down to near extinction without federal grants, Lawler concluded, “What would be left would be a recognizably Catholic charity, not a federal program administered through the bishops’ conference.”

Please go back to Breitbart for the whole article (even though I snipped a lot) for more, and because there are lots of links I have not inserted.

I can’t believe I am cheering for the ACLU! I’ve been wondering for years where they were on the ‘religious’ federal refugee resettlement contractors.

Go here for our complete archive on the ‘unaccompanied minors’ issue.  The archive goes back several years, even before the latest border invasion.

Did the Bishops actually start the stampede to the border in 2013?

See especially this post from last year—the Bishops issued a report in November 2013 predicting that 60,000 children would head to the US border soon.  Someone needs to investigate whether the Bishops themselves, in their 2013 visit to Central America, actually lit the fuse for the huge migration of “children” to the US border in 2014 (ORR says that 58,000 entered the US in that one year).  Amazing, isn’t it, how close their prediction was to the number which actually came.

Faithful Catholics must start asking their local priests about what the Bishops are doing in your good name!

NYT: From Minneapolis to ISIS, a refugee’s path to jihad

Well, that is not exactly the New York Times Sunday headline, but close.  What they left out of the lengthy story was the ‘R’ word—Refugee.   Most media outlets have gradually (over the seven years we have been observing the issue) begun to use the right word when it fits—not just “immigrants,” but refugees we welcomed to America.  Apparently the New York Times is not yet able to say it.

Be sure to see my booklet about the Refugee program and the Hijrah to America. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/03/17/center-for-security-policy-press-publishes-my-book-second-book-in-civilization-jihad-reader-series/


The extremely large number of Somalis in Minnesota are virtually all refugees or the children of refugees brought there over the last 3 decades*** by three US State Department refugee resettlement contractors:  Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, and World Relief (re-named Arrive Ministries) which is a supposedly ‘Evangelical’ charity.

But they aren’t charities in the way new readers might think they are.  They masquerade as Christian charities, but work for the federal government.

We recently researched the databases and reported that Minnesota has received over 10,000 Somalis in ten years thanks to the federal government and its contractors.  They were dispersed to over 60 towns and cities!   This past week Somali students in St. Cloud protested claiming they are discriminated against at a local high school (just the beginning?).

So, back to the NYT which featured Abdi Nur a Minneapolis refugee who said, ‘s**** the good life, I’m going to be a jihadist.’   His saga and his family’s tale didn’t interest me.  A couple of things did.

Note the manual that ISIS uses to help recruits get to the Middle East—see the word HIJRA (it means migration to advance the Islamic state or the caliphate) and that is what they are doing to America as well. 

What happens when ISIS tells these newbies, stay right where you are, you can advance our cause much more effectively by waging jihad in Minneapolis?  Or, what happens when the feds get very good at stopping the jihadist wannabees from leaving the country and out of frustration they find a means of advancing their Islamic agenda at home?

One other thing that interested me was the graph showing how most of the ISIS recruits from America were from immigrant families.

Here’s Omar!

When Omar Jamal (I call him the Somali Jesse Jackson) gets quoted I know we have some lazy reporting happening! 

So his arrival in this NYT story interested me too:

I’ve been writing about the Somali mouthpiece since 2007.   He really showed himself in 2008 when a Somali was found dead in a hotel in Denver not far from the location of the Democratic National Convention with enough cyanide in his room to kill hundreds.  Jamal convinced authorities there was nothing to see, move along, just a dead nutty Canadian Somali.

Omar Jamal’s usual schtick is to say the family is devastated, they had no idea, they are good Americans (or good Canadians).  How could this happen?

By the way, we were able to discover years ago that Jamal entered the US illegally, was convicted of immigration fraud, but was never deported. Did the feds give him some special role?

Click here to see our archive (pages and pages) on Omar Jamal as he pops up across the country and tells the media—move along, nothing to see, Somalis love America.


Be sure to see Jerry Gordon’s post on the NYT story at New English Review.

***See how many Somalis came to America since the 1980’s, here.  See ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis,’ here.


Washington Post opinion: Preventing the Fall of Rome

I was interested to see this opinion piece titled so provocatively ‘Preventing the Fall of Rome’ by James Stavridis in the Washington Post last Friday.  Then last evening I heard Father Jonathan Morris speaking about the Pope’s new hardline on ISIS on the Neil Cavuto show.

But, couldn’t we say that this Pope with his welcoming blessing of illegal migrants here in July of 2013 helped fuel the ‘Invasion of Europe?’

In 2013 the new Pope welcomed the illegal migrants to Italy on the island of Lampedusa!

And, surely we won’t forget (at least I won’t) Hillary Clinton’s role in the destabilization of Libya, here.

Here is Stavridis (former allied commander of NATO involved in that very same intervention in Libya):

In 1942, Winston Churchill said that Italy was the “soft underbelly” of Europe and directed Allied invasion efforts there. Today, we are seeing flickers of a similar strategy from the Islamic State.

Following the decapitation of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by radical Islamists professing an allegiance to the Islamic State, the Italian government has begun ramping up efforts to defend its territory from attack. How realistic is this threat? And what should Italy do?

First, we should listen to what the Islamic State has to say : Last year, the group’s propaganda magazine Dabiq featured a cover story headlined “Reflections on the Final Crusade,” which was illustrated with an image of a black jihadist flag flying over St. Peter’s Square. “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women,” a senior leader of the group was quoted as saying. “If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.” Elsewhere, the magazine exhorted, “Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him. . . . And the Islamic State will remain until its banner flies over Rome.”

Hyperbolic? Of course. Literally possible? Not in the least.*** But should Europeans take these words into account as they think about the possibility of attacks on their homeland? You bet.

As Graeme Wood pointed out in his smart, historically grounded piece in the Atlantic this month, “What ISIS Really Wants,” there is an underlying medieval impetus to the Islamic State’s rhetoric and actions. Beheadings of innocents, burnings of prisoners, crucifixions, the enslavement and sale of women and children, the literal sacking of cities — all of these connote a desire to play on the international stage as though the Crusades were still occurring. Thus we come to the importance of Rome, perhaps the most potent symbol of all that the Islamic State hates.

Italy is the gateway to Europe!

Just as Churchill saw Italy as a relatively easy gateway to Europe, the Islamic State has geographic, political and symbolic interests in sailing to Italy. We must do all we can to help Italy prepare.  [Like what? Is Obama going to send troops to protect the Pope from Muslims?—ed]

Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

*** Maybe not with military force, but with the inexorable flow of Muslim migrants into Europe and the squishy multicultural-worshiping so-called European leaders in power now.  They seem to have run out of Churchills haven’t they?