Australia to fund school security in attempt to keep Australia safe (from all those they let in for decades)

Many of the schools will be Jewish while some will be Islamic schools (which apparently fear violence from crazy right wing Aussies!).


Graffiti on a boys’ school—must have been written by one of those right-wingers.


From the Daily Telegraph (hat tip: Jon):

MORE than 50 schools at risk of a terrorist attack around the country will be given security guards and closed-circuit TV systems amid heightened ­national security fears.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal the overhaul will be ­unveiled today by federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan.

The program will include $18 million in funding for 54 schools that have requested ­assistance to hire security guards and buy security products to safeguard students.

The fears stem from the ­potential lone wolf terror and racist attacks at Islamic and Jewish schools.


More than half the schools are Jewish and Islamic schools, while 22 are government and independent schools.

The majority of schools are in Western Sydney, with 29 of the 54 in NSW.

I guess Western Sydney is where immigrant diversity is most beautiful in Australia.

Regular readers know that at least the Abbott government, one of just a few governments in the world, is attempting to slow the invasion of the country by economic migrants and phony asylum seekers.  Saudi Arabia and the rich Arab states are doing their bit to keep multiculturalism away.

See our complete Australia category here.

Catholic Bishops, other “religious” refugee resettlement contractors might soon be out of business thanks to Obama

…..Or, will they give up their moral convictions on abortion in exchange for cold hard federal cash!

The Bishops and Catholic Charities between a rock and a hard place. Moral of the story: When you take Caesar’s money, Caesar owns you!

We previously told you about Obama’s pen (rule change) that would require any agency getting federal payola to abide by federal rules on sexual orientation of employees.  I’m not sure this is part of that same Executive order, but it is the same concept—take federal money, follow federal rules.

Remember readers (and for our many new readers!), the US Conference of Catholic Bishops gets 98% of its funding from the US Treasury.  See here also.

This should be a great lesson for all who want to put their grubby hands into the taxpayers’ pockets!  You do it and the government then owns you!

From World Magazine (no where in the story is it mentioned how much these ‘religious’ charities get from the feds).  They have until June 24th to comply or lose their federal grants:

The Obama administration has issued interim final rules that require faith-based organizations to offer abortion referrals for unaccompanied child refugees entering the United States. The new regulations may restrict faith-based organizations’ ability to provide refugee aid, Catholic and evangelical relief organizations said.

Issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, the rules set official standards for responding to sexual abuse among children entering the United States without their parents. But by requiring faith-based organizations to offer or refer abortions, the Obama administration has violated the organizations’ conscience rights, said Susan Yoshihara, senior vice president at the Center for Family and Human Rights. Currently, six of the nine resettlement organizations in the United States are faith-based.

If the six ‘religious’ refugee contractors use their own private funds they would not have their CONSCIENCES violated!

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) formally protested the rules Friday, joined by World Vision, National Association of Evangelicals, World Relief, and Catholic Relief Services.  [So where is Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, one of the largest recipients of federal cash for the “children.”  Not interested in their moral convictions.—ed]

The organizations stressed their commitment to their moral convictions, though hoping to resolve the conflict between the rules and their pro-life beliefs.

See all of our coverage of the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ issue, here.  The USCCB is one of the largest recipients of federal funds to care for the kids and has been for a number of years.  In 2014, 58,000 ‘unaccompanied minors’ entered the US which means, of course, that there is a lot of federal $$$ sloshing around to care for them.

Berlin, Germany traces latest measles outbreak to refugees; toddler dies

More news that unvaccinated refugees are helping spread measles in Germany.  No surprise as Germany has virtually opened its doors to refugees from throughout Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East.  If anyone dares challenge the government on this open door policy, one is immediately labeled a Nazi.  Wave bye-bye to Germany?


Refugees headed west from the former Yugoslavia.



From The Local:

There have been 447 cases of measles confirmed in the first seven weeks of 2015, as Berlin comes to grip with the biggest measles outbreak since 2001, reported the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) earlier this month.

The outbreak is being traced back to a community of refugees from Serbia as well as Bosnia and Herzogovina, where routine vaccinations were not carried out during the Yugoslavian civil war.

Earlier this month we told you that massive numbers of refugees are on the move from the former Yugoslavia and are headed westward toward Germany and other ‘welcoming’ countries.  And, a week ago we reported on the German measles outbreak, here.

See our extensive archive on Germany by clicking here.   Our category on health (physical and mental) involving refugees is here.

In Sweden, job training program may be ISIS recruitment opportunity

Sigh!  Sweden (apparently using a Marie Harf counter-terrorism job training program) runs into a little problem!  The program is being shut down while authorities investigate if the unemployed ‘refugees’ were being recruited for ISIS.

Someone tell Obama! Takfiris believe in Islam strictly according to their interpretation of Muhammad’s and his companions’ actions and statements, and do not accept any deviation from their path; they reject any reform or change to their interpretation of religion as it was revealed in the time of the prophet. Photo:

From Press TV:

Sweden has cancelled a job training program for new immigrants following reports that the program coaches were recruiting people for Takfiri terrorist groups.

“We have been alerted by participants that coaches have tried to recruit them to terrorist organizations,” Patrik Svensson, spokesman for Sweden’s National Labor Agency, said on Friday.

Svensson added that the agency had informed Sweden’s security service about the suspicious activities in the training program.

According to the Swedish official, the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group might be behind the recruitment.

The program was initiated in 2010 to tackle the high unemployment rate among new immigrants in Sweden.

For more on what the word Takfiri means, see wikipedia here.  That is where we found the photo caption.

See our extensive archive on Sweden’s death spiral, here.

Gitmo detainees sent to Uruguay as refugees don’t want to work!

We told you about how the former prisoners were presto-chango turned into refugees by the US State Department, here, in December.

This news could not come at a more opportune time (for a little chuckle), just as State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf tells us that jihadists or wannabe jihadists just need a job and some upward mobility.

Too busy to work? One of the detainees (aka refugees) was recently in Argentina lobbying for the country to take some of his Gitmo pals who are still being held by the US government.

That is what Uruguay has offered and now we hear that the “refugees” have rejected their offer of work, a roof over their heads and cultural and language lessons as not being enough!

President Mujica says of them—these are not gritty, hardworking immigrants like the earlier ones who came to Uruguay.  If they were humble people of the desert they would be stronger!

From the Associated Press at Epoch Times (hat tip: Robin):

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay—Controversy is flaring over the six Guantanamo detainees taken in by Uruguay for resettlement, with even the man who pushed through the plan, President Jose Mujica, seeming to criticize them for lacking a work ethic.

The men were locked up for more than a dozen years at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba before they were brought to Montevideo in December. Mujica agreed to accept them as a humanitarian gesture and said they would be given help getting established in a country of 3.3 million people with a total Muslim population of perhaps 300.

The government has offered them a residential facility to study Spanish, learn about Uruguayan culture and integrate to their new home.

But Syrian refugee Abu Wa’el Dhiab recently complained that the men have “walked out of a prison to enter another one.”

In a TV interview, Dhiab expressed thanks to Uruguay, but said it needs a plan for helping the ex-detainees, who need “their families, a home, a job and some sort of income that allows them to build a future.”

A labor union that has been helping the men says, however, that they have turned down job offers.

Mujica recently visited the home where five of the six men are staying and asked them to start working. After his visit, the president said on his radio program that the former detainees are far from the ancestors of Uruguayans, who he said were gritty, hard-working immigrants.

“If these people were humble people of the desert, poor people, they’d surely be stronger and more primitive, but they’re not,” Mujica said of the former prisoners. “Through their hands, features and family histories, it seems to me that they’re middle class.”

We have a little archive growing on Uruguay here and just this morning created a new category—South America—for increasing refugee news from there.