Memory lane! CT Senator Richard Blumenthal sought to REDUCE security screening for Syrians in 2015

Editor: This is a repost of a repost!  Since President Trump was ‘highlighting’ the storied career of Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal yesterday (so that Blumenthal today is all over the Leftwing cable news), I thought new readers might like to know more about the man.

Come to think of it, I haven’t heard Blumenthal lately asking for more Syrian refugees for Connecticut.

Here is my post from earlier this year, which is a repost itself from 2015:

Because he is all over the news today as the focal point in one more attack on President Donald Trump, I’m re-posting this story from 2015 so you know just who Senator Blumenthal is and why he must be pretty unhappy with Trump.

In 2015 Senator Blumenthal held a press conference with the director of CAIR Connecticut seeking to speed up Syrian refugees to America by reducing security screening requirements. 98% of Syrians entering the US are Muslims.

This is what I said October 7, 2015:

Update: Who was that man over Senator Blumenthal’s left shoulder?

Yesterday we told you that Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) is leading the charge to lessen the security screening for Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees and he wants to expand the so-called P-3 (fraud ridden!) family reunification program.

See yesterday’s post by clicking here. (Go there to see exactly how Senator Blumenthal wanted to make it easier for Syrians to get  through the refugee screening process.)

That is CAIR-Connecticut’s Executive Director behind Senator Blumenthal. Getting pretty brazen aren’t they, or is Blumenthal just pretty dense to invite CAIR to be so prominently involved in lessening security screening for refugees?


Now we know the answer to the question I asked all of you to help answer.  Looming over Blumenthal’s shoulder is none other than Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)- Connecticut director Mongi Dhaouadi.

(When I mentioned to a friend that I had updated my post with that information (thanks to Kyle), she suggested I write a second post because as a subscriber, who received the earlier one, she would not see the update.)

But it is worth mentioning again because this is now the second time we have seen CAIR involving itself directly in the Syrian (mostly Muslim) resettlement issue (and you can bet they are not advocating for the persecuted Syrian Christians).

Clearly their interest is in boosting the Muslim population in the US.

CAIR was here in the St. Louis ‘Bring them here march’ last month.

Here is Mr. Dhaouadi’s bio at CAIR’s website:  (update: Apparently Mr. Dhaouadi has moved on since I first wrote this story)

Mongi Dhaouadi
Executive Director

Mongi S. Dhaouadi was born and raised in Tunisia. He moved to the US when he was 19 years old and studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As The Executive director of CAIR-CT, he conducts civil rights workshops throughout the state of Connecticut under the title “Know Your Rights.” Also, he leads several workshops and discussions on Islamophobia and the Muslim experience before and after 9/11. He has participated in and led several media campaigns and press conferences on issues concerning the Muslim community ranging from discrimination cases to advocating for the change of racial profiling laws in the state of Connecticut. Dhaouadi was featured in countless local, national, and international media outlets including NPR, FOX News, and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. During the summer, he runs a youth internship program during which high school and college students work on several projects ranging from preparing a toolkit on Islamic cultural competency for schools, to writing and publishing articles from a Muslim youth perspective in the local papers and publications. Dhaouadi leads a Connecticut delegation at the Capitol Hill visits; an event that is organized every year by CAIR National, where members of the Muslim community visit their representatives in Wasington, DC and advocate for issues of concern domestic and foreign. Prior to joining CAIR-CT on a full time bases Dhaouadi was the Head Administrator at SKF Academy in Hamden Connecticut. Dhaouadi is married with three children: ages 11, 14 and 18. He lives with his family in New London, Connecticut. His favorite past time is playing or coaching soccer.

So far Connecticut doesn’t get very many refugees compared to other states.  I guess Blumenthal and Dhaouadi would like to change that.

Is CAIR getting into the refugee resettlement program where you live?  Let me know.  And, while you are at it, see if you notice the involvement of Islamic Relief (USA) as well.

Go here to find the regional offices of Islamic Relief (USA) thanks to reader Cathy.

More on Connecticut here.

OIC strategizing to silence free speech, like ours here at RRW

The  OIC is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation which represents 57 Muslim countries world wide and they know that to advance Islam (and Shariah law) worldwide they have to silence any criticism of Islam in the media.  To that end they held a conference two weeks ago in (no surprise) London to strategize on how to silence anyone standing in their way.

Our speech silenced on the way to submission….

When I read this story by Leo Hohmann at WND, the french novel ‘Submission’ came immediately to mind.  It is a dark, disgusting book, but probably worth reading because its title tells us exactly how Islam/Shariah could triumph—instead of a cataclysmic battle of titans (a possible physical battle), we simply get worn down and give up.

Beating people up over speech would be an important element in bringing us to submission.

From Hohmann:

A group of international Islamist organizations led by the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation, or OIC, recently held a two-day conference on countering “Islamophobia” in which it recommends imposing Islamic blasphemy laws on the media worldwide.

Under Islamic law, it is considered a serious offense to criticize Allah, Muhammad or Islam. In countries like Pakistan, a Muslim can take a non-Muslim to court and claim he was “offended” by something that was said, resulting in a trial and jail time, even death, for the non-Muslim.

Blasphemy laws! Bring it on say Monks in Burma! They won’t be silenced by the OIC, will you?

Christians in Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, Sudan and other Muslim-dominated countries with significant Christian minorities have been the targets of brutal persecution, with the blasphemy laws often serving as the catalyst for their incarceration. Christians have been jailed, stoned, beheaded, and even had acid thrown in their faces for violating the blasphemy laws.

But the OIC, which consists of 57 Muslim-majority countries and boasts the largest voting bloc at the United Nations, is not satisfied with its own people living under threat of arrest for offending Islam by something that is said, written or posted on the Internet.

The July 15-16 symposium, held at London’s Central Mosque Trust and Islamic Cultural Center, was attended by lawyers, media leaders, politicians, academics from European universities and diplomats from various embassies. It was titled: “Mechanisms to challenge Islamophobia legally and through the media.”

Continue reading here.

Is the SPLC carrying the water for the OIC, here. You betcha!

Can’t say it often enough: UN supports mass migration going on worldwide

This morning a recent article by Liam Clancy at World Net Daily came to my attention entitled:

Trump throws wrench in U.N. plan to ‘replace’ U.S. population
Obama stoked globalist agenda laid out in 2000

The article reports on the existence of a UN report from the year 2000 that lays out the case for migration of third worlders (as workers) to first world countries where those countries see a declining population.

I realized that I had written about the UN report, here, in 2014, but had forgotten all about it confirming a friend’s admonition that one must see something about seven times before the information is fully digested.

Consider this then RRW’s second of soon-to-be seven mentions of the United Nations plan for America!



WND recently reported on the scheme, revealed in a U.N. document prepared in the year 2000 entitled “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?”

‘Replacement workers’ arriving in Europe are fulfilling the UN plan!

The report details the plunging birthrates across Western Europe, Russia, Japan and the United States and identifies a solution: mass migration from the Third World into these “aging and declining” nations.

The 17-year-old document makes the case for mass immigration as necessary to replace the aging populations of developed countries. Without the migration of populations from the developing world, it reasons, economies will suffer because of labor shortages and falling tax revenues.

“Therefore, among the demographic variables, only international migration could be instrumental in addressing population decline and population aging in the short to medium term,” the report concludes.

Continue reading here, it is full of information on how the US Refugee Program fits right in to the UN plan for America.

Let’s see if I can make the girls at Right Wing Watch blow a gasket again when I say:

American women better start having more babies! 

I think most of Europe is gone, but there is still time for us.

I wish I were young enough to contribute to the cause because I fell for the big lie that educated women should have only one or two babies to save the planet.  Where were (where are?) the population control crazies lecturing the African and Middle Eastern Muslims to limit their family sizes?

Hey, here is a thought:  As Trump overhauls the tax code, how about a little tax incentive for taxpayers who have reached a certain educational level to have more babies!

See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

If you like my idea of a tax incentive to have more babies, write to The Donald today, here.

Two US refugee Islamic terrorists, caught earlier, are back in the news

Repeatedly we are told by the refugee industry propagandists variously that no refugees admitted to the US have committed terrorist acts, or no Americans have died at the hands of refugees, or that none caught had planned to hurt Americans (just wanted to commit their violence on foreign soil).  There is always a clarifying comment that the average recipient of the line doesn’t know to inquire about that is somehow supposed to mitigate the refugee’s actions.

Back in December of last year we gave you ten cases of refugees, some actually committed their act on US soil, or were apprehended BEFORE they could carry out violence in the name of Allah. One of those cases involved two Iraqi refugee terrorists.

Kentucky refugee terrorist

In that post and many previous ones you had heard about Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, an Iraqi Islamic terrorist, who had surprise! lied on his refugee application (said he was not a jihadist in Iraq).  Doing life in prison (at YOUR expense) he attempted to have his sentence vacated, but his motion was denied this past week.

See here at WBKO. (Hat tip: Joanne) Bowling Green is Senator Rand Paul’s hometown.

When this case first came to light, Paul was a leading Senate critic of the US Refugee Admissions Program, but he eventually dropped his concern in the run-up to his 2016 presidential campaign. (Search RRW for Rand Paul and see what I mean.)

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) – A convicted terrorist, who was living in Bowling Green at the time of his arrest has a motion to vacate, set aside, or correct his sentence denied by a federal judge.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi. The arrest of Hammadi and his co-conspirator turned the Obama US Refugee Admissions Program on its head in 2011 and all Iraqis entering the US were supposedly re-screened.

Mohanad Shareef Hammadi pleaded guilty in 2012 to conspiring to ship thousands in cash, machine guns, rifles, grenades and shoulder-fired missiles to al-Qaida in Iraq.

He was sentenced to life in prison, which was affirmed on appeal.

A Magistrate judge said none of Hammadi’s arguments merited relief and his motion was denied. Hammadi objected to that opinion. The court agreed earlier this week to the Magistrate Judge’s opinion, with the exception of what it calls a single and ultimately insignificant factual mistake.

Think about how much refugee Hammadi is costing US taxpayers. 

Do you think his expenses will ever be included in any of those phony-baloney economic studies (Cato?) of how refugees benefit America?  Nope!

Illinois refugee terrorist

Another case of a refugee wannabe terrorist in the news this week involves a Bosnian refugee first arrested in 2015 (see my report at the time).  And, never forget, it was Bill Clinton with the help of his Director of the ORR (Lavinia Limon) responsible for tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims admitted to the US.

Also pay attention to the fact that this woman was working at a major airport when arrested.

Resettlement contractors*** are busy near any major city finding work for newly arrived refugees at AIRPORTS!

From ABC 7 News:

(Hat tip: Cathy)

Mediha Medy Salkicevic. Shock of shocks, this ABC News account of the Bosnian’s defense uses the ‘R’ word twice—refugee! Ten years ago, even 5 years ago, you would have to guess about her immigration status.

Invoking an unusual defense, the I-Team has learned that a west suburban woman and five associates accused of aiding ISIS say they were engaged in “legitimate warfare.”

Mediha Medy Salkicevic, a mother of four from Schiller Park, was arrested in February 2015 on charges of conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists and providing material support to terrorists, including the Islamic State and al-Qaida in Iraq.

Investigators say Salkicevic, a Bosnian Muslim refugee, wanted to “bury unbelievers alive” and bring death to infidels.

When she was arrested the I-Team reported that Salkicevic, 37, was working at an O’Hare airport cargo company.

See the full report here.

If you have the time and energy, see my complete archive on refugee ‘crimes’ by clicking here. Warning! There are 2,125 posts in that category going back ten years!

***Federal contractors/middlemen/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities (and to find them jobs at places like airports!).

Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, they work very hard to tamp down any negative refugee news, especially news about Muslim refugees as jihadists.

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors/propagandists from the process.

Minneapolis police chief resigns; Bachmann says grand jury must be impaneled

Apparently Mohamed Noor still won’t talk to police investigators in the wake of the worst disaster for advocates of ‘diversity hires’ in America—the shooting by a Somali former refugee of an unarmed woman, an immigrant, who had called 911 looking for help.

Former presidential candidate Rep.Michele Bachmann, not silent in her home state: Where is the grand jury? And, could this have been a hate crime?

Not only has the police chief resigned, announced by the mayor at a tempestuous press conference, but the people of Minneapolis are out for the mayor’s head as well.  Here is one report from The Guardian (foreign press isnt’ giving up on the story!).

Here is what Leo Hohmann (WND) reported yesterday in an update of the story we reported here, here and here.

A day before submitting her resignation, Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau, in her first public statement on the killing nearly a week ago of an unarmed woman by a Somali refugee cop, called her death “unnecessary” and said it went against the protocol and training given to her officers.

“Justine [Damond] didn’t have to die,” Harteau, the city’s first openly lesbian police chief, said at a press conference Thursday night. Harteau had been hiking in Colorado all week in the aftermath of the shooting.

Harteau said based on current information about the case, there was no justification for officer Mohamed Noor’s decision to shoot Damond, a 40-year-old bride-to-be and yoga instructor who had moved to the U.S. from Australia to be with her fiancée.

Harteau submitted her resignation Friday in the wake of the fatal shooting at the request of Mayor Betsy Hodges, according to a statement from the city.


Noor has refused to talk with police investigators since the July 15 incident.

Noor is not talking (to investigators) but he has reportedly talked to friends in the Somali community. Time for a grand jury! Sure hope they keep him under surveillance. Too many Somalis simply disappear before they can appear in court when in legal trouble.

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said Harteau has to accept a large part of the blame for putting an unqualified officer on the street.

“Finally the female chief of Minneapolis police came out and said Justine Damond should still be alive. She said Mohammad Noor had no reason to shoot Justine,” Bachmann told WND. “He violated police policy and training. Noor refuses to cooperate with investigators. He refuses to give a statement.

“Firing him isn’t enough, the question is whether a grand jury will be impaneled. Manslaughter charges should be considered,” she added.

Again, will the prosecutor and police department work to determine whether this was in fact a hate crime. Clearly it wasn’t premeditated, but was it a gut reaction of Mohammad Noor resulting from his cultural beliefs? What mosque did he attend? What are his beliefs?”

Another mystery about what happened last Saturday night involves a missing two minutes from the official police log of the incident.

Hohmann continues:

As noted by a media outlet in Damond’s native Australia, the 9-1-1 tape reveals a “critical missing two minutes.”

A timeline pieced together through the bride-to-be’s 911 calls and a newly released police incident report shows Damond was shot two minutes after police officers arrived at the alleyway behind her home.

“What it doesn’t explain is what happened in those two crucial minutes that prompted officer Mohamed Noor to draw his gun, reach over his partner and discharge his weapon through the open window, delivering a fatal shot to Ms Damond’s abdomen,” reports, an Australian outlet.

Go here for the rest of the story and the actual time line.

For new readers!

Don’t miss this post from 2011 where we first learned how so many Somalis ‘found their way’ to Minnesota.  Hint! The US State Department hired Catholic, Lutheran and evangelical contractors*** to place them there because the welfare was so generous and as I later learned, some big industries needed cheap labor including a window company in Owatonna and poultry plants scattered around the state including near St. Cloud and Wilmer.

***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities. At this minute they are sending ‘abstracts’ to Washington which are their personal wish lists and plans for who will be ‘welcomed’ to your towns for the upcoming  fiscal year that begins October 1, 2017.

Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process.