Memory lane! CT Senator Richard Blumenthal sought to REDUCE security screening for Syrians in 2015

Because he is all over the news today as the focal point in one more attack on President Donald Trump, I’m re-posting this story from 2015 so you know just who Senator Blumenthal is and why he must be pretty unhappy with Trump.
In 2015 Senator Blumenthal held a press conference with the director of CAIR Connecticut seeking to speed up Syrian refugees to America by reducing security screening requirements. 98% of Syrians entering the US are Muslims.
This is what I said October 7, 2015:

Update: Who was that man over Senator Blumenthal’s left shoulder?

Yesterday we told you that Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) is leading the charge to lessen the security screening for Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees and he wants to expand the so-called P-3 (fraud ridden!) family reunification program.
See yesterday’s post by clicking here. (Go there to see exactly how Senator Blumenthal wanted to make it easier for Syrians to get  through the refugee screening process.)

That is CAIR-Connecticut’s Executive Director behind Senator Blumenthal. Getting pretty brazen aren’t they, or is Blumenthal just pretty dense to invite CAIR to be so prominently involved in lessening security screening for refugees?

Now we know the answer to the question I asked all of you to help answer.  Looming over Blumenthal’s shoulder is none other than Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)- Connecticut director Mongi Dhaouadi.
(When I mentioned to a friend that I had updated my post with that information (thanks to Kyle), she suggested I write a second post because as a subscriber, who received the earlier one, she would not see the update.)
But it is worth mentioning again because this is now the second time we have seen CAIR involving itself directly in the Syrian (mostly Muslim) resettlement issue (and you can bet they are not advocating for the persecuted Syrian Christians).
Clearly their interest is in boosting the Muslim population in the US.
CAIR was here in the St. Louis ‘Bring them here march’ last month.
Here is Mr. Dhaouadi’s bio at CAIR’s website:  (update: Apparently Mr. Dhaouadi has moved on since I first wrote this story)

Mongi Dhaouadi
Executive Director

Mongi S. Dhaouadi was born and raised in Tunisia. He moved to the US when he was 19 years old and studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As The Executive director of CAIR-CT, he conducts civil rights workshops throughout the state of Connecticut under the title “Know Your Rights.” Also, he leads several workshops and discussions on Islamophobia and the Muslim experience before and after 9/11. He has participated in and led several media campaigns and press conferences on issues concerning the Muslim community ranging from discrimination cases to advocating for the change of racial profiling laws in the state of Connecticut. Dhaouadi was featured in countless local, national, and international media outlets including NPR, FOX News, and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. During the summer, he runs a youth internship program during which high school and college students work on several projects ranging from preparing a toolkit on Islamic cultural competency for schools, to writing and publishing articles from a Muslim youth perspective in the local papers and publications. Dhaouadi leads a Connecticut delegation at the Capitol Hill visits; an event that is organized every year by CAIR National, where members of the Muslim community visit their representatives in Wasington, DC and advocate for issues of concern domestic and foreign. Prior to joining CAIR-CT on a full time bases Dhaouadi was the Head Administrator at SKF Academy in Hamden Connecticut. Dhaouadi is married with three children: ages 11, 14 and 18. He lives with his family in New London, Connecticut. His favorite past time is playing or coaching soccer.

So far Connecticut doesn’t get very many refugees compared to other states.  I guess Blumenthal and Dhaouadi would like to change that.
Is CAIR getting into the refugee resettlement program where you live?  Let me know.  And, while you are at it, see if you notice the involvement of Islamic Relief (USA) as well.
Go here to find the regional offices of Islamic Relief (USA) thanks to reader Cathy.
More on Connecticut here.

Asylum is the next big problem we (and Trump!) must face!

Most of what I write about here at Refugee Resettlement Watch is about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program which was created when ol’ Ted (Kennedy) and Uncle Joe (Biden) created the program that was signed in to law in 1980 by Jimmy Carter.
The main thrust of the program is that refugees are chosen abroad (the UN is picking most of our refugees) and we fly them here. The nine major resettlement contractors we talk about all the time are then paid by the head to place them in your towns and cities.  They, and the US State Department, choose the resettlement sites often secretively.

The Tsarnaev (Boston Bomber!) brothers were refugees whose father had successfully gained asylum and brought the family to join him.  Just goes to show that security screening isn’t going to be enough to keep us safe. Your tax dollars benefited the boys who were once cute refugees, but grew into Jihadi killers.

However, an originally small, but now growing part of that same law deals with asylum.  To keep it simple, asylum seekers get here on their own steam—either they enter illegally across borders or they have a visa for some reason and overstay the visa (they are not screened abroad at all).
When those coming illegally hit the border, they know to apply for asylum claiming that if they are sent home they will be persecuted for their religious beliefs, political beliefs, race, sexual orientation (a booming category!) and a few other things. They are then referred to as asylum seekers.
They go through one of two processes that I have found confusing and are either granted asylum or not.  If they are turned down, they must leave the country.  Yesterday we learned that the Obama Administration was releasing from detention failed asylum seekers who are high-tailing it to the Canadian border.
A successful asylum seeker is called an asylee or sometimes the broader term political refugee.  The Boston Bomber brothers were part of a family that entered the US this way.  As full-fledged refugees they then could (and did) avail themselves of all the same welfare goodies of refugees we flew in and they were free to work and to travel outside the country. They could also bring in more family members.
Here is a good report at the American Immigration Council.
On average we grant asylum to 24,000-25,000 of those who are here illegally, but can make a persuasive case that they will be harmed if they go home. Add that 25,000 or so to the number we discuss often here (Obama proposed 110,000 refugees for FY17 and to that add this 25,000). To Trump’s 50,000 cap add this additional 25,000.
Those Africans we mentioned yesterday who are running to Canada right now are FAILED asylum seekers NOT refugees!
According to the American Immigration Council:

In FY 2015, USCIS found 33,988 individuals to have credible fear. These individuals, many of whom were detained during this screening process, will be afforded an opportunity to apply for asylum defensively and establish that they meet the refugee definition.

The number of credible fear cases has skyrocketed since the procedure was implemented—in FY 2009, USCIS completed 5,523 cases. In FY 2014, case completions reached an all-time high of 49,607.


The largest number of successful asylum seekers are Chinese! Do you know we have a policy (I believe it is still in effect) that allows Chinese men to use China’s one child policy as an argument about why they should be here—they want more than one kid—and will thus be persecuted if returned to China!

The countries of nationality for individuals granted asylum have largely remained the same in that 10-year period, with nationals of China and Egypt accounting for nearly half (46 percent) of grants each year since FY 2012. The rest of the asylum grants provided in that time period consistently went to nationals of Ethiopia, Venezuela, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Guatemala, Russia, Nepal, and Eritrea.

In FY 2014, the most recent year with available data, more individuals from Syria were granted asylum than in any previous year (4 percent of all grants). Individuals from China, Egypt, and Syria combined accounted for half of the nearly 24 thousand individuals granted asylum—either affirmatively or defensively—in FY 2014 (Figure 2). A total of 96 nationalities were represented among all individuals granted asylum in FY 2014.

So you can add another 1,000 Syrians getting in to the US through asylum each year (a large number could be the Christians that the UN is keeping out of our normal refugee flow).  I digress, but didn’t Obama (with the UN) use a religious test when 98% of the Syrians admitted in the normal refugee program are Muslims?
One last thing!
I was annoyed by a Drudge headline last night that read: “Refugees self-deport” about a story about the failed asylum seekers heading for Canada. They are NOT refugees! They failed to be designated as refugees.  But, I see this morning that the headline has changed to the more accurate, “Illegals self-deport!”

The Open Borders Left has for years been working to control the language and they want you to think that anyone on the move anywhere in the world, for any reason, is a refugee. It is a big lie that the mainstream media helps to perpetuate!

Those migrants entering Europe by the hundreds of thousands are most likely economic migrants, but most will apply for asylum in Europe. They are not resettled refugees comparable to the ones we (with the UN) bring from around the world. They are in fact not refugees at all until they have successfully gained legal asylum although media around the world deceptively uses the word ‘refugee.’
Where is Congress?
I said as early as 2011, that this asylum process must be thoroughly investigated by Congress because I suspect that  someone or some groups are helping third worlders (possibly even paying them) to come across our borders and ask for asylum.

So what happened at yesterday's solidarity-with-mosques day?

Leo Hohmann (author of the best selling book ‘Stealth Invasion) tells us here at World Net Daily. See my post on their plans here a couple of days ago. And, see what I said here (below)!
Hohmann at WND:

‘Christian’ activists head to mosques to resist Trump

A national coalition with ties to George Soros was behind a national day of “solidarity” with Muslims Friday that included rallies at airports and prayer vigils at mosques.

Must read! Hohmann’s ‘Stealth Invasion’ which is moving up on Amazon’s best sellers lists.

The National Partnership for New Americans sponsored a “day of action” to protest Donald Trump’s 90-day moratorium on travel from seven countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen – which the groups are calling “unconstitutional” and a “Muslim ban.”

The NPNA was funded with a $200,000 grant from Soros’ Open Society Foundations in 2011.

Friday’s action is to be followed up by another on Feb. 22 when the NPNA coalition plans to flood congressional offices with protesters at the district level, sending an army of advocates for immigrants and refugees.

But Friday’s event was no ordinary protest. Many non-Muslims entered mosques and joined Muslims in the Jummah prayer, which is the most heavily attended prayer of the week at mosques around the world and widely referred to as the “Friday call to prayer.”

Some of the secular and ostensibly Christian activists posted on social media that they felt “inspired” to join in the prayers to Allah.

One mosque that attracted ‘Interfaith’ supporters yesterday was  the Islamic Society of Western Maryland!

At some mosques, such as the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown, visitors observed Islamic gender rules.

This was reported by the Hagerstown Herald Mail:

“We are extremely grateful and appreciative for this show of concern,” Faruq Post, the society’s resident scholar, told the men, women and children, who were asked to segregate by gender. Most women covered their heads with scarves.

By the way the Herald Mail story says 100 were in attendance, but never tells us how many were regulars at the mosque. Three from the INTERFAITH group are quoted.

The NPNA coalition includes a large swath of the interfaith movement in America – a blend of Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups – teaming up with immigrant rights activists.

Federally-funded refugee contractors were involved in organizing the solidarity event.

Hohmann continues….

Allying themselves in this project with Muslim groups such as CAIR and the Council of Muslim Organizations are various Christian organizations such as Church World Services, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief and others involved in the resettlement of refugees in the United States. These volunteer agencies, also called VOLAGs, are paid $2,050 for every refugee they resettle in America, with more than half of that fee flowing into their coffers and the balance going to the refugee. [For new readers it was Church World Service subcontractor, the Virginia Council of  Churches that brought refugees to Hagerstown in 2007 and inspired me to write this blog!—ed]


These groups present themselves as charitable advocates for the downtrodden when in fact the vast majority of their budgets are funded by federal grants, not donations by church members.

If you missed it in 2009, it is not too late to read it. In fact, the timing could not be better!

“It’s not charity if you are taking other people’s money by force, through public tax dollars, and using it to do what you consider to be the Lord’s work,” says Ann Corcoran, who follows the refugee industry and blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch.


“They will whine about refugees but when you look at this list and know what they are planning, it is open borders they are really pushing for—illegals, legal immigrants, it is all the same to them,” wrote Corcoran. “In fact, on the call they said they would link their national policy agenda to emotions by using individual refugee sob stories. Refugees as pawns for their radical political agenda?”

As of Friday there were 14 states and the District of Columbia listed as hosting rallies in support of Muslims. Cities on the list included Chicago, New York, Nashville, Los Angeles, Miami, Greensboro, North Carolina; Fairfax and Alexandria, Virginia; Reading, Pennsylvania; Billings, Montana; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Silver Spring and Hagerstown, Maryland; and Boise, Idaho.

The Hagerstown Herald Mail could never bring itself to write about allegations made in 2009 in ‘Muslim Mafia’ even though CAIR has never been able to prove any of the information is false having been taken directly from documents CAIR had warehoused.
WND’s story continues…..

One of the participating mosques that welcomed non-Muslim supporters to join it for Friday prayers was the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown. This mosque was identified as having connections to radical Islamic elements in the undercover investigative book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” by David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.

The FBI was investigating this predominantly Pakistani mosque for suspicious activity in 2004 and the imam immediately brought in a CAIR lawyer Shama Farooq to help coach him on how to answer the investigators’ questions.

To learn what happened, continue here.
As we know well, citizens have every right to support mosques and organize protests, but when it comes to federally- funded organizations possibly using tax dollars to do it then we have every right to demand an accounting.
By the way, Esam Omeish former head of the Muslim America Society (a Muslim Brotherhood spin-off group) is a member of this mosque. Look what he said in Hagerstown in 2008:

In a sermon during Monday’s holiday prayer service, Omeish encouraged Muslims to establish themselves and break new ground where they live in much the same way Abraham is said to have founded monotheism in Arabia.

Yahya Hendi has spoken here as well. See what Hendi told the Saudis in 2007. Why would Muslims be pushing for the election of Muslim mayors across America? If they are here to assimilate why do they need Muslim mayors?

For a good laugh! Vox calls my 2015 Youtube video a "bizarro rant" and makes my day

I thought I was done today having written 5 posts since the crack of dawn this morning, but when a friend sent me this from VOX  (go here to see who the heck they are) I figured I needed to post it.
Vox just made my day!

A video claiming refugees are a Muslim plot to colonize America has nearly 3 million views

The woman, Ann Corcoran, claims that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is “under the influence of a powerful Muslim supremacist group” [That would be the Organization of Islamic Cooperation—ed]— and that the Muslim refugees it is sending over are the vanguard of an evil plot to colonize America and subject it to a theocratic Muslim government.

“This process of Muslim colonization is called the hijra,” she says, using the Arabic word for migration. “Mohammed told his followers to migrate and spread Islam, in order to dominate all the lands of the world … and that’s exactly what they’re doing now.”

This kind of bizarro rant is par for the course on YouTube. Except this one has received 2.6 million views since it went up in April 2015. Part of the reason is that it’s produced by America’s premier Islamophobic organization — one with strong links to the Trump administration.

Who is Ann Corcoran?

Continue here and see what they say!  And, don’t miss the link to their list of ‘white nationalists’ in the Trump Administration.
LOL!  And what is up with this? Their url has the word “sharia” in it, but the text is silent about it! Hmmmm!
This is their wrap-up:

It’s no accident, then, that this anti-refugee propaganda got such wide play.

It’s part of a powerful anti-Islam movement that has a much larger reach than most people in America imagine.

If you would like to see my other videos, go here.  And, hey, let’s push this first one over 3 million and give them a major thrill!
BTW, their research is lousy because they missed my HUGE award this past year, see here.
Update: Here is another story using some of the same information.

Open borders left, refugee contractors plan days of action

Josh Hoyt is the director.

Replacing ‘old Americans’ with ‘new Americans!’

On Monday hundreds of liberal activists and refugee resettlement agency operatives (you pay their salaries with your tax dollars) held a conference call to plan political action against President Donald Trump’s order, that calls for a moratorium for 4 months on refugee resettlement, and his order to improve vetting for  immigrants coming from dangerous terror hotspots around the world.
***Update*** I see that Breitbart also reported on this news, here yesterday with more detail.

Chicago community organizer Josh Hoyt moderated the call. You may recall that Hoyt joined ACORN organizer Wade Rathke in 2011 when they they traveled to Egypt to organize there during the Arab Spring. That worked out really well!

(Below are some of the groups that participated.)
If President Trump is cutting off federal funding to sanctuary cities how about cutting off funding for resettlement agencies who could be using federal dollars to organize against him.
The call was moderated by Joshua Hoyt, we have reported on him over the years, click here, to learn more.
They will whine about refugees.,but when you look at this list (below) and know what they are planning, it is open borders they are really pushing for—illegals, legal immigrants, it is all the same to them.
Look for the whine-fest!
In fact, on the call they said they would link their national policy agenda to emotions by using individual refugee sob stories! Refugees as pawns for their radical political agenda?
I’m going to have more about the call, but I want to get these two important dates out to you:
This Friday, February 3, they will be joining mosques around the country for a day of solidarity.
If you have a mosque near you, you might want to go out at noon and get some photos of your local activists.  They want to show loud and clear that they stand against Islamophobia! I do not recommend any counter demonstrations at the mosques.

And then on February 22nd they plan to pound Congress in their home districts with demonstrations “in their offices” to pressure them to speak out against the Trump EO.  For those asking me what to do, you should go to your local Congressional offices and counter the radicals.

I’ll have more on this later, but if I accomplish anything in the weeks and months ahead I hope it is to get you, ‘old Americans’ to understand that the pressure must be on Congress now! NOW!  The RINOs and all those who want open borders for cheap labor are undermining Donald Trump at this very minute.

These community organizers UNDERSTAND that they must focus their energy on Congress. You need to understand that too!

Here are some of the groups that participated. Most annoying is that the IRC, run by British national David Miliband, is here too!

And here are the speakers on the call:

Maria Rodriguez, Florida Immigrant Coalition / NPNA / FIRM

Jen Smyers, Church World Service

Suzanne Akhras Sahloul, Syrian Community Network

Rev. Russell Meyer, Florida Council of Churches

Hans Van De Weerd, International Rescue Committee; Chair, Refugee Council USA

Monica Fuentes, Welcoming America

Stephanie Teatro, Tennessee Immigrant Rights Coalition / NPNA / FIRM

Linda Hartke, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Oscar Chacon, Alianza Americas

Selena Sujoldzic, LIRS Leadership Academy, refugee from Bosnia

Naomi Steinberg, Refugee Council USA

Tell Donald Trump (here) what they are doing and tell him to cut off any federal funding to those groups possibly using federal money to organize against the President. Nothing would hurt them more!

If they succeed and get Donald Trump and Congress to back down, you will never see reform of the refugee program in your lifetime and by then it will be too late for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!
Remember 57% of you support Trump’s EO on a refugee moratorium!