Mohammad Khan, owner of Nadia Convenience store arrested in Hagerstown

Yesterday, the owner of a Convenience store in our city, Hagerstown, MD, was arrested on suspicion of selling drug paraphernalia.  We first heard about Mr. Khan, a Pakastani immigrant, back in December when federal agents raided the store and gathered evidence for a probe into whether the store was participating in a major food stamp scam.  Although it has nothing to do with refugees, as we wrote then, it has to do with immigrants (diversity is beautiful,right!) and our community.

Hagerstown Police arrested Mohammad Khan, who owns Nadia Convenience Store and Liberty gas station, after executing a search and seizure warrant on his two businesses, Sgt. Jim Robison said.


Khan, 39, of 11021 Sani Lane in Hagerstown, was charged with distribution of controlled paraphernalia, two counts of distribution of paraphernalia, two counts of maintaining a common nuisance and possession of controlled paraphernalia, Robison said.

What is puzzling to many local observers is where is the Food Stamp investigation that the Office of Inspector General initiated back in December?   See our earlier post here for details.

We need people to write or call the Office of Inspector General at the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC and urge them to thoroughly investigate the allegations of fraud against Mr. Khan.   I haven’t a clue if he is incarcerated or is a flight risk should he be released.

Here is an address and phone number for the US Department of Agriculture: 

USDA, Office of Inspector General
Room 117-W Jamie Whitten Bldg
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: (202) 720-8001
Fax: (202) 690-1278

If you write, then copy your correspondence to the Secretary of Agriculture at the same street address above (we have only an acting Sec. of Agriculture at this time).  And, definitely put a copy of your letter in the mail to your own Congressman and Senators.   Writing will have more impact then just phoning or e-mailing.

Although scams like the ones alleged here might not be driven by anything more than personal greed, we have seen reports that part of the Jihadist agenda against the West involves drug money to advance their agenda while corrupting the morals of westerners by perpetuating the drug culture.    I am not saying that Mr. Khan is guilty of anything at this point in time, and it may turn out to have no connection to a worldwide strategy but we hope our federal officials will follow through now with a thorough investigation because there appears to be a lot of foot dragging to this point on the part of the federal government.

Africans want ‘out of Africa’ in a big way

Africans are piling up like migrating birds along the north African coast waiting for the weather to improve to flock across the Mediterranean Sea to breeding grounds in Europe and especially Great Britain.  (Oh boy, I can just hear the hissing!)     Seriously,  Dymphna over at Gates of Vienna sent us this post yesterday about an article from The Guardian saying just that (without the migrating bird analogy).    It seems that Africans from many nations are gathering in Libya ready to make a big push to enter Europe illegally in the spring.  

Her post reminded me of a couple of posts I did back in RRW’s first month about African illegal immigrants arriving on the Mediterranean island of Malta because their little boats couldn’t get them to Europe.  On Malta they sought “refugee” status from the United Nations and applied to come to the US.    And, when I wrote those posts back in July we were planning to take 200 so-called refugees every year to relieve Malta’s illegal immigration burden.  See those posts here and here.

Remember as “refugees” fleeing persecution they get airfare to America, a US State Dept. subsidized apartment, food stamps, medical care (treatment for TB and HIV),  schools for their children, English lessons and a caseworker to find them a job— all supplied by YOU!

More news from Walkersville, MD, Citizen leader answers bias charge

The debate continues in Walkersville, MD where an Islamic sect is seeking to purchase property for a 200 plus acre religious compound.   If you are new to this issue, please check our posts here and here.

Steve Berryman, a spokesman for the Citizens for Walkersville answered charges that he is biased in yesterday’s on-line Frederick County publication, The Tentacle.   An attorney for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community had suggested during hearings last week that Mr. Berryman (and I assume by extension his fellow citizens) is biased, citing a blog article written by Mr. Berryman last summer entitled “Deceiving the Infidel”.

The word ‘biased’ as used here is just a more subtle way of calling Mr. Berryman a racist.

Mr. Berryman counters that he is biased —biased toward a “peaceful” community.    

It’s maddening and we have written about it on numerous occasions.  We saw demonizing demonstrated in Hagerstown when we questioned the refugee program on-going in our county seat.   Somehow people who question the whole diversity is beautiful theme and want to live with people of their own culture are automatically labelled as racists, bigots or more politely as biased. 

For instance, I have never heard the Somalis called racists when they choose to live in separate enclaves with their own kind in American cities and towns?   When have you ever heard anyone refer to the inhabitants of Chinatown as those racist Chinese?  Why is it that only white Americans (or white Europeans) are presumed to be racists (bigots or biased)  and have no right to live with people like themselves.  I am not talking about color here!  I am talking about culture!

As for Mr. Berryman’s desire for a peaceful community.  He has reason to be concerned.  Last week when I researched the Rohingyas in Bangladesh (who may come to America as refugees), the Hudson Institute report entitled, “The Rising Tide of Islamism in Bangladesh”  also discussed the Ahmadiyya.

Radical Islamists have also targeted the Ahmadiyya community, a Muslim reformist and revivalist movement founded in Qadyan, India in the nineteenth century.

The implication is that although the Ahmadiyya may not be promoting violent Jihad themselves, the citizens of Walkersville might have a legitimate fear that feuds between factions within Islam could come to their little rural town. 

Why do elitists in Washington willy-nilly import the conflicting sects of Islam from the Middle East, Africa and Asia to America and expect they will live happily ever after side by side?    Judy tells me that her wise husband says when you can’t figure out why something is happening, turn to just plain stupidity as the cause.

The citizens of Walkersville are not stupid—they want a peaceful community and they have every right to demand one without being called racists, bigoted or biased.

Here they come to Muscatine, IA

Nothing new here.  Ninety refugees from West Africa are arriving in this Iowa town  of about 23,000 with the help of Lutheran Services of Iowa.   According to the Muscatine Journal, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services interviewed the refugees in Africa and invited them to come to the US.  In Muscatine they work in various local industries and  I’ll bet there is food processing involved somewhere nearby.    The article also says many more are coming.

So why the silence on the Saudis?

Yesterday the Washington Post Outlook section ran an opinion piece by our buddy Ken Bacon at Refugees International—the lobbying organization hollering the loudest for us to open our gates to Iraqi refugees.  Come to think of it, Ken Bacon was also the guy testifying to Congress this past year about saving those poor Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, you know those refugees who will turn into terrorists if we don’t get them over here and on welfare ASAP.   Mr. Bacon is everywhere these days including feting the former Asst. Secretary of State;  could he be angling for something big in a possible Clinton Administration?   Maybe we should have a blog called Kenneth Bacon Watch!

Sorry,  I was getting off track.  There is nothing new in this blast at the Bush Administration, which I am sorry to say I can’t link because I can’t find it on line at the Post (very strange).  You will have to trust me that he said,  “The Administration isn’t doing its part to resettle Iraqis, either—not even former translators for the U.S. Military whose lives are at risk.”      See Judy’s post to see why it is so amusing (shocking really) that they are still using the Iraqi translator sob story, don’t they know that some translators have been found to be spies. 

What interested me in his Post opinion were the graphics that accompanied it, maps, graphs, charts, that showed who is, and by omission, who is not helping with Iraqi refugees in some way.  All of the humanitarian aid comes from the U.S., Europe and Japan.  All the countries bordering Iraq have displaced Iraqis, however, glaringly absent and apparently doing NOTHING is Saudi Arabia, Iraq’s oil RICH neighbor.  We hear so much about how the Koran calls for Muslims to be charitable (to fellow Muslims) so where is Saudi Arabia?  And where is the criticism from groups like Mr. Bacon’s?