Renewed warning that ISIS plans to infiltrate 'refugee' flow to Europe

This is not new, but just this week an EU agency is warning (again!) that the invasion of Europe could include ISIS terrorists among the illegal aliens arriving in Europe from North Africa (thanks to Hillary and the girls, here). From Israel National News: ISIS members could infiltrate Europe together with masses of refugees from … Continue reading Renewed warning that ISIS plans to infiltrate 'refugee' flow to Europe

Germans welcome their invaders, say Europe belongs to everyone!

Invasion of Europe news…..     On World Refugee Day this past Saturday, demonstrators in Berlin and across Europe welcomed the Mediterranean boat people arriving by the tens of thousands from Libya and elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East.  Come on in!  We think all borders should be erased!  Readers, the driving force … Continue reading Germans welcome their invaders, say Europe belongs to everyone!

More evidence Europe is under siege by the flow of illegal migrants from Africa

Here is some of the latest news on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’ First, a new wave of illegal aliens flooded Italy and Greece this week.  Obviously no effort is being made to take Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s advice to turn the boats back to the African coast.  Each successful rescue simply sends the message … Continue reading More evidence Europe is under siege by the flow of illegal migrants from Africa

ISIS making millions trafficking ‘refugees’ to Europe from Libya

Obama and his girls (Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power) sure blundered when they joined the pack to bring down Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. I wonder if the media will one day point a finger at this bunch for destabilizing North Africa just as they do now at George W. Bush for bringing down Saddam … Continue reading ISIS making millions trafficking ‘refugees’ to Europe from Libya