In the past year, 600,000 Afghans have returned home, so why are we bringing more to the US?

PBS has a report from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees which says that hundreds of thousands of those who fled Afghanistan over the last 30 years are returning home.  The UNHCR is looking for western governments to give more money to Afghanistan to soften the blow on the economy there as this many people return.

Photo in the PBS story: Afghans wait to cross into their home country at the border post in Torkham, Pakistan, on March 7. Photo by Fayaz Aziz/Reuters (Where are the women and children?)

When I checked Wrapsnet to see how many we were bringing to America, I was surprised to see our ‘refugee’ intake from Afghanistan increasing, not decreasing.
First see what the PBS Newshour is reporting, here:

For years, Afghans have fled the violence in their country, seeking asylum in Europe or elsewhere in the Middle East. But over the past year, about 600,000 Afghans have crossed the border back into Afghanistan, coming from Pakistan, Iran and Europe when they are denied asylum.

Human Rights Watch says Pakistan is using a UN incentive program that gives refugee families a cash grant of $400 to voluntarily return home as a way to pressure Afghans to go back to Afghanistan.


United Nations High Commission for Refugees spokeswoman Ariane Rummery said at a press briefing last month the organization is concerned that the pace of those returning is outstripping the country’s ability to accept them. She urged donor countries to follow through on their pledges to support the Afghan government.

So how many are we taking and where are they going?

(I want to know why we are taking any!)
Checking Wrapsnet going back to FY03 (because prior to that we can’t get good data) up until today, this is what I learned.
From FY03-FY13 we admitted on average 674 Afghans (small compared to the massive numbers of Iraqis, Somalis and now Syrians we have brought). In FY09, our lowest year, we admitted 349 from Afghanistan.
In FY14 the number started to pick up and we admitted 753 Afghans.
FY15 was 910.
FY16 jumped to 2,737 and in the first five plus months this fiscal year we admitted 1,008.
The total number was 12,824 and 97% were Muslims of various stripes. 6,537 were Sunnis and 4,531 were Shiites (once again admitting both sides of the religious divide!).
Here is where they were placed since FY03:

Florida is 319. Alaska got zero as did Hawaii, something we reported here as Hawaii (ha! ha!) sued the Trump Administration EO.

For more on refugees from Afghanistan, click here.

Why isn't Afghanistan on President Trump's list?

Trump Watch! Let President Trump know what you think by going here:

Update:  Paul Sperry writing at the New York Post a couple of days ago asks the same question, here.
As you know there are seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Yemen) from which the Trump Administration is restricting immigration/entry because of terror infiltration concerns.
There are lots of countries one might question that are not on the list, but I wondered why Afghanistan isn’t an obvious choice.
Someone asked me this week whether there was an increase in ‘refugees’ being admitted from Afghanistan and I thought it seemed like there was, so I just checked.
We admitted 11,191 ‘refugees’ from Afghanistan since FY 2004 and here is what it looks like (sorry this is the best I could do with the screenshots at Wrapsnet):
My columns aren’t the straightest, but see that the for FY2004 the number is 959, etc. Note the big jump in FY2016, indicating my suspicions were right.

There was a big uptick of refugee admissions from Afghanistan in FY2016. I checked religions as well and found that 97% were Muslims of some sort (not a surprise!).

As we have done in Iraq as well, we are bringing both sides of the Sunni vs. Shiite conflict to America.  4,106 were Shiites and 5,783 are Sunnis. So do we place them in the same communities in America?
A few of the 206 we admitted since last Friday are from Afghanistan.
Here is where those 11,191 were placed (from FY 2004 until yesterday):

So, again, why isn’t Afghanistan a nation of concern?

This post is filed in our Trump Watch! category as well as ‘refugee statistics’ and ‘where to find information.’

Germany rounds up and deports Afghan failed asylum seekers

Invasion of Europe news….

Thirty four Afghan young men were rounded up in Germany in recent days and put on a plane to Kabul.

19-year-old German student, Maria Ladenburger, was raped and murdered in Freiburg, Germany in October allegedly by an Afghan migrant. We learn now that the Afghan was previously convicted and released from prison in Greece for attempting to kill another young woman. See the dreadful story here at Gates of Vienna (your best source of news on Europe and Islam):

Trying to cope with hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers who have entered the country in recent years, German authorities say they are moving faster now to get rid of those who have no legitimate claim to asylum.
Germans are giving preference for refugee status to Syrians and apparently these Afghans couldn’t prove they would be persecuted if sent home.
This publicly reported (by the Merkel government) round-up and deportation is likely meant to show nervous Germans that they are being protected.
Here is the story at The Times of Malta:

Afghan asylum seekers have returned home after being deported from Germany the day before, an official said, a move that was made possible after a recent Afghan-Germany deal to stem the influx into the European country.

The plane carrying the deportees – all young men without families – landed in Kabul around 5am local time, said the Kabul airport chief of police, Mohammad Asif Jabarkhil.

Many of the deportees expressed disappointment, saying they had lived and worked in Germany for years and were now forced to come back without any job prospects.


Until now, few were deported with many instead being convinced to go home voluntarily with financial incentives. [I’m an advocate for giving financial incentives for migrants to go home. We should be thinking about this in the US, especially for refugees who came here thinking the streets are paved with gold and instead finding only slaughter plant work for low wages!—ed]

At the Kabul airport on Thursday, some deportees – such as 24-year-old Mohammad Khan who said he had spent 10,000 euros (£8,350) to get to Europe and had lived in Germany for almost six years – complained over the behaviour of the German police.

“Two days ago, two policemen came to my home and said, ‘Let’s go on a picnic,’ and took me to the deportation centre,” he said. “The next day, I was brought to the Frankfurt Airport.

In light of the horrible news about the last moments of Maria Ladenburger’s life, not too many Germans are weeping for the recently deported.  It is only too bad they didn’t find Hussein Khavari sooner.
All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.  Please pay attention to Europe and the destruction of western civilization there. Even if there is not much we can do (except offer moral support) to help save them, watch and learn so we don’t suffer the same fate.

Afghan practice of sexually abusing boys making the national news

I had been wondering why a series of older guest posts written by one of our readers was jumping to the top of our list of most-read posts this week, and now I know.  Watching Greta just now I learned that the US military is coming under fire for supposedly telling our men in Afghanistan to ignore the fact that our Afghan allies are abusing young boys (considered a cultural practice).

Afghan boys
Afghan boys are vulnerable to abuse in a country where women are off-limits because of Islamic shariah law.

If you have never heard of Bacha Bazi I urge you to read the four part series by reader ‘Pungentpeppers’ posted earlier this year.  You might actually start with the 4th post in the series (and then follow links to numbers 1, 2, and 3).  The 4th is entitled:

Bacha Bazi and Islam: Devilish Deception, The Mullah’s Response, and Beyond Heaven’s Pearly Gates

Please follow the links back to the previous posts.  ‘Pungentpeppers’ wrote the series because the horrific practice is entering the US and Australia (elsewhere?) with the Afghan refugees.   Here is a note from me at the time:

This is the 4th in a series of guest posts by ‘Pungentpeppers’ about Bacha Bazi, the Afghan pedophile practice targeting boys that has made its way to the West (including possibly to the US).  Go here, here, and here to see the previous reports.    Part II (Australia grapples with Bacha Bazi compulsive predators) was our top post last week.

One more in a long list of reasons why diversity is not so beautiful.

Pakistanis want their fellow Muslim Afghan refugees out now!

Good ol’ USA is taking in Afghan Muslim refugees while their fellow Muslims in Pakistan want them out.  Just yesterday we reported on one of those refugees we welcomed from Afghanistan when he was sentenced to 25 years in jail for his Islamic terror plans.

We have written previously about Pakistan’s demands that the Afghan refugees go home.  At the center of the news this morning is the subject of  that photo I bet everyone of you has seen at some point in the last three decades—the National Geographic cover photo of Sharbat Gula.

Sharbat Gula (then and now), the Afghan refugee who became famous after her photograph was put on the cover of National Geographic is getting attention again for another picture taken 30 years later.

Here is the story about how Gula has an illegal ID card.  They are overrunning us!

As evidenced by the anger over Gula having a CNIC, many Pakistanis are ready for them to return to Afghanistan. “We need them to leave Pakistan because we are badly suffering,” Hamid-ul-Huq, who represents Peshawar, told The Guardian. “All our streets, mosques, schools are overloaded because of them. It is time for them to leave Pakistan honorably.”

***Update***  More here at the Huffington Post thanks to reader Joanne.

And, be sure to see a post we wrote in 2009 where UNHCR Antonio Guterres declared that the world’s ‘welcoming’ heart for refugees comes from Islam—from Shariah law.  (I laugh every time I think about that!)

How did we become such suckers?