It is climate change that is driving displacement of populations in Africa and elsewhere. That is the message coming from the United Nations as the celebrations for World Refugee Day on Sunday were taking place.
Far from the public eye, jihadist forces have struck with little reaction from the American press. More than 160 civilians were murdered in a terrorist strike on two Burkina Faso villages this month. Another 40 individuals or more were injured in the attacks, which mark the deadliest episode of Islamic jihadism in the country in several years.
Burkina Faso, a sub-Saharan African nation, has been the site of a growing conflict between terrorist groups and government forces that have affected the Sahel since 2015. More than one million Burkinabe have been displaced because of the violence, which has also affected neighboring Mali and Niger, and several thousand have been killed. The insurgency in this part of the world is closely linked to other Islamic terrorism efforts in North Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere.
Survivors describe the killing as indiscriminate, as the terrorists targeted any individual they could find in the village, including women and children. It has been reported that the attackers burned the local hospital, as well as homes and the village market. No terrorist group has claimed credit for this attack.
Now along comes Angelina Jolie to proclaim (while wearing a head covering) that the biggest threat to the world is Climate Change and “nationalism.” I am sure the people of Burkina Faso are not thinking much about global warming (or America First nationalists!) as Jihadists roam the countryside indiscriminately killing men, women and children.
Hey world! Look over here, it is climate change (and right wingers!) that is the enemy, not Islamic supremacists!
Angelina Jolie: Climate Change will Force Hundreds of Millions into Refugee Status
Marvel Studios’ Eternals star Angelina Jolie made a fly in-fly out visit to a remote camp in Burkina Faso on Sunday to address refugees who have fled Islamic jihadist violence in the region, warning them the threat of climate change is real and could lead millions to a fate like theirs.
She says she wants refugees to be empowered with “a new life of peace, love and bountiful prosperity in a new world of caring and sharing.”
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Special Envoy, 46, donned a headscarf as she delivered a speech to the troubled West African nation to mark World Refugee Day, confiding she would “bow my head in respect for your courage and strength.”
Speaking in Burkina Faso’s Goudoubo refugee camp, in the central city of Kaya, Jolie added she had “never been as worried” about displaced people as she is now, as the world’s media gathered to record her appearance in words and pictures.
“We have to wake up to the track we are on globally, with so many conflicts raging and the very real possibility that climate change will force tens if not hundreds of millions of people to have to leave their homes in the future, with no possibility of return,” the Those Who Wish Me Dead star warned.
As Breitbart News reported, in 2017 she defended both in a lengthy speech at U.N. offices in Geneva, where the actress and humanitarian warned of a “rising tide of nationalism” in the West “masquerading as patriotism.”
Jolie is also a dedicated campaigner warning the world of the dangers of “climate change” and exhorting nations to change their ways to avert global disaster as she flies around the wrold.
In a nearly 20 minute-long address, Jolie said as an American citizen, she sees a global environment “more troubling and uncertain” than at any time in her lifetime. [Wow! Imagine that, worse than any time in her 46 years.—ed]
“We are grappling with a level of conflict and insecurity that seems to exceed our will and capabilities,” Jolie said, “with more refugees than ever before, and new wars erupting on top of existing conflicts, some already lasting decades.”
“We see a rising tide of nationalism, masquerading as patriotism, and the re-emergence of policies encouraging fear and hatred of others,” she added.
The Tomb Raider star said she is keen to help “empower” those who are trying to make a change, while standing with the poor and leading them on to a new life of peace, love and bountiful prosperity in a new world of caring and sharing.
This is a press releasefrom the UN with words from her speech. I don’t see anything where she points a finger at Jihadists and Islam. Let me know if you find a full text of her remarks.
The globalists and their commie pals have been for over a decade setting us up to accept that millions of third worlders will be flooding into the first world due to changes in the weather and you have no say in it.
Update! Oops! Thanks to all who spotted it—wrong link in here earlier today!
The US border invasion by so-called ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ is on and is predicted to be as big as the wave that washed over Texas and Arizona in 2014.
Jolie, as special ambassador to the UNHCR, knows darn well what the real definition of a refugee is. She is part of a huge worldwide political movement attempting to convince you that anyone on the move for any reason is entitled to refugee protection. Photo:
However, the news is not making the front page yet, and I predict every effort is being made to hide the frightening numbers as revealing them will only add fuel to the fire of Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again campaign. (And, it is the left-leaning media’s job to keep Trump out of the White House.)
Here is the story from Phoenix New Times:
Talk about bad timing. In an election year rife with anti-immigrant sentiment, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol statistics show that apprehensions of unaccompanied minors from Central America have spiked to levels near those in the first six months of fiscal year 2014, when the issue became a political football and a source of hysteria for some Americans.
According to a recent report by the Pew Research Center, CBP apprehended 27,754 unaccompanied minors on the U.S.-Mexico border during the fist six months of the 2016 fiscal year, which began this past October 1. That’s close to the mark reached for the first six months of fiscal year 2014 (28,579) and 78 percent higher than apprehensions during the first six months of fiscal year 2015.
Continue reading, then toward the end we are told the ‘children’ are refugees!
These ‘children’ are illegal aliens NOT REFUGEES!
The reporter quotes extensively from Wendy Young described here:
Wendy Young, president of the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Kids in Need of Defense (KiND), an organization co-founded by actress Angelina Jolie, which works to pair volunteer attorneys with children seeking asylum in this country.
She calls them refugees and worries there will be a backlash against the children! No Ms. Young the backlash will be a political one against you and others in the Open Borders movement who work day and night to hoodwink Americans.
“We are quite concerned that there will be a huge backlash against these kids,” Young says, “and that we’re going to forget that they’re refugees and we’re going to forget that they are children and adopt even harsher law-enforcement policies to push them back.”
Young, like all the other advocates for Open Borders is attempting to change the definition of ‘REFUGEE.’ These ‘children’ looking for a better life and jobs in America are NOT REFUGEES no matter how many times people like Angelina Jolie and Wendy Young say they are. A legitimate asylum claim can only be made if the alien proves that he (mostly teenage boys in this case!) or she would be persecuted for their race, religion, nationality or political persuasion. Escaping crime and poverty do not change an illegal alien into a legitimate refugee!
And, by the way, a legitimate asylum seeker is required to apply for asylum in the first safe country they come to. For the Central American teenagers that country would be Mexico! Just like their counterparts in Europe, these illegal alien migrants are ‘asylum shopping!”
See our previous posts on this issue. Stories are archived under the subject heading ‘unaccompanied minors.‘
Care and legal fees for the ‘children’ is expected to cost you, the American taxpayer, approximately $1.2 billion in FY2017, here.
She began funding legal work for the “unaccompanied minors” nine years ago!
Last night I was looking around to see if all of the federal refugee resettlement contractors were in on the lobbying campaign to Congress to get more money (your money) for their work with the ‘unaccompanied alien teens’ surging our border, and came uponthis story at the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants(USCRI) website.
Jane Fonda with the North Vietnamese in 1972.
Digressing for a minute to explain to new readers, these nine federal refugee contractors are not simply privately-funded humanitarian do-gooder ‘non-profits.’
They are community organizers who advocate for open borders (they lobbied for S.744, the Senate ‘comprehensive immigration reform bill’) just as La Raza does, which they have a right to do, if they stay within legal requirements of their federal grants.
However, the part that pushes me over the edge, and it should you as well, is that these “charities” are almost completely funded by us through our tax dollars. One of them is as much as 99% funded by taxpayer dollars, therefore what they do is very much our business!
[See USCRI’s Form 990 for 2012, their total income was $35.7 million and you gave them $35.4 million—99% of their income is your money—only $246,576 came from private donations!]
As supposedly private non-profits, they are not open to the scrutiny of protections such as the Freedom of Information Act or even financial audits of what they and their 350 subcontractors do with their share of your tax dollars.
Here is a list of quasi-government agencies pretending to be non-profit charities that we would like to see become household names.
Angelina Jolie discovering the third world in 2005.
USCRI held a conference earlier this year in Washington, DC about the “children” (the unaccompanied alien minors) surging the border and in attendance were the First Ladies of Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. See USCRI’s write-up here.
But this is what jumped out at me—Angelina Jolie got USCRI’s ‘unaccompanied alien minors’ program going 9 years ago, but you get to pay for it now!
Every year thousands of children, alone, vulnerable, and fleeing difficult and dangerous circumstances, turn up on U.S. borders. The migrant children most often are from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico.
USCRI’s program was established in 2005 with a grant from actress Angelina Jolie to protect the rights of immigrant children. The national program has grown to provide human trafficking services, migration prevention programs, and social work assistance. The Center has served more than 5,000 children in the U.S., and trained thousands of attorneys across the United States to represent unaccompanied migrant children in removal proceedings.
UN Special Envoy Angelina Jolie has every right to fund whatever she wishes with her private money, but since USCRI is effectively a government agency (99% taxpayer-funded) we can be critical of what we believe is a treasonous program doing potentially greater harm to America than anything ‘Hanoi Jane’ did in 1972.
In an interview with Sky News, the American actress condemned what she called the failure of the international community to intervene effectively in recent crises in the Middle East and Nigeria.
Asked by Sky News presenter Anna Jones if Britain and other countries should take in more refugees, Jolie replied: “Yes.”
But she added that the international community’s current approach to such a crisis is “broken”.
Her call for action has been welcomed by The Refugee Council – a UK charity that works with refugees.
Jolie lamented what she called the increasing inability of the international community to solve crises like the recent kidnapping of 200 Nigerian schoolgirls by extremist group Boko Haram.
However, she admitted she could offer no immediate solution herself.
“I do lie awake at night like most people wondering… I cannot get my head around all of the horrors in the world today,” she said.
Are you laying awake at night troubled by the world? It seems clear to me…..
…. for the Syrian civil war—let them fight it out themselves and then the Syrians who ran for cover should return. Then there is only one solution for Islamic terrorist groups like Boko Haram, wipe them out swiftly and completely, but no African or Western country has the testicular fortitude to do it.
This ‘news’ is all over our alerts today along with ‘news’ of Angelina Jolie visiting Syrian refugees as a special envoy for the UN. Looks like a stepped-up PR campaign!
Jolie in head scarf visits refugee kids in Lebanon.
Watch for it!—The announcement of how many Syrians the US will take this year should be out soon (or maybe it’s out already?). Will it be the 2,000 discussed previously or the 12,000-15,000 the contractors want? Remember also that the Obama Administration has lifted the ‘terrorism bar’primarily for the Syrians. ***Update*** Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society calls for 75,000 Syrians, here.
The United Nations has warned that the influx of Syrian refugees into Lebanon poses a serious threat to the country’s stability and the region.
According to the reports, Ninette Kelley, regional representative for Lebanon for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on Friday said: “There is not a single country in the world today that is shouldering as much in proportion to its size as Lebanon.”
Kelley said the influx of one million Syrian refugees into neighboring Lebanon has pushed up the country’s population by one-fourth.
This inflicts a major strain on Lebanon’s public infrastructure as people fleeing violence in Syria seek housing, food, and healthcare at a time of economic slowdown in the country.
The UN official described the influx as a threat to the country’s economy and warned that it would also make a spillover of the conflict in Syria into Lebanon more likely.
Kelley made comments on his visit to Washington and a week after Lebanese Foreign Minister GebranBassil said the crisis in Syria is threatening the existence of Lebanon, which has gone through a year-long political crisis.
Meanwhile a Reuters story tells us that the US is the single largest donor of humanitarian aid in the Syrian situation. But for the ‘human rights’ gang this will not be enough—thousands of the Syrians need to be living in American cities and towns to satisfy them.
The United States has been the largest single donor of assistance related to the conflict in Syria. The U.S. State Department says that U.S. humanitarian assistance across the region related to the conflict amounts to $1.7 billion to date.
If you see the big announcement before we do—please let us know!