Resettled refugees haven’t been doing so well as the Chinese Virus continues to wreck the US economy, but nevermind, Biden has promised 125,000 more impoverished third worlders for Americans to take care of in the coming year.
Every time you see a sob story like this one in the mainstream media you should be firing off a letter to the editor and asking:
Has [city or state, fill in the blank!] run out of poor, jobless, homeless, hungry Americans?
Even it you know the letter won’t be published you are educating the editor!

Recognizing that Americans are hurting and should be taken care of first, President Trump further reduced the number of needy people the country could manage in 2021, but Biden/Harris are putting Americans LAST as they promise the largest influx of refugees America has seen in many decades and far in excess of those Obama admitted.
(And, with his past actions, Arizona’s Republican Governor Ducey has signaled his agreement with Biden!)
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and the International Rescue Committee headed by Moneybags Miliband are putting out-of-work refugees FIRST—ahead of hurting Americans!
From (hat tip: Tom):
Tucson agencies support of refugees challenging during pandemic
Since many recently-arrived refugees work in hard-hit industries such as hospitality, food service and transportation, they are among those greatly impacted by the pandemic, officials say
President-elect Joe Biden has said he will increase that cap to 125,000. Arizona resettlement agencies expect that cap to climb over time, allowing them to readjust and prepare for more arrivals in the future.
Nationally, Arizona is one of the highest states for resettlement, Prescott said. The IRC and Lutheran Social Services are among the organizations that provide a number of resources for newly arrived refugees, including job placement, enrolling children in school, finding and furnishing housing, and social services and community support.

“When the pandemic first came last spring, it really threw our refugee clients into quite a crisis,” said Phillips of Lutheran Social Services. “Between the community and the staff’s ability to be innovative and to pivot, I think we were successful in providing for basic needs and responding to the immediate crisis.”
Since many recently arrived refugees work in hard-hit industries such as hospitality, food service and transportation, they are among those greatly impacted by the pandemic, Prescott said.
Refugees have lost their jobs, so have Americans!
More than 40% of the resettled refugees that Lutheran Social Services has assisted lost their jobs since the pandemic hit, Phillips said.
Arizona resettlement agencies addressed these issues by helping those who lost their jobs find new employment, as well as distributing food and supplies.
They also supplied refugees with information about economic relief programs for which they might qualify, such as rent and utility assistance through the city of Tucson.
Refugees’ living conditions mean they get more COVID says the IRC community engagement coordinator, and as the “most vulnerable people” need extra attention:

The pandemic has revealed factors that contribute to greater positive rates among low-income communities, communities of color and immigrants — many of which apply to refugees. The nature of their work in essential industries coupled with living situations in which multiple generations reside in one home makes them more at risk, Prescott said.
To counter this, agencies have implemented measures to improve safety and testing in refugee communities.
Thanks to a grant from the Arizona Department of Health Services, the Pima County Health Department and the IRC have partnered to establish free local testing sites and ensure information about these sites is shared with the city’s refugees, Prescott said.
“This testing program is so important because if we can make sure that the most vulnerable people have access to testing, then we can keep those rates lower, which helps the community.”
What about poor vulnerable American kids?
Tucson schools have jumped in, providing essential equipment to refugee youth. Local resettlement agencies also work with families to help them navigate digital education.
There is more here.
And, just in case you think that Lutheran Social Services is being funded by the generosity of Christians passing the plate in church, see this page from a recent Form 990.
Taxpayers pay for approximately 85% of their annual income.
Less than $2 million of their $16.5 million revenue in 2018/19 came from private charity of some sort. Be sure to see page 10 (Form 990 filed in early 2020) and note that most of their income went to salaries, employee benefits and office overhead.
There is even a quarter of a million in travel expenses!
They are still working as Government grants and contracts provide salaries for open borders political activists.