As the Chinese menace recedes, the invasion of Europe picks up its pace.
My invasion of Europe archiveneeds some attention and over the weekend Jihad Watchhad an informative piece about my favorite country after America—Hungary. (Poland comes in a close third!)
Hungary says border fence worked, urges EU to refocus on migration as illegal Muslim migration attempts triple
Hungary has seen a sharp rise in illegal Muslim migrants trying to enter the country over the last year — triple the number than in the previous year. The government now wants to see a refocus on controlling illegal Muslim migration into the EU, since all attention has been focused on COVID.
The influx of illegals has not stopped, and is now escalating even more as COVID recedes. Areas of the EU, especially the UK, Italy, Spain and Greece, have been easy-access target countries. Zoltan Kovacs, the Orban government’s long-serving Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Relations, stated:
By erecting a border fence along our borders with Serbia and Croatia – again, that’s not only our frontier, it’s an external border of Europe’s Schengen Area – Hungary showed the world in 2015 that it is possible to stop the influx of illegals on land. A few years later, under the leadership of former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, Italy effectively put an end to migration at sea. Other member states, and most EU institutions, however, seem hell-bent on turning the other way and letting these immigrants in.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban once said:
We don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as Muslim invaders…For example, to arrive from Syria in Hungary, you have to cross four countries, all of which are not as rich as Germany, but stable. So they are not running for their lives there already.
The vast majority of Muslim migrants still entering the EU are economic migrants jumping the queue. Migrants have been steadily flowing into Italy, and 8,000 Moroccan migrants swarmed into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in the space of three days (6,000 in one day alone).
Build more shelters! Sounds just like what Biden is doing.
Instead of supporting limits on mass migration, politicians from Angela Merkel’s party in Germany instead advised Spain and Italy to build more migrant centers.
Globalists continue to erode their countries’ democracies, neglect national security and demonstrate little regard for the rule of law as they continue to support open-door immigration.
Biden Wants to Prepare for Future Surges of Unaccompanied Minors
Okay, that news is bad enough, but it gave me a chuckle to see how they are spinning the present surge of illegal alien kids with the arrival of Biden in the Oval Office—just happens from time to time, move along, nothing to see!
It is just a normal cycle and we must be better prepared by spending more of your tax dollars for housing for the mostly teenaged boys. That apparently is the talking point coming from this White House.
If you missed my post the other day about planes landing in the night in Tennessee, check it out here:
One good thing about the Tennessee expose’ is that the secrecy angle has brought the Administration’s movement of the ‘children’ to the media’s attention, but it has been going on for years.
We see that WRCB-TV in Chattanooga has an update. I’m happy that they are trying to get more accurate information on the Tennessee situation by using data at the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, but I have a bone to pick with them about their headline. Here is my complaint:
The Unaccompanied Alien Children are illegal aliens NOT REFUGEES.
They aren’t even legitimate asylum seekers unless, and until, they file an asylum claim.
What happens next in the refugee resettlement process of migrant children?
It’s been more than a week since four planes carrying migrant children landed in Chattanooga.
Similar operations are happening across the country. Some of those children are being cared for in a group home, but hundreds of others left the airport on a bus.
Channel 3 learned what happens next in the refugee resettlement process, and the number of children relying on sponsors in Tennessee.
From October to March, 66 unaccompanied children were released to a sponsor in Hamilton County.
While the federal government looks for a sponsor, children are taken to one of about 200 facilities across twenty-two states. A child therapist says this process can take a toll on the children involved.
There are about 200 facilities across the country where unaccompanied children are being housed.
One of them is in Chattanooga, which can house between 30 and 50 minors.
As of May 13, there are around 20,000 kids in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, nationwide.Their average stay is 31 days.
More on that shortly…
But, back to the Pew articleI mentioned above. Get ready for another federal agency for the ‘children.’
The Biden administration wants to create a permanent federal workforce to provide housing for unaccompanied migrant children during surges like the one that began in January and continues to overwhelm authorities.
Mayorkas is not wrong. Surges have occurred periodically, but Trump did get a handle on the problem toward the end of his presidency.
“We all know that surges arise periodically,” U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said during a congressional hearing earlier this month. “They arose in 2019. They arose in 2016, in 2014 and well before that. Migration is a very dynamic and fluid challenge that we have faced for many, many years.”
Mayorkas said during the hearing that DHS is exploring options, but the agency did not respond to a Stateline request for more detail.
Currently, the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is part of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, houses the children by relying on state-licensed contractors. But Republican governors in Iowa, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming recently blocked contractors in their states from taking in the children, claiming that the unaccompanied kids would displace those already in state foster care or limit states’ ability to make new placements.
However, there currently are no federally funded long-term foster care providers for unaccompanied minors in any of those five states.
The Pew article goes on to say that Senator Rob Portman said the previous administration had no surges, but I am sad to say he is wrong. They might not have had a surge at the end of Trump’s time in office, but they sure did have a surge earlier as you will see below.
I know it isn’t what we want to see, but Donald Trump presided over the largest surge year so far.
For perspective, in 2003, when ORR became the agency in charge of UACs, there were 8,000 arriving illegally that year.
And, so here is my big question:
Since over 70% of the ‘childrenare ages 15-17, what happens to them when they age-out as they turn 18? Tens of thousands of Trump’s UACs likely already aged out. Where are they? Why does no one ask? Are they simply loose in your towns and counties? I think so!
And, see that the Left-leaning Migration Policy Institute is critical of the Biden team’s handling of the mess. Are they helping set the narrative that an entire new bureaucratic structure is the only answer to the border crisis?
“We have neither the resources nor the obligation to solve the federal government’s problem and foot the bill for the consequences of this Administration’s misguided actions.”
Maybe you have already seen reports where you live that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement(within HHS) is out scouting locations to shelter Unaccompanied Alien Children(mostly teens and mostly males!) in unused facilitiessuch as old schools.
Well, twenty Republican governors are saying Not in My State!
Presumably this demand by the governors applies only to shelters for UACs.***
Here is the opening salvo in their letteryesterday:
Here are those who signed:
Although it didn’t involve illegal alien ‘children’, I am reminded that many of the governors above did not supportPresident Trump’s efforts to strengthen their states rightswhen Trump proposed a plan to give them a greater say in refugee placement in their states.
There are twenty-seven Republican governors, seven did not sign the letter.
Missing are the REPUBLICAN governors of Alaska, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio, Vermont and West Virginiasignaling that it is hunky dory to send illegal aliens to shelters in their states.
***UACs are being placed with sponsors in most states.
You can see, by clicking here, where some of the mostly teenagers have been placed with sponsorsthrough the end of March.
Holy cow! Who knew! Not only do millions of your tax dollars go to the nine federal refugee contractors*** in the US, but we send apparently billions to supposedly Christian social justice groups in places like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
Let the wailing begin as the groups claim that they use our millions to keep citizens of those countries from fleeing toward our southern border, so cutting them off is wrong they say.
It is pretty clear for all to see that even with billions of dollars over the years they have failed spectacularly in stopping the invasion and I assume the State Department has pretty much figured that out.
Honduran migrants on the way to the US in 2018
I wish I had time today to take a deep dive into past funding for the groups that include, Proyecto Aldea Global, Association for a More Just Society, International Justice Mission and World Vision, but I don’t.
Christian Nonprofits Reeling from Trump Cuts to Foreign Aid
Christian ministries in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador know they are in for a tough year. The US government has drastically cut aid to the three Central American countries in response to the large number of refugees who have fled north to seek asylum in America. Some of the more than $500 million of US taxpayer money was going to Christian nonprofits working on economic development, anti-corruption efforts, and helping children in poverty in the three countries. Those ministries will have to lay people off, reduce services, and scramble to find other funds. [Just call George Soros and ask him to supply the funds—ed]
“The Trump administration shot itself in the foot with these cuts,” said Chet Thomas, director of Proyecto Aldea Global in Honduras, which has been forced to stop a job training program that gave teenagers alternatives to working for criminal gangs. “These projects are designed to … reduce the number of people migrating to the US.”
US foreign aid flows through various channels. In many cases, it ends up funding nongovernmental organizations, including Christian relief organizations in the area of Central American known as the Northern Triangle. Many of these address the conditions that cause people to flee their homes and seek asylum, leading to a crisis at the US border. Some ministries work directly with host governments to train national staff and increase the effectiveness of state institutions. Others focus more on community development, often building connections with local churches that don’t trust their government and don’t have many of their own resources.
Governments must do their jobs!
Justifying the cuts, the State Department appeared to downplay the role of nonprofit groups in addressing migration. “We expect the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to keep their commitments to stem illegal immigration to the United States,” it said in a statement.
Sure looks to me that the State Department calculated that based on the hordes flooding to the US border, we weren’t getting our money’s worth from these ‘Christian non-profits’.
However, some US ‘religious charities’ are not seeing huge funding cuts!
*** Here (below) are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.
I’m not posting my usual spiel, but only want to say that in my analysis of funds received by three contractors (so far) since Trump took office, only the US Conference of Catholic Bishopshas taken a large cut in its federal funding.
The United Nations is demanding that we follow international law and let those fleeing violence in their Central American countries (not a criteria for granting asylum) into the US. What happened with that supposed effort to tell Mexico to grant them asylum—that is what international law says!
The first safe country asylum seekers reach is where they must ask for asylum.
Clearly the UN is endorsing the concept of “asylum shopping” a term used around the world where migrants are on the hunt for their best deal.
But, you know all of that.
The caravan is an anti-Trump public relations stunt in the run-up to the midterm elections and it seems the whole world is in on it.
Here is Voice of America(with a photo of the starving mass of humanity!):
UN: Countries Must Allow People at Risk to Request Asylum
If VOA was trying to get sympathy for the marchers, this photo is a poor choice! Just saying!
The U.N. refugee agency is urging Washington to allow people fleeing persecution and violence, including those who are traveling with the Central American caravan, to request asylum on U.S. territory.
U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed to prevent a caravan of thousands of immigrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador from entering the United States. The Pentagon has announced plans to send hundreds of troops to the border in what is described as a support role.
The U.N. refugee agency will not weigh in on whether it is legal for a country to close its borders to refugees and asylum seekers. But it says international law clearly states any person whose life may be in danger has the right to seek asylum and benefit from international protection.
What you see happening with gobbledygook in that previous paragraph is a strategy to make you think that every person on the move anywhere is a legitimate refugee. We aren’t there yet, but the UN is driving public opinion in that direction.
There has to be a reason for “danger,” generalized danger is not a reason for granting asylum. To be granted asylum a person must prove that he or she would be persecuted for race, religion, political views if returned to one’s home country. Running from gang violence or poor job prospects does not make someone a refugee!
UN spokesman Andrej Mahecic says there are security risks for the migrants as they travel through Mexico. Well gee, is that our problem? The UN can simply and easily get them back to their homes. (If they were really that concerned.)
“Our position globally is that the individuals who are fleeing persecution and violence need to be given access to territory and protection including refugee status and determination procedure. And, if the people who are fleeing persecution and violence enter Mexico, they need to be provided access to the Mexican asylum system and those entering the United States need to be provided access to the American asylum system,” he said.
But to get to the US they must pass through Mexico!
So that (above) tells me that any migrant caravan marchers who didn’t ask for asylum in Mexico when they crossed in to that country are admitting they aren’t asylum seekers after all.
Hence when they reach the US border they will all be illegal aliens and we can keep them out!
Mahecic keeps trying to send his message:
He said it is urgent to stabilize the situation, to provide proper reception and to improve basic conditions for people on the move. In regard to people seeking asylum, he says their international protection needs must be properly assessed before any decision is taken on their return or deportation.
Remember that Mahecic and his bosses are trying to drive public opinion world wide to their view that migration is a human right. If they succeed then obviously that spells the end of the concept of national sovereignty.
Trump’s America First! message is completely antithetical to the UN’s objective, thus their on-going effort to destroy him.
Don’t you just feel like telling the UN to shut up! Of course, using only non-violent means by cutting off their funds entirely!