Major US refugee contractor, International Rescue Committee, embroiled in corruption probe

Update May 13th: Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily has much more on this probe.
Gee, I wonder if this is why its CEO David Miliband (a Brit!) has his toe back in UK political waters (here two days ago!). Is he about to jump ship and go home?

Miliband and Hillary 'vibrant'
Miliband says he loves her smile!

I haven’t seen this story yet in the American press, seems we always have to depend on the British press to inform us of unsavory news involving refugees and the contractors the federal government hires to take care of them.
Thanks to reader Ann for sending this story from The Telegraph (emphasis is mine):

The United States is investigating an international aid group headed by David Miliband over allegations of corruption in projects intended to help Syrian civilians and refugees.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is one of three international groups to have had millions of pounds in funding withdrawn over alleged bid-rigging and bribery.

Mr Miliband, a former foreign secretary, was appointed president and chief executive of the organisation in 2013, following his exit from Westminster politics.

David Miliband and Soros
Miliband/IRC awards George Soros for his work!

USAID’s Office of the Inspector General confirmed on Friday that 14 entities and individuals had been suspended as part of a “complex investigation into cross-border aid programs”.

This includes International Medical Corps, one of the largest providers of medical aid to Syrians, and GOAL, an Irish NGO.

Allegations relate to the organisations systematically overpaying for goods in Turkey. A senior USAID official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said private Turkish companies had sold cut-rate blankets and other basic materials at vastly inflated prices and pocketed the difference.


“What became clear in the course of this investigation was this was a pretty sophisticated operation,” the USAID official said.


The IRC, which has an annual budget of £350 million,*** relies heavily on government funding from Britain and the United States.

An IRC spokesman told The Times: “We are fully engaged and working with USAID on this issue.”

miliband and Obama
Miliband and Obama are on the same page—bring in the Muslim refugees! Except Obama isn’t going fast enough for Miliband.

Two IRC staff members were dismissed in January after it was found that they had accepted money from suppliers in return for awarding them contracts.

Continue reading where we learn that the Irish aid agency gets US dollars too!
Just a reminder that David Miliband was one of the first contractor CEOs to call for Obama to admit 65,000 Syrians by the end of his term.  Miliband later upped that number to 100,000.  See our huge archive on Miliband by clicking here.
And, if these contractor names have you confused, it is the IRC that is opening an office to bring Syrians to Missoula, MT (among other places).

***Let’s talk about their money for a minute!

Go to the most recent Form 990 for the IRC by clicking here.
Scroll down to page 9 where we learn that the IRC had a revenue stream that year of over a half a billion dollars ($562,021,607) and $378,337,440 came from “government grants.”  That is you—the US taxpayer!
Doing well by doing good…..
And, if you want to really get your blood boiling scroll through a few more pages until you reach the staff salaries where no less than 11 staff people make over $200,000 a year.  Perhaps the most necessary staffer they have right now—-their General Counsel—makes a bit less at $195,427.
Then look at the line for Miliband—-over $300,000 in cash, but it says “annual compensation $600,000.”  What is up with that?  Are they paying his NYC housing on the side somehow?
And, to wrap up with adding more insult to injury—their former CEO George Rupp is still pulling in annual compensation of $338,855 in this Form 990 that ended September 30, 2014.
I wonder what the underlings toiling away in resettlement offices across the US are making? What is Miss Mary going to make in Missoula?

Go here to see where the IRC is placing refugees in the US.  Besides Missoula, MT they have four new offices.

If Miliband is so interested in British politics he should just go home!

Sheesh!  The US taxpayer gives $378 million a year to the NON-profit International Rescue Committee to, among other things, resettle refugees into many US cities—most recently they have plans for Missoula, MT—and here its CEO David Miliband (a British citizen being compensated to the tune of $600,000 a year) (see recent Form 990 here) is in the middle of huge controversy in the UK called Brexit.

Miliband and Cameron
Miliband and Cameron joined forces yesterday to oppose efforts to remove the UK from the EU.

Be sure to see how in 2013 Miliband was welcomed to NYC by Bill Clinton, George Soros, Madeleine Albright and Samantha Power.
Miliband was also the first resettlement contractor to call for 65,000 Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees to be admitted to the US this year and subsequently upped the number to 100,000.
See our complete Miliband archive by clicking here.
From the Mirror:

David Miliband lent David Cameron a hand in making the case for Britain’s ongoing EU membership today .

The Labour former Foreign Secretary introduced the Tory Prime Minister’s speech at the British Museum. [Who paid his travel expenses to the UK—the US taxpayer?—ed]

Ex-Labour leadership hopeful Mr Miliband, who lost the party crown to younger brother Ed [aka Red Ed—ed] in 2010, said: “It’s a mark of the stakes on June 23 that David Cameron and I have come together today.

“I’m sure it would be easy to poke fun at our unusual and temporary political alliance, but actually it is a sobering reflection of what is at issue.

“There is a centre-left case for Britain’s membership of the European Union and there is a centre-right case for Britain’s membership of the European Union.”

Continue reading here. According to the article, Cameron believes there will be “peace” in Europe if they stay in.
Frankly, after Londoners elected a Muslim mayor and in Europe there are riots about the invading Muslim migrants, doesn’t look like peace is in the offing for anyone, anywhere on the continent.
By the way, there was an article yesterday which suggested Miliband might be eyeing the seat in Parliament vacated by the newly elected mayor of London.  Maybe he is indeed angling to go home.  Don’t let the door hit you……

6 months in to fiscal year, 1,282 Syrian refugees admitted to US (Obama is thousands short of goal!)

Obama and David Miliband
Resettlement contractor David Miliband of the IRC (right) was the first to call for Obama to admit 65,000 Syrians this year, then increased his demand to 100,000.

And, the numbers reveal that Obama is not saving Christians or other religious minorities!
Obama gave his US State Department a year to get 10,000 Syrian refugees seeded into towns and cities across America.
We are now at the halfway point in Fiscal Year 2016 (it began on October 1, 2015) and they have resettled 1,282 (99% Muslim Syrians).
They have 8,718 to go in the next few months to reach Obama’s goal.  Could security screening be slowing the flow? (BTW, suicidal Canada does not appear to be worried about security).
And, remember readers, the resettlement contractors first demanded 65,000 Syrians this year and then upped the number to 100,000 by this fall.

Where are those Syrians now?

Here is a map of where they’ve been placed so far (source: Refugee Processing Center):
Map Syrians March 31 2016
If you can’t read the numbers here is a list of the top ten ‘welcoming’ Syrian resettlement states:

Michigan (166)

California (127)

Pennsylvania (114)

Illinois (87)

Texas (82)

Florida (76)

Ohio (61)

North Carolina (59)

Kentucky (57)

Connecticut (50)

Arizona and New York are next with 48 each.

There is no effort by the UNHCR and our State Department to save the persecuted Christians.  

99% of the 1,282 are Muslims (see breakdown below):

Catholic (3)

Christian (3)

Greek Orthodox (1)

Moslem (their spelling) (18)

Moslem Shiite (8)

Moslem Suni (1,246)

Other Religion (1)

Photo:  We wrote about British Foreign Secretary David Miliband here yesterday.  It is galling to think that a Brit is calling the shots on the demographic make-up of American towns and cities.  WTH! He already played a huge role in wrecking the UK!  For our complete dossier on Miliband, click here.

David Miliband loves Hillary's smile….

….And, is the the man who is deciding the future of Montana (and other US states)!

She has such a “fantastic smile.”

As the CEO of the New York City-based International Rescue Committee (IRC), we learned recently that he will be helping to decide which third world refugees will be seeded in Missoula, Montana through the newest IRC office there.
Miliband is the former British Foreign Secretary who came to NYC a few years ago to take the job (paid nearly a half a million dollars a year) to run the IRC (a US government funded refugee resettlement contractor).
We have an extensive archive on him and have on many previous occasions reported on his warm relationship with Hillary Clinton.  He was the first to call for 65,000 (mostly Muslim) Syrians to be admitted to the US this year, and has since demanded 100,000 this year.
Be sure to see: Miliband says we must embrace “political Islamism.”
Here The Telegraph hints that Miliband might be thinking about heading back to the UK (he is a British citizen) and jumping back into UK politics.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

David Miliband has spoken of his true feelings for the Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and his affection for her “fantastic smile”.

In an interview with ES Magazine, Mr Miliband opened up about his friendship with the Democratic candidate, as he praised her humor, intelligence and powerful smile.

He said he likes to think of her as “a friend” and that people are always surprised by her.


“You have to update your politics.”

He indicated he was considering a moved back to Britain admitting he will not be doing his current job

Mr Miliband, who currently heads the International Rescue Committee in New York, suggested he would not do the job “for ever” and indicated he was considering a moved back to Britain.

He also revealed he had been speaking to old Labour colleagues, including Pat McFadden MP, who was sacked by Mr Corbyn fir alleged “disloyalty”.

The article goes on to report that he opposes the UK leaving the EU because he is a hard core globalist.  Globalists believe not only in the free trade of commodities, but in the free movement of cheap laborers as well!

David Miliband's IRC to seed Montana with refugees (soon!) US State Dept. gives go ahead

The Mayor, city council and county commissioners of Missoula County Montana have given their blessing to the New York City-based International Rescue Committee headed by former British Foreign Secretary and globalist David Miliband (good friend of both George Soros and Hillary Clinton) to begin the colonization of Montana with third world refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia beginning in Missoula.

David Miliband and Soros
Don’t be fooled, your local Miss Mary will not be choosing refugees for Montana, it will be Brit David Miliband at the IRC. Here Miliband is awarding George Soros the IRC’s highest honor—Freedom Award—in 2013.

I have so much to say, where to begin?  First, if you are a new reader, see all of my previous posts on Montana by clicking here. Remember the driver for these new offices (this article says Tallahassee, FL just got a new office) is that Obama has upped the number of refugees to be resettled this year from the recent 70,000 a year to 85,000 for FY2016 (runs from Oct. 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016) and frankly they are running out of ‘capacity’ in existing resettlement cities.
Cities are overloaded and experiencing problems with such things as inadequate housing and not enough jobs for refugees.  Tensions are building in overloaded cities and they are looking to get a foothold into fresh territory.
So, since we learn in this article that the approval for the resettlement was granted for this fiscal year, it should happen quickly, AND it also means that the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has already sent a R & P Abstract to the US State Department.
The Abstract is the document that is supposed to have been created with consultation with local elected officials.  Did that happen?

Where is the plan?

First thing I would ask is for the Mayor/city council/commissioners to release to the public the R & P Abstract.

See what one looks like by clicking here.  You are entitled to this document no matter what they say!
Wiser mayors, like the one (a Democrat!) in Athens, GA, demanded that the IRC present a plan (to the public) that described the housing availability situation in the city, how many children would be added to the school system, was there an adequate public healthcare system available, and where would they work.  She wanted a “formal refugee integration plan.”  The IRC and the State Department refused to provide a plan and last I checked they had reached a stalemate (could have been resolved by now, that was in 2014).
And, one more thing before this latest news from Montana, be sure to see my “Ten things your town needs to know” when a resettlement agency is about to open in your town.
Here is what the Missoulian says about the decision by the federal government to seed Montana soon!

Now that it’s a reality, there’s much work to be done before a refugee resettlement office is up and running in Missoula.

“There’s a process through the (U.S.) State Department, which is already occurring, but it’s not instant,” Bob Johnson of the Seattle office of the International Rescue Committee said this week.

Somalis in Seattle
Coming to Montana once the IRC has a foothold! This is the IRC’s handiwork in Seattle! Somali refugees have gobbled up much of the public housing and are protesting a plan that would require them to pay a little more for that housing when they find a job. Signs in the back say “No Rent Hike.”

The IRC announced last week it had the go-ahead from the State Department to lay the groundwork to establish an office in Missoula for the second time. Johnson was at the ground level when the first one opened in 1979 to help hundreds of people fleeing persecution in Southeast Asia – most of them Hmong from the highlands of Laos – after the Vietnam War.

Today, the IRC is one of nine resettlement agencies in the U.S. The Missoula office will be the 27th in the nation for IRC, the most recent opening in Tallahassee, Florida, in March 2015.

Missoula was the first to announce plans to open this fiscal year, which began in October. The Obama administration raised from 70,000 to 85,000 the number of refugees the nation will accept in fiscal 2016. It also bumped up to 10,000 the number of refugees the U.S. will accept from Syria, an act that has escalated fears of domestic terrorism in the U.S.

Pay attention to this next part! The nine ‘non-profit’ federal contractors sit around a table once a week in Washington and decide where to send each refugee.

“They process the refugees who’ve been accepted and assign them to the nine different agencies that work with them,” said Johnson. “They have an allocations meeting once a week that all the agencies attend. There’s a formula of who gets which cases, and then the agencies will assign them to local offices based on capacity, language capacity, the existing population that’s already there and so on.”

The IRC’s application to the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration for a Missoula office proposed a staff of 2 1/2 positions – an executive director, a caseworker and a half-time finance manager. The latter job is expected to bloom into a full-time position when numbers warrant it.


The placement of a resettlement office has touched off a barrage of protests from all quarters of the state, many citing security issues. Mayor John Engen, most Missoula City Council members and all three county commissioners have publicly supported it and voiced confidence that the screening process is adequate.

First, concerned citizens of Montana must contact the local elected officials and ask to see the IRC’s “application to the State Department” and the R & P Abstract.
The Mayor, City Council, and Commissioners must have those documents!  If those elected officials claim they never saw them and were not involved in their preparation then you can be sure they have let you down!  They are not doing their jobs to protect their citizens both financially and security-wise.
Then if you suspect that they do have the documents and are simply not making them public, use whatever Public Information/Freedom of Information law you have in Montana to obtain them.
And, while you are at it, be sure to research the legal structure of Miss Mary’s Soft Landings, get their incorporation papers with the state (usually through the State Attorney General’s Office).  IRC will certainly have to incorporate a non-profit in the state as well.  See if you can find out if that process is underway.
Find out if Montana has a state refugee coordinator.  Tell the public who that is.
Some concerned citizens should also be publishing a state-wide blog or website to publish everything you learn about the program in the state and identify all of the elected officials and groups like the Chamber of Commerce (cheap labor!) pushing the resettlement.  And, always remember they hide behind the humanitarian mask, but somewhere there are some global business interests looking to assure a steady supply of cheap immigrant labor to the state—find out who they are!
Bottomline is to get your facts and publish them!  The only way this program has become so advanced over the last 30 plus years is that it has operated in virtual secrecy.  Demand transparency!
Photo:  See my December 2014 post about the housing proposal being protested by the Somali ‘community.’ Work! Pay more rent!