Refugee Contractor Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Grows During Trump Administration

“He (CEO Hetfield) expects HIAS to spend $80 million this year, its largest budget to date.”


I recently showed you, here, that indeed the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (one of nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***) is doing better under the Trump administration than it did previously for most of the Obama years.

Now here is news where HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield tells us why that is.

They are expanding their offices into Central and South America, and elsewhere.

So why the wailing about the Trump administration’s reduction in numbers? HIAS can certainly do its ‘religious charitable work’ elsewhere and stop pushing more migrants to America, right?

From The Jewish Standard:

Refugee crisis continues to grow, HIAS director says

When we spoke earlier this week, Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of HIAS, was traveling through Central and South America, visiting some of the organization’s many offices in the region. The number of those offices continues to grow.

Hetfield (left) protesting with Church World Service against the Trump administration (and suing the Prez).


We’ve long had programs in Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama for refugees from Colombia,” Mr. Hetfield said. But now, with the refugee crisis in Venezuela, the organization has had to create new centers to handle the situation. And while thousands of refugees are streaming out of Venezuela, others continue to come in.

Only one year ago, HIAS had 45 offices across the world; today it has 71.

Most are in Central and South America and Mexico. “Our office in Ecuador has 250 staff members, with 16 offices across the country,” Mr. Hetfield said. He noted that in the United States, Venezuelans comprise the number one asylum-seeking group, “but nobody seems to be noticing this crisis.”

HIAS also has offices in Africa, Israel, and the United States. “We aspire to be where there is a refugee crisis,” Mr. Hetfield said.

Here is my favorite bit of news from this story!

They don’t want to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program because they fear they would lose in a fight in Congress because they know the American people are not on their side!

Unfortunately, he noted, “All international and domestic law is basically responding to the problems of World War II. It hasn’t been updated to reflect realities. And people are afraid to revisit it because of the fear that if we reopen it, it will be contracted rather than expanded.”

More here.

See my post yesterday about a Catholic publication pushing the BIG LIE that the Refugee Act of 1980, which is 40 years old this month and needs to be repealed or reformed, was signed into law by Ronald Reagan.  It was not! Our peanut farmer President was responsible for creating the dysfunctional program that set up the taxpayer-funded money stream to these nine contractors.

***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

A ‘religious’ message from CWS one of three federally funded contractors suing to stop the President’s effort to reform the UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program.

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.

Note to PayPal donors!  I want to thank all of you who send me donations for my work via PayPal. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, PayPal is making changes to their terms of service and I’ve decided to opt-out beginning on March 10, 2020.

North Dakota: County Commissioner Takes Lutheran Resettlement Agency to Task

I reported here in December that Burleigh County commissioners held a couple of contentious meetings on the question of whether the county would continue receiving refugees under the President’s new reform plan.

Although their decision was not exactly overwhelming, the fact that this county commission actually held a hearing to take the pulse of the community is very significant. All across the country governors and local elected officials are deciding behind closed doors. Demand public hearings!


Lutheran Social Services recently reported to the commissioners that all was quiet and few refugees were arriving.

The headline from the Bismarck Tribune focuses on that.

However, read on.

Commissioner Brian Bitner does something rarely seen when the subject of the financial impact refugees have on the community comes up—he called out Lutheran Social Services for providing deceptive information.

See who produced that information….

From the Bismarck Tribune:

New refugee family won’t count toward cap; Bitner criticizes provided information

Commissioner Brian Bitner, who voted against refugee resettlement, on Wednesday criticized Lutheran Social Services for including information that he said wasn’t appropriate in its proposal to continue resettling refugees.

In its application to the county, Lutheran Social Services included a 2017-18 study from the state Legislature’s Human Services Committee that cited a report provided by New American Economy, a New York-based immigration research nonprofit, in a section on the “Benefits of Refugee Resettlement.” Despite the title, the section cited data on “New Americans” — a term that doesn’t mean just refugees.

Bloomberg’s big bucks buy glossy studies and the media falls for it!

This is Michael Bloomberg’s baby! He wants cheap labor for fat cats!

For readers who do not follow my other blog, ‘Frauds and Crooks’ you need to know that the New American Economy is Michael Bloomberg‘s plan for American immigration.

He and his cohorts have been spreading their Open Borders propaganda for ten years, so you can’t trust his numbers to begin with!

This is what the Left (and rich RINO Rs) do, they publish glossy studies and everyone, including the gullible media, never questions it.

It sure looks like one county commissioner isn’t fooled!

The Bismarck Tribune continues….

“Except where otherwise noted, we define an immigrant as anyone born outside the country to non-U.S. citizen parents who is a resident in the United States,” Nan Wu, New American Economy Deputy Director of Qualitative Research, said in an email about her group’s report. “This includes naturalized citizens, green card holders, temporary visa holders, refugees, asylees, and undocumented immigrants, among others. So refugees are included when we refer to “New Americans” or immigrants in the report.”

The section said “New Americans” in North Dakota paid $36.4 million in state and local taxes, $66.9 million in Social Security taxes and $16.2 million in Medicare taxes, and earned $559.6 million of income.

“The information regarding benefits of that was not information that was relative to refugees, it was information that was pertinent to foreign-born individuals,” Bitner said. “And so I (studied) the source of the information to find out it was census data that they used.”

He added: “And in the census data they were clear that it wasn’t possible to separate out any of the categories of immigration from that information. So the refugee information that was provided to us was not refugee information.”

More here.

County Commissioner recall.

I never did get a chance to post on it, but this is interesting news about a recall effort going on in Burleigh County.


How Many Refugees Would Top Dems ‘Welcome’ to Your Towns and Cities?


The LA Times posted a piece yesterday entitled:

Where do Democratic presidential candidates stand on immigration policy?

But strangely it only reports the number of refugees each candidate wants per year for a couple of the candidates.  Why the silence on some others when the numbers are available?

Remember that President Trump has the level set at 18,000 (under the Refugee Act of 1980, the President sets the ceiling/cap each fiscal year).

The Dems want to change that and have Congress set a minimum ceiling of 95,000.  If the Dems win the White House, and hold the House, there is an excellent chance that will happen.

The LA Times lists numbers for only Biden and Warren:

 Grandpappy of the US Refugee Admissions Program, Joe Biden:  125,000

Elizabeth Warren:  175,000

We know that Michael Bloomberg is at 125,000.

Amy Klobuchar is floating 110,000.

Bernie Sanders doesn’t set a number except that he wants at least 50,000 so-called climate refugees admitted every year.  (See my climate refugee archive.)

Tom Steyer also has not given a number that I can find but would welcome climate refugees in the mix.

I find it incredible that the Democrats want to inject hundreds of thousands of competitors into the job market who will drive down wages for American workers.  Don’t African Americans and other minorities get that?

Michael Bloomberg’s Plan for Immigration: We Need More! (including 125,000 refugees per year)

Editor: This is cross-posted from my other blog Frauds and Crooks.

I pay fairly close attention to the 2020 campaign news and especially when it comes to the Dem candidate’s plans for immigration should they regain the White House.

But, I think it’s odd that with all the other news about Michael Bloomberg, there is little mentioned about his now decade-long plan to increase immigration as seen in his National Partnership for a New American Economy.

I told you all about it here last November, but I have been writing about it off and on for years.


Now I see that there is a short piece at Bloomberg news briefly summarizing his immigration plans.

But, strangely, no mention of his organization that has been gradually softening up mayors by handing out grant money and praising elected officials for a decade through his New American Economy network.

Michael Bloomberg Unveils Plan for ‘Broken’ Immigration System

Michael Bloomberg proposed an immigration plan similar to proposals from his moderate [LOL!] Democratic presidential rivals that includes reversing President Donald Trump’s policies, creating a path to U.S. citizenship for undocumented residents and allowing “place-based” visas.

Bloomberg says he wants more foreign born docs and other medical professionals admitted to the US to compete with your kids going through medical school. Docs like Moses deGraft-Johnson?

Bloomberg’s plan contains many of the same elements as those offered by Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg. They include rescinding Trump’s travel ban, ending family separations at the border, protecting so-called dreamers — young adults who were brought illegally to the U.S. as children — as well as increasing the cap on resettling refugees and updating the asylum process.

The former New York mayor does not go as far as progressive rivals Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who would decriminalize migration.


Bloomberg would expand temporary worker visas to address labor shortages and allow certain localities to petition for “place-based” immigrant visas to meet economic or social needs in their communities.

For regular readers of ‘Frauds and Crooks‘ this should give you a chuckle….

He would also allow more opportunities for foreign-born doctors, nurses and other health professionals to address the shortage of health-care workers in under-served areas.

(For those of you who aren’t regular readers, be sure to see my fraudulent new American doctors’ archive!)

More here.

And, now see his platform that includes increasing refugee admissions to 125,000 per year!  (Trump’s is presently set at 18,000.)

End policies that run counter to our deepest values as Americans

Mike will rescind President Trump’s disgraceful travel ban, end family separations at the border, establish rigorous safeguards for children, and promote alternatives to detention for individuals and families who pose no threat to public safety. Mike will set the annual refugee resettlement target at 125,000 and also restore fairness and timeliness to the asylum process. And he will honor and protect immigrant service members, veterans and their families.


Mike will create a federal Office of New Americans to support the integration of newcomers….

With that he is recycling an Obama White House plan.

Read it all.

Justice Department Appeals Ruling from Pro-Refugee Judge

I just want you to know that the US Justice Department, as expected, does not agree with the liberal Judge in Maryland and is appealing his order for the President to stop his effort to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program by allowing local communities and governors to have a say in whether refugees would be placed in their states/counties later in fiscal year 2020.

Wouldn’t you think that the refugee contractors that brought the lawsuit in the first place would like to know in which communities more refugees are welcome or conversely not so welcome. 

They are always yapping about how they want refugees to be placed only in those communities where they have the best chance of  “thriving,” yet they apparently don’t really want to know which communities those are!


The groups (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and Church World Service) that organized this anti-Trump protest at the White House in 2018 want to continue to make the decisions about which communities will ‘welcome’ refugees and Judge Messitte agrees!


I’m thinking that is because they are working on a long term plan to change America by changing the people, and shoving diversity down everyone’s throats is really the aim—the more resistant your community the more enjoyable the target for them!

I digress, here is the news.  Don’t ask me to predict what this means for the reforms that would have gone into effect June 1.

In the meantime, refugees will be placed as they always have been—by the nine contractors (including the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Church World Service and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service that brought the suit)*** in secret discussions with bureaucrats in the State Department.

From the Associated Press:

Feds Appeal Order Blocking Trump Refugee Resettlement Limit

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (AP) — The federal government is appealing a judge’s decision to block the Trump administration from enforcing an executive order allowing state and local governments to turn away refugees from resettling in their jurisdictions.

Clinton Judge Peter Messitte is old, 78 (heck he looks older than that)! If we keep Donald Trump in the White House for 4 more years maybe he and his ilk will be replaced!

A notice of appeal filed Tuesday by the Justice Department says it is asking the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to review the Jan. 15 ruling by U.S. District Judge Peter Messitte in Maryland.

Messitte said in his 31-page opinion that the order signed by President Donald Trump “flies in the face of clear Congressional intent” of the 1980 Refugee Act.

The Judge says unelected, non-profit groups should continue to decide the future of your communities!  You (deplorables) are not permitted to have a say!

Messitte said the process of resettling refugees should continue as it has for nearly 40 years, with resettlement agencies deciding where a person would best thrive.

Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and HIAS — a Jewish nonprofit — sued in November to block the executive order.

The judge granted their request for a preliminary injunction that preserves the status quo while the lawsuit is pending in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Trump’s order, which was issued in September and had been set to go into effect in June, required agencies to get written consent from state and local officials before resettling refugees in their jurisdictions. Trump said he acted to respect communities that believe they do not have the jobs or other resources to be able to take in refugees.

The agencies said the executive order was an attempt at a state-by-state ban on refugees. Messitte agreed, writing, “It grants them veto power. Period.”

Continue reading here.


*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement and choosing which lucky towns and cities will be ‘welcoming’ refugees.

Church World Service one of the ‘religious charities’ responsible for changing America by changing the people with a ‘Christian message.’

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?

(I’ve been remiss in posting my nine contractors spiel for days!)


I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.