Tucson, AZ: Somalis lied at every turn to obtain refugee status (update)

The Arizona Daily Star has posted a very detailed report on what happened in court in Tucson with the government’s case against a husband and wife team who allegedly had some relationship with Islamic terror group al-Shabab in Africa. See my previous post here.

Fraud, fraud and more fraud!

So much for Obama’s extreme vetting…..

AZ court doc
How many more Somalis welcomed to the US are using more than one name?

I’ve snipped just a bit of the story below, but please read the whole thing.  A few of the many things that interested me were:

~The pair (28 and 25 years old)  it now seems have used various names and have FIVE children with one still in Africa. Is it a young boy they left for the terrorists to raise?

~They came to the US via China and they supposedly got to Beijing, China on $500 (5,725 mile 14 hour flight on $500?).  And, why were we picking up random Somalis in Beijing?

~He (whatever his name is) lost his hands in a blast in a market, he says. Was he delivering a bomb that exploded prematurely? Or, perhaps making the bomb?

~The couple was getting ready to move to Minneapolis. What! to hide in the huge Somali community there?

I’m sure you will have even more questions when you read the whole story:

Continue reading “Tucson, AZ: Somalis lied at every turn to obtain refugee status (update)”

US Catholic Bishops launch campaign to pressure Trump to admit large number of refugees

This is one more in a stream of news stories about how the federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors are fighting for their lives as their budgets shrink under this President.

USCCB fy19
See the toolkit here:   https://justiceforimmigrants.org/2016site/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/JFI-Share-the-Journey-Toolkit-Only-for-FY19-PD-final-7.27.pdf

It is no surprise that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops—the largest resettlement agency of the nine NGOs hired by the US State Department *** to place refugees in your towns and cities, is launching this campaign directed at Donald Trump.

For years, I have searched in vain to discover the numbers of refugees each of the nine resettles, but this article at least (thanks to reader Joanne for sending it) tells us that the Bishops must be number one!

“The USCCB, along with a national network of Catholic partners, has resettled nearly one-third of all refugees to the U.S. since 1980.”


As usual, no where in this appeal to parishioners do they mention that they are PAID BY THE HEAD FOR EACH REFUGEE THEY PLACE!

Continue reading “US Catholic Bishops launch campaign to pressure Trump to admit large number of refugees”

Unhappy refugee contractors not getting insider information out of Trump Administration

The story at The Intercept by reporter Sara Aziza is a rehash of much of the same old stuff the Open Borders Refugee industry has been spreading far and wide as the time approaches for the Trump Administration to announce its “Determination” for how many refugees the US will ‘welcome’ in FY19 under the US Refugee Admissions Program.

The Intercept reporter Sara Aziza   https://theintercept.com/staff/sarah-aziza/

The title (below) is overstating the case.  In my view, the Trump team could be doing a lot more to really “dismantle” the program.

As I have said repeatedly, the Administration can “slash” the numbers for a few years, but without real reform of the seriously flawed program from the UN picking most of our refugees to the US State Department and its contractors*** secretly sending them to unsuspecting towns and cities (often to satisfy the needs of globalist industries), the US Refugee Admissions Program will simply pick right up where it left off in 2020 or 2024 if the present system isn’t completely scrapped.

You can read most of The Intercept story  (hat tip: Joanne) for yourself, but I have picked out a few nuggets that made me chuckle in a story about “Trump’s race to the bottom.”


Continue reading “Unhappy refugee contractors not getting insider information out of Trump Administration”

Surprise! (Not!) Trump DOJ finds another Islamic terrorist refugee living in US—an Iraqi this time!

So much for that “robust” vetting of refugees that the Obama Administration was bragging about!

Ameen lied on his refugee application to America highlighting again that it is virtually impossible to vet refugees!

Just last week it was this pair of Somalis in Arizona and now this Iraqi in California—liars living on your dime!

How many more will Trump’s Justice Department find?

Continue reading “Surprise! (Not!) Trump DOJ finds another Islamic terrorist refugee living in US—an Iraqi this time!”

Syracuse, NY letter to editor: help me with Catholic Charities fuzzy math

I’m happy to report on a letter-to-the-editor at Syracuse.com because I had meant to post on the original article that generated this reader’s letter and never got around to it.

Letter-writer George Checksfield is referring to an article, here, in which we learn that the State of New York is plugging the “hole” created by lost federal revenue for Catholic Charities (from you really, the taxpayer). 

He wants to know why does a private group like this need taxpayer dollars to hold on to employees they don’t need.

holy trinity Syracuse
In 2014, Syracuse’s Holy Trinity Catholic Church became a mosque and these Catholic Charities refugee pushers don’t even get what is happening to them.   https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/03/30/syracuse-refugee-group-buys-catholic-church-will-be-converted-to-a-mosque/

The mainstream media rarely makes the connection clear to the average taxpaying citizen reading a story like this that there is a direct relationship between the number of refugees being brought in and Catholic Charities of Onondaga County (this one and many others throughout the US) budget.

Their payments from the feds are based on how many refugees the agency places. It is a per refugee head basis and so big families bring in bigger bucks to CC (sorry for the zillionith time I’ve repeated that!). 

When the President reduced the number of refugees being admitted to the US, it caused all these federal contractors to see their budgets shrink.

Below is a screenshot of Mr. Checksfield’s letter.

But, do not miss the nearly 30 comments, virtually all negative toward Catholic Charities, that have been sent in to Syracuse.com.

Continue reading “Syracuse, NY letter to editor: help me with Catholic Charities fuzzy math”