The Arizona Daily Star has posted a very detailed report on what happened in court in Tucson with the government’s case against a husband and wife team who allegedly had some relationship with Islamic terror group al-Shabab in Africa. See my previous post here.
Fraud, fraud and more fraud!
So much for Obama’s extreme vetting…..

I’ve snipped just a bit of the story below, but please read the whole thing. A few of the many things that interested me were:
~The pair (28 and 25 years old) it now seems have used various names and have FIVE children with one still in Africa. Is it a young boy they left for the terrorists to raise?
~They came to the US via China and they supposedly got to Beijing, China on $500 (5,725 mile 14 hour flight on $500?). And, why were we picking up random Somalis in Beijing?
~He (whatever his name is) lost his hands in a blast in a market, he says. Was he delivering a bomb that exploded prematurely? Or, perhaps making the bomb?
~The couple was getting ready to move to Minneapolis. What! to hide in the huge Somali community there?
I’m sure you will have even more questions when you read the whole story:
Continue reading “Tucson, AZ: Somalis lied at every turn to obtain refugee status (update)”