First here is newsat the UK Telegraph (thanks to RJ).
And here is another story about the shocking election at The Journal. The newly elected government promises to help Polish people first! (Gee, what a novel concept!) And, wants to distance itself from the EU. Poland’s new Prime Minister, Beata Szydlo. “The victory on Sunday looks set to be a watershed moment in Polish politics,” says The Telegraph.
POLAND’S CONSERVATIVE LAW and Justice party won a landslide in yesterday’s general election on anti-refugee rhetoric and welfare promises, ending eight years of centrist rule in a victory that risks inflaming tensions with the EU and Russia.
The eurosceptic PiS led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski garnered an outright majority, according to projections from partial results by local television channels, ousting leftist parties from parliament for the first time since the fall of communism in 1989.
“This is the first time in the history of Polish democracy that a single party has scored (an outright) majority” in the Sejm, the lower house, Kaczynski said in a victory speech after Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz conceded defeat.
Look closely! What do you see? I see an army of invading young men, only a few women among them. Migrants walk through the countryside after crossing the Hungarian-Croatian border near the Hungarian village of Zakany AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEKATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP/Getty Images
You probably know already that the EU voted to shove migrants (many are economic migrants, not legitimate refugees) down the throats of countries that object strongly to adding impoverished, mostly Muslim, third worlders to their populations.
There is a detailed description of what happened in Brussels this week at the UK Telegraph.
I’ve snipped a bit about what the Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said. He is exactly right when he says it is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense” because today it’s 120,000 they are distributing and next month it’s another 100,000 (who are at this minute packing their bags throughout the Middle East and North Africa). This plan does nothing to stop the flow.
The EU migrant quota plan to relocate thousands of migrants across the continent is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense”, Hungary’s foreign minister said, as Europe’s east-west division was laid bare on Wednesday.
As EU leaders meet in Brussels on Wednesday to approve a plan to relocate 120,000 attacked by eastern European countries, Péter Szijjártó called the quota scheme a waste of time.
Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan to take in refugees and migrants from Italy and Greece but it was forced through on Tuesday.
Under the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker’s plan, Hungary would receive 1,294 of the 120,000 to be shared by the EU countries.
Close the borders and build camps to discourage new arrivals. It makes enormous sense to me—the camp dwellers can then go home when the civil war is over (and will be less likely to come if a refugee camp awaits them). The Telegraph continues…..
But instead, the Hungarian government supports a pan-EU Greek border protection initiative which would deploy helicopters and infrared cameras to catch migrants, with Frontex and Greece setting numbers on troops and border guards.
Budapest suggested that the EU should then fund refugee camps for Syrians and finance new camps ifrequired.
Mr Szijjártó described the plan as a waste of time and said: “The plan is unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense.”
He added:
“This is the beginning of a new world order; we are not talking about a refugee crisis, but about a wave of mass migration.”
He begins (and ends) his very thorough examination of refugee law and how it impacts Europe with a discussion about the prescient decades-old novel by Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints.If you have not read it, you must. But, be prepared to feel physically ill (mentally ill goes without saying).
Taylor explains more clearly than I can how we got to this point—to the point where we are asking this question—Is this the Death of Europe? The next question of course is, so what about America?
Taylor closes his tutorial with this:
As Jean Raspail wrote in 1985:
[T]he West is empty, even if it has not yet become really aware of it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul left.
He put it even more pithily in The Camp of the Saints: “The white race was nothing more than a million sheep.”
See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive byclicking here. We have been watching it unfold for years!
This latest disease is not one that immediately comes to mind like TB and HIV/AIDS that we usually hear about. BTW, American readers should know that even our “screened” refugees are permitted entry into the US with TB and HIV.
From Outbreak News Today (never heard of it, but maybe it is time to follow this news site!). Story titled: ‘Europe reporting imported cutaneous diphtheria in refugees’
People are fleeing certain African and Middle Eastern countries in large numbers and many are headed to the countries of Europe. In fact, one report notes that about 5,000 people flee Eritrea each month, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN refugee agency.
One of the things that can come from refugees and asylum seekers are infectious diseases contracted in their home country.
Europe is currently reporting cases of cutaneous diphtheria in asylum seekers to several countries to include Denmark, Sweden and Germany. To date, nine cases have been reported by the three nations.
The disease is contagious and can be deadly. More problems and expense for Europe’s socialized medical system. Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive. And, for new readers, you should know that we have a ‘health issues’ category, here (with 278 previous posts on health problems of refugees).
This is not new, but just this week an EU agency is warning (again!) that the invasion of Europe could include ISIS terrorists among the illegal aliens arriving in Europe from North Africa (thanks to Hillary and the girls, here). Michele Coninsx is the EU’s chief crime and terror fighter.
From Israel National News:
ISIS members could infiltrate Europe together with masses of refugees from Libya, Syria, and Iraq – ironically fleeing ISIS terror in their homelands, said Michele Coninsx, head of the EU’s judicial cooperation agency Eurojust.
Speaking Monday in Brussels,Coninsx told reporters that the EU was working together with other countries to prevent the migration of ISIS terrorists. She declined to specify exactly what steps were being taken.
A video released last week by ISIS in Libya and published by the Arabic-language Asharq al-Awsat shows the two perpetrators of a deadly attack on the Corinthia Hotel in January threatening that ISIS’s newly-established presence in the country would be used as a springboard to invade Europe.
For more and to see the many links, go here.
To learn more about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ see our extensive archive here.
Europe here we come! Migrants rescued off Italy. Don’t they look like an invading army?
The European Union is attempting to force a quota system on all EU countries demanding that everyone take a share of the tens of thousands of mostly African and Middle Eastern migrants flowing in to border countries like Italy, Malta and Greece.
BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union plans to introduce a quota system obliging countries to share the burden of settling refugees unraveled Friday as member nations began rejecting the scheme.
Hungary, Slovakia and Estonia are among those to publicly object to a quota system, which would require unanimous agreement among the 28 EU nations.
Hold on a minute! Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says its “crazy” that you let them in and now we (who didn’t want them let in) are expected to take them!
“This is not solidarity. It is an unfair, unrighteous and dishonorable proposal which we cannot accept,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on state radio. “It is a crazy idea for someone to let refugees into their own country, not defend their borders, and then say: ‘Now I will distribute them among you, who did not want to let anyone in.'”
In a statement to The Associated Press, Slovakia’s interior ministry said that it “currently refuses binding quotas on migrants.” Estonia said it prefers voluntary relocation and resettlement for refugees.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged that it will be “hard work” to put a quota system in place but said there was “a large group of countries” in favor. Merkel said she was “convinced that we will not be able to do without a solution in solidarity in Europe.”
Germany, along with Sweden and France, is among a handful of countries accepting refugees. [Really dumb!—ed]
The EU’s executive Commission was to propose the plan next Wednesday as part of a strategy to help frontline countries Italy, Greece and Malta cope with thousands of migrants.
There is only one solution to stop the invasion—-turn the boats back to the North African coast as Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott recommends, here.