Because I’ve been telling you in advance about the pow-wow in Brussels yesterday about the migrant invasion of Europe and what the EU will do about it, I’m compelled to give you an update of the disappointing results.
They talked and talked, indeed they talked all night, and came up with what the NY Timeseven says is a ‘deal’ with “sketchy” details.
Migrants on the “Aquarius” turned away by Italy precipitating the EU’s latest migration crisis TALKS.
Of course it all has to do with Hungary and Poland standing against the European Union that is demanding those countries take their ‘fair share’ of migrants who have arrived illegally by the hundreds of thousands in recent years because France and Germany were spineless.
If the EU cuts off their funds, why don’t they just join the Brits and leave the EU?
Invasion of Europe news….
From the Express:
Eastern EU states such as Poland and Hungary would be punished under the proposals if they are deemed to have fallen short of the bloc’s ‘democratic values’.
While Trump and Macron swooned, the Hungarians and Poles were standing firm against bullying from France and Germany. Come on Donald, snuggling with Macron isn’t helping your image. Where is the State Dinner for Viktor Orban?
Brussels’ move comes after growing calls from Germany and France, the EU’s two most influential members, to punish rebel member states.
Under the proposals, to be unveiled by the EU’s budget chief Guenther Oettinger this week, bureaucrats would freeze access to funding for EU projects.
An EU source said: “The proposal will include the temporary freezing of funds in order to motivate a change of behaviour among states.”
The measures are likely to further increase tensions between Brussels and the populist, right-wing governments in Warsaw and Budapest.
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly clashed with the EU over the migrant crisis after refusing to sign up to refugee resettlement schemes.
And Poland has angered Brussels after introducing controversial judicial reforms judged anti-democratic by the European Commission.
See my previous posts on HungaryandPoland.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ file is here.
“If we don’t get a deal by the summer we will lose credibility vis-à-vis public opinion and we cannot afford that because it would fuel support for populist and extremist parties across the country.”
(Unnamed diplomat from a frontline country)
PoliticoEurope is reporting that the European Union is working to get in place (by June) a new plan to redistribute migrants from frontline countries, but those frontline countries are not happy.
Invasion of Europe news….
Of course no where is it mentioned that they must first stop the boats arriving from North Africa (European equivalent of BUILD THE WALL)!
And, according to Leonid Bershidsky writing at Bloomberg, they better get with it because they will demographically die if they don’t admit young Muslim migrant workers.
That is the gist of a too long opinion pieceat Bloomberg. I’ve snipped just a bit of the article entitled:
Hungary Is Winning Its War on Muslim Immigrants
Is Hungarian Zoltan Kovacs “xenophobic” or a realistic observer of the present and past!
Orban’s Hungary… fiercely against a certain kind of immigrant.
“We’ve been living next to Islam and with Islam for 500 years and we know it’s not going to integrate,” government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs told me in an interview this week. “We treat it as a civilizational problem.”
According to Kovacs, Muslim immigrants create “parallel societies” in the European countries that receive them, and Hungarians want none of that. Indeed — though it may be the result of relentless government propaganda — according to a 2016 Pew Research study, 72 percent of Hungarians have a negative view of Muslims in their country, compared with the EU average of 43 percent.
Sounding exasperated Bloombergwriter Bershidsky opines as he wraps up with this:
The best other European countries can do is demonstrate that Muslim immigrants can be successfully integrated to society’s benefit. It’s a long game, but if it goes well, hard evidence will eventually convince those who don’t understand yet that, unaided, Europe’s aging demographics are unsustainable.
And, my response: what if Muslim integration doesn’t go wellelsewhere in Europe (it doesn’t show promise now!)? It is a big IF!
And, frankly given a choice of dying via an aging proud Hungarian population and dying by becoming a Muslim/Sharia dominant country, I would take the former over the latter. Wouldn’t you! Read it all here (if you feel like it!).
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
Yesterday Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban won for Europe (although most countries don’t know it) an astounding election victory for Western Civilization. If the President invited Orban to the White House it would strike a mighty blow against his own nemesis—George Soros!
If President Trump wanted to put icing on his recent immigration control cake, he should invite Orban to the White House and give him a lavish state dinner. Such a move would turn the whole world on its head! Heck, use the occasion to kick start a discussion about dumping the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. (See here.)
There are many stories about Orban’s win, but Politico is a good choice to quote since they can’t control their animus (in supposed news reporting!) toward the man and what he stands for!
Orbán wins landslide to secure third straight term
BUDAPEST — Viktor Orbán’s right-wing Fidesz party won a landslide victory in Hungary’s general election on Sunday, setting the stage for the prime minister to pursue his nationalistic vision and fight more battles with Brussels.
The result gives Orbán a third consecutive term as prime minister and a strong platform from which to further rail against migrants and Muslims, stage crackdowns on NGOs and mount strong resistance to greater EU integration.
More clashes between Budapest and EU institutions, particularly the European Commission and European Parliament, look assured. Orbán opposed a Commission plan to distribute migrants around the bloc while the Parliament has voted to put Hungary on a path toward censure for backsliding on democratic standards.
The election result will also likely embolden far-right parties and populists across Europe inspired by Orbán.
Orbán, who built a fence on Hungary’s southern border during the 2015 migration crisis, constructed his election campaign around strong a strong nationalist and anti-migrant message. The U.N. human rights chief earlier this year branded him a racist.
It really came down to one issue—immigration. Are you listening Donald?
But a senior Fidesz official said the anti-migrant message was key. “It is simply the fear of migrants. Fidesz did a single-issue campaign and it was successful,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
More here.
See my previous posts on Hungary, here. My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. Contactthe White House! and tell the President to invite the victorious Orban to his home—the White House orMar a Lago!