More evidence that big business is a driver of refugee resettlement in America

Update:  Be sure to learn more about what you should do about this during Election 2016 at American Resistance 2016!
The so-called ‘religious’ charities*** that resettle refugees in America and those in the UN/US State Department administering the refugee admissions program that is bringing tens of thousands of Muslim (and other) refugees to your towns want you to think this is all about ‘humanitarianism.’  It is not!
The do-gooders bringing refugees to America are shills for big business whether they know it or not!

It is about globalization and multi-national corporations’ need for cheap migrant laborers!

Did you read our post about BIG MEAT and Amarillo, TX just this week? It went viral and has brought thousands upon thousands of readers to RRW!  The business model is that companies, often times companies in the food industry, encourage (lobby for!) more refugees to be admitted to the US (or for amnesty for illegal aliens).

They get the slave laborers, your town gets the social/cultural tension, and taxpayers at all levels of government supplement the meager wages with WELFARE!  

Chobani Twin Falls Idaho
Twin Falls plant. As a driver of refugee resettlement, Chobani Yogurt is changing Idaho by changing the people.

Dems get reliable Leftwing voters!
(See also our post on foreign operatives changing America with refugee labor, here.)
Rich people going to Davos to make plans for your town!
This is what got me started this morning.  The Financial Times tells us that the founder of Chobani Yogurt will be making a pitch at Davos this week at the World Economic Forum for more companies to adopt that ‘business model’ and hire (read IMPORT) more refugees to small and medium-sized American cities!
Financial Times:

Last year Hamdi Ulukaya, a Kurdish entrepreneur who created the billion-dollar US-based Chobani yoghurt empire, travelled to Greece to see the swelling refugee crisis with his own eyes. Unsurprisingly, he was horrified by the human suffering that he witnessed, particularly as he shares a cultural affinity with many of the refugees — he grew up near the Syrian border in Turkey, before moving to the US as a student.

But Ulukaya was also appalled by something else: the hopelessly bureaucratic and old-fashioned nature of the organisations running the aid efforts. “The refugee issue is being dealt with using [methods from] the 1940s and it’s in the hands of the UN and mostly government and you don’t see a lot of private sector and entrepreneurs involved,” he told me last week. “I decided we have got to hack this — we have got to bring another perspective into this issue, there are technologies that can be used.”

So Ulukaya decided to act. Last year he established a foundation, Tent, to channel financial aid and innovation efforts into refugee work.


And he has stepped up efforts to hire as many refugees as he can at his yoghurt plants, where they currently account for 30 per cent of the total workforce, or 600 people. “There are 11 or 12 languages spoken in our factories,” says Ulukaya. “We have translators 24 hours a day.”


At next week’s World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, he will call on other CEOs to join a campaign to channel corporate money, lobbying initiatives, services and jobs to refugees. Five companies have already signed up: Ikea, MasterCard, Airbnb, LinkedIn and UPS — and Ulukaya says more are poised to join.

Continue reading!  Reporter Gillian Tett quotes me, and mentions protests in Idaho and New York where Chobani is bringing in the refugee laborers.
See our complete archive on Twin Falls, Idaho and the ‘pocket of resistance’ that has formed there.
P.S. When I first learned about what Chobani Yogurt was doing to rural America (here), I never again bought any Chobani Yogurt!  I go down that dairy aisle and give them a mental finger (sorry to our more proper and polite readers).
***Nine major federal contractors which like to call themselves VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke considering how much federal money they receive:


Unconstitutionality of refugee program in 12 states explained

Thanks to Breitbart Reporter, Michael Patrick Leahy, thick-headed non-lawyers like me are beginning to grasp the argument about how the federal government is placing an unconstitutional burden on states which has no legal basis in the so-called Wilson-Fish alternative resettlement program operating in these twelve states:

North Dakota
South Dakota

Governor Otter, how about you?

Here is how the Breitbart story begins, but I urge you to read the whole thing especially if you live in one of those states.

A brave governor is needed to be the plaintiff in a lawsuit that is ready to file!  Help find that governor!

Twelve states hold the key to a constitutional challenge to the increasingly controversial U.S. Refugee Resettlement program.

In states where governments have withdrawn from the statutorily questionable “Wilson-Fish alternative program,” the program is now run by private charities contracted by the U.S. Department of State.

North Dakota! How about you Jack?

As Breitbart News has reported previously, the Thomas More Law Center, a well respected public interest law firm, is looking for one brave governor from among these twelve states (Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont) to step up and act as the plaintiff in the case.

The constitutional argument is that the federal government, without the permission of these 12 Wilson-Fish states, has “commandeered” state funds by placing refugees in their states, thereby obligating states to pay Medicaid expenses for the refugees, in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In effect, the federal government is imposing an unfunded federal mandate by regulatory fiat, rather than statutory authority, on these 12 “Wilson-Fish alternative program” states.

There is much more, continue reading here.

Find that governor!

Go here for our previous discussions of Wilson-Fish.

The real story about refugee protest in Idaho! Bring it on SPLC!

Perhaps you saw this story featured on Drudge sometime in the last few days (I’ve been out of commission, so am just getting to it).
Well, here is the “real story” from Idaho, the one the Left and the mainstream media won’t be telling you.
And, the message from Idahoan Vicky Davis is don’t shrink from attacks by the Southern Poverty Law Center—welcome them!
From TVOI (The Voice of Idaho News):

Mark Potok with desk
Mark Potok is the chief ‘hater hunter’ at the Southern Poverty Law Center. If he targets you, consider it a badge of honor!

After reading the Raw Story titled Militia Warns Against Refugee Invasion (linked from Drudge Report last night ) about the III% March against the Refugee Resettlement Program in Boise last Sunday, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that they pulled out their boilerplate story changed a few variables, took a quote out of context, emphasized it and published their smear piece.

They drew their slant from the story published on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website: III Percenters Ride Wave of Islamophobia in Idaho to Lead Anti-Refugee Protests. Because the Raw Story website and the SPLC have painted the III% with a brush they don’t deserve, TVOI News is going to tell the REAL Raw Story – the story behind the story that you will never see in the mainstream media.

The name of the III% event was March against the Refugee Resettlement PROGRAM. Why are the III% marching against the program? Because the program is redistributing massive numbers of people from war torn areas like Syria where the people cannot be properly vetted as Michael Steinbach, Director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division testified to in a Congressional hearing last February. [Actually now the Director of the FBI, James Comey himself has testified in Congress that the Syrians cannot be properly vetted—ed]

First to correct the record, the III% of Idaho is not a militia. They support and exercise their 2nd Amendment right to carry firearms and most of the men are veterans. They know how to use their weapons and they are prepared to do so only when necessary. They are law abiding citizens that are more properly characterized as Minutemen, Minutewomen, Minutechildren and MinuteSenior Citizens who stand ready to defend our country and our way of life from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Brandon Curtiss, the President of the group is a former police officer. The III% is not anti-government, they are pro-good government and anti-corrupt government right in line with the thinking of the majority of Americans.

There is no need to dwell on the falsehoods of the Raw Story and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Their reputation precedes them. It’s becoming a badge of honor among the right to be targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It means you’re over the target when they start firing at you. We’ve had enough of the communist CRAP (this is Idaho – we say it like it is) from this organization that was started by a pervert and a fraud so it doesn’t matter what they write. I’ve probably given them too much space already. What we need to do instead is to focus our attention on the counter-protestors at the III% March Against the Refugee Resettlement Program. These are the people who profess to “love the refugees”. They don’t give a damn about their fellow citizens even though they cloak themselves in religion.

Read it all.  There is lots more with a video and photos!

Here is an idea!

Maybe we should do a whole awards program for those who have been targeted by the SPLC—maybe even hold an annual dinner with an award ceremony where we install the previous year’s targets of the SPLC into a hall of fame and give them plaques and such to hang on office or den walls!  It could become a major fundraiser!  What do you think?

Paul Ryan speakership campaign reveals traitors in our midst (South Carolina and Idaho pay attention)

Julia Hahn at Breitbart has been doing great work in exposing the players (traitors!) behind the House Speaker campaign of Rep. Paul Ryan.
Update:  Paul Ryan victory party invitations are out!  See here.  (Hat tip: Cathy), and Diana West reports on the role played by the Heritage Foundation (very troubling!), here. (I’ve been done with them for awhile anyway!)

The House “Freedom Caucus” (listed below) is not a group friendly to Americans looking to control immigration or to American workers.

By the way, for me, immigration is the only issue that matters.  We will live or die depending on how many immigrants we admit and from where they come.  Once they change the demographic make-up of America, no other issue you care about will matter.
For all of you fighting to slow refugee resettlement in South Carolina and Idaho, two members of Congress (dressed in Tea Party clothes***) in your states are working against you.

Roy Beck of NumbersUSA says of Rep. Mick Mulvaney of SC that “open borders is in his ideological DNA.”  “Hispandering poodle,” says VDARE.

While I have written disdainfully of Rep. Trey Gowdy for dragging his feet (as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security) on holding hearings on the Refugee Admissions Program, it turns out that fellow South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney has been working overtime on amnesty for illegal aliens and no doubt is helping push refugees into the state (likely cheered on by SC Senator Lindsey Graham who recently made it clear that he wants Syrian Muslims admitted to the US in large numbers).
And, no wonder Republican Governor Nikki Halley is toeing the line and “welcoming” refugees to SC.  The state’s leading Republicans are working to promote MORE immigration to America.  She is obviously too weak to buck them (if she wanted to!).
Let me be clear, while many of you reading this blog have made a distinction between LEGAL immigration and ILLEGAL, that is—‘illegal is bad’ and ‘legal is o.k. sometimes’—the other side is making no such distinction.

This is about mass migration no matter how they get here for the no borders agitators, for Obama, for the Democrat party looking for more votes, and for the big donor interests of the Republican Party (give us cheap labor!).

Here is Julia Hahn on Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) and Raul Labrador (R-ID).  I’ve snipped just a bit of her investigative report, please read it all!  ***Update*** Reader Robin suggests you watch the whole PBS video referenced by clicking here.

In recent days, prominent conservatives and grassroots activists have slammed the House Freedom Caucus for what they described as a “betrayal” of the Republican electorate. As Rush Limbaugh said after Ryan issued his list of demands to House lawmakers:

You would not think that the Freedom Caucus, the conservatives in the House, the Tea Party caucus, whatever you want to call them, no way would they go along with this. No way under the sun would they go along with this. … But it looks like enough of them will. … This is how we get. … I don’t want to say “played,” folks, but I’m telling you: the script is written offsite, backstage. We don’t see that. We see everybody playing their part, including the Freedom Caucus members.

However, what conservative activists describe as a “betrayal” is, for several key members of the House Freedom Caucus, the fulfillment of their long-time desire to implement amnesty and alter the demographics of their districts through expanded immigration. While the GOP electorate ejected Eric Cantor in large measure due to his support for Marco Rubio’s amnesty drive—followed by Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and current Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)—the PBS documentary reveals that one of the founding members of the House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), embraces an even more progressive immigration agenda than Cantor himself.

The documentary, which aired on October 20, casts Mulvaney at the center of the La Raza-backed 2013 and 2014 immigration push, alongside Paul Ryan and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL).


Mulvaney told CNN that he believes his colleagues should throw their support behind Ryan’s Speakership and declared, “The bottom line is if he wants to be Speaker, he has the votes as of tonight.” With those words, Mulvaney all but ensured that the Speakership would go to the man whom NumbersUSA President Roy Beck described as “terrifying” and “the heart and soul of crony capitalism”:

He has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA. That’s the terrifying thing. He’s an ideologue and his spent his whole life working for ideologues. Open borders seeps out of every pore of his being.

Idaho resistance pay attention!

Another pro-amnesty House Freedom Caucus Member, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), echoed Mulvaney’s declaration that the Speakership was now a lock for Ryan: “We can support him and we want him to be successful,” Labrador said. Labrador was a member of the House’s Gang of Eight effort to pass amnesty until public pressure forced him to drop out of the group. As Breitbart News has previously reported, immigration experts have described Labrador as equally enthusiastic about expanding immigration as is Kevin McCarthy or Eric Cantor.

Continue reading here.
We should have all been paying attention to Patrick Cleburne writing at VDARE in 2014:  ‘Treason Lobby Flaunts Control Of South Carolina GOP Via Hispandering Poodle Rep Mulvaney (SC-5)’ (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum). By the way, Mulvaney’s district is right next door to Spartanburg and Trey Gowdy’s district.
Conservative South Carolina voters need to go to the ballet box and spare the nation those ‘Republicans’ you are sending to Congress (likely with the blessing of Senator Lindsey Graham).
***Here are the other members of the so-called “Freedom Caucus.”  Most, as we learn from Hahn, are Libertarians and not true conservatives or Tea Partiers for that matter.   Libertarians have long been advocates for more immigration to America.

My recommendation is, if you see your member on this list—tell them to get the h*** out of this caucus!  List from wikipedia, here.

Group to rally against refugee resettlement in Twin Falls, ID today

Here is a short announcement from

TWIN FALLS • The III Percent of Idaho is holding a march Sunday to call for an end to the refugee program, which is run locally by the College of Southern Idaho.


Refugee resettlement has been an issue worldwide this year due to the refugee crisis triggered by the civil war in Syria, and there is a movement in Twin Falls to shut down the refugee center here, with opponents citing security and cost concerns.

“The ramifications of ignoring Idaho veterans, homeless, and students will continue to yield tragic consequences if Idaho tax dollars are shifted into a broken refugee system,” the III percenters said in the statement. “Until refugees can be thoroughly filtered, and a more reliable, systematic method of accepting refuges is implemented, we must stand in opposition.”

The article goes on to say that the group supports the bill introduced in Congress by Rep. Brian Babin of Texas that seeks to put the program on hold until the cost to the taxpayers is fully determined.   One of our many posts on the Babin bill is here.

Idaho Republican Rep. Raul Labrador is vice chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security and Idahoans should be looking for him to take a leadership role to protect Idaho!

Rep. Raul Labrador…..

Idahoans should be urging Rep. Raul Labrador to co-sponsor the Babin bill AND urge him to push for hearings on it—he sits on the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.
In fact he is the vice-chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the refugee program!
Although Twin Falls is not in Rep. Labrador’s district, he should be encouraged to take a lead on this issue from his all important committee leadership position.  He needs to tell Trey Gowdy (the chairman!) to hold hearings on the Babin bill.
Learn more about the III of Idaho, here.
We have an extensive archive on Twin Falls, Idaho.  Go here to learn more.
Labrador’s district has dodged a bullet (so far) as we learned here.
And, one more bit of news:  we’ve learned that a new Pocket of Resistance’ is forming in Boise!