Khan’s London set for “summer of carnage!”
Don’t go Donald! The city now exceeds NYC in violent crime because of the (immigrant/refugee) diversity welcomed by the UK!
Stay home and make a point of mayor’s increasingly violent city.
From theHuffington Post:
Donald Trump Should Expect ‘Loud’ Protests If He Visits The UK, Sadiq Khan London Mayor Warns
Donald Trump should expect loud and peaceful protests if he visits the UK later this year, the London mayor has said.
Sadiq Khan, who has frequently clashed with the US president since they were elected to office nearly two years ago, made the comments during a St George’s event in London on Saturday.
Amnesty International confirmed that thousands of its supporters will take to the streets when Trump visits the UK, although no date has yet been officially announced.
Khan added that the capital respects, embraces and celebrates diversity.
“Harmful policies on refugees” has Allen worked up. What about “human rights” for native Brits threatened with violent migrant gangs. Nah!
Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK’s director, said: “When and if Donald Trump makes his much-discussed visit to the United Kingdom, we and thousands of our supporters will very definitely be making our voices heard.
“In the 15 months of his presidency, we’ve seen a deeply disturbing human rights roll-back – including the discriminatory travel ban, his reckless announcement on Jerusalem, and harmful policies on refugees, women’s rights and climate change.
Can we expect an apology from The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and the rest of the anti-Trump media about his Sweden comments last year? Don’t hold your breath!
Powerline blog reminds ushere of what happened a year ago February when the New York Times and all of its media lackeys landed like a big bird on President Trump when he said Sweden has a problem with out-of-control immigration (from certain ethnic/religious groups) and the violence it inevitably brings!
In February of last year, at CPAC, President Trump linked mass Muslim immigration to an increase in crime in Sweden. The New York Times, in an article called “From an Anchor’s Lips to Trump’s Ears to Sweden’s Disbelief,” ridiculed Trump for getting his information from television (a report on Tucker Carlson’s program) and suggested that Trump was misinformed. [The President might have said it at CPAC also, but it was at a campaign rally in Florida, here.]
It also criticized Trump for “start[ing] a dispute with a longtime American friend that resented his characterization and called it false.” The Times sniffed that “the president’s only discernible goal was to make the case domestically for his plans to restrict entry to the United States.” The Times seemed to believe that making this case was somehow out-of-bounds.
Powerlinereports this from the NYT story as well:
Note that the trend the Times describes began in 2014. Trump discussed the problem of immigrant violence in 2017. He wasn’t premature, the Times is late.
They are all late.
Maybe the use of weapons of war began in 2014, but their immigrant problems began long before that. I began writing this blog in July 2007 and my first story on immigration problems in Sweden came in August 2007 (and there were surely more stories before I came along!).
I have a huge archive on Sweden, the country I predict will be the first European country to be conquered by Islam in the modern age.
Go here to see my many previous posts on Sweden’s failed multicultural experiment.
Now more on The NYT’s evidence that Trump is right on Sweden from the Daily Caller:
The New York Times published a report Sunday on Sweden’s growing problem with immigrant gangs — more than a year after the paper chided President Donald Trump for calling attention to the same worrisome development.
Sweden’s pin has been pulled in more ways than one.
Entitled “Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class,” the report examines how weapons of war and clan-like*** violence have accompanied an influx of immigrants from certain parts of Europe and the greater Middle East.
The story centers on the death of a man in the town of Varby Gard, a once tranquil Stockholm suburb that is now the home base of an increasingly destructive immigrant gang. He was killed in early January when he picked up a mysterious object lying in the street that turned out to be a live hand grenade. The device exploded when he touched it, killing him instantly.
It was one of more than 100 incidents involving military-grade explosives in the Stockholm metro area that police have attributed to an “arms race” among immigrant gangs, reports The NYT. There were only a few such incidents in Sweden until 2014, but since then, the number of explosions and seizures of grenades has shot up and remained worryingly high.
The police seized 45 grenades in 2015, while 10 others were detonated in public, according to Stockholm Police. The next year, 55 were seized and 35 detonated. A modest decrease occurred in 2017, when 39 were seized and 21 exploded.
Though The NYT readily reported on the nature of the violence, it was somewhat more circumspect about its origin. Nowhere in the story do the words “Muslim” or “refugee” appear.The only mention of the word “asylum” is to describe a witness to the explosion, one of many Varby Gard residents who arrived there thanks to Sweden’s famously open asylum policies.
The fact is that Sweden’s spike in gang violence and certain categories of crime coincided with the resettlement of more than 100,000 asylum seekers from predominantly Muslim nations beginning in 2014.
Sweden’s far right-wing party blames the government’s liberal immigration policy for the rising crime, and will thrust the issue to the fore in the fall campaign.
Last year, Peter Springare, 61, a veteran police officer in Orebro, published a furious Facebook post saying violent crimes he was investigating were committed by immigrants from “Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown country, unknown country, Sweden.”It was shared more than 20,000 times; Mr. Springare has since been investigated twice by state prosecutors, once for inciting racial hatred, though neither resulted in charges.
Yesterday we told you aboutItalian elections and said there might be hope for Italy if it gets rid of most migrants (most are economic migrants) and Italians start having babies. Same goes for Sweden, but there is even less hope there that they can turn around the DEMOGRAPHIC conquestin time. Dear readers, I’m asked often “what can I do?” Here is one vital thing: follow news from Europe daily and be sure to send what you learn far and wide because as Europe goes, so go we (just a little farther along in this century)! Unless, of course, we heed the lessons unfolding before our eyes!
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
***By the way, any mention of clan violence means only one thing—Somalis are involved.
Of course I saw the news yesterday, but didn’t post on it because, sad to say, this kind of story is becoming commonplace. However, just to be sure my huge ‘crimes’ archive (here) is complete, I’m posting the basic news of what happened at the Mall of America from World Net Daily.
But, the bonus here is that readers can learn a bit about Muslim names.
Leo Hohmann at WND:
Mugshot Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahman! And, so how exactly does this man benefit America?
For the second time in just over a year, a Somali “refugee” has stabbed shoppers with a knife at a Minnesota mall.
The first case, on Sept. 17, 2016, was a clear act of jihad when Dahir Adan injured 10 people in the Macy’s at the Crossroads Center Mall in St. Cloud after asking his victims, chosen at random, if they were Muslim.
But on Sunday night, a man identified as Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahman, 20, of Minneapolis stabbed two men at the Mall of America after they tried to stop him from stealing clothes inside the dressing room at Macy’s.
His middle name, Abdiaziz, means “the slave of Allah the master,” a native Arabic speaker told WND.
His first name, Mahad, means “the one who preaches and invites people to Islam.”
Abdirahman is a common Somali Muslim last name. It means “the slave of Allah who is the gracious.”
Bloomington Police Chief Jeff Potts said in a news conference that “the suspect went in and tried to take some property and, when confronted, he produced a knife and stabbed one man. Some family members assisted the victim and a second man sustained another knife wound.”
The next time you hear someone from the refugee industry say this: “No refugee has committed a fatal attack on an American” just laugh! Do you see how they do this? They put the word “fatal” in there (nevermind that there have been fatal attacks) because they know there have been many near fatal ones!
Furthermore, don’t let anyone tell you that an asylee is not a refugee. A successful asylum seeker is every bit as much a refugee as the ones we fly in on your dime. The Tsarnaev brothers were asylees (political refugees).
They can’t, with a straight face, say there have been no attacks on Americans because there have been dozens of attempts to kill Americans and attempts to commit jihad attacks, it’s just that many of those have been intercepted by law enforcement before they could do their damage. Have a look at my ‘crimes’ archive here and see what I mean.
Or, for a quick look, see my 10 terror cases and 5 horrific crimes post here.
Update: Story being dropped “like a hot brick” here at WND!
Diversity is supposed to be beautiful, right? Immigrants who come to the great American melting pot are supposed to love and respect multiculturalism, right? Unlike in Europe, we do everything to foster ‘assimilation’ of races, religions and cultures, right?
Well, here is a case that goes so far against the Left’s message that many predict it will disappear so fast you will think you imagined it … This is not supposed to happen!
It is just run-of-the-mill road rage says Fox 5headline:
Man charged with murder of Muslim teen; road rage appears to have led to killing, police say
HERNDON, Va. – A 22-year-old man has been charged with murder after police say he killed a 17-year-old Reston girl whose body was found in a pond hours after being reported missing during an early morning road rage incident in Virginia.
Illegal alien from El Salvador allegedly murdered Nabra Hassanen a Muslim teenager walking with a group from the ADAMS Center.
Fairfax County Police say the victim, Nabra Hassanen, was with a group of teenagers of about 15 people walking and riding their bikes along Dranesville Road from a McDonald’s restaurant at around 3:40 a.m. Sunday. The group got involved in a dispute with the driver of a vehicle after they attended an overnight event at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center, a mosque located in Sterling and is one of the largest mosque in the country.
Police say a teenage boy got into an argument with the driver, identified as 22-year-old Darwin Martinez Torres.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement regarding Torres [guess this means he was not a DACA darling?—ed]
“On June 19, ICE lodged a detainer on Darwin Martinez Torres, a citizen and national of El Salvador, with the Adult Detention Center in Fairfax, Virginia. ICE lodges detainers on aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges when the agency has probable cause to believe an alien is removable from the United States. Mr. Martinez Torres has no prior encounters with ICE.”
On Monday afternoon, Fairfax County police say the killing appears to be the result of a road rage incident and they have no evidence that Hassanen was targeted.
“No evidence has been recovered that shows this was a hate crime,” said Fairfax County police spokesperson Julie Parker. “Nothing indicates that this was motivated by race or by religion.”
However, Mahmoud Hassanen, the victim’s father believes otherwise and says his daughter was targeted because she is Muslim.
Just a reminder readers that this is Virginia, a leading diversity-is-beautiful state if there ever was one! You can tell the authorities are working overtime to keep a lid on the story.
This is a story, not about refugees, but one about the idea that we can continue to pour immigrants (legally and illegally) of all sorts in to the US at such a rate that the tensions will inevitably build and become so disruptive to the social order that civil unrest is inevitable.
If you see more on this case going forward, please send links my way.
Udate: Reader Elena found this tiny mention in the local news, rescheduled for April 10th. Liban Mohamed was found guilty in December of attempted sexual assault of a special needs woman. He was arrested last July after reportedly only being in the country for one week.
Aberdeen Mayor Mike Levsen has been an advocate for making Aberdeen another refugee placement site. Meat packing political power? See here: We are waiting to hear whether his sentencing will go ahead today as originally scheduled. (No mugshot is available!)
If you missed the story yesterday, go here, to learn about how an arrest, an indictment and a guilty verdict all went missing from local news reports about a Somali refugee who had been in the country one week before his July encounter with a special-needs woman.
Here is a recap and an update from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
A South Dakota newspaper that failed to report on the case of a Somali man convicted of trying to molest a severely handicapped woman, changed gears Wednesday after being outed by WND and decided to publish a story about the crime.
Continue reading here.
There are still many outstanding questions. Lutheran Social Services, the refugee contractor in SD, has never indicated whether that agency resettled the now convicted Somali refugee. We are all still puzzled about how he was able to be wandering around an Aberdeen neighborhood after only a few days in the country. The only resettlement city in South Dakota now is in Sioux Falls (a couple hundred miles away) since reportedly the office in Huron has been closed for new resettlement.
Mohammed was reportedly scheduled to go to work for Dem Kota Ranch beef.
Meanwhile be sure to see that the Huffington Post is going after WND’s Leo Hohmann today.
See all of our previous reports on South Dakota by clicking here. I stopped in both Aberdeen and Huron during my summer tour of cities troubled with large numbers of refugees.
P.S. I have about 5 or 6 other Somali stories I need to post. Hope to get to them soon, but needless to say things are crazy. I apologize to all who are trying to reach me, but it is just me here!