Governors Kim Reynolds of Iowa and Bill Lee of Tennessee want the Senate to hold hearings on what they see as an outrageous affront to states’ rights as the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement is flying Unaccompanied Alien Children (refugee wannabes) in and out of their states with no communication with the governor or state officials.
We all know that a Senate hearing is nothing but a useless piece of political theater that won’t accomplish smack, but these grandstanding Republican governors obviously think they can trick you into believing they are doing something!
Is it any wonder we have such disdain for Republican governors like Reynolds.
And, what makes me steam over this little temper tantrum by Reynolds and Lee is that they had a chance to take a stand for states’ rights on the issue of the federal government dumping refugees on states and communities back when Trump was attempting to give them more rights (actually give them the rights they are due under our US Constitution) and they snubbed their noses at him.
Trump was trying to give them a chance to say they needed a break from refugees being placed in their states by the feds and unelected non-profit group actors, and they turned him down.
19 migrant children had a layover in an Iowa airport. Gov. Kim Reynolds wants Congress to get answers
With no notice to the state, at least 19 unaccompanied children were transported in an overnight flight through Des Moines from California in April, Gov. Kim Reynolds confirmed Thursday, saying she wants to know more details.
After deplaning, the children were taken on two buses to be transported to various locations for unification, according to a Thursday news release from Reynolds’ office.
“We weren’t able to get any answers about why there were chartered planes coming in the middle of night — chartered buses — and unaccompanied minors removed from the plane and then transported outside of the state,” Reynolds told reporters Thursday.
In April, a total of 163 unaccompanied migrant children were released to sponsors in Iowa, according to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement statistics.
Good ol’ country boy, Lee with his pick ’em up truck.
Reynolds and Lee — who says unaccompanied minor children were brought to his state in May without any notification — wrote the joint letter to Grassley in support of the senator’s demands for a Senate Judiciary Hearing into the situation on the U.S. southern border with Mexico.
Gov. Bill Lee is asking the U.S. Senate to investigate the arrival of unaccompanied migrant children in Tennessee, a request that comes as the Republican governor continues to slam the Biden administration over a lack of transparency on the issue.
Lee and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, a fellow Republican, sent the letter on Thursday to U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. Grassley in April requested that Senate Democrats hold hearings to discuss the influx of migrants at the southern border since President Joe Biden took office.
Their demand for a hearing is easy.
Their demand for “transparency” is their way of making you, voting citizens of Iowa and Tennessee, think that they are doing something, but when given a chance to really take a stand for a state’s right to know who is being placed in their states by the feds, and have an opportunity to say no, they just didn’t have the guts.
Albeit it was a different type of ‘refugee’…they are all refugees now, right! This letter below is what Reynolds sent to Trump’s Secretary of State.
Notice no interest even in finding out who is coming and how many.
So why would the present administration think they had to confer with these heretofore ‘welcoming’ Republican governors?
Texas Governor Abbot wrote a detailed letter that ended with him not giving consent to refugees being placed by the feds in Texas for FY2020.
Both Kemp of Georgia and DeSantis of Florida remained silent.
Word is that the Trump people were very shocked and disappointed that most Republican governors turned down the President’s attempt to give them more say, to give them some modicum of states’ rights, in advance of a refugee drop.
If you are wondering whatever happened to that reform effort via a Trump executive order, the refugee resettlement contractors (below) sued and stopped the initiative dead in its tracks.
You won’t find any sympathy from me about this news. I have been warning for years (long before a virus marched across the world) that if you like to eat meat—beef, pork, chicken—you need to find a source of locally raised meat.
They are changing America by changing the people!
Of course my major interest has been about how BIG MEAT has a voracious appetite for cheap immigrant/refugee labor that has been supplied to them by the federal government and by the supposed do-gooder ‘religious’ charities that shill for these global giants as they make up the majority of US refugee resettlement contractors…
And, how that ‘need’ for cheap labor is changing the character of middle America.
Below is one of what I am sure will be many stories about immigrant labor and your food supply.
Iowa Plant Workers Describe Inaction, Safety Concerns, Fear
Widespread outbreaks at meat packing plants in the Midwest are quickly becoming the latest crisis in the ongoing pandemic. Hundreds of workers, many of whom are immigrants and refugees, are becoming sick, some have already died, and the resulting plant closures are risking the nation’s food supply chain.
In Iowa, a significant percentage of the state’s new positive COVID-19 cases this week came from a Tyson meat packing plant in Louisa County, a small, rural county in Southeast Iowa. 186 positive cases were recorded from the one plant alone and two people have died, which has driven Louisa County to be one of the nation’s biggest hot spots for the virus, while also impacting surrounding counties.
Iowa Republican Governor Kim Reynolds: But they promised me!
At her Wednesday press conference, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said that plant executives had assured her that sufficient precautions to protect workers had been put into place.
“When I reached out to the CEOs of both the plants, they indicated they had already taken the steps,” Reynolds said of mitigation efforts encouraged by the state. “They’re trying to be very proactive to not only protect their workforce, but to make sure they can, you know, can keep the plant up and going.”
….while most of the focus has been on Latino workers at these plants, it’s important to note that many meat packing employees are refugees from non-Latin American countries. Large numbers of Burmese refugees, for instance, work at the Columbus Junction and Waterloo plants.
Nearly all the workers disputed the idea that employees were being provided the kind of protections that Reynolds said was happening.
And, I’ll bet if you check the Iowa hotspots at this interactive map you will find some global meatpacker or other large manufacturing facility that is the source of the local infectious outbreak.
See my BIG MEAT archive by clicking here. I had already been writing about meatpackers within the first year of writing RRW and their refugee labor appetites when I came across this news in 2008 about how Bill Clinton first came up with the idea of supplying his meatpacking buddies with Bosnian refugee laborers—in Iowa!
There was a time, a decade ago, when an article like this would not have been written.
The image of a refugee resettlement agency was that of a purely humanitarian organization working with little funding solely to save the globe’s downtrodden with the help of generous volunteers.
Now they are right out in the open making it clear that they are working to help globalist companies like the big meatpackers that are changing America by changing the character of the heartland through a greedy desire for cheap migrant labor.
Let me be clear, Americans previously did work in the meat and poultry industry and would do so again if wages reflected the difficult work, but once the meat giants discovered what amounts to captive slave labor that doesn’t dare complain, can’t go home, and is willing to work for far less than Americans, there was no going back.
Pay attention! If your town is getting a Tyson Foods plant, you WILL be getting third worlders of all stripes, changing the character of your town forever!
Trump’s latest immigration ban threatens Tyson labor pool
The latest anti-immigration proclamation by U.S. President Donald Trump could directly impact the ability of Tyson Fresh Meats in Perry to hire laborers.
Trump’s Jan. 31 executive order suspends immigrant visas for nationals of Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar and Nigeria starting Feb. 22. It will also restrict diversity visas for citizens of Sudan and Tanzania, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. State Department.
Refugees from Eritrea and Myanmar have been the most frequently hired workers at the Tyson’s Perry plant in recent years.
Alberto Olguin, human resources director at Tyson Fresh Meats, said he is unsure whether the latest immigration ban will have an effect in Perry.
“We do hire refugees,” Olguin said. “We hope this will not have any effect, but we will see. It’s hard to tell at this point. Maybe by March or April we will know more. It’s still early.”
Holy cow! Look at these numbers!
Tyson is the largest employer of refugees in Dallas County. The company currently employs 1,368 workers at the Perry plant, and about 800 of the employees are refugees, with 400 each of Africans and Asians.
Annette Sheckler, director of communications for U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), said the Trump administration’s immigration policies are “selectively discriminatory” because they are based on the religions and nationalities of immigrants and refugees.
“USCRI strongly opposes the administration’s alarming efforts to drastically cut immigration to the U.S.,” Sheckler said. She said Trump’s anti-immigration policy is harming employers around the country, and the latest ban will aggravate the condition.
“Definitely, it’s going to have an impact,” she said. “In many smaller communities around the country, and especially in industries like meat packing, which is kind of rough and dirty, American workers are not applying for jobs there.
It’s our new Americans, the refugees and immigrants, who are taking these jobs. Tyson’s has a huge workforce made up of Somalis, Eritreans and people from Myanmar, disproportionate to the number of people they hire.”
Heck, here USCRI’s Sheckler sounds like she is shilling for the Chamber of Commerce.
“We settle refugees in communities that are likely to have employment,” she said, “and certainly the agro-industry is one of these industries where there’s job openings. The communities want the labor. And then you’ve got a whole new community with many coming into the family. They’re buying cars. They’re buying houses. They’re buying groceries. They’re opening up little businesses. So communities are actually contacting us and asking us to settle refugees.”
Trump’s latest round of exclusions partly frustrated Iowa’s recently expressed state and local willingness to accept refugees for resettlement.
The states and localities know they need the workers, Sheckler said, but Trump’s immigration czar, Stephen Miller, has other ideas for America.
Someone could write a modern day version of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle using the dozens and dozens of posts I have archived over the years.
A starring role could go to the phony refugee racketeers!
Endnote: Another blogger recently used the phrase the “Slaughterhouse Nine” to describe the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors. I like that!
But were they US citizens legally permitted to vote?
As you may know I watch CNN in the morning for a few minutes so I know what the talking points and marching orders are for the Left on any given day. Today I learned that the Bernie Sanders campaign is drumming up support from immigrant/refugee enclaves in the US and did so successfully in Iowa.
If you had any doubts that the Democrat/Socialist’s strategy is to use more immigration to turn America blue, look no further than Bernie’s presidential bid.
Needless to say, when CNN reported this morning on how Iowa meat packing companies were fertile ground for organizing, I perked up.
JBS US headquarters in Greeley, CO. My photo from 2016 road trip to visit meat packing towns. JBS is a Brazilian owned company!
Long time readers know that I have made it an important element of RRW to report on how refugee admissions are driven by meat packer’s desire for a steady supply of cheap, captive labor in the form of refugees and other immigrants.
Here is a detailed account in a socialist publication bragging about how Bernie appealed to the workers at one pork plant in Iowa owned by JBS the Brazilian-owned company I have been writing about for more than ten years!
How Bernie’s Iowa Campaign Organized Immigrant Workers at the Factory Gates
The first caucus-goers in Iowa yesterday were immigrant workers at a meat processing plant — and they all voted for Bernie Sanders. Here’s how they were organized, and why it shows once again that Bernie’s campaign is like nothing we’ve seen before.
At the time of this writing, we are still awaiting results — and a lot of answers — from the shambolic Iowa caucus. But two things we already know: Bernie Sanders appears to have come out on top, and we’ve never seen a presidential campaign like his before in American politics.
On Monday at noon, Iowa’s first caucus-goers filtered into a union hall in Ottumwa. Fourteen of them were there to caucus for Bernie Sanders, almost all immigrants, primarily from Ethiopia but also from Honduras and Macedonia. They were workers at JBS Pork, the largest employer in Wapello County.
Two-and-a-half thousand workers are employed at Ottumwa’s JBS plant. They come from nearly fifty countries.
Bernie Sanders’s platform has a lot to offer workers like those at JBS. It calls for stronger unions, higher wages, better benefits, and an end to at-will employment, for starters. Labor scholar Barry Eidlin called Sanders’s Workplace Democracy Plan the “most serious, comprehensive, and equitable plan for promoting workers’ rights ever proposed by a major US presidential candidate.”
In a strategy more reminiscent of labor organizing than anything typically seen in presidential politics, the Sanders campaign assigned several people — including field organizers Tristan Bock Hughes, Charisa Wotherspoon, Devon Severson, and the campaign’s National Labor Organizer Jonah Furman — to post up at the gates of the JBS meat processing plant. For several nights, they canvassed outside the factory from 10 PM to 3 AM, engaging workers in conversation as their shifts ended. The campaign organizers spoke to workers in multiple languages about their lives, their work, and Sanders’s platform and campaign.
The campaign’s strategy was to find people enthusiastic about Sanders and convince them to not only caucus for him, but to get their coworkers to caucus for him as well. An example of one such person was Wendwosen Biftu, an Ethiopian worker who was excited about Sanders from the beginning. After being canvassed outside the plant, Biftu came to the field office with his ten-year-old daughter, who helped translate for him, and expressed an interest in organizing others to caucus for Sanders.
Ethiopians are likely refugees. He doesn’t speak English, is he a US citizen? Sure hope someone in Iowa is checking the voter rolls!
On Monday evening, Sanders campaign press secretary Briahna Joy Gray confirmed on CBS that this was indeed the official strategy. “A group that normally isn’t reached out to, pork packers, predominately Ethiopian immigrants, caucused and voted overwhelmingly for Bernie Sanders,” Gray said of the Ottumwa workers, adding that she believes the Sanders campaign is “most able to build the kind of grassroots, broad-based, working-class support that’s required to defeat Donald Trump in a general election.”
This 2017 post is one of many posts I have written over the years about what I have dubbed BIG MEAT—the giant globalist meat companies changing America by changing the people. See how Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is involved and Ottumwa is mentioned.
Here we are playing the immigrant name-game again. Ann Coulter says one has to have a “secret decoder ring” to figure out where the violent perps are from and how they got here in the first place!
Up next is Magai Anai-Kur now charged with murder after the victim of his home invasion dies. First degree murder charges for Magai Anai-Kur, 19 I looked around and see that some are speculating he is from a large family of South Sudanese admitted to the US as refugees, but the police aren’t saying and apparently the media isn’t asking.
He could be a refugee (no sense debating about vetting because they can’t screen out criminal refugees and apparently they don’t try to screen out the mentally ill as we have reported on numerous occasions).
The alleged murderer could be here on ‘Temporary Protected Status;’ he could be an asylum seeker; he could have come through chain migration from a winner of the ‘Diversity Visa Lottery; he could be a student visa holder; or he could have come across any of our borders illegally. But, since we are never told, let’s just assume he is a refugee until we learn otherwise!(Checking Wrapsnet I see that Des Moines is a resettlement city and that a bunch of Sudanese were placed there in the last years of the Obama Administration.) Maybe if we do just assume criminals like this one are refugees, the refugee industry will get behind publicly identifying violent immigrants to clear their refugees of blame.
There is a brief story here at the Des Moines Register(hat tip: JC) about the upgrade of charges now that Mr. Howe has died and his injuries are from the home invasion.
Prosecutors have charged the suspect in a break-in and stabbing in Urbandale last year with first-degree murder, two months after the victim in the case died of his injuries.
Magai Anai-Kur, 19, is charged with first-degree murder, first-degree burglary, first-degree robbery and second-degree theft in connection with the home invasion on Sept. 3, 2017.
The 77-year-old victim of the home invasion, Robert Howe, died in January. Four months earlier, he had been hospitalized after he was stabbed during the break-in.
Now, have a look at an earlier articleat the Des Moines Registerdescribing what happened when the violent African “man” broke into the Howe’s home.
Before a violent break-in brought devastation into their lives, 77-year-old Robert Howe was living in Urbandale with his wife, Marilyn Howe.
Robert Howe died months after the home invasion attack.
The two were married for nearly 60 years, according to his obituary. He enjoyed spending time with his great-granddaughters and had welcomed a great-grandson into his life just a few days before a teenager allegedly attacked him, his widow said.
Early in the morning on Sept. 3, Robert woke up in his home at the 6300 block of Urbandale Avenue to find someone on top of him, strangling him, Marilyn said.
Magai Anai-Kur, 19, was charged with attempted murder, 1st-degree burglary, 1st-degree robbery and 2nd-degree theft in connection with the home invasion, according to police. The Polk County Attorney’s Office will determine whether any charges will be upgraded.
During the break-in, Robert woke up to find Anai-Kur strangling him with his hands around his neck, his thumbs on his Adam’s apple, Marilyn said. Anai-Kur then allegedly beat him on the head, resulting in Robert sustaining a broken jaw. The teen then allegedly put his elbow on Robert’s throat and stabbed him with the other hand.
Anai-Kur allegedly stole a car from the home, which was later recovered, according to police.
Most people initially thought the stabbing is what caused the worst injuries, but it was the strangulation, Marilyn said.
“His body was very depleted from what happened,” she said. “All that strangulation interrupted the blood to the brain and caused the stroke and damaged his throat muscles. He was never able to swallow properly.”
And, the Leftists want our guns!
See my ‘Crimes’ categorywhich has surpassed 2,000 posts (2,228 to be exact!). And, think about this: whatever immigration program brought him here, he will now be cared for by taxpayers for a likely life in prison.
Looking for something to do?
Spearhead a national campaign to require that police and media identify the nationality and immigration status of those arrested and charged with violent crimes and require making the information immediately available to the public! LOL! See if you can line up Ann Coulter for your media blitz!