We previously mentioned the recently released blockbuster book that describes how after 9/11, the Bush Administration’s efforts to keep us safe yielded results and informed us about what the Islamists are working toward.
It is nothing short of world domination by Islam.
We need to believe what they say! (But even to the end of his Presidency, I’m not sure Bush believed them.)
I’m planning to give you some snippets going forward about what the interrogators learned from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who we have previously reported spent informative years among us as a college student in North Carolina (read Richard Miniter’s Mastermind).
This is the second important point (for me) which I want to share from author James Mitchell (the first we reported earlier, that they would eventually overcome us through immigration and out-breeding us):
Tag: Islamic terrorists
Report: Berlin Islamic killer came through Italian island of Lampedusa in 2011
Two years later, in 2013, the Pope went to Lampedusa to welcome the African migrants to Italy!
From The UK Sun (see the pictures):
The ISIS extremist ploughed a lorry into festive shoppers at a Berlin Christmas market on Monday night.
Rewind five years, and just days after arriving on Lampedusa trouble-maker Amri was involved in the burning down of a migrant shelter.
We have the Pope and Mama Merkel to blame for the invasion of Europe.
See all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news by clicking here.
Trump must trash Obama CVE policy on day one, or we will be Berlin
That is the key takeaway from Leo Hohmann’s (WND) report on the Berlin terror attack and his interview with Homeland Security whistleblower Phil Haney. See a previous post here at RRW about Obama’s misguided Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) policy.
Here is Hohmann overnight:
What appears from the outside to be a bungling of basic law-enforcement operations in Germany – allowing a known illegal alien with a criminal and terrorist past to move about freely in German society for more than a year – may not be a bungling at all.

Rather, it’s part of a coordinated strategy also being used by open-borders globalists in the Obama administration, says a retired Homeland Security officer.
Philip Haney, co-author of the whistleblower book “See Something Say Nothing,” explains how a Muslim migrant was able to stay in the country long enough to plan an attack that killed 12 and injured nearly 50 at a Berlin Christmas market Monday.
Anis Amri, a Tunisian national, was allowed to float about undetected by German authorities for more than a year, even though he was a known terror threat who had his asylum bid rejected and had spent four years in an Italian prison for burning down a school. [How many rejected asylum seekers, fake refugees, are floating around your towns and cities?—ed]
The policy that treats Islamic radicals with the soft touch of a preschool teacher, making sure not to violate their “civil rights and civil liberties,” is called “countering violent extremism,” or CVE.
It’s the same policy that governs the Obama administration’s actions in fighting terrorism in the homeland.
The CVE program is rooted in United Nations Agenda 2030 principles on migrant rights, which are adopted by sanctuary cities throughout the world. The principles of CVE are being implemented in city police departments worldwide through the U.N.’s Strong Cities Network, as well as through the U.N. New Urban Agenda.
As previously reported by WND, the Rockefeller Foundation is promoting the New Urban Agenda as the means to transform cities into multi-cultural havens for migrants.
Haney said President-elect Donald Trump must do away with the suicidal CVE policies installed by Obama, because these policies are more concerned with violating the civil rights and civil liberties of Islamic radicals than they are with protecting America.
Germany is reaping the bitter fruit of this same policy. Twelve Germans, including several women and children, are dead, and more than a dozen more are seriously wounded by a terrorist who should never have been let in the country. And even after he was allowed in, the government had multiple opportunities to arrest and deport him but failed to do so.
German political correctness is directly responsible for those deaths!
To follow links and continue reading, click here.
Repost: 9/11 Mastermind says the goal of Al-Qaeda is to take over America through immigration
Editor: This is one of the most important posts I’ve written in a long time, and some of you who subscribe reported that you never received it in your e-mail. Indeed it never appeared in mine either! Posted on Thanksgiving evening, we will chalk it up to wordpress techies too busy digesting their turkey. For those who did get it, sorry for the repeat!
It is about as clear as you can get, and from one of their own mouths! (Hey, SPLC does that make him a racist or Islamophobe?)
This isn’t new news for anyone who has been paying attention and reading alternative media like RRW. Heck this is the Hijra explained by someone who is one of Islam’s most diabolical minds—Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Before I get to what KSM is quoted as saying in a soon-to-be released book, I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving day today with friends and family. And, I hope this doesn’t spoil what is left of your day!

Incidentally, I wrote about KSM a couple of years ago when I read Richard Miniter’s ‘Mastermind.’ I was most interested in the fact that the state of North Carolina was attracting a large Muslim population and was an important refugee resettlement state. Did you know KSM and others like him went to college in NC?
Now to the news that isn’t shocking, but it is a relief to see it in print and out of the mouth of a significant Islamic supremacist planner. From Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner:
The jailed architect of 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda’s plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and “outbreeding nonmuslims” who would use the legal system to install Sharia law, according to a blockbuster new book.
In Enhanced Interrogation, CIA contractor James Mitchell tells for the first time about his role interrogating al Qaeda principals, many like KSM still jailed at Guantanamo Bay. He details accounts of waterboarding and other interrogation sessions of the nation’s most notorious enemies.
Snippets obtained by Secrets from the book set for release next Tuesday from Crown Forum show that Muslim terror groups had a much bigger plan to crush America than just through attacks like 9/11.
Instead, the plan is to fill the country with like-minded Muslims through the country’s easy immigration laws and by having babies, and then using the U.S. legal and welfare system to turn the country into a system like Iran.
Consider this passage in the book, Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying to Destroy America, where KSM reveals the plan to Mitchell:
He said the terror attacks were good, but the “practical” way to defeat America was through immigration and by outbreeding non-Muslims. He said jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States, taking advantage of the welfare system to support themselves while they spread their jihadi message. They will wrap themselves in America’s rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people eventually would become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.
“Eventually,” KSM said, “America will expose her neck to us for slaughter.”
Since the attacks, and during President Obama’s two terms, Muslims from several countries that harbor terrorists have flooded into the U.S. And Obama has promised to open the borders for Syrian refugees whose backgrounds are difficult to investigate. President-elect Trump has vowed to reverse Obama’s plans.
More from Bedard here.
Get James Mitchell’s book here Tuesday (I just ordered my copy)! It would make a nice Christmas gift for Nikki Haley!
I had an opportunity in 2015 to speak with Donald Trump and give him my little book on the Hijra and refugee resettlement, sure hope he at least skimmed it!
Poughkeepsie: Church World Service official spins about refugee Islamic terrorists
We told you on October 28th that Church World Service is planning to bring refugees, mostly from Syria and the Middle East, to Poughkeepsie, NY, and the plans were kept secret from the city elected officials and the public in general until very recently. The arrival of the first Syrians is apparently only a month or so away.
Because most citizens don’t fully understand how costly resettlement is and they don’t know (because all mainstream media is silent) how disruptive to the social make-up of communities large numbers of refugees have been, they don’t know enough to ask enough good questions so they naturally focus first and foremost on the security issue. They want to know if Islamic terrorists could be hiding among them?
Refugee industry spokesmen are quick to make a joke, asking why would a terrorist want to go through such a lengthy process to get here, when they can simply fly in or walk across the border (a question which invariably brings laughs in the audience).
One thing we never hear about outside of certain circles is the fact that some Muslim refugee children in America have grown up to be jihadists—-dozens of them from the Somali community in Minnesota, for example, have thumbed their noses at your good will and left for battle in Africa or the Middle East. Others have tried to show their jihadist ‘skills’ here.
Read about the Poughkeepsie meeting and pay close attention to how an official of Church World Service attempts to answer security concerns.
From the Times-Herald Record:
Former refugee Erol Kekic, executive director of the Immigration and Refugee Program, told attendees that refugees are vetted vigorously, especially those from Syria.
“We have not had one single refugee commit an act of terrorism,” Kekic said to a large round of applause.
Apparently no one in the audience was knowledgeable enough to ask the follow-up question:
How many refugees have been arrested and convicted of planning terrorist attacks—arrested before they could commit the act?
The answer is a larger number than we should find acceptable!
Off the top of my head: There were the Iraqis men arrested in Kentucky in 2011 who were working with Al Qaeda in Iraq (doing life in prison now). ABC News did cover this story! Indeed the whole Iraqi flow to America was disrupted for a year or so in the wake of that revelation and all Iraqis on the way in were re-screened.
Then here are some of the kids you welcomed:
There was the Somali Christmas tree bomber sentenced in 2014.
Most recently there was the Iraqi refugee who admitted to planning an ISIS bombing in Houston, here.
And, we can’t forget an ISIS sympathizer (Somali refugee) who was successful in attacking and wounding shoppers in a mall in St. Cloud, MN, here.
Although they have never admitted it (to my knowledge), I believe the Chattanooga killer’s family was a resettled refugee family, see here.
There are others, visit our crimes category here with over 2,000 refugee crimes and terror attacks/attack planning from all over the world.
I know many of you will cite the Boston Bombers. Yes, they were ‘refugees’ who entered the US with their parents who were granted political asylum (which made them refugees). Kekic would argue that they don’t count because they didn’t come through the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program run by contractors like Church World Service.
Be sure to revisit my post of last week on Church World Service’s finances. Poor Mr. Kekic is not being paid very well (he doesn’t make the top employees’ list on their recent Form 990) compared to other top execs of the organization. What’s up with that, he has been around for a long time—almost 17 years according to LinkedIn.