This sob story from the Associated Press is meant to make naïve readers feel so very sorry for educated refugees, some in medical fields, who can’t get work here because they must get US licenses to practice (so that they can compete against your kids coming out of medical schools with degrees that cost you a fortune to provide).
But that isn’t the angle that interested me most in this report.
First and foremost, when someone is admitted as a refugee to the US under the US Refugee Admissions Program they are affirming that they can never return to their home country due to a legitimate fear of being persecutedfor one of several factors—religious, racial, political among them.
Here we see that since the parents in this story can’t immediately jump into professional lives here, one has opted to return to Kurdistan—TO WHERE THEY CLAIMED THEY WERE NOT SAFE! in order to keep money flowing to the family back here being supported partially by US taxpayers.
Workforce barriers keep refugees out of health care field
RICHMOND, Va. — Ferwerdin Al Barzanji has nightmares about what could have been — the promises she could have kept — if her almost 30 years as a university professor and medical researcher in Kurdistan were enough.
When she fled her home homeland bordering Iraq, Syria and Turkey to find refuge in Harrisonburg in 2016, families were depending on the monthly stipends she provided for food and housing. Students awaited her go-ahead to apply for grants at the college where she would teach.
She planned to bring more Kurds in!
Harrisonburg is a prime resettlement site. Protesting Trump’s refugee policies in 2017.
But within two years, she sent apologies instead. There was no money to send. There was no university job, no lab that would let her continue her work.
Like so many refugees, Al Barzanji’s options were limited, even with decades of experience and her fluent command of English, Arabic and Kurdish. Credentials, including her doctorate, were worthless in Virginia. To continue her career, she’d have to start over and go through school again. She couldn’t afford it, and it would be years before money flowed in again.
Eight months of tax payer financial assistance did flow in!
Refugees in the U.S. receive roughly eight months of financial assistance upon arrival, and after extensive interviews from federal officers abroad who determine their eligibility for resettlement, they’re immediately able to work. But neither Al Barzanji or her husband, Heja Al Sindi, could find employment that paid them a living wage.
Confirmed! Refugees are needed for cheap labor—“food factories” and “distribution centers!”
“They told me from the beginning, ‘You (can’t) think about your degrees. Ph.D.? Master’s? Teaching? No. You have to go to either the food factories or these distribution centers. Places like that in order to work,'” she recalled. “‘You can’t start like a university professor or a lab scientist.’“
So if they told her that in the beginning why is she whining now?
If both of them stayed in the U.S., they wouldn’t be able to give their five children [presumably being educated now in Virginia’s public school system—ed] a better education — the reason they left their hometown after 50 years and the one promise Al Barzanji refused to let go.
The ‘refugee’ Dad went back to the place of their supposed persecution, Kurdistan, so he can make more money!
So they made a decision that would separate their family: Al Sindi would go back and work as the vice president of the University of Kurdistan and send his salary to his family in Harrisonburg while Al Barzanji continued her work as an interpreter and full-time mother.
“I put all my feelings and everything into their success. I have to forget about myself,” she said. “So I have to think about it like this. This is it. I have to live like this.”
Oh poor baby!
There is much more we could discuss in this AP story. Virginia readers should definitely read on.
She had gone to his home to collect her belongings after breaking up with him. Sick story at theUK Daily Mail(hat tip: Paul):
Swedish girl, 17, was decapitated ‘by Iraqi-born boyfriend, 23, who wrapped her head in aluminium foil’ after she broke up with him in case that has shocked the country
My Sweden file is here. I’ve long predicted it will be the first European country to be completely annihilated by its own stupidity regarding immigration.
As you know Republican governors*** are turning against the President on the issue of refugee admissions and the President’s Executive Order that permits governors and county commissioners to say no thanks to refugee resettlement later in 2020.
‘Send us more poverty we have run out of poor people for the churches (and taxpayers!) to care for,’ said Tennessee Governor Bill Lee when he said his Christian faith led him to decide to reach out with open arms to the third world in order to move more poverty closer to home.
“Bill and Pompeo working on the refugee resettlement issues.”
Thanks to the ever-watchful, a website in Nashville, we learned that Secretary of State Pompeo visited the governor (dubbed ‘Biblical Bill’) in October to “canoodle” about the refugee program. That was only a few weeks after the release of the President’s EO.
Because Tennesseans are better organized to resist refugees and have maintained strong and vocal support for a state’s rights lawsuit the state filed against the federal government, citizens are alert and learned of Pompeo’s visit to the governor.
Frankly I smell a rat! Was Pompeo looking for a key governor (some might argue the most important governor because of the lawsuit) to lead other Republican governors to consent to refugee placement in their states?
Or, is it possible that Pompeo was out having additional chit-chats with governors that we don’t know about.
By the way, any Republican governor who jumps on the consent bandwagon this early is dumb, because according to the Funding rulesthat are the guidance for the President’s concept to allow governors to opt-in or opt-out, they have well into 2020 to decide because of the leeway granted by the loose language of the guidance.
The big lie!
Could the Secretary of State be telling Lee andhis ‘evangelicals’ that they will be admitting mostly the persecuted Christians of the Middle East to your towns and cities?
Does the President know what Pompeo is doing?
Because I’m sick of hearing that we need refugee resettlement to save Christians, I had a look at the numbers this morning.
If you thought the Trump State Department was saving Christians in the Middle East, you are wrong!
I checked the Refugee Processing Centerdata and learned this about the three major Middle Eastern Islamic countries from which we admit refugees. I went back to Trump’s inauguration day to today, Christmas eve 2019, and learned this:
We admitted 2,831 refugees. 2,714 of those are Muslims (96%)
In addition to the regular refugees we admitted 37,570 Special Immigrant Visas(get the same benefits as refugees) for those who supposedly helped us there since Trump came into office. They would naturally all be Muslims, but there is no data on those (that I know of).
We admitted 2,944 refugees. 1,891 of those are Muslims (64%)
In addition we admitted 3,341 SIVs from Iraq.
We admitted 2,674 refugees. 2,549 are Muslims (95%)
If Gov. Lee thinks we are saving Syrian Christians, we are not! And, I sure hope that Pompeo wasn’t telling him that we are!
And, by the way, there is a bipartisan effort in the Senate that includes Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to expand the SIV program to Syrians and Kurds (Muslims),see here.
Over the years, Blackburn has talked big about slowing the flow of refugees, so why has she now done a 180?
A story for another day! At least the State Department is putting on a show of opposing it!
*** So far besides Lee, that we know of, REPUBLICAN governors of Utah, New Hampshire, Arizona, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia and Nebraska have abandoned Trump. The official list of governors who have consented is here. Clearly many governors have not gotten their consent letters into the State Department.
“It is the ‘Invade the World/Invite the World’ attitude.”
(A critic of the proposal echoing a common theme of the President)
The Senator’s idea is to add thousands to the President’s 2020 refugee cap for those who ‘supposedly’ helped us to defeat ISIS. He recommends flying them here ASAP.
The Senator is a Republican—Idaho Senator Jim Risch, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Thanks to several readers who tipped me off to this news reported by Neil Munro at Breitbart last Thursday:
GOP Sen. Jim Risch Offers Citizenship to Kurdish, Syrian Populations
Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) is pushing a new bill that would transport many Muslims from chaotic Syria and Kurdistan into America’s schools and workplaces.
The bill creates a refugee program for Syrians and Kurds who claim to have helped U.S.-funded armed groups, such as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Risch is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, so his legislation may pass as soon as this week.
But his bill would provide a “carve-out” in refugee law for Middle Eastern fighters, said a source. Also, the uncapped refugee inflow would include many unvetted and unidentified people because U.S. officials cannot prevent or even detect fraud in the war-torn areas occupied by hostile or corrupt warlords, said the source.
Once people are admitted as refugees, they are put on a fast-track to citizenship.
The program would import Syria’s chaotically diverse cultures and conflicts back into the United States, the official said, adding, “It is the ‘Invade the World/Invite the World’ attitude.”
The legislation reflects the politicians’ starry-eyed support for foreign groups, regardless of the cost inflicted on Americans, the official said. “They care more about Syrians than they care about Americans,” the source said.
Risch’s bill is titled S.2641 and is named “Promoting American National Security and Preventing the Resurgence of ISIS Act of 2019.” It was introduced October 17.
The bill cuts a hole through current refugee law to allow many Kurds and Syrians to be flown out of the war zone into the United States, providing they claim a connection to groups who were supported or funded by the U.S. government during the last few years….
The driving force for more refugees in Idaho is the ‘need’ for a continuous supply of cheap labor for large industries including dairy and, dare I say, yogurt manufacturing. Pols are eager to please their industry backers.
A 2018 tweet speaks volumes!
A trip down memory lane!
I guess the Senator has forgotten the 2015 controversyabout the possibility of Syrian refugees being placed in Idaho! The mere suggestion created a firestorm of public outrage.
Trying to silence the critics, the big paper there called citizens who had expressed fear at the prospect—“paranoid!”
I have an extensive archive on Idaho that new readers might want to visit to get up to speed on what has happened there over the last five years as refugee contractors push for more refugees to ‘welcome’ to the state.
Indeed rumors are swirling that contractors in Washington state have begun to move refugees across state lines into northern Idaho.
Idahoans should take the lead and let their Republican Senator know how they feel about more Middle Eastern (Religion of Peace) refugees coming to Idaho and to America!
Reason, as many of you know is a Libertarian operation.
HereReasonsenior analyst Shikha Dalmia makes the argument that we (America, you, the taxpayers!) could save the Kurds (Sunni Muslims) from the Turks by resettling them in our towns and cities.
Let the Kurds Come to America
Shikha Dalmia
America could safeguard Kurdish lives by offering them a quick way out and arrange their evacuation. There are less than a million Kurds in SDF-controlled Syria.
Even if they all came to the U.S., America could absorb them without breaking a sweat. And not all of them would even come. Kurds have been fighting for their own homeland ever since the European powers carved the Kurdish population into several pieces after World War I, handing each to Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. So many of them won’t abandon their struggle and flee. But Kurdish fighters may appreciate a safe haven for their spouses and children. The least America can do is give them that option.
Of course that will require Trump to lift his “Muslim” travel ban and revive America’s near-dead refugee program.