Here they come! More Muslim illegal aliens to Italy and Malta…

….which means more for America too!

They come via boat from mostly North Africa to seek asylum (they say) in the West.  The US has added an extra draw—we have transformed some of Malta’s illegal alien Somalis into legitimate refugees and brought them to your towns.

Migrants brought in by helicopter to Malta earlier this week. Photo: Times of Malta

Refugees are supposed to seek asylum in the first safe place they arrive, but the whole system has now been perverted because the US (during the Bush Administration!) changed the rules.  Asylum shopping is all the rage.

We told you about the controversial perversion of refugee law in RRW’s first month in existence in 2007.  Here is that short post, but it wasn’t until later that we understood the significance of what Bush did.

This is Malta’s and the European Union’s problem, not ours!

This is the news on the latest arrivals yesterday, from the UN:

5 July 2013 — The United Nations refugee agency estimates that some 8,400 migrants and asylum-seekers landed on the coasts of Italy and Malta in the first six months of this year, most of them from North Africa, having crossed the Mediterranean, one of the busiest seaways in the world.

Around 7,800 of the migrants and asylum-seekers arrived in Italy, while Malta received around 600, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Most of those making the journey departed from North Africa, principally Libya (around 6,700 people). The remaining 1,700 crossed from Greece and Turkey, landing in southern Italy.

Countries in sub-Saharan Africa are the main places of origin of these migrants and asylum-seekers, particularly Somalia and Eritrea. Other countries of origin include Egypt, Pakistan and Syria. Nationals of Gambia, Mali and Afghanistan also make these crossings, but in smaller numbers, noted UNHCR.


“In view of the perils, UNHCR again calls on all vessels at sea to be on alert for migrants and refugees in need of rescue,” he said at a news conference in Geneva. “We also renew our call to all shipmasters in the Mediterranean to remain vigilant and to carry out their duty of rescuing vessels in distress.

“International and European law also requires States to ensure that people intercepted or rescued at sea who seek asylum can gain access to territory and to an asylum procedure where their international protection needs or claims can be examined,” he added.

No “pushback” from Malta allowed! 

A day before the above UN story, the Times of Malta reported on the arrival of more boats.  The US will be taking some off their hands!  Hey, do you think Europe might take some of our illegal aliens?  Not a chance!

The Malta office of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees said today that pushing back irregular migrants to their point of departure was not an option in view of the situation they faced in Libya.

In a statement, it noted that in less than 24 hours, four overcrowded boats were intercepted by Italy and Malta and almost 800 people were rescued. A total of 290 were brought to Malta.

A pushback policy was momentarily introduced some years ago following a controversial agreement between Italy and the Gaddafi regime, lambasted by humanitarian organisations.

“Those in need of international protection will now have the opportunity to have their asylum claims assessed. UNHCR Malta commends all entities and individuals involved in this effort,” the office said.


So far in 2013, around 600 asylum seekers have arrived in Malta, while almost 200 beneficiaries of protection have been assisted to settle in the US and other countries. [What other countries?—ed]

In fact we have taken 210 of Malta’s illegal alien boat people in the first 8 months of this fiscal year.  There were 191 cases which means the majority of the aliens we took were single (all men?).

You know that the possibility of winning the asylum prize—a free ticket to America—is a lure for more illegals to try to get to Malta.

For a gazillion previous posts on Malta, click here.

Malta gets a large EU grant to detect infectious diseases in Africans arriving there illegally

Why do we care?  Because for the last 5 years (at least) we have been taking some Somali illegal aliens who arrive in Malta on boats to the US as legitimate refugees.  So, now I suppose we should be glad infectious disease screening is going to improved.  Here is just one recent post on the Malta mess.

Africans arrive in Malta. Bound for the USA (eventually).

From the Times of Malta:

A new initiative by the Health Ministry, funded by the EU and intended to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in Malta, will kick off tomorrow at Lyster Barracks Detention Centre.

The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate within the Ministry, has managed to secure an investment of over €700,000 from the European Refugee Fund Emergency Measures Annual Programme 2012 to develop a project to enhance the screening process at Lyster Detention Centre in Ħal Far.

For ambitious readers, I bet we have over a hundred posts (at least dozens and dozens for sure) on Malta here at RRW.

Update: Be sure to see World Refugee Day celebrated on Malta, here.  They celebrated a dinghy.

UNHCR is happy with new EU rules on asylum seekers

Faithful readers of RRW know that European countries are having an awful time with illegal aliens arriving and asking for asylum—some countries have it worse than others, little Malta*, Italy, Sweden and Greece come to mind.  But, asylum seekers are camping on the streets of Berlin and in churches in Vienna.  Many are moving from country to country looking for the best deal.

So, does the new “law” mean that Malta must release its detained “asylum seekers?”

I know that many readers here are more interested in what is happening in the US with refugees and asylum seekers, but it’s important to know that millions of migrants are on the move around the world looking to escape persecution (mostly by Muslim countries) and others, the larger numbers, are economic migrants claiming persecution which is a huge problem because there is a limit to how many poor people can be absorbed before a government collapses.  We should be looking to Europe now as the “canary in a coal mine” and take a lesson—LOL! in what NOT to do.

Here is what the UN is reporting:

One country cannot make stricter regulations than another country!

On Wednesday 12 June the European Parliament amended EU legislation on asylum after long and complex negotiations. The changes that have been brought are in UNHCR’s view a welcome step towards the establishment of a Common European Asylum System.

The ultimate objective of these changes is a uniform asylum system which is valid across the European Union. This would ensure that, regardless of the Member State in which an application for international protection is lodged, the application should receive the same treatment.

Detention is discouraged, asylum seekers should be let go until their cases are adjudicated.

….further regulation of the use of detention. Systematic detention of asylum-seekers will no longer be possible. Important new guarantees include the requirement that any detention be necessary and proportionate; that detention is an exceptional measure and can only be justified for a legitimate purpose on defined grounds.

If a case is not processed within 6 months, the asylum seeker is allowed to work.

Last, is earlier access to the labour market. In cases where claims for international protection are not decided within six months, asylum-seekers will have access to the labour market not later than nine months following the date when their applications were lodged.

UNHCR believes that the legislation agreed has potential to contribute to more harmonized asylum systems in the European Union. The agreed legislative package should further improve protection standards and practices across the 27 Member States – soon to be 28 – with Croatia’s imminent accession.

In the US many asylum seekers who arrive on our borders and in our airports are simply allowed to go where they wish and are expected to show up at their appointed court date.  Some simply disappear.  One infamous example of an asylum seeker who never showed up in court was Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the first World Trade Center bombing.

* Have a look at our many posts on Malta, the tiny island nation where the US State Department (cheered on by the Jesuits) transforms Malta’s migrant arrivals, mostly launched from Libya, into “refugees” destined for your American towns and cities.

Maltese lawyer: Immigrants with no jobs do stupid things; more on the way

Make room Malta, here we come—more jobless immigrants looking for a ticket to America!

He was talking about a Somali on the island nation of Malta who had just been apprehended while in the process of stealing money from an open van.   From the Times of Malta  on Friday (hat tip: Charles):

Mohammed Nur, 34, of Somalia, was jailed for 18 months after he pleaded guilty to stealing cash from a van in Marsa at around 5pm yesterday.

Mr Nur, who resides at the Marsa open centre, was also charged with slightly injuring the owner of the vehicle.


Lawyer Cedric Mifsud, appearing as legal aid, said his client had problems because he was an immigrant and could not find a job, which led to him “doing these stupid things”.

Then don’t forget it was only two months ago that a bunch of “refugees” were charged with wrecking their living quarters on Malta apparently just for kicks here.

Lawyer Mifsud must be the go-to guy for crimes committed by the flood of illegal aliens who have arrived on Malta—many surely in hopes of being the lucky ones who get their ticket to America.

For new readers, we—the US State Department (cheered on by Catholic Charities)—is partially to blame for the increasing tide of Africans ‘finding their way’ to Malta because during the Bush years we set a dangerous precedent, we magically transformed  Somalis who arrived on Malta (seeking asylum?) into legitimate refugees to be taken to your cities and towns.  Refugee law requires that legitimate asylum seekers ask for asylum in the first safe place they arrive—that would be Malta and by extension the European Union.

It’s not just petty thieves and toilet-wreckers who are on Malta but here, on the same day as the first story above, Lawyer Mifsud is defending two Somalis (jobless men doing stupid things?) charged with raping an Italian woman.  Also, from the Times of Malta:

Two Somali men have been remanded in custody after they pleaded not guilty to raping an Italian woman in Hal Far on March 25 between 2 and 4am.

The men, Abdiraman Abukar, 26, and Liban Mohamoud, 26, both of Floriana, were also charged with are violent indecent assault, holding the woman against her will, harassing her, offending public morals and slightly injuring her.

The 21-year-old Italian, who resides in Valletta, filed a police report saying she was raped on Sunday night by a number of foreigners.

The men also pleaded not guilty to stealing her mobile phone and using violence against the woman.

Mr Mohamud, alone, was charged with driving a car without a licence and breaching bail conditions. Mr Abukar was charged with relapsing.

Police Inspector Yvonne Farrugia told Magistrate Neville Camilleri the men were arrested after their mobile phone numbers were traced from a number of records.

She objected to a bail request because of the nature of the crime, to which, she said, there were several witnesses, including the victim.

Mr Mahmoud had breached previous bail conditions and did not even respect the curfew imposed by another court, Insp. Farrrugia said.

The Abukar had been found guilty of raping another woman.

Insp. Farrugia said the victim identified the two men as her rapists.

More on the way!

Also last Friday there were several reports of boats on the way from north Africa where we—the Obama Administration—is also to blame for creating more lawlessness in Libya.  Most of these boat people are launching from there.

Eighty migrants rescued off Malta, from

A PREGNANT woman and a baby were among a group of 82 African migrants rescued from a dinghy off the coast of Malta.

The migrants were spotted some 110km south of the Mediterranean island after they had sent out an SOS via satellite phone. Officials said they had left Libyan shores.

The group, made up of 82 Somalis, including 10 women, were taken into custody upon their arrival in Malta. Their condition is unknown.

Three other boats with 260 people on board were intercepted by Italian coastguards early on Friday and taken to an immigration centre on the island of Lampedusa.

I was hoping that some of this trafficking would be brought under control when we learned in January that two bigwigs had been arrested at the Italian Embassy in Nairobi for trafficking Somalis to Malta (and Europe), here.  Guess not!

Readers, the Western world and our way of life is in deep trouble.  Forget the terrorists and nuclear bombs—the real nuclear bomb is third world immigrants flowing across and around the globe looking to survive.  And, we better dump the politically correct b.s. about the joys of multiculturalism or we are doomed.   Most Americans have no clue what is coming our way (forget Europe their goose is already cooked!).

For more on Malta, type ‘Malta’ into our search function and I bet we have over 100 posts on the mess the US helped create there.

About the photo:  It was originally published in a story at New Europe on the hundreds (including the 82) who arrived on Malta and on Italy’s Lampedusa Island Friday.

The latest Malta mess; maybe just send them home to Somalia!

After all, they are dancing in Mogadishu again (we learned that from reader ‘riveratlantic’)!  The Netherlands and Denmark are planning to refuse more Somali ‘asylum seekers’ and the new President of Somalia told Somalis in America to come on home last month!

It came to a head over a broken toilet!

A group of Somali illegal alien/asylum seekers on the tiny island of Malta stormed to the police station to say that they had been evicted from a ‘center’ where they were being housed until their asylum claims could be processed.

Before I get to the toilet destruction news, remember that we have helped exacerbate Malta’s African illegal alien problem because we (beginning with the Bush State Department) have been transforming the economic migrants flowing across the Mediterranean from Libya into legitimate refugees and bringing them to the US.

Just last month we learned that an attache’ and another employee of the Italian Embassy in Kenya were helping facilitate the flow of Somalis  to Malta (for a handsome sum).

Here is the story from the Times of Malta (emphasis mine):

It started with a broken toilet, led to a mass exodus to the Ħamrun police station and ended with a handshake.

A group of 32 Somali men marched to the Ħamrun police station yesterday morning, claiming they had been evicted from Marsa open centre by management for no reason and flashing their centre residence cards in indignation.

But according to centre director Ahmed Bughri, the men were never kicked out and had simply been told that if they did not abide by open centre rules, they could “go live somewhere else”.

Some of the alleged toilet-wreckers that stormed to the police station. Look closely, some of these young men could soon be on a flight to your US city!

The incident came on the back of rising tensions between a Somali contingent and open centre management, stemming from damage done to some of the centre’s newly refurbished toilets and kitchens.

According to Dr Bughri, a small group of residents were systematically dirtying and damaging bathrooms and kitchens at the centre, to the detriment of their own colleagues.

Open centre staff on Monday found that one of the new toilets had been completely broken and knocked onto its side. Dr Bughri fined each of the residents who had a key to the toilet €10, to make up for repairs.

This did not go down well with many of those affected, who say they already live from hand to mouth on the monthly €130 allowance given to them.  [I think this is about $170 in US Dollars—-ed]

And matters reached a head yesterday, following an argument between Dr Bughri and one of the fined Somalis.

“I cannot have residents damaging or dirtying facilities and then not doing anything about it,” Dr Bughri said. “We’ve worked hard to improve this open centre and we won’t let it slide back into its previous state.”

He denied evicting the residents and said they had misunderstood his warning to either abide by the rules or leave.

Airlift to Mogadishu anyone?

Click here to see our extensive archive on Malta and how we (US State Department/Catholic Charities) unilaterally changed the definition of a refugee.