Denmark: Opposition party official suggests unhappy Muslims should find another place to live

Remember yesterday, in a post about Europe and the Arab Spring, here, I reported that writer Anat Berko suggested it will be Western women who lead the way back from the brink of cultural annihilation.

Inger Støjberg Photo: Scanpix

Add Inger Støjberg  to the list!

And, this made me laugh my head off, critics said “her approach to Danish Muslims lacked nuance!”  Nuance!  WTF! (sorry, we don’t use profanity here, but I can’t help myself sometimes!).  Nuance! when Europe is going down the tubes!

From the Copenhagen Post (Hat tip: Fjordman via twitter)

Muslims who show no interest in adopting Danish values ought to think about why they settled in Denmark in the first place, the immigration spokesperson for leading opposition party Venstre argued in an opinion piece published in Politiken newspaper today.

In her piece, Inger Støjberg criticises Danish Muslims who actively try to shield themselves from Danish values and norms and who think that their religious beliefs should not be allowed to be mocked.

Støjberg pointed to a study of Danish Muslims in which 55 percent responded that criticising religion should be banned and 64 percent thought that free speech should be limited in particular circumstances.

“Denmark is the land of the Danes and you are more than welcome to become a Dane and take part in the work and community,” Støjberg wrote. “But to those Muslims who constantly work against us, constantly question us, are unsatisfied, encourage going to holy war in Syria, commit honour killings, belittle our values, flag or way of living – to all of you: Go and find somewhere else to live. No one is forcing you to stay. We accepted you and now it’s up to you to show the necessary respect for our society and the values it is built upon.”  [Of course we all know they are not in Denmark to become Danes, but to change Denmark into a Muslim country.—ed]

Probably squishy men who said this (it’s the same sort of thing they say about Pamela Geller):

Government parties Socialdemokraterne (S) and Socialistisk Folkeparti both said they agreed with the general points made by Støjberg, but that her approach to Danish Muslims lacked nuance.

But, will Støjberg and Venstre go this far?

Spotting an opportunity, Martin Henriksen, integration spokesperson for Dansk Folkeparti, proposed that Venstre should use this opportunity to follow up with strict policies aimed at curbing migration from Muslim countries.

“I think that Venstre and Dansk Folkeparti should join together for the next election with a goal of reducing Muslim immigration to somewhere close to zero. It is the most effective solution to ensure that Denmark will remain socially and culturally united in the decades ahead,” Henriksen said.

By the way, one of the most read posts this year at RRW is this one where Laura Ingraham called for a halt to all Muslim immigration to America.

Addendum: Remember back in 2010 the Ft. Morgan, CO police chief went to Denmark (the trip was paid for by the US State Department) ostensibly to learn how to integrate Ft. Morgan’s Muslim refugee population from a country with lots of successful experience.  Do you think they might send him back now to have a follow-up chat with Henriksen and Støjberg?

Here is our archive of the many posts we’ve written about Denmark and its immigrant population.

More on Sweden: NYT can’t figure out why the “youths” are so angry

After yesterday, one of the best days ever at RRW with over 6,000 visitors (nearly 10,000 in three days) from around the world to our post about Swedes fighting back against the immigrant gangs in Stockholm, here, I thought I should look around to see if the mainstream media was mentioning any of this.

There isn’t much in the American press.  Has anyone seen any mention of Swedish immigrant riots on Fox News?

However, a couple of days ago the New York Times was scratching its proverbial head to try to figure out why the immigrants to the “welcoming” social welfare capital of the world were so “unhappy.”  The article was laughable as it wondered about how “welcoming” Sweden could have gone wrong—must be racism, must be the recent cut in welfare, must be a shortage of jobs, racism of course—but one word was completely missing from the piece (two actually).  The ‘I’ word and ‘M’ word could not be found.  Like “Voldemort” in Harry Potter, “Islam” and “Muslim” are words never to be spoken in stories like this one.

Like the evil character in Harry Potter (He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) aka Lord Voldemort, Islam Must-Not-Be-Named!


STOCKHOLM — Eva Bromster, an elementary school principal, was jolted awake by a telephone call late Thursday night. “Your school is burning,” her boss, the director of the local education department, told her.

Ms. Bromster rushed to the school, in the mostly immigrant district of Tensta, north of Stockholm, and found one room gutted by fire and another filled with ankle-deep water after firefighters had doused the flames. It was the second fire at the school in three days.

In Stockholm and other towns and cities last week, bands made up mostly of young immigrants set buildings and cars ablaze in a spasm of destructive rage rarely seen in a country proud of its normally tranquil, law-abiding ways.

Ms. Bromster went on to speculate for the NYT that those immigrants burning schools must be “unhappy.”

Perhaps readers of the NYT are expected to know their world history and geography and know without being told that if the immigrants are from Somalia, Iraq and Syria, most will be Muslims!

The riots, now subsiding, have produced less damage than the earlier ones in Paris and London, which also involved mostly immigrants. But the unrest has shaken Sweden, which has a reputation for welcoming immigrants and asylum seekers, including those fleeing violence in countries like Iraq, Somalia and Syria, and regularly ranks in surveys as one of the world’s happiest places.

Gee, it can’t all be about poverty, they have a world-famous welfare system in Sweden.  The Left cannot let go of the idea they have pushed for decades that Islamic Jihad is related to poverty.  If not poverty it must be racism.

While the violence was concentrated in relatively poor districts, most of their residents have been shielded from dire poverty by a welfare system that is one of the world’s most expansive, despite recent cutbacks.


The left, which dominated Swedish politics for decades and devised the cradle-to-grave welfare system, has blamed reduced state benefits and a modest shift toward the privatization of public services for the unrest, pointing to an erosion of the country’s tolerant, egalitarian ethos.

Racism 24/7 in Sweden says Iraqi who has been given much:

Husby, Mr. Khamisi said, “looks nice on the outside, but inside it is not nice.” A first-year law student at Stockholm University who did not join in the rioting, Mr. Khamisi acknowledged that “Sweden has given me opportunities I didn’t have in Iraq,” but “I’m not treated the same as a white guy.”

“I feel discrimination all the time,” he said.   [Maybe there is some connection to years of immigrant crime and Muslim-perpetrated violence in cities such as Malmo?—ed]

What a shock! Sweden’s “anti-immigrant” party gaining strength:

The recent violence has been a boon to the Swedish Democrats, the anti-immigration party. Opinion polls suggest the party is gaining in popularity, partly because of the indignation many Swedes feel about being called racists after accepting so many refugees. Immigrants and the Swedish-born children of immigrants make up about 15 percent of the population, and last year Sweden nearly doubled the number of asylum seekers it took in and became Europe’s primary destination for refugees from Syria.

And, one more thing, the NYT had the audacity to suggest it was older immigrants, no mention of the Swedes, who went out on the streets to try to get the “youths” to go home.

We have seen all this coming for the past five years, see our Sweden archives here.  One story from last fall, still makes me laugh.  The Swedish government purchased a rural mansion in which to house Muslim refugees and they protested against living there saying it was full of ghosts—see Tundra Tabloids for the story on the ungrateful “youths.”

I’m AnnC@refugeewatcher on twitter. Please tweet this and also follow me!

Diversity is strength alert! Muslim refugees riot, burn cars in Sweden

Immigrant “youths” torch cars in Stockholm. Getty Images

Update May 24th:  Police call in reinforcements as rioting continues into 5th night, here.

Ho hum!  Are we surprised?  Nope!  (Type ‘Sweden’ into our search function and you will find years of evidence that this next phase of the Jihad against the West was inevitable.)

Update:  I’m reminded of this 2009 post in which I said Muslim immigration is killing Sweden.  It is one of our most widely read posts here at RRW.

This story is from the Financial Times but has been republished just a few minutes ago at the Washington Post (so now they are paying attention!).

Do the imbeciles in the Senate Judiciary Committee who just yesterday made it easier for more Muslim immigration to America and MORE welfare for those immigrants make any connection?  Hello!  Is anyone home?

Washington Post:

The sight of burning cars in a dozen suburbs of Stockholm on Tuesday night has shocked Sweden and shaken its image of tolerance and equality. But the rioting is also raising a simple, devastating question: Is Sweden facing its own Paris or London moment when it is forced to confront long-simmering questions about the integration of immigrants?

“This is a wake-up call for decision makers and Swedish society as a whole,” says Awad Hersi, a Stockholm city councillor from near where the riots started. But Hersi, of Somali origin, argues that the situation is not yet as serious as it was in London in 2011 or Paris in 2005. “There are differences with Stockholm: the scale, the methods are different. Stockholm still has a chance but it is a matter of time.”  [LOL! Not so bad yet!—ed]

Police on Wednesday were drafting in reinforcements to prepare for a potential fourth night of unrest. What started in the northwestern suburb of Husby had by Tuesday night spread to about a dozen different suburbs north and south of Stockholm. The rioters were reported to be mostly young immigrants of African and Middle Eastern origin.

There is a lot of boo-hooing in here about jobs and poverty and such, but that is how the Leftists running Sweden cover their foolish and tragic decision to open their borders to Muslims from Africa and the Middle East.

Minnesota will be heard at the State Department refugee hearing next Wednesday

Minnesota resident:  “Why in the world would you import this very dangerous ideology called Islam?”

Readers!  You have a little more than two hours (it is just about 2:40 Eastern time) to take your one opportunity to tell the US State Department what you think they should do in fiscal year 2014—how many refugees will be coming to your town and from where?

We have heard from Texas, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Montana, Maryland, North Carolina and now Minnesota.  See our archives for the hearing here.    (Arizona!  Are you out there? I think I got one from Arizona too, please resend!)

Here then is Debbie Anderson writing from Minneapolis (emphasis mine):

Anne C. Richard
Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration
US State Department
Washington, DC.

May 8, 2013

Re: Federal Register Public Notice 8241

Dear Ms Richard,

I am writing to comment on the President’s FY 2014 U. S. Refugee Admissions Program as part of the upcoming May 15 public hearing to be held in Washington, DC.

‘Refugee Resettlement’ that was once promoted by politicians as an honorable humanitarian effort has degenerated into a very expensive, corrupt industry that seems to serve only those who are enriched by it – politically and/or financially.  Plus, this program is destroying the fabric of American society, helping to bankrupt the country, and is endangering our citizens and our national security.

MN has received so many Somali ‘refugees’ that Minneapolis is aka ‘Little Mogadishu’.  Hardly a compliment considering their decades of civil war and their Islamic hatred for America.  Who can forget the pictures of the rabid, cheering crowds dragging our dead sons through their dusty streets?!

The large influx of Muslim ‘refugees’ has greatly empowered notorious groups such as CAIR-MN, MAS-MN, ISNA-MN – groups with well-documented links to terrorism – that are working hard to change MN into another sharia compliant state.  Because of the aggressive efforts by these Muslim groups I am increasingly seeing Minnesota called Minnesotastan.

These ‘refugees’ and their criminal leaders and radical Imams are a direct threat to America’s national security.  I stood on top of the South Tower only four months before Muslims felled them.  How many Americans have to be savagely maimed or killed before this madness is stopped?

Are you not aware of Islam’s 1400 year history of jihad against the ‘infidels’?  Are you not aware of the savage global jihad that is occurring throughout the world today?  Are you not aware of the plight of Western Europe with the aggressive Islamization of their countries?  Why in the world would you import this very dangerous ideology called Islam?

Here are some of the documented consequences of this harmful program called ‘Refugee Resettlement’:

Minnesota Sheriff Reports to Congress on Growing Somalia Muslim Gang Threat Another Indictment Brought to MN Al-Shabaab

Now Muslims have set up child prostitution rings in the U.S.

Feds assist terror-linked CAIR to force mosque on Minn. town

Man from Coon Rapids, MN found guilty of honor-killing his daughter

Suspicion about Flying Imams grows as terror links pile up

The mosqueing of our neighborhoods – Bloomington, MN

Plus, the 36+ mosques in MN have hosted radical Imams such as Siraj Wahhj, Dr Jamal Badawi and Omar Shahin.

As a citizen I am fed up with the staggering costs of this program and I am fed up with overwhelming influx of those who are hostile to Americans and our way of life.  And I am fed up with politicians and kumbaya ‘church’ leaders who are fulfilling their own agendas rather than looking out for the welfare of the American people.

Please stop the immigration of all Muslims.  Islamic ideology is not compatible with the American Constitution.

I ask that all refugee admissions be dramatically cut back to less than 5000 annually.  And, finally, I ask for a citizen review board to oversee this mammoth corrupt industry.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Debbie Anderson
Minneapolis, MN

cc: Congressman Keith Ellison
2244 Rayburn Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-2305

cc: Senator Amy Klobuchar
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

cc: Senator Al Franken
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

cc: Attention: Senator Amy Klobuchar
US Senate Judiciary Committee
Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510

cc: House of Representatives Judiciary Committee
Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security
2138 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Go here for instructions on faxing or e-mailing your testimony today!  If you send me testimonies to publish, I’ll post them in the days ahead.

White House petition to halt all Muslim immigration

Update April 30th:  Well, this is strange.  The little counter hasn’t moved since I signed the petition yesterday.  I did see it moving up during the day as readers here (and elsewhere must have signed it).  This morning I see it’s at 3,220!  Could the White House be pulling a Marco Rubio and stopping its count?  Are you getting that 3,220 figure today too?

Yesterday a reader (Joseline) commenting to the Laura Ingraham post, alerted us to a White House petition to Stop all Islamic immigration into the US. 

Tell Obama what you think about Muslim immigration.  And, to get his feet off the desk!


If you agree with Laura Ingraham and me, go here (scroll down list) and sign it!

Here is the text of the petition:

In the wake of the Newtown shootings, the Obama administration thought they should overstep their Constitutional authority to impose gun control. Now in light of the Boston bombings and the direct ties to Islam, I’m calling on the administration to stop all Islamic immigration into the US.

Mr. Obama and others quote Qur’an 5:32, which is about the people of Israel, but NEVER quote the next verse which is about Muslims and indicates the real threat of Islam.

Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a totalitarian, political death cult and as such is not compatible with American culture.

As of this moment, 3,221 people have signed the petition and it needs (only LOL!) 96,780 more by May 22nd!

If you are saying to yourself, I agree but I will then be on some White House hit list—who cares!  Don’t be a (click here)!

Please tweet this out and put it on your facebook page!