On Sunday I reported that Democrat writer Steven Roberts (of the DC/NYC bubble) had posted a syndicated column praising Republican governorsfor betraying the President’s first effort to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program and opening their welcoming arms to more refugees for their states that will ultimately cost state taxpayers millions to care for.
I asked if the Burmese refugee, Esar Met, who raped and murdered a Christian girl in Utah was part of the “beautiful cycle of charity” and suggested you write a letter-to-the-editor if the column shows up in your home town paper.
He especially focused on Utah’s Governor Herbert in his stunningly fluffy piece about how refugees are the most wonderful people, helped by benevolent Christian charity doled out by the likes Church World Service and World Relief, and that they also provide workers to companies looking for unskilled employees for low wage jobs.
But, nary a mention of any cultural upheaval or criminals that come along with welcoming certain ethnic groups from Africa, Asia and the Middle East—refugees like Esar Met.
Roberts’ implication of course is that our President is a nativist SOB for wanting to halt the “beautiful cycle of charity.”
This morning I see Roberts’ column is published in an Oregon newspaper—at Coos Bay’s The World.
If we don’t remember, it didn’t happen, right?
But, I remember (it is my job to remember) and likely you do too because I reminded readers at ‘Frauds and Crooks’recently:
Memory Lane: Somali Refugee Planned to Bomb Oregon Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Once again, I recommend that if you see Roberts’ fluffy, puffy piece in your paper that you write a response letter-to-the-editor praising the President for trying to keep us safe—for putting Americans FIRST!
One Oregon protesting Donald Trump in Portland, OR in January 2017 http://www.oneoregon.org/who-we-are/
However, a couple of things in this otherwise ho-hum news story make it worth posting.
First, because Catholic Charities of Oregon (a refugee agency subcontractor of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops) isn’t getting in massive new waves of fresh refugee clients, they are focusing on better care for the ones they resettled earlier and that is a good thing.
However, when they list their efforts at job training and mental health counseling it got me thinking—who is paying for that!
It is probably the taxpayer again, but because Catholic Charities of Oregon considers itself a church they are not required to file an IRS Form 990 so that we could find out exactly how many taxpayer dollars are flowing to them.
We know that in addition to the per head payment resettlement agencies receive from you there are myriad taxpayer-funded grants at the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, grants like this one, that keep resettlement contractors afloat. (I think I need to start having a look at those!)
Require all Catholic Charities to file Form 990s (they aren’t churches!)
One more of many reforms that Congress (or the President) should undertake is to require these so-called ‘religious’ charities to file Form 990s. (By the way, some Catholic Charities do file a Form 990, but the one featured at Catholic News Agencydoes not.)
To see the second reason I’m posting this story, continue reading!
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — FBI agents arrested a Portland man Thursday for reportedly producing child pornography after a criminal complaint filed against him alleged that he approached 2 young girls via an app.
Ramon’s immigration status is unknown. Gateway Pundit has a more explicit story here: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11/immigrant-activist-busted-child-porn-luring-minors/
According to the criminal complaint, Juan “Carlos” Ramon is accused of contacting 2 Louisiana girls, ages 6 and 8, via an app called “Musical.ly.”
The complaint alleges Ramon convinced the children to send him sexually explicit photos and videos of themselves. According to the complaint, Ramon contacted multiple other minors for explicit material.
Due to previous jobs Ramon has held, investigators believe he may have had opportunities to be in direct contact with children over a period of years.
It’s believed Ramon is currently employed by El Programa Hispano Católico (Catholic Charities) in Gresham. It’s also believed he worked for Metropolitan Family Service’s SUN school program in Gresham.
KOIN 6 News reached out to El Programa Hispano Católico and they provided the following statement,
This afternoon, El Programa Hispano Católico and Catholic Charities were notified that an employee was arrested by the FBI on charges related to allegations of child pornography involving two minors in Louisiana. Our organizations are fully cooperating with the FBI and law enforcement officials in this investigation.
This post is filed in RRW’s ‘crimes’ category, see a couple of thousand other posts in that category by clicking here.
I completely missed this news earlier in the month, so thanks to Creeping Sharia for posting it.
And, I should have seen it since I have been writing about Mohamed Mohamud recently. See ten Islamic refugee terror attacks/foiled plotshere. I wrote that post because I was sick of hearing refugee industry advocates say there have been no US refugees involved in terror attacks. The fact that this one fell short of his goal to kill innocents seems to have escaped them. What! It doesn’t count if you don’t succeed! From AP:
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – A federal appeals court has upheld the conviction of Mohamed Mohamud, the Somali American sentenced to 30 years in prison for plotting to bomb downtown Portland during the annual lighting of a Christmas tree.
Mohamed Mohamud and Portland’s Christmas tree in 2010. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/05/trial-set-to-begin-for-21-year-old-suspect-in-portland-christmas-tree-lighting.html
The truck bomb was a fake given to him in 2010 by undercover FBI agents posing as terrorists.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Monday that a U.S. District Court judge properly rejected Mohamud’s claim of entrapment. The 50-page opinion states the government’s conduct was quite aggressive, but the sting fell short of a due process violation.
The court also rejected an assertion that the warrantless surveillance of his foreign communications violated his constitutional rights.
For our archive on the foiled Christmas tree lighting ceremony bomb plot, click here.
Next! How many Somalis have entered the US in the first ten weeks of Fiscal Year 2017. ***Update***here it is.
We’ve been telling you lately about how the federal government and its refugee contractors are out scouting new locations to expand the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program to your towns and cities. They are desperate for new sites as older sites are overloaded and pushback from concerned citizens is growing.
We recently told you aboutRutland, VT and Reno, NV, (in April it was Ithaca, NY) so it was no surprise to see news about the Eugene, OR (Lane County) area getting Syrian refugees. However, as I read the story and went back to earlier stories, the plot thickened! No mention is made of the fact that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is a federal refugee contractor paid millions of dollars each year to seed refugees into American towns and cities.
The story that I saw first thing this morning is this one about a Catholic Charities being asked by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to take a few Syrians and Burmese refugees soon (usual fairly straightforward strategy).
SPRINGFIELD, Ore.- In a few months, Lane County will gain three new families with the help of Catholic Community Services of Lane County.
These families are refugees from Syria and Myanmar, also known as Burma.
After that, Lane County will continue to gain 7 to 10 new refugee families each year.
Catholic Community Services Executive Director Tom Mulhern says the US Conference of Catholic Bishops called Catholic Community Services, asking them to help facilitate a refugee program in Lane County.
Demand transparency!
Be sure if you live in this area to contact Catholic Community Services and your local elected officials and ask for a copy of the R & P Abstractfor Eugene/Springfield. Don’t know what that is, please readour recent post on Reno! As a taxpayer, you are entitled to all the facts on the new resettlement site. But, then get this! Are we seeing the United Nations new ALTERNATIVE PATHWAYS being put in motion to build the Syrian community in Lane County? This is Welcoming America’s slide presentation on the idea of seeding your towns with immigrants and refugees. I did not make this up!
Here is what I found when I looked around some more:
The ‘seedling’ for this new community is a Syrian ‘refugee’ named Ali Turki Ali who was ‘discovered’ by a longtime US State Department employee named Mark Ward working in Turkey.
Although Ali was apparently perfectly safe in Turkey, he was interested in going to Europe, but Ward convinced him to go to America instead.
You really need to read the article.
But, then this is something I have never heard of and makes me wonder if this is part of the new strategy to get Syrians in to the US. Ali was told that he would need a private sponsor and Ward’s 25-year-old son Peter would do the job. So some ‘twenty-something’ can vouch for a newly arrived Muslim refugee? When did that policy come into practice?
“You will need a sponsor wherever you go,” Ward said.
“I know one American,” Ali said. “You. And you’re not in the United States.”
“I know an American who could be your sponsor,” Ward said. “My son, Peter.”
A sponsor is someone who agrees to watch over a refugee for their first six months in the country. The sponsor helps a refugee find a place to live and learn about the community.
Mark Ward showed Ali a map of Oregon. It might as well have been a photograph of Mars.
“And that same look came over his face,” Ward says.
“And then I had to convince (Lutheran Community Services) in Portland that I wanted him in Eugene, and that wasn’t easy,” Ward says. Lutheran Community Services is Ali’s receiving agency in Oregon and one of three refugee resettlement agencies in the state, according to Evans, the state DHS spokesman.
“We want him in Portland,” Ward recalls the agency saying. “Where we can keep an eye on him.”
So, guess what, Ali went to Eugene, and subsequently the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has set up a new resettlement agency—-Catholic Community Services of Lane County—and presto! Ali’s extended family will be the first to arrive for the new resettlement site! We learn herethat because his two brothers have a relative in the area (Ali!) they are on the way to Eugene, Oregon. So plant the first refugee seedling and more will come!
About the seedling photo: Go here and learn where that came from.