CIS Posts Update on US Refugee Contractors, but Does it Matter in the Year from Hell?

Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies has posted a thorough update on the US Refugee Admissions Program focusing on how the nine federal contractors basically call the shots about where refugees are placed.

Please see her report here, read it and file it for a time when we return to normal (which may be a long way off in the future!) and will be permitted to have wonkish discussions about the nuts and bolts of federal programs.

But, as I have been saying here and here, these are not normal times and in the coming months don’t be distracted by thinking that the November elections will be normal and come January 2021 we go back to squabbling over the intricacies of federal programs like the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.  Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see how that can be.

Your entire focus for the remainder of the year should be on preparing to survive (personally) and working to help our country survive the chaos those who want to destroy America are going to rain down on us.

If Trump wins, expect violence in the streets. There may be a lull right now, but most likely because the Marxists/Antifa/BLM are working on plans for the coming months.


Trump in the Rose Garden on July 14th: ” Biden has gone radical left.
Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent. Huh. That’s a lot: by 700 percent. Nobody has ever heard of such a thing. Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.”


If the empty shell Biden wins and has one or both houses of Congress, we will be done. 

I expect there won’t even be any vocal opposition permitted—our speech will be silenced one way or the other as America’s gates will be flung open to the world.

And, about that 700%?  Biden has already said he will immediately admit 125,000 refugees a year to America and so to get to that figure, it likely means that Trump expects to admit about 15,500 before September 30th.***  I don’t think it will be nearly that high as we are only at 7,800 now.  The original ceiling was supposed to be 18,000. (Trump’s people might be adding in the Special Immigrant Visas to get that number up.)

Rush does excellent work, so read her report and pray that one day we can again return to squabbling over the implications of government programs, but as I said in November of 2019, you need to work to get the President re-elected.

And, you must also prepare your household and your community for an attack on civil society like we have never seen.

By the way, have you had your “second tower moment?”

*** LOL! Surely someone will check my math.  If I am wrong, it isn’t me!  I used one of those percent calculator things!

HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield Confident that Refugees Pose Us No Harm

Thanks to reader David for sending this short interview with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society’s Mark Hetfield.

Longtime readers know that Hetfield has been a leading opponent of any refugee program reform efforts the President has proposed both through political agitation and legal action his federally-funded organization has taken.

I always laugh when I hear their line that goes like this about the millions admitted to the US: “not a single one has committed a lethal act of terror.”

He leaves out the dozens who have tried to commit terror acts and failed or who were caught before they could act and the untold numbers that have murdered or raped someone after being admitted.

Reader Michelle had this to say about the clip:

Maybe not an act of terror but in my own town, a refugee slaughtered 3 young children with a machete. And this is only one town. There are lots more. IF that isn’t terror, what is it? I can’t stand these holier than thou officials. He seems to have forgotten all of those that were caught getting ready to act and lots more that have done worse like rape etc.

For more on HIAS see my extensive archive by clicking here.

Taxpayer Funded Refugee Resettlement Contractors Doing Well even with Trump in the White House

When President Trump arrived in the Oval Office I had a lot of hope that the new Administration would begin to turn off the funding for the nine federal resettlement agencies that have been for decades monopolizing all refugee placement in the US.

But, alas, even as refugee numbers have plummeted, the contractors are still sucking down millions of federal dollars each month, in most cases on par with what they were getting during the Obama years.

And, as they complain that they have had to close offices and fire staff they are still doing well (Ha! By doing good?) and will be well-positioned to ramp-up as soon as the Dems regain the White House (whenever that is!).

Presidential candidate Joe Biden has already signaled he wants over 100,000 refugees admitted each year (a figure Obama never achieved).

Of course, it isn’t all on Trump, Congress is a major player and there is no will there to slow or reform the refugee program. Oh, some do want to ‘reform’— by expanding it!

For the umpteenth time, the flawed structure of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program has not been reformed one significant bit in the last 3 years.

What are these ‘charities’ doing with all this money?

Using data at ,*** I’ve gathered in one place the federal payout to the nine federal refugee grantees/contractors which, as I said, have monopolized all refugee resettlement in America for decades.


When looking at the screenshots below, for relative comparison of the size of the ‘non-profits,’ that number in the left hand corner is useful. It is what they received in the last twelve months from the US Treasury—the US taxpayer.

Know that FY2008 was Bush’s last year and that FY2016 was Obama’s last year in office.

Church World Service


That $45 million is what they received in the last 12 months from you, involuntarily via the US Treasury.
2008 was a Bush year. And for FY2020 remember we are only 7 months into the fiscal year which ends on September 30th.


Ethiopian Community Development Council


Don’t ask me why they show no federal funding for those previous years, they have been around for a long time.


Episcopal Migration Ministries

(This one is tricky because they have another name!)


HIAS (aka Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)


Notice that HIAS has had its best year in over a decade during the Trump Administration.


International Rescue Committee


There were additional transactions for the IRC under different duns numbers.
They are down a little under Trump, but they are up more than double what they were getting under Bush!


U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants



Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service



United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

(By the way, in addition to the monies here mostly for the refugee program, the Bishops received a whopping $400 million for Catholic Relief Services.)


The Bishops have taken a significant drop in funding since their top Obama year.


World Relief Corporation




So what are the contractors whining about, they are all still better off now than they were ten years ago.  And, they are positioned well to expand when the Dems retake the White House.

This post is filed in two categories:  Where to find information and Knowledge is Power.

*** is a relatively new undertaking of the US government that creates transparency for all of us and it was created in the Obama Administration.

Will CEOs of Refugee Agencies Take Pay Cuts to Help Their Staff and Their Refugees?

There are some stories floating around that CEOs of some of America’s largest corporations are taking pay cuts to help keep more of their lower level workers on the job as the COVID-19 crisis continues.  Here is one from Forbes published two days ago.

David Miliband President and CEO of the Manhattan-based ‘charity’ International Rescue Committee. Are they reducing salaries to help the refugees they brought to America?

At the same time we are learning that the refugee agencies continue to be shuttered (staff reduced) and refugees are struggling. See refugees struggling in Bowling Green, KY and in Durham, NC.

So this morning I am wondering if ‘moneybags’ Miliband and other CEO’s of leading ‘charitable’ refugee agencies were giving up large salaries to help especially the refugees they have been dropping off across America for decades.  And, to save some of their low level employees from getting the budget ax.

Here below is a page from a recent International Rescue Committee’s Form 990.

(If the Form 990 doesn’t open, visit Guidestar, here.)

If they and others of the nine refugee contractors have begun to reduce salaries of their top employees, let me know so I can report their humanitarian generosity toward the most vulnerable among us.


To be fair, David Miliband has the most outrageous salary of the ‘non-profit’ groups changing America by changing the people, but 6-digit salaries are the norm in the refugee industry.

As I have said on many previous occasions, salaries would be none of our business if the organization was not living almost entirely on taxpayer dollars.

For my David Miliband archive, click here.

Senate Passes Historic $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill; Includes Millions for Refugee Programs

Unless you have escaped to your bunkers, you know that the Senate passed the COVID-19 stimulus funding yesterday.  Here at USA Today:

Senate passes historic $2 trillion stimulus package to curb effects of coronavirus

WASHINGTON – The Senate approved its largest emergency aid package in modern history that will offer $2 trillion to help Americans, hospitals and businesses weather the effects of the coronavirus. The vote late Wednesday night was 96-0.

The bill will now go to the House for approval before it’s sent to President Donald Trump for his signature.

House Majority Leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., announced that the House will vote on the $2 trillion bill Friday, and that they will convene at 9 a.m.

“We expect the bill to pass by voice vote,” he said.

You have been hearing reports, like this one at Breitbart and here at RRW  (refugee contractors lobby for $$$) a couple of days ago that the package includes money for the Migration and Refugee Assistance account that is the pot of money we use either overseas for refugee assistance or to resettle refugees in American towns and cities.

Here is a recent description of MRA from a Leftwing Open Borders advocacy group. They lobby for over $3 Billion annually for the fund.

Now see that the Senate bill includes an additional $350 Million that will end up in the hands of the refugee contractors***, especially those working elsewhere in the world, like HIAS.

The UN has temporarily stopped the placement of refugees, but the US State Department expects to resume resettlement here after April 6. Normalcy by Palm Sunday?  I doubt it.




*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement and choosing which lucky towns and cities will be ‘welcoming’ refugees.

Church World Service one of the ‘religious charities’ responsible for changing America by changing the people with a ‘Christian message.’

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.