“What’s going on? We thought this was going to be a new time for a new era for resettlement. Why are these cases getting canceled?”
(Natalie El-Deiry, International Rescue Committee, describing what refugees are saying.)
My headline could have been a headline in the era of (that mean guy) Donald Trump, but believe it or not that is big news in the Biden/Harris era where the team running the country had already told Congress they want 62,500 refugees flown in by September 30th.
Where are the angry protests against Biden?
(Please know that this 62,500 would be in addition to the tens, possibly hundreds of thousands, who will overrun our southern border this year all claiming that they too are refugees.)
Yes the contractors*** are squawking as their “clients” are turned back at airports across several continents, but funny that there are no angry demonstrations against the man, their man, they helped install in the White House.
There are other stories with headlines blaming the mess on policies leftover from Trump!
Hundreds Of Refugees’ Flights Canceled Due To Biden Red Tape
Nearly 300 refugees who had been approved and booked to arrive in the United States last week to begin a new chapter in their lives had their flights canceled at the last minute, according to several resettlement agencies.
With the help of the State Department, resettlement agencies across the country had begun to process and book hundreds of refugees to enter the U.S. in March after the Biden administration announced it would be raising the refugee cap.
Natalie El-Deiry works for the International Rescue Committee overseeing their Utah and Montana offices. The IRC is paid by you to resettle ‘legit refugee’ “clients,” yet they also support the illegal aliens’ run on the border. Go figure!
The decision was applauded as a crucial first step in rebuilding the refugee system after it was dealt a series of blows by then–President Donald Trump, who spent years demonizing refugees and decimatingthe resettlement programs.
But nearly a month after announcing the refugee increases and notifying Congress, President Joe Biden has yet to formally sign off on the higher cap.
Without Biden’s signature, refugee admissions are still restricted by Trump’s record-low 15,000 cap for fiscal year 2021 and his decision to exclude refugees from Muslim-majority countries like Syria and Somalia. The delay has forced a slew of canceled tickets and left hundreds of refugees in limbo and resettlement agencies scrambling.
The State Department has canceled flights for at least 264 refugees this month and more cancellations are expected, according to resettlement agencies.
After Biden was elected president, Wilondja [refugee star of this story] began to feel hopeful again. The new administration launched an effort to overhaul the immigration system, including raising the refugee cap to 125,000 for the next fiscal year (which starts Oct. 1, 2021) and allowing an additional 62,500 refugees to be admitted this fiscal year.
To understand how high a number 62,500 is (to be accomplished in less than seven months), here are the high and low years for refugee admissionsafter the George HW Bush era where he admitted hundreds of thousands over his four years in office.
Clinton’s high year (numbers rounded) was 119,000, and low (for a whole year) was 69,000.
Bush: High year was 69,000, and low was 27,000.
Obama: High year was 85,000, and low was 56,000.
Trump: High year was 54,000 (because part of that fiscal year Obama was still in office), and low was 12,000.
So you can see that if Chairman Joe pulls this off (62,500 by September 30th and 125,000 next year) he would far exceed the numbers that Obama admitted through the US Refugee Admissions Program, and in the midst of the pandemic no less!
***For New Readersthese are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House, are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, and they have succeeded in getting the new administration to promise to raise the ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000 for next year FY2022—that is the highest it has been in 29 years.
The 62,500 number is for the remainder of FY21. FY21 ends in less than 7 months. And, again, these numbers are in addition to those fake asylum seekers coming across our borders.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting struggling Americans last!
In the midst of a pandemic when large numbers of Americans are unemployed and struggling…
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigned on lifting Trump’s so-called Muslim ban and immediately setting the ceiling to 125,000 refugees to be admitted in this fiscal year (FY21).
That 125,000 does NOT include those flowing toward our borders now in anticipation of Biden opening the borders and would be the highest cap in nearly 30 years.
(The 125,000 ceiling is only for those we fly into the US from the third world at taxpayers’ expense.)
Because we need to have facts, which are going to be harder to get as the Refugee Processing Center(US State Department contractor) has removed the very useful “Interactive Reporting” function we have have come to rely on for the last decade to understand who is being admitted and placed in your towns and cities, I will be posting information like this below when I can get it. (To be archived in my Knowledge is Powercategory).
“Interactive reporting is no longer available”
This information (below) is available at the moment:
See that Biden has said he would admit tens of thousands more refugees than any predecessor (including Obama) for the previous nearly 30 years.
The number greater than 125,000 was 132,531 (1992), one of George HW Bush’s big refugee admission years!
The Refugee Act of 1980 was signed into law in the spring of 1980 by Jimmy Carter who of course later that year went on to lose the election to Ronald Reagan. The vast majority of those early refugees were from Southeast Asia and they were escaping COMMUNISM.
Interesting that it was George W. Bush who really opened the flow from Africa. And, it was Clinton who favored the flow from Russia.
President Trump admitted the least number of refugees in one year—11,814 in FY20.
Total refugees (again these are the refugees we flew into the US mostly at the behest of the United Nations)— 3,456,532—admitted over four decades.
Biden/Harris plan to put the US Refugee Admissions Program on steroids as they have promised the refugee resettlement contractors—the nine fake non-profits below. Your tax dollars fund them to change America by changing the people.
And of course the star of their story is the poster girl for Muslim refugees in America—Rep Ilhan Omar.***
Omar you know has been all over the news lately saying that Trump’s army of supporters is the Ku Klux Klan. That might come as news to the thousands of ‘people of color’ who came out in Washington, DC last weekend for the huge rally in support of the President.
An Arab publication credits the Somali “community” in Minnesota and especially Omar for assuring the state would end up in the Biden column.
Nevermind that in September, investigative journalist James O’Keefe exposed possible voter fraud in that same ‘community’ here(fraud that now pales in comparison to the fraud that is alleged in key Democrat controlled cities in at least five states).
From the New Arab which reiterates that the Somalis are in Minnesota thanks to Christian groups (which were paid by the US State Department to place them in Minnesota, but they don’t tell you that).
Trump campaigned on hate in Minnesota. Somalis helped vote him out
It is long and you can read it all. I’ll just highlight this point:
The resettlement of tens of thousands of Somalis in Minnesota – mainly during the height of the east African country’s civil war in the 1990s – was in large part thanks to voluntary agencies (also called VOLAGS), such as Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota.
“Voluntary agencies” is a joke because they were handsomely funded by the US taxpayer to change Minnesota.
I went looking to see if I could find a map of Somali strongholds in the US and came up with this. It only shows where Obama placed the most Somalis over a 6 year period.
It does give you some idea where the Somali population centers are because resettlement contractors tend to send the different ethnic groups to join their ‘own kind of people’ thus creating ethnic enclaves.
Data goes dark!
BTW, we will be hamstrung in coming months and years if Biden/Harris are coronated by the media (and our court system fails!) and make it to the White House because the enormously valuable data base that has for decades recorded how many refugees come into the US, where they are from and where they are placed has been gutted.
Those numbers and destinations that have been a great source of information for me here at RRW are no longer available. I can’t believe the Trump people are responsible and suspect the deep staters made the move to hide from us what Biden promises to do on the refugee front (if he is president).
The fiscal year ended yesterday and the totals are in at the Refugee Processing Center.
The exact total for the year is 11,814 the lowest number in four decades.
The ceiling for admissions had been set by President Trump at 18,000 and that number likely would have been reached except for the travel restrictions placed by the UN as the Chinese Virus spread around the world.
Of the 11,814, 2,503 (about 20%) are Muslims from mostly Burma, Iraq, Syria, Somalia and Sudan. There is NO Muslim ban.
Making up for lost time, the administration admitted 2,626 in the last 30 days, the highest monthly number for any month in the past fiscal year.
However, for me and I expect for many others tracking refugee admissions on a regular basis, you will have a shock when you see this notice at the Refugee Processing Center.
The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the U.S. Department of State is building a new IT system to facilitate refugee processing. Effective October 9, 2020 at 5:00pm ET, PRM’s Refugee Processing Center will no longer be able to provide certain previously available reports and interactive reporting will no longer be available.
Interactive reporting has been the most valuable portion of the data available and its removal will put us in the dark about which towns refugees are placed, their demographic makeup, their religions, etc.
Are the deep staters getting ready to expand in a Biden administration and want to keep us in the dark about who is coming into the country?
Do Trump’s people even know!
If you have been using that data base, you have a week to capture information through Interactive reporting. There will be broader data still available, but interactive data allowed for a deeper drill down into information over whatever time period one entered as a parameter, even on a daily basis.
I guess these will be the last maps I will be posting as they are generated at Interactive reporting.
Here is where refugees were placed (11,814) over the last 12 months (the FY runs from October 1 to September 30th of the following year).
Top ten ‘welcoming’ states are California, Washington, Texas, New York, Michigan, Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Ohio.
Interesting that so many of those states are states the Dems want to control once they change enough of the people.
Here is where the refugees arriving in America (2,626) were placed during September:
For those of you who have never used the data at Interactive reporting, I explained how to do it here in ‘Knowledge is Power IV.‘ Better hurry if you want to try it out and capture some data about your state.
No word yet, as far as I know, about the Presidential determination for FY2021 which is usually submitted to Congress for consultation before October first.
See tag FY2021for all of my posts in recent weeks on this coming year’s Presidential determination.
1,318 refugees moved to America in the month of August. That is a huge jump from the previous COVID ‘crisis’ months that saw 522 arrive over a four month period from April through July.
Forty states welcomed the third worlders who will now need shelter, food, and medical care as US citizens continue to struggle themselves with those same needs.
Of the nine states and the District of Columbia that were unwelcoming, three are worth mentioning. Vermont (Bernie), Delaware (Biden) and the District of Columbia didn’t take any.
Here is the map for August from the Refugee Processing Center.
I know the numbers are hard to read, so here are the top ten welcoming states (sure send us more poor people!): Texas, California, Washington, Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, Arizona, Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia.
Presidential Determination for 2021 due by the end of the month!
September 30th marks the end of the fiscal year and the President is required to tell Congress this month how many refugees the administration would like to admit in the coming fiscal year.
Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy set up the Refugee Admissions Program that has been operating to bring in more Democrat voters for 40 years. But, I’ve found it ever-so-amusing that Delaware has welcomed only a tiny, tiny number of refugees in those 4 decades.
I haven’t seen anything yet about where the negotiations stand, but if this is like other years there is much negotiating going on behind the scenes. Of course the President could put off making any determination in light of the more important business facing the federal government right now.
Even if Trump sets a low ceiling, as he has done in previous years, it is just a ceiling and doesn’t mean that it must be reached. And, if Biden succeeds in November, all bets are off.
Biden has already promised 125,000 refugees for 2021.
I thought you might be interested in this data at the Refugee Processing Center which shows the ceiling and the actual admissions for the last ten years. Take note of the fact that Obama himself never brought in anywhere near 125,000 in a year.
August 2020 data (1,318) had not been added yet.
And, these numbers do not include the Special Immigrant Visas from Iraq and Afghanistan that are treated with the same benefits as refugees.
As soon as I see anything about what the President is proposing for 2021, I’ll report.
Remember, as we have said for four years, he can set the arrival number at zero!