If you are a longtime reader of RRW you know that the meatpacking industry is one of the major forces driving the US Refugee Admissions Program. The low skill refugee workers are legal and desperate for work, but all that could come to a screeching halt as I said here last month and in May here as the meat industry and food processing companies generally are forced to use machines that don’t get sick or quit!
Here are the first two paragraphs of the WSJarticle (I don’t subscribe, so I can’t see it all), but you get the drift.
SPRINGDALE, Ark.––Deboning livestock and slicing up chickens has long been hands-on labor. Low-paid workers using knives and saws work on carcasses moving steadily down production lines. It is labor-intensive and dangerous work.
Those factory floors have been especially conducive to spreading coronavirus. In April and May, more than 17,300 meat and poultry processing workers in 29 states were infected and 91 died, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plant shutdowns reduced U.S. beef and pork production…
Since I said in my post at ‘Frauds and Crooks‘ yesterday that it is time to prepare for the worst, stop buying meat from any of the big globalist companies that are behind the importation of more impoverished people (like the Congolese from Africa) who will be voting for Democrats, or worse marching with BLM!
And, think about it, what are we going to do with hundreds of thousands of low-skilled and largely uneducated needy people that BIG MEAT is going to drop on the labor market?
See my extensive archive on Tyson Foods and how it has been changing America one meatpacking town at a time (and working hand in glove with refugee contractors to do it!).
Be prepared!
If you like to eat beef, pork and poultry, find a local source NOW and get stocked up!
I’m posting this to tweak all of you Jeff Sessions haters out there.
The Alabama Senate Primary run-off is next Tuesday, July 14th and if the “empty suit” Tommy Tuberville wins it will be one more nail in America’s coffin.
See what I said here in 2018 when Trump threw Sessions under the bus.
Time reporter, Maya Rhodan, quotes Anne Richard the Obama Assistant Secretary of State, and public relations people at two resettlement contracting agencies, an academician, but no one on the side of slowing the flow of refugees to America for economic and security reasons! And, there are plenty of us out here now! She does quote Kellyanne Conway to be sure you know that it is Trump vs. the humanitarians! Here is the story (actually we thank Ms. Rhodan for giving us so much information we didn’t have!): Poor Anne Richard has been constantly challenged about how she does her job.
Officials at the State Department and beyond are anxious about what the Trump presidency means for their work.
The past year had been tough for Anne Richard, the Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration. Ever since the body of 3-year-old Syrian refugee Alan Kurdi washed up on the shores of Turkey in 2015, her office, which processed 84,995 refugee claims last year, has been caught in political crossfire. [Notice how the propagandists have to get that poor baby in the story!—ed]
Richard says she’s been challenged constantly about how her office does its job, from members of Congress and everyday Americans…. [Glad to know this!—ed]
“I get these letters saying ‘Oh, you’re naïve, terrorists are going to use this program to infiltrate the United States,’” Richard said. “I don’t think I’m naïve. I’m looking at facts. The debate in the United States centers on this question of whether or not people should be afraid of refugees. I think not.”
The problem for Richard and her allies is that the next President of the United States, who will effectively run her office when she leaves on January 20, disagrees with that conclusion. [Anne Richard is an Obama appointee, so Trump will be choosing her replacement.—ed]
Inside and outside of the State Department, those who handle work around refugee resettlement are worried about the future of their work in the Trump administration. [And, the future of their paychecks!—ed] Many are working to share positive refugee stories with hopes of changing the hearts and minds of skeptics. While questions loom, the work continues—a little over 25,000 refugees have already been admitted to the U.S. since the beginning of the fiscal year—but on day one of the Trump administration things could change significantly.
What hardened the public against the refugee program was indeed the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Paris. We noticed a huge jump in readership at RRW at that time.
Rhodan continues…. I know you can’t see it clearly, but wanted readers to know that Brenda in Charleston, WV has created this homemade poster of US refugees who have been arrested/convicted of Islamic terrorism or other heinous crimes. She plans to use it at meetings where the refugee advocates are promoting the meme that refugees are pure as the driven snow.
After a slight shift in opinion in the wake of Kurdi’s death, the majority of the public hardened on refugees after the terror attacks in San Bernardino and Paris. In September 2015, the Pew Research Center recorded that about 51% of Americans supported the government’s decision accept more refugees in response to the European migrant crisis. Two months later, a Bloomberg poll found 53% of Americans wanted the U.S. to stop accepting refugees altogether.
Around that time, the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, which houses the refugee admissions program and funds and manages the nine Resettlement Support Centers around world that prepare refugee applications, started playing defense.
When Senators Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and President Jimmy Carter created the Refugee Admissions Program in 1980 they gave the President inordinate amounts of power to determine who comes and how many. Now, as refugee skeptic Donald Trump arrives in Washington it could come back to bite them. (Both Bushs were soft on refugees).
In October, President Obama set a new goal of resettling 110,000 refugees in 2017—a number that president-elect Trump can decide to either reduce or ignore. The goal functions as a ceiling that the country can’t go over, and Trump can change it once he is president without an act of Congress.
At this point reporter Rhodan quotes from two representatives of refugee contracting agencies without mentioning that many jobs are at stake now at these quasi-government agencies since both of these organizations receive millions of taxpayer dollars to place refugees in your towns and cities. After discussing the International Rescue Committee, here is what she reports that Church World Service is doing.
What is so galling to me is that CWS is likely using funds you, as taxpayers, give them to organize lobbying efforts, marches on Washington and media propaganda campaigns. They use your money to work against you!
The Time article continues…..
Church World Service is working on sharing refugees’ and volunteers’ stories through a digital campaign called #GreaterAs1. They’ve also been encourage partners across the country to reach out to local and national officials to share refugee success stories and comment on the impact of their work. The group also plans to have refugee presence at both the confirmation hearing of Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama as well as a women’s march planned for after the inauguration of president-elect Donald Trump. [So they are going to parade refugee pawns in to Senator Sessions’hearing to be Attorney General?Once again, thanks to reporter Rhodan for this information.—ed]
As Richard’s appointment comes to an end, she’s still working to get the word out about refugees. After a young Somali refugee carried out a knife attack at Ohio State University, she penned a letter to the editor to USA Today. “The biggest issue that I’ve tried to get across is that refugees are not terrorists,” she said.“They are the victims of terrorists, and victims of war, victims of persecution.”
There is more, click here to read the rest of the biased Time story. Remember, even as Ms. Richard packs up and leaves, there are career bureaucrats who will carry-on until Trump puts someone in there to rein them in! Endnote:You might want to see yesterday’s post about Rochester, NY where we learned that the State Department is not only countering negative news, but pushing resettlement agencies to the brink with a huge number of mostly Muslim refugees they are bringing in as they come up against the clock—Inauguration day January 20th.
I have no time to say much about this sob story in South Carolina’s The State newspaper about Muslim refugees resettled in the Carolinas (mostly in North Carolina) because I have to dash to jury duty again today. But, I can’t not mention this little blip from Jason Lee. We wrote about him on many occasions when he was chosen to work for a refugee contractor, World Relief, in Spartanburg, SC in 2015. Trump Test! Trump here with Senator Jeff Sessions his Attorney General nominee, can and must pause the Refugee Admissions Program. He can do it on day one, but I give him 4 weeks (I’m being generous)—until February 16th to do it! Sessions knows what can and should be done!
That was a resettlement plan that resulted in a heated controversy. Spartanburg is also in Rep. Trey Gowdy’s district and despite efforts by the Immigration Subcommittee chairman (Gowdy!) to question the choice of Spartanburg as a new resettlement site (he wrote a letter to Sec. of State Kerry), it went ahead as planned.
Jason Lee is wrong. Congress does not approve the level of resettlement for the coming year (it is not an act of Congress). The President of the United States proposes the level in September preceding the fiscal year and sends his determination to Congress for “consultation,” but there is no legal requirement for Congress to agree to whatever number the President has chosen. Of course, if they give the President money to admit a certain number of refugees through the Appropriations process, then that is tantamount agreement to the numbers.
That said, Donald Trump can and should, because he has the power to do it, limit the number set by Obama on day one of his Presidency. He can halt immigration from certain regions of the world, or pause the refugee program altogether. In fact, he would not be the first to pause the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. In 2002, the program was almost ground to a halt as fear grew in the wake of the 9/11 attack. Jason Lee’s wishful thinking?
Here is what Lee told The State:
Congress has approved admitting 110,000 refugees in fiscal 2017.
It will be difficult for President Trump to cut that number, said Jason Lee, former director of the refugee assistance group World Relief Spartanburg. [As you know, World Relief is one of nine major federal refugee resettlement contractors, paid by the head to place refugees in your towns—ed]
“A number of questions won’t be answered until President Trump takes office,” Lee said. “(But) he’s already backed off not allowing Muslim immigrants into the country.”
Read it all here.
See our archive on Spartanburg by clicking here. (I warn you there are many posts there!)
It is through the Spartanburg controversy that I formed my opinionof SC Governor Nikki Haley (Trump’s nominee to be Ambassador to the UN).
Oh geez, here we go again. Who are the victims here, according to the family lawyer, obviously not the Somali refugee who tried to ram down his fellow students with his car and slash them with a butcher knife—the injured victims are not the victims. Artan’s family has now become the victims. They say (according to their lawyer) that they are afraid because of Donald Trump’s tweets. They should be afraid, because their story is fishy! Abdul Razak Ali Artan may have given soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions the greatest opportunity ever to unravel the secretive pipeline of Somalis to America. Who is helping them in Africa, Pakistan, and once in the US? Who did Artan visit in DC days before his murderous jihad against fellow students?
Before I tell you what the family’s lawyer told Voice of America, think about this.
If our law enforcement/FBI takes this case completely apart, travels to Pakistan (a safe country for Muslims), interrogates the UNHCR office there, and tracks the father supposedly in Somalia still, figures out who helped the Mom with seven kids get to Pakistan in the first place, questions Barbara Day in the US State Department, interrogates Catholic Charities in Texas and the non-profits who interfaced with this family in Columbus maybe for once we would begin to get to the bottom of how this secretive pipeline to America works.
Meanwhile as I said yesterdaythe spigot is wide open for Somalis at this time and the Obama Administration is bringing them in at a faster rate than any time in US history.
Here is Voice of America:
The lawyer representing the family of Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the man who wounded 11 people at Ohio State University last week, has said U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s Twitter response to the attack shocked the family and kept them silent and mystified.
It is all Donald Trump’s fault! LOL! Get used to this!
In the tweet early Wednesday morning, Trump said, “ISIS is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who should not have been in our country.”
In an exclusive interview with VOA, the family attorney, Robert Fitrakis, said the family is still in a “tremendous shock.”
“They [the family] are very afraid, and they expected to be attacked when they go to school or in the community. There is a great fear up there. With the statement of the President-elect Trump, to some extent I am not sure they want their faces on camera,” he said.
Artan’s family, who fled from Somalia’s chronic violence and poverty, lived in Pakistan for two years and came to the United States in 2014 through a refugee program. [Some reports have said they were seven years in Pakistan—ed]
But attorney Fitrakis said the family could not believe their son had committed such a crime and wanted law enforcement agencies investigating the case to present proof. [So typical of the Somali mindset, they are never in the wrong.—ed]
If you have been wondering, as I had, where is Daddy? Lawyer Fitrakis suggests he stayed behind in Somalia and sent his wife and kids to Pakistan. Makes no sense, they could simply have gone next door to Kenya and asked for help in one of the big UN camps there. It is also possible Daddy is right here in America somewhere, but wife and kiddos get more welfare if they don’t have him at home with them.
“The mother, Faduma Saeed Abdullahi, is a single mother who was raising seven children including Artan. She was really very obsessed with education and the father of the family is still in Somalia to my understanding,” Fitrakis said.
Then get this, Artan went to Washington days before his rampage… What the h*** was he doing in Washington, DC , and I wonder if he used this same old car to try to kill Americans? The key to the whole case could be here, who did he see?
According to sources close to the family, Abdul Razak Ali Artan went to Washington late on November 24 and came back to Ohio the following day.
Fitrakis said this short trip that occurred without the knowledge of the family surprised and shocked them.
“The fact [was] that he never went out of central Ohio or Columbus area since the family came here, and his trip to Washington DC left the family very suspicious,” Fitrakis said. “He used an old car that had 200,000 miles on it to drive to D.C.”