Spartanburg, SC update: Citizens want resettlement agency/feds to present a plan to the community for public review and discussion

Update and correction:  Pastor Chris Pollard has asked us to make it clear to our readers that his organization, Come Closer Spartanburg, has not asked for nor received any federal funding for resettlement of refugees in Spartanburg.  We are glad to report that his group’s Christian charity comes from their members and not the federal treasury. I wish we could say the same of World Relief.  Here is his statement to us:

Please note that our partnership network, our individual churches, nor myself, have ever been approached about being used as a funnel for money from the federal government for refugee resettlement.  We have not asked for, nor have we received any money. That statement is without basis and inaccurate.  

Our recent post on an announcement that federal refugee resettlement contractor World Relief (National Assoc. of Evangelicals) plans to begin resettling third world refugees (they mention Syrians, Congolese and Bhutanese) in Spartanburg, South Carolina very soon, was one of the top-read posts of all time here at RRW.

Chris Pollard (right) the founder of Come Closer Spartanburg. So why isn’t it enough to minister to, and care for, the American impoverished people already living in Spartanburg? Is it because the refugees bring federal dollars with them? What was it Christ said about Caesar’s money? Photo at twitter:

The local organization that US State Department contractor World Relief  has chosen to funnel funds to is ‘Come Closer Spartanburg’ organized by Pastor Chris Pollard.   According to ‘Come Closer’s’ website the Pastor Jason Lee, who will be employed by World Relief/US State Department to run the resettlement in Spartanburg, recently received training at World Relief headquarters in Baltimore, MD.

Jason will be traveling to World Relief Home Office in Baltimore, Maryland, for orientation and training during the month of March.

By the way, we learned that the plan for “seeding” refugees in Spartanburg had been in the works for some time before the citizens of the small city were ever informed.

The federal contractor (one of nine major contractors), World Relief, is approximately 68% taxpayer funded (2012 Form 990) as we reported here.  That is not as awful as some of the others that are 98-99% funded by you, but nevertheless, little of their “Christian charitable” work with refugees comes from private charity. They are virtually an arm of the federal government!  

They couldn’t exist at all without the massive infusion of federal dollars (approaching $39 million for World Relief in 2012).

Every new town or city faced with a proposal to become a refugee resettlement site, please pay attention. 

You must insist, as citizens in Spartanburg are doing, that the federal government, its contractors and subcontractors prepare a comprehensive impact statement for your town as Ms. Jeffrey does yesterday at the Herald-Journal.

If they can’t sell the plan to the community with all the facts in plain view, then the resettlement plan isn’t one your town or city should accept.

Christina Jeffrey (emphasis is mine):

Recently, I was surprised to learn that there is a “Spartanburg faith group to help refugees resettle here,” (Herald-Journal, March 9 edition). Apparently an invitation was given a year ago to a refugee contractor, World Relief, to set up an office in Spartanburg and begin receiving refugees.

According to Herald-Journal staff writer Kim Kimzey’s article, a community group called Come Closer Spartanburg issued the invitation to World Relief. On its website, Come Closer Spartanburg describes the city of Spartanburg as “home to what has been identified as the fifth most dangerous neighborhood in the United States. We have extremely high rates of unemployment, poverty and domestic violence. Overall, we were recently listed as the fourth most ‘miserable’ city to live in our country. It does not take long to realize that we are a city in need of transformation.”

Christina Jeffrey: Federal contractor must prepare impact statement before resettlement of refugees.

The group must believe that bringing refugees here will help transform what in its opinion is a poor, benighted city. But the question has to be asked: How can we be assured that this transformation will make Spartanburg safer? I, too, am concerned about safety in Spartanburg and somewhat alarmed by some of the statistics we’ve seen in recent years about crime in our area.

I looked into the issue of refugees and how they are being vetted. Refugees are identified by an agency of the United Nations, and the State Department has agreed to take 9,000 this year (with 500 already here) from Syria alone. The United Nations expects the number of refugees fleeing the violence in Syria to reach 4.27 million by December, and these refugees are now the largest group under the U.N. refugee agency’s mandate. Recently, Michael Steinbach, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told the House Homeland Security Committee that there is no way to properly vet these refugees from Syria.

On March 16, I attended the South Carolina National Security Conference in Columbia. At the conference, there was a great deal of discussion about the refugee resettlement program and the problems it is causing for American communities.

Apparently contractors are well paid by the State Department to settle refugees, but after six months the newcomers are often on their own. If they settle here, the residents and taxpayers of Spartanburg County may be on their own to figure out how to help them, because by then World Relief may be taking care of a new crop of refugees.

Looking at other U.S. cities with new refugee communities, it appears that contractors often keep sending refugees to the same place until there is a community within a community. Unassimilated communities have created problems in Europe, and we are beginning to have similar problems here in the United States (witness Milwaukee, Wis., and Lewiston, Maine).  [Minneapolis and St. Cloud, MN are really feeling the strain with an onslaught of Somali refugees.  And remember!  No matter what the contractor promises, your community is NOT GOING TO CHOOSE THE ETHNIC GROUPS YOU WILL GET!—Ed]

If our county is going to sponsor refugees, then the director of the new World Relief settlement office in Spartanburg, Come Closer Spartanburg and anyone or any group behind this project should work together on a plan for resettling any refugess they are expecting to bring here.

It is only fair to the refugees as well as the people of Spartanburg to have a detailed plan for the settlement and to provide impact statements for us. Impact statements should include plans for housing, transportation, county schools, employment, health care, skills training, social services, public safety, etc.

When World Relief and its allies have their master settlement plan (and impact statements) ready for public inspection, it would be appropriate for the City Council and County Council, along with our legislative delegation, to call a meeting to present this information to the people of Spartanburg and allow us to ask questions and learn more about how the plan will affect us, our families and our communities.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Be sure to see our first post on Spartanburg, with updates, here.   And, if you are getting wind of your town being targeted, please see ‘Ten things your town needs to know,’ here.

Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home…

Editor:  We have a special category here we call ‘Comments worth noting’ to showcase comments we believe more readers need to see.  This is a comment in response to ‘Jake’ at our record-breaking post on Spartanburg about the plan by the US State Department to open a resettlement office in the city.  ‘Jake’ said I was “speculating.”  (For the record, I don’t know ‘7Delta,’ but I wish I could say it half as well!)

From ‘7Delta:’

“Compassion has never been a suicide pact.”


Since Spartanburg is my home, I’ve done a lot of research into the RRP, including here at this blog. When ‘speculation’ is demonstrated over and over and has written and verbal confirmation from the welcoming communities, international organizations and government offices involved (though it may be presented in convoluted language to control the narrative) speculation looks a lot like facts.

No one wishes to turn away strangers in need, but when that altruistic spirit is being used as a weapon against kind and generous people, it ceases to be about compassion for either the refugee or the community that opens it arms. It becomes something so deceitful, it fails every rational or reasonable test of principled compassion.

The people who would have us believe we’re unkind, uncaring, bad Christians or whatever other disparaging adjective they can wring out of legitimate concern are manipulators. Name calling and deceitful practices meant to silence ‘pockets of resistance’ tells us everything we need to know about the resettlement scheme.

If asking legitimate questions, requiring respectful honest answers without the community organizing tactics and psy-op strategies makes me a pocket of resistance, then I will pay for my own button and wear it proudly. Compassion has never been a suicide pact. Love is not detrimental permissiveness. Charity begins at home.

I care because I care about our own vulnerable citizen population. I care that Spartan High and Dorman don’t have 82 different languages being spoken that we have to provide translators for. I care that assimilation takes precedent over integration and navigation, so a positive experience is provided for the limited number of any people we can aid in becoming successful Americans and for ourselves. I care that those people must want to be American, that their need is real, that our community is the best place for them and that they’ve abided by our laws in truth and in spirit. I care that we will not be expected to cater to them, but that they want to embrace us, while retaining cultural traditions that fit well into the community and our laws. I care that we don’t kill the goose because she was too timid or vain in her own self-image of false goodness that she stuck her neck out to be chopped out. Believe it or not, I care about the refugee being manipulated too.

I’ve learned enough about subversive tactics over the last 8 years or so to fill a book. America must not be fooled again, for if we do not believe what we see with our own eyes, we shall surely perish and that will not be a good thing, no matter what the tiny minority of our population who have maneuvered themselves into power want us to believe. These poor souls will rue the day they believed their own lies. It never fails. History is our friend. Logic and reality still reign and the most loving thing we can do for them, illegal aliens and refugees is to stop them in their tracks now.

Editor’s endnote:  We have published 6,441 posts here at RRW over the last nearly 8 years, so I think we have passed the point where we could legitimately be accused of “speculating.”

Breaking News: Spartanburg, South Carolina targeted to be colonized as next refugee ‘seed’ community

Update July 13: Spartanburg citizens formalize ‘Pocket of Resistance,’ here.

Update June 6:  A Spartanburg resident answers the “compassion” argument, here.

Update June 5:  US State Department ignores Gowdy, sends first refugees to Spartanburg, here.

Update June 4:  More on the latest State Dept. response to Rep.Trey Gowdy, here.

Update June 3:  Rep. Trey Gowdy gets response to 2nd set of questions to US State Department, here.

Update June 1:  Jeb Bush meets with Jason Lee and other leftwing evangelicals, here.

Update May 26th:  Spartanburg has it all, here.

Update May 20th: Spartanburg County Council obviously afraid to take a role in the controversy, here.

Update May 5th:  Rep. Gowdy gets response from Kerry but wants more information, here.

Update April 19th:  Local and state elected officials want answers, here.

Update April 17th: More media pick up the story, here.

Update April 14th:  Rep. Trey Gowdy needs to help other towns, hold hearings, here.  World Relief admits they get “push back” in some towns, here.

Update April 13th:  Rep. Trey Gowdy, who represents the district, wants answers from Sec. of State John Kerry, here.

Update April 1st: If folks in Spartanburg have any doubts about how little control they will have once this office is established, see Concord, NH—no say in how many refugees come! Here!

Update March 31st:  Spartanburg citizens want impact statement and public meeting on refugee plan for the city, here.

Update March 23rd: Spartanburg residents, please note that mid-western towns are having difficulty coping with large numbers of refugees, here.

Update March 21st:  Folks in Spartanburg, where Syrians may be resettled, need to read about Indianapolis where the resettlement contractor admits the numbers will start small, but will grow!

Update March 19th:  See ‘Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home,’ here.

Update March 17th:  Everyone concerned about Spartanburg, must read about Worcester, Mass. here.

Update March 11th:  This post has received the highest number of visitors we have ever had to a post in just a couple of days.  I realized this morning that we needed a primer of sorts on what your town should do if the federal government is planning to “plant” refugees where you live.  See our Ten things you need to know and what you can do, here. ***Update*** Don’t believe me, check out what is happening in Manchester, NH, here.

Update March 10th:  This post went through the roof yesterday, thanks to all who sent it around.  However, one reader pointed out that I failed to make it clear that refugees are one class of immigrant which can tap into most forms of welfare without being US citizens.  That is why the Obama Administration is working overtime to expand the definition of ‘refugee’ so as to make our welfare system more accessible to the newly amnestied aliens.

Update! Please all of you South Carolinians forgive me for initially putting an ‘s’ in the middle of Spartanburg in my first post!  And, secondly, I was just informed that some parts of the Spartanburg area are represented by Rep. Trey Gowdy.  All readers should know that Gowdy is the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security that has jurisdiction over the Refugee Resettlement program and should know the threat this resettlement poses for his district!

Editors note:  In my previous post I said our next two posts would be about how far along the Obama Task Force on New Americans “integration” (aka seeding) plan is in a couple of cities that are overloaded with refugees, however, reader Robin spotted this news which is more pressing at the moment!  Spartanburg beware!  South Carolina beware!

Over the years, we have noticed that South Carolina has pretty much stayed out of the top tier of states where refugee seedlings are being planted.  Looks like those days are over as it was announced that World Relief (Evangelicals) one of the TOP NINE federal resettlement contractors is about to open an office there!

They must be having refugee overload problems in North Carolina!

World Relief, like the other eight contractors*** are all Progressive advocacy groups, six of them represent the ‘religious Left.’

Demand answers!

Anyone in Spartanburg who is concerned about this news, must speak up now!  You might want to look at how Athens, Georgia has so far been holding them at bay by asking the federal government and the contractor for a plan—who pays for this, where will the refugees work, is our school system ready for myriad languages and illiterate children, will our health department be overburdened, do we have enough public housing for our own low-income people, how about our police force, is it ready?  Those are the sorts of questions any sensible local government should be asking!  Tell the Mayor to ask questions!

For more question ideas, see our fact sheet.

Additionally, ask World Relief if the flow can be stopped once started if the town can’t afford it anymore?  Or if there is social disruption? I’ll tell you the answer now—NO!

The truth is that the UN/US State Department is running out of “welcoming” towns and cities, so they are constantly on the move to find new towns in which to “plant” refugees.  “Pockets of Resistance” are forming in overloaded communities.

From   They say they will resettle 65 refugees from Syria, DR Congo, and Bhutan.  Why not Muslim Iraqis and Somalis too?  Of course they will be in the mix because the UN is picking our refugees!  A city doesn’t get to choose the nationality of the refugees that will be dropped off!

Here is the story Robin sent:

Spartanburg will soon be home to dozens of people fleeing persecution in their homelands.

Refugees may begin arriving here as early as spring through a refugee resettlement ministry.

Lee, the new director of the World Relief subcontractor, worked with Somalis in Kentucky.

World Relief is establishing an office in Spartanburg. “In community with the local church, World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually,” according to the faith-based organization’s website.

Jason Lee has been named executive director of the Spartanburg office. He said 65 refugees are expected to move here this year.

Lee served more than five years as pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church. He’s also ministered to Somali refugees in Kentucky and is a leader with Come Closer Spartanburg.

Come Closer Spartanburg [they come up with such warm and fuzzy names for themselves!–ed] is a partnership of faith leaders, Christians and business leaders with a mission to “to unite God’s people for the purpose of loving our city to Christ.” One need identified is serving residents born outside the United States.

[What!  Has Spartanburg helped all of its own American poor people and it now needs to import more?—ed]

World Relief works with federal agencies to offer resettlement, placement and various services to refugees. According to the organization’s figures, it has resettled more than 250,000 refugees from more than 80 countries in the past 35 years.

Lee said it’s unknown what nations the refugees who will resettle in Spartanburg are from — Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo or Bhutan are possibilities.

Read it all, there is a lot of useful information in it.

Urgent!  Help save Spartanburg! I don’t normally ask, but please send this story around, especially to people you know in South Carolina!  Clearly they have no idea of what they are in for!

*** The federal resettlement contractors (almost completely funded by US taxpayers) looking for new resettlement sites:

Secrecy still surrounds the placement of ‘unaccompanied alien minors;’ frustrates law enforcement

Here is a story from South Carolina (a state btw that does not take a lot of refugees) where they have discovered that several hundred of the alien minors who streamed across our southern border have been sent.

There is nothing earth-shattering here, it is probably happening in every state, but the local county sheriff says what every law enforcement agency across the country must be saying….

Beaufort County Sheriff Tanner: There must be trust between federal and local government. Good luck with that!

Beaufort County Sheriff P.J. Tanner:

On Thursday, he echoed a similar message he shared with members of the Bluffton Tea Party: There must be trust between federal and local governments.

From The State:

The data listed counties to where more than 50 children had been relocated. In South Carolina, only Beaufort County and Greenville County, with 106 relocated children, were included on that list. In total, 434 children have been relocated to South Carolina between January and July.

The new data give some sense of where the children have been relocated. However, information such as their names and specific whereabouts have not been made available, even to local government officials, Beaufort County Sheriff P.J. Tanner said Thursday at a meeting of the Beaufort Women’s Republican Club.

Tanner said knowing the names and whereabouts of the children would help if an issue arose with them, and would also help address concerns from residents about what effects they might be having.

No one is talking!  Not the federal government! Not ORR’s State Refugee coordinator, or any of the usual federal contractors!

Attempts Thursday and Friday to reach Dorothy Addison, the state coordinator for the Office of Refugee Resettlement, were unsuccessful.

Tanner and state Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, criticized the secrecy surrounding the relocation of immigrant children to South Carolina at a Bluffton Tea Party meeting Aug. 12. Davis said Friday he still had not received information from the federal government about the children.

The children are allowed to stay in the United States and attend school until their immigration status is ruled upon in court. But it could take months — or even years — for a case to reach resolution, according to Lowcountry Immigration Coalition co-chairman George Kanuck.

Kanuck said his organization also does not know the children’s whereabouts and had not heard of an exact number before last week. Local members of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston had told him that only a few children had been relocated to Beaufort County, after he reached out to local religious organizations to try to find out more about the children.

However, the Catholic Diocese is not taking care of any children in Beaufort County, spokesman Maria Aselage said.

Kanuck said he had also contacted the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, the contracted partner of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, but it, too, was reluctant to give out information about the children. Attempts Thursday and Friday to reach the South Carolina chapter of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service were unsuccessful.

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ “crisis” may be found by clicking here.

Endnote:  As you all surely know by now, Obama has postponed his unilateral amnesty until after the November elections blaming the delay on the mass arrival of the “children.”

Comment worth noting: Are these the immigrant “entrepreneurs” we’ve been told America needs?

This is a comment we don’t want you to miss from ‘pungentpeppers’ in response to the previous post on the South Carolina cigarette trafficking story.

Jordanian immigrant entrepreneur Kamel Qazah will now cost taxpayers a bundle while behind bars for the next 18 years!

“Immigrants open businesses and revitalize communities,” politicians say. Nasser Alquza boasted that he owned 30 businesses! He and his nephew Kamel Qazah (same family name, just spelled differently) ran a pizza parlor, a Subway franchise, a car lot, two gas stations, etc. Ideal, upstanding immigrants – or thieving, economic terrorists?

The nephew Qazah bragged to undercover agents that he could “sell anything.” That ranged from stolen electronics to Christmas decorations pilfered from a hijacked Wal-Mart truck. Uncle Alquza told investigators that he, too, sold a diversified portfolio of stolen merchandise – from baby formula to Advil to condoms. He also confided that he could launder hundreds of thousands of dollars overseas each month through various accounts. The secret to his success: Keep changing your operation, he told agents, and you’ll never get caught. And they weren’t alone – they ran their scheme in cooperation with a large network of family, friends and associates in the immigrant community.

Is that what America needs?! Immigrant “entrepreneurs” who steal merchandise, sell it, skip paying taxes, and ship the money overseas?!

Our legitimate business owners are burdened by taxes – but at least they have the satisfaction of knowing that the money they send to their to local governments pays for police protection, schools, road repair, local parks, trash collection, and to help fellow citizens who have hit on hard times. But our decent business owners just cannot compete against people who couldn’t give a hoot about the local community, and instead just milk whatever money they can get out of the American cash cow – ignoring all rules and obligations – and then launder their ill-gotten stolen money abroad to the Middle East.

Stop this harmful, “immigrant business” foreign aid program! Our towns and cities cannot afford it anymore!

Readers:  I had forgotten we had this category “Comments worth noting.”   I’ll keep an eye out for other good comments like this one and try to publish them more prominently going forward.