Especially so-called feminist women should listen!
Do not miss this interview of former refugee Mona Walter by Natalia Osten-Sacken at Gatestone Institute.
I’ve snipped just a bit of the interview, but the entire discussion is riveting. See what she says about the moral equivalency the Pope has been promoting!
Continue reading “Gatestone: Fearless Swedish Somali woman speaks, and you should listen!”
Tag: Sweden
NYT agrees with Trump: Sweden immigrant-perpetrated violence out of control
Invasion of Europe…..
Powerline blog reminds us here of what happened a year ago February when the New York Times and all of its media lackeys landed like a big bird on President Trump when he said Sweden has a problem with out-of-control immigration (from certain ethnic/religious groups) and the violence it inevitably brings!
In February of last year, at CPAC, President Trump linked mass Muslim immigration to an increase in crime in Sweden. The New York Times, in an article called “From an Anchor’s Lips to Trump’s Ears to Sweden’s Disbelief,” ridiculed Trump for getting his information from television (a report on Tucker Carlson’s program) and suggested that Trump was misinformed. [The President might have said it at CPAC also, but it was at a campaign rally in Florida, here.]
It also criticized Trump for “start[ing] a dispute with a longtime American friend that resented his characterization and called it false.” The Times sniffed that “the president’s only discernible goal was to make the case domestically for his plans to restrict entry to the United States.” The Times seemed to believe that making this case was somehow out-of-bounds.
Powerline reports this from the NYT story as well:
Note that the trend the Times describes began in 2014. Trump discussed the problem of immigrant violence in 2017. He wasn’t premature, the Times is late.
They are all late.
Maybe the use of weapons of war began in 2014, but their immigrant problems began long before that. I began writing this blog in July 2007 and my first story on immigration problems in Sweden came in August 2007 (and there were surely more stories before I came along!).
I have a huge archive on Sweden, the country I predict will be the first European country to be conquered by Islam in the modern age.
Go here to see my many previous posts on Sweden’s failed multicultural experiment.
Now more on The NYT’s evidence that Trump is right on Sweden from the Daily Caller:
The New York Times published a report Sunday on Sweden’s growing problem with immigrant gangs — more than a year after the paper chided President Donald Trump for calling attention to the same worrisome development.

Entitled “Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class,” the report examines how weapons of war and clan-like*** violence have accompanied an influx of immigrants from certain parts of Europe and the greater Middle East.
The story centers on the death of a man in the town of Varby Gard, a once tranquil Stockholm suburb that is now the home base of an increasingly destructive immigrant gang. He was killed in early January when he picked up a mysterious object lying in the street that turned out to be a live hand grenade. The device exploded when he touched it, killing him instantly.
It was one of more than 100 incidents involving military-grade explosives in the Stockholm metro area that police have attributed to an “arms race” among immigrant gangs, reports The NYT. There were only a few such incidents in Sweden until 2014, but since then, the number of explosions and seizures of grenades has shot up and remained worryingly high.
The police seized 45 grenades in 2015, while 10 others were detonated in public, according to Stockholm Police. The next year, 55 were seized and 35 detonated. A modest decrease occurred in 2017, when 39 were seized and 21 exploded.
Though The NYT readily reported on the nature of the violence, it was somewhat more circumspect about its origin. Nowhere in the story do the words “Muslim” or “refugee” appear. The only mention of the word “asylum” is to describe a witness to the explosion, one of many Varby Gard residents who arrived there thanks to Sweden’s famously open asylum policies.
The fact is that Sweden’s spike in gang violence and certain categories of crime coincided with the resettlement of more than 100,000 asylum seekers from predominantly Muslim nations beginning in 2014.
More here.
Here is a bit from the New York Times article itself:
Sweden’s far right-wing party blames the government’s liberal immigration policy for the rising crime, and will thrust the issue to the fore in the fall campaign.
Last year, Peter Springare, 61, a veteran police officer in Orebro, published a furious Facebook post saying violent crimes he was investigating were committed by immigrants from “Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown country, unknown country, Sweden.” It was shared more than 20,000 times; Mr. Springare has since been investigated twice by state prosecutors, once for inciting racial hatred, though neither resulted in charges.
Yesterday we told you about Italian elections and said there might be hope for Italy if it gets rid of most migrants (most are economic migrants) and Italians start having babies. Same goes for Sweden, but there is even less hope there that they can turn around the DEMOGRAPHIC conquest in time.
Dear readers, I’m asked often “what can I do?” Here is one vital thing: follow news from Europe daily and be sure to send what you learn far and wide because as Europe goes, so go we (just a little farther along in this century)! Unless, of course, we heed the lessons unfolding before our eyes!
My ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
***By the way, any mention of clan violence means only one thing—Somalis are involved.
Right on cue! Immigrant riots break out in Sweden
Although such crime and riots are not new to us, apparently a very large number of liberals (and some Republicans too!) did not know that Sweden was so close to the edge.
But actually of greater interest than the fact that this latest violence seemed to break out on cue after Donald Trump commented Saturday on the trouble Sweden was having with Muslim migrants, is the fact that CNN this morning actually reported on it!
Here is CNN:
Stockholm, Sweden (CNN)Riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Stockholm Monday night, as residents clashed with police officers and set vehicles on fire, Swedish police say.
Officers were forced to call in reinforcements when a crowd began to gather in the suburb of Rinkeby during the arrest of a suspect, according to a statement from Stockholm police.
Stockholm regional police chief Ulf Johansson said the clashes may have been a result of their “increased pressure on criminals in the area.”
The clashes come days after US President Donald Trump suggested that immigrants in Sweden were to blame for an increase in crime across the country.
In recent years, Sweden has taken in more refugees per capita than any other European country, which has fueled tensions and caused a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment.
In 2013, large scale riots flared for a week in the Swedish capital, with gangs setting fire to schools and a police station.
In 2015, more than 160,000 people — many from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan — arrived in Sweden seeking asylum.
The country granted asylum to 101,025 refugees — about 1% of the total population — from 2012 to 2015.
Continue reading here.
CNN, however, can’t let go of two things. One, there is a brief mention of the high unemployment rate of the migrants. No kidding! So how on earth does the Swedish government think they are going to afford tens of thousands of restless young Middle Eastern men? (Call it Sweden’s suicide wish!)
These migrants are also dumb or they would be reading the news, have restrained themselves for a few weeks, and not have given Trump a victory.
And, CNN could not resist quoting some Swedes laughing at Donald Trump who deny that anything is amiss even in the face of overwhelming evidence that they have a problem.
Our entire Sweden archive is here. And, see our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.
Trump is right about Sweden; it has long been my pick for the first EU country to fall
…anyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us [Sweden] a visit.
(Tove Lifvendahl)
Invasion of Europe news…..
Everyone talks about France and Germany, but, for years, my money has been on Sweden as the first country to fall to the tide of overwhelming Muslim migration.
If you don’t know what Trump said at his rally in Florida on Saturday, look it up. He did not say Sweden had a terrorist attack. In fact, what is happening to Sweden is worse than a one-off Islamic terror incident. Mass Muslim migration is taking down the whole taxpayer-supported safety net, and ultimately (I don’t see how they get out of it) Sweden, as we know it, will not exist.
We have an extensive archive on Sweden, go here and see what I mean. And, as you look through those posts from over the years, remember that we—America—cannot copy Sweden’s disastrous model!
When the Muslim population reaches a critical level, their supremacism kicks in! (Hijra!)
This is one of several articles we will likely see in the coming days that confirms the grievous error made by the politically correct majority of Swedes.
From Tove Lifvendahl at The Spectator (from last fall):
For a British boy to be killed by a grenade attack anywhere is appalling, but for it to happen in a suburb of Gothenburg should shatter a few illusions about Sweden. Last week’s murder of eight-year-old Yuusuf Warsame fits a pattern that Swedes have come slowly to recognise over the years. He was from Birmingham, visiting relatives, and was caught up in what Swedish police believe is a gang war within the Somali community. Last year, a four-year-old girl was killed by a car bomb outside Gothenburg, another apparent victim of gang violence.
For years, Sweden has regarded itself as a ‘humanitarian superpower’ — making its mark on the world not by fighting wars but by offering shelter to war’s victims. Refugees have arrived here in extraordinary numbers. Over the past 15 years, some 650,000 asylum-seekers made their way to Sweden. Of the 163,000 who arrived last year, 32,000 were granted asylum. Sweden accepts more refugees in proportion to size of population than any other nation in the developed world — when it comes to offering shelter, no one does it better. But when it comes to integrating those we take in (or finding the extra housing, schools and healthcare needed for them), we don’t do so well.
It may be news to the rest of the world, but gang warfare has been a feature of our country for years now.
‘If you are not prepared, you are unprepared.’ These are the words of Fredrik Reinfeldt, our former prime minister, and perfectly sum up Sweden’s migration crisis. We still hear politicians defiantly claim that our country is a humanitarian superpower — but they don’t do so as often, and they sound distinctly less smug when they do. The Swedish Way might not shine quite as brightly as a beacon to the world. But anyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us a visit.
Continue reading here.
I disagree with one point here, “politicians” do not deserve all the blame, it was the naive Swedes themselves, after all, who voted these ‘leaders’ in to office!
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Coming by 2019! Sweden will sink under this load as family reunification ramps up
Invasion of Europe news….
Sweden is my guess for the first European country to completely implode with the burden of needy Middle Eastern and African refugees (it has been my choice for years). Although, I admit, Germany (larger and wealthier) is working hard to catch up with Sweden.
Pay attention to this ‘family reunification’ issue because it is going to impact your American town—you will see it in a year or two in the newly selected resettlement sites.***
Just as your town realizes you can’t handle the numbers coming, you will be called mean-spirited and worse if you try to deny the ‘family’ members the ‘right’ to join those who arrived in the first wave.
Here is the story this morning at Speisa (New Gigantic Migration Shock):
SWEDEN — “It’s a level we’ve never seen before,” said the Moderates’ migration policy spokesperson Johan Forssell when he told Aftonbladet that over 300,000 cases of family reunifications are expected by 2019. The record figures come from the Migration Board’s forecast, according to Aftonbladet.
The huge migration wave last year could be repeated and almost doubled when over 300,000 family members are expected to arrive up to the year 2019.
When Aftonbladet talks with Johan Forssell, he says it is a large volume to handle.
It’s a level we’ve never seen before. Until 2019, it is about 317,000 cases. This will have a major impact on the issues of housing, jobs, schools, health care. It underlines that we need to have long-term and sustainable immigration policies, says Forsell.
More here.
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here. And, for my huge archive on Sweden, go here.
***These are the locations we have identified so far that have been targeted by the US Dept. of State as new resettlement sites. We hear there are 47 of them (the remainder are still secret).
This is the largest number in one year perhaps since the program began in 1980. They must get these offices open because a) Obama has proposed astronomical numbers for FY17, b) because once opened, offices are hard to close, and c) they want to get as many open and running before a possible Donald Trump Administration takes office in January.
Once the first batches are resettled the contractors go to work bringing in the family members. They will vilify you if you try to stop the “reunification.”
Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted!)
Charleston, WV
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI
Poughkeepsie, NY
Wilmington, DE
Watertown, NY (maybe)
Youngstown, OH (maybe)