Good Countryis promoting a one world government as you can see here on their website:
Most of the world’s problems are really just symptoms of a bigger, underlying problem: that we haven’t yet worked out how to organise ourselves as a single species inhabiting a single planet. This can change.
We need to co-operate and collaborate much more closely if we’re going to make the world work.
But, most of the time, we don’t. Why not?
Because the seven billion people who created all these problems are organised in two hundred tribes called nations. Each one is run by a government that’s totally focused on the national interest: what will make us richer, happier, safer, stronger? They don’t worry too much if that makes others poorer, unhappier, more vulnerable, weaker because, well, they’re foreigners. And foreigners can’t vote.
Can this ever change? Yes it can. It will change when we, the people who keep those governments in power, wake them up and tell them the world has changed, and their jobs have changed with it.
On the morning we are getting news that the President is selling out American workers and sacrificing the safety of US citizens by soft talk on the border wall and DACA, we see this announcement.
First, readers may remember that the Heritage Foundation published a dreadful report, here, on the Refugee program demonstrating a total disconnect from what is happening in communities where refugees are secretly dropped off, and now this….
Here (below) we have a panel of bureaucrats and policy wonks who will discuss a bunch of esoteric BS in the Washington swamp about “reforming” the program. I don’t see one serious critic on the panel and not one person who knows what is happening in communities where the refugees are placed.
This is Larry Bartlett from the US State Department who is responsible for admitting refugees to the US. He is standing in front of a map showing more than a hundred resettlement towns and cities. That map from 2015 has since disappeared from the State Department’s WRAPSNET website.
There are several very very good spokesmen for our point of view in Washington who could get over to the Heritage Foundation in a heartbeat—at FAIR, at the Center for Immigration Studies and at NumbersUSA—why isn’t one serious critic of the program on the panel?
These people will suggest tinkering, or worse!
And, to top it off the program is headlined by Larry Bartlett, pro-refugee bureaucrat extraordinaire. Just two of many posts on Bartlett you should review are here and here.
In the first post Bartlett went to Twin Falls, Idaho and told the audience a whopper—that they don’t place refugees in communities that don’t want them—and he went on to say that was not because of sympathy for the townspeople, but for the refugees (he feared for them, that some local yokels might hurt them!) (go here for more).
And, here, we see Bartlett tell Senator Jeff Sessions that communities are consulted, but failed to mention that citizens everywhere were being blocked from attending the “stakeholder” meetings where plans were being made for the community, while representatives of ethnic groups could attend.
Here then is the Heritage panel lineup scheduled for next Wednesday:
This is a screenshot, so links are not ‘hot.’ Here is the 800 number for them: (800) 546-2843
Readers are always asking what they can do. Here is something you can do….
Call Heritage and tell them to stop the propaganda about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.Or, better still tell them to have a follow-up panel of experts who know what real reform should look like! (Don’t hold your breath!).
Because Heritage touts itself as a “conservative think tank” that tells Congress what to think, it is up to you to tell Heritage what you think!
If you have been frustrated where you live about how the US Refugee Program is working (about the lack of transparency, crimes, the cultural upheaval going on, and the cost to taxpayers of welfare, etc) tell Heritage what you think!
Here is the Heritage Foundation contact page if you prefer to comment on line:
The United Nations holds its fall general assembly in September. This is when ‘diplomats’ from all over the world come to New York for really what amounts to one big party on the town.
Ivanka had lunch on Friday with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Long time readers know Guterres as the former UN High Commissioner for Refugees who has been a leading proponent of moving Muslim refugees to the west. Did he lobby Ivanka on funding for the UN and for the US to ‘welcome’ more refugees? See my extensive archive on Guterres by going here:
It is also a time when the UN has an opportunity to bash America (except for when Obama was prez).
Here we learn that to save money, the Trump Administration will be limiting the number of State Department and other DC bureaucrats who will be attending the confab on the taxpayers’ dime.
Not mentioned here, but just a reminder to readers, September will be the time of Trump’s big test on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program because according to the Kennedy/Carter Refugee Act of 1980, the President submits his annual ‘determination’ for the upcoming fiscal year to Congress.
Just about the time Trump speaks to the UN, he will have determined how many refugees will be admitted in the year beginning October 1 for FY18, and from what regions of the world they will come.
The State Department plans to scale back its diplomatic presence at this year’s annual United Nations gathering of world leaders in September as a cost-saving initiative, according to four well-placed diplomatic sources. [Those leakers again?—ed]
For more than seven decades, American presidents from Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama have attended the fall U.N. General Assembly general debate in New York to project their vision of American foreign policy to the world. They have been accompanied by a growing entourage of American diplomats, lawyers and technical experts who negotiate a wide range of issues, from nuclear arms treaties to climate change pacts and conflicts.
We are told that Obama and his entourage stayed at the New York Palace. Trump will go to his New Jersey golf club.
President Donald Trump does plan to address other world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, and he will be accompanied by other top advisers, including his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his daughter Ivanka Trump, who stopped by U.N. headquarters Friday for a private lunch with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
But the ranks of professional diplomats, aides and officials who attend the event to promote American policy priorities on a range of issues will be thinned out.For now, it remains unclear precisely how large of a cut in U.S. staff is envisioned, but two officials said the State Department is seeking to keep a ceiling down to about 300 people, including everyone from the president to support staff who schedule meetings and copy speeches.
The diplomatic culling is being enforced by Tillerson, the former ExxonMobil chief who has shown little interest in U.N. diplomacy during his first six months on the job. It comes at a time when the White House is seeking as much as a 30 percent cut in U.S. funding to the State Department and even deeper cuts in U.N. operations.
Will Donald Trump seek to cut the State Dept. budget by 30%? Will he cut even deeper in to the pile of money we give the UN? And, will he cut refugee numbers and seek to abolish or reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program?
Answers will come in September!
Your job is to let the President know what you think on a daily basis! Click here.
This morning a recent article by Liam Clancy at World Net Dailycame to my attention entitled:
Trump throws wrench in U.N. plan to ‘replace’ U.S. population Obama stoked globalist agenda laid out in 2000
The article reports on the existence of a UN report from the year 2000 that lays out the case for migration of third worlders (as workers) to first world countries where those countries see a declining population.
I realized that I had written about the UN report, here, in 2014, but had forgotten all about it confirming a friend’s admonition that one must see something about seven times before the information is fully digested.
Consider this then RRW’s second of soon-to-be seven mentions of the United Nations plan for America!
WND recently reported on the scheme, revealed in a U.N. document prepared in the year 2000 entitled “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?”
‘Replacement workers’ arriving in Europe are fulfilling the UN plan!
The report details the plunging birthrates across Western Europe, Russia, Japan and the United States and identifies a solution: mass migration from the Third World into these “aging and declining” nations.
The 17-year-old document makes the case for mass immigration as necessary to replace the aging populations of developed countries. Without the migration of populations from the developing world, it reasons, economies will suffer because of labor shortages and falling tax revenues.
“Therefore, among the demographic variables, only international migration could be instrumental in addressing population decline and population aging in the short to medium term,” the report concludes.
Continue reading here, it is full of information on how the US Refugee Program fits right in to the UN plan for America.
Let’s see if I can make the girls at Right Wing Watch blow a gasket again when I say:
American women better start having more babies!
I think most of Europe is gone, but there is still time for us.
I wish I were young enough to contribute to the cause because I fell for the big lie that educated women should have only one or two babies to save the planet. Where were (where are?) the population control crazies lecturing the African and Middle Eastern Muslims to limit their family sizes?
Hey, here is a thought: As Trump overhauls the tax code, how about a little tax incentive for taxpayers who have reached a certain educational level to have more babies!
See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
If you like my idea of a tax incentive to have more babies, write to The Donald today, here.
“Guterres is a perfect example of the unholy alliance between the secular Marxist left and the Islamists.”
(John Guandolo)
Saudi Arabia welcomes NO refugees, even those who are Muslim.
Newly selected UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, went to a Muslim country that refuses to resettle Muslim refugees—Saudi Arabia—and said infidels are killed because they are instigating Islamic violence by practicing free speech!
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily. Hohmann quotes Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, John Guandolo, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Phil Haney and me in his analysis of Guterres outrageous comments to the Saudi king:
The United Nations — under a new leader who personally oversaw the relocation of millions of Muslim refugees into the U.S., Canada and Europe — is doubling down on its “anti-Islamophobia” campaign against the West.
U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, a Portuguese socialist who headed the U.N’s refugee agency before being promoted to secretary general in January, traveled to Saudi Arabia this week where he sat with Saudi royals and cited “Islamophobia” as the reason for increasing terrorism around the world.
Guterres is the former UN High Commissioner for Refugees responsible for directing thousands of Muslim refugees to your towns.
“One of the things that fuel terrorism is the expression in some parts of the world of Islamophobic feelings and Islamophobic policies and Islamophobic hate speeches,” Guterres said at a joint news conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. [You know he is aiming these comments at Donald Trump! If we have another deadly terrorist attack he is setting it up for the world to blame Trump!—ed]
Echoing the comments of Hillary Clinton in her 2016 presidential campaign, Guterres said Islamophobia actually helps the Islamic State or ISIS to attract new recruits.
But the way others see it, Guterres just gave a free pass to Islamic extremists to commit acts of terror throughout the world.
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann calls UN Sec. General the “jihadist’s advocate.” If you have forgotten, Senator John McCain attempted to destroy Bachmann in 2012 when she charged that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the Obama Administration. Today McCain is working to destroy President Trump. McCain is either senile or bought, in my opinion.
It’s a lot like blaming the victim, says Phillip Haney, an Islam specialist who worked for more than a decade at Homeland Security screening immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.
“So Mr. Guterres is telling you that Islamophobia is such a great crime that you will be killed for it and terrorists will rise up because of this and it will be your fault,” Haney told WND.
“Why? Because you are an Islamophobe. It’s your fault that they’re killing you,” he said. “What’s he saying if that’s not what he’s saying?”
“No other religion enjoys such protection from criticism,” Bachmann said. “Ironically, no other religion in current times has advanced more violence, carnage and bloodshed than Islam and yet Islam’s gatekeepers demand their religion not be criticized.
“We need to recognize this is nothing more than a well-designed strategy to achieve Islamic conquest and the U.N. Secretary General is now the jihadist’s advocate.”
Guandolo said Guterres is a perfect example of the unholy alliance between the secular Marxist left and the Islamists.
I’ve only snipped a small amount of a detailed report, pleasego here to read it all.
See my Guterres archive hereand don’t miss this 2009 post where Guterres credits Islam and Sharia Law for creating the idea of welcoming people who are persecuted.
Tell President Donald Trump to get us out of the United Nations! Click here.