On October 16th, refugee contractor the International Rescue Committee sent out a call to action to Kansans. https://www.rescue.org/announcement/how-make-sure-kansas-welcomes-refugees
The list is growing ever so slowly with the most recent addition being Kansas Democrat Governor Laura Kelly. In agreeing to take an in determinant number of refugees she has agreed that she is okay with the high cost of the care of more impoverished people coming into the country from Africa, Asia and the Middle East and placing that cost on Kansas taxpayers.
When the Refugee Act became law in 1980, Kennedy/Biden and Jimmy Carter said the cost would not fall on the states that ‘welcomed’ refugees, but over the years that is exactly what happened. The feds have shifted the cost to state and local taxpayers.
Incoming refugees are eligible for all forms of welfare and the primary job of the contractors*** who place them is to get them signed up for their services—medical, housing, food, education, and English language/citizenship training—a large portion of which is funded by state and local taxpayers.
Governor Laura Kelly joins seven other governors (by my count) who have said to the UN/US State Department (or to the media), sure send us any number of refugees you want to send us and we will pay for them!
Kansas Joins Other States in Accepting Refugees Under New Trump Rule
Kansas is the latest U.S. state to commit to resettling refugees under a new Trump administration rule that requires cities and states to opt in to the government’s refugee program.
The ultimate example of elections having consequences: Democrat Laura Kelly decides for Kansas rather immigration hawk Kris Kobach.
“I not only consent to the initial refugee resettlement in Kansas as per the terms of the Executive Order, I also welcome them into our state,” Democratic Governor Laura Kelly wrote to President Donald Trump in the letter, made public Wednesday.
With the letter, Kelly joins a small bipartisan list of governors to quickly respond to the new rule, issued in September.
Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington state — headed by Democratic governors — and Utah, led by a Republican, previously submitted similar letters to Washington officials.
Pay attention here! For nearly 40 years the US State Department and its contractors (nine today) have called the shots about which would be refugee target towns and cities and the contractors are now fighting tooth and nail to keep that power!
Prior to the Sept. 26 executive order, refugees were either reunited with family or assigned a destination based on a quarterly meeting near Washington, D.C., between government officials and the non-profit organizations that handle resettlement.
They generally placed refugees in communities around the country where the non-profits have offices and staff to help refugees, especially during their first year in the U.S. [The Leftwing contractors have been deciding which communities to turn blue—ed]
While there have been some cities and states, like Tennessee, that in previous years attempted to block refugees, such cases are rare. Resettlement had occurred in every U.S. state, territory, and the District of Columbia since 2003, according to U.S. State Department arrival records. [Wrong here! Wyoming has never taken refugees, Hawaii gets very few and Biden’s Delaware is near the bottom of the list.—ed]
By requiring consent, the Trump administration is allowing states and localities to bar refugee resettlement in their areas.
If you thought that maybe your governor could say that you would take a certain number of Middle Eastern Christians, you are WRONG! Again, by agreeing to ‘welcome’ refugees, your governor is saying your state will take any number from anywhere in the world!
Despite the consent requirement, state and local governments will not be able to choose which refugees it wants to accept, or to exclude certain groups.
The new rules will affect resettlement beginning June 1, 2020, according to an emailed statement from an agency spokesperson.
Written consent will be required from the state governor’s office and the chief executive officer of the county or county equivalent for each jurisdiction where refugees will be resettled, the spokesperson added.
Any cut-off date for the consent letters is unknown. The State Department did not respond to a request for clarification Thursday. [You need to get on this immediately, don’t wait to contact your governor and your county government.—ed]
Go to the VOA piece and see some of the governors’ letters.
I am keeping a list of governors who have publicly announced (some may not have sent their letter) that they will take on the financial burden of more impoverished people for their states in my right hand side bar here at RRW.
***These (below) are the nine federal resettlement contractors who might not get their funding for the later part of this fiscal year without approvals from the governor and the county in which they want to place incoming refugees. I say might not because the funding guidelineshave some squishy language.
These are the fake charities funded largely with your federal tax dollars to place refugees and they want to keep the federal money spigot flowing. And, that is why their lobbying arm, Refugee Council USA, has created a “toolkit”for Open Borders agitators.
They could help refugees and immigrants out of their good hearts and private wallets, but heck then they wouldn’t have the financial power to oppose the President.
Turn off the damn faux impeachment hearing! And, for goodness sake forget about shopping and whether Prince Andrew did something to a blond girl whenever.
The President heard your concerns about refugees being placed in your towns with no warning and no local approval and did something about it! Are you going to let him down now?
For those of you who spend the day reading news to inform yourself, stop reading for 15 minutes and do something—I’ll tell you what shortly.
The President listened to your concerns about having no role in the decision making process about where refugees are placed in America.
He has gone out on a (another) political limb and created an Executive Orderback in September with the lowest determination for the number of refugees to be admitted to the US since the Kennedy/Biden/Jimmy Carter refugee program became law in 1980.
And, in that Executive Order, although imperfect, he directed the US State Department to collect approvals in writing from governors and county/city elected officials saying they will opt-in (and accept refugees) so that the federal contractors can get their funding to move the Africans, Middle Easterners, Asians, etc. to your towns.
The deadline is approaching and…
….those approvals are now coming in!
Open Borders Inc. and the federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors are turning the process into a referendum on the President and the Refugee Program and have pulled out all the stops as I have been reporting here for days.
My analysis:
Every county in America is up for grabs!
This is the National Association of Counties map that the lobbying arm of the refugee industry is directing its followers to use in order to find the contact information for county government leaders. https://ce.naco.org/
Even counties that haven’t previously received refugees are on their hit list.
They are not sticking with the established resettlement sites I posted herea few days ago. And, mark my words, those approvals from far flung counties will be held by the contractors and used as political cudgels no matter who is President.
By the way, there are 3,242 counties and county equivalents available to be resettled! And, that is how they are turning red states blue—one county at a time.
Both the governor and the local elected body (county government seems to be the primary goal) or possibly a mayor, especially for big cities, must agree to the placement of the impoverished refugees in order for the refugee contractors to get their plans to the State Department and to ultimately be paid to do their work.
(See myright hand sidebarfor the governors who have already said yes, or at least the ones we know of.)
The contractors are pushing to obtain the approvals by Christmas in order to get their proposals to the State Department by January 21st.
This is what the Refugee Council USA is telling its followers to do (I told you about it here). You should follow their model except obviously with a different message:
Your State & Local Officials Need to Hear From You
When you engage your local officials, we encourage you to educate them about the existence and content of the EO and ask whether they will provide written consent to resettle refugees. Here are the top two ways to take action:
Tell Your Governor to Declare Welcome for Refugees: Click here to contact your governor and tell them to declare that they welcome refugees in your state. Ask them to provide the necessary written consent to the federal government stating that refugees are welcome. A template letter that can be adapted to your state isavailable here.
Letters should be addressed to: Secretary Michael R. Pompeo, U.S. Department of State; and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Carol T. O’Connell, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, U.S. Department of State.
This is what Refugee Watchers Must do ASAP
For the sake of time, focus on your county government and your governor.
You can keep your message simple (choose any or all you like):
~Tell your elected officials that by agreeing to accept refugees they are agreeing that state and local taxpayers pick up the financial burden (refugees are eligible for all forms of welfare) that Kennedy once said would be a federal responsibility.
~Tell your elected officials that we have enough of our own poverty in America and that vulnerable Americans should come first.
~Tell them there are hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers (wannabe refugees) that must be processed first.
~Tell your elected officials that security screening is inadequate and that safety is an issue.
~Tell them that the ‘religious’ ‘charitable’ groups placing those refugees are actually federal contractors who depend on high numbers of refugees to receive their pay from the US Treasury.
~Tell them that the original law created an opportunity for states to opt-in or opt-outthat has been ignored for decades.
~Tell them politely about any other concerns you have about the UN program that moves impoverished third worlders to your towns/cities.
If you haven’t been following RRW in recent days, go here, here, and here for more information.
Please spread this post far and wide, honestly if we can’t muster at least some small showing of support for the President’s efforts to slow costly, disruptive and possibly dangerous refugee resettlement to the far corners of America, then speaking for me, why should I bother to continue investigating and writing!
Endnote to readers in Ohio:A story here in Septembersays your governor is on board with MORE refugees, but I haven’t seen anything in the last week or so. Assume he hasn’t sent an official letter yet.
In only one year did he set a CAP (CEILING) in excess of 100,000 and he set that in September 2016 during the waning months of his Presidency—either anticipating that Hillary was coming in to ‘welcome’ that many, or in the case of a Trump win, he was setting Trump up to look mean and unwelcoming.
Obama could have set a 100,000+ CAP in any of the previous years, why didn’t he?
Note also that Obama didn’t admit near his ceilings in several years of his time in office.
Whatever deception Obama (his State Department!) was trying to pull, please keep this chart handy because when the new numbers are recorded at the end of this month, that 2009 year will drop from the chart.
Note the ‘Ceiling’ column vs. the ‘to the US’ column which is the number that actually were admitted.
If you see a news report in a local paper about how Obama admitted 100,000 refugees a year, be sure to tell the reporter/editor to get their facts straight!
As you know by now the President’s cap for refugee admissions for FY2020 is 18,000 and you also should know that none arrived in October (the first month of the fiscal year) because President Trump had waited a month to sign the order.
Well, here they come! Who are they? And where did they go?
The International Organization for Migration (IOM), a branch of the United Nations that takes care of doling out the plane tickets American taxpayers pay for, is reporting 600 in the first wave.
IOM Welcomes First US Bound Refugees Resettled in FY 2020
Washington DC – More than 600 refugees landed in the United States this week, marking the first arrivals of US fiscal year 2020. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) welcomed the refugees who come from a variety of countries.
IOM works closely with the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration to provide case processing support, pre-departure health assessments and cultural orientation, as well as transportation support for refugees.
Congolese senior citizens, new Americans, get instructions on how to get their benefits. https://fraudscrookscriminals.com/2019/03/08/kentucky-refugee-seniors-going-hungry-as-us-imports-more-poverty/
A group of 25 Congolese refugees were the first to arrive on Tuesday morning at Washington Dulles International Airport before continuing to their final destinations. Due to ongoing violence, the families fled to neighbouring Rwanda where they remained in limbo for years. [And, remind me why this is our problem!—-ed]
Almost half of the refugees resettled in the US in fiscal year 2019 were from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Several others arriving this week are also Congolese.
What is so maddening about the Congolese wholesale movement to America is that Obama told the UN in 2013 that we would take 50,000 over five years and we are now almost at 60,000 and they are still coming.
I bet the deep staters at the US State Department never told the Trump people there was supposed to be a limit on the Congolese!
So it is no surprise that when I checked the data at the Refugee Processing Center I see that 226 of the 563 refugees admitted in the last week are DR Congolese!
I suspect the discrepancy in the numbers reported by IOM and the RPC is that IOM has shipped off 600 (maybe), but the State Dept. data base isn’t up to the minute and shows that we admitted 563 refugees from the first of November to today.
Because I don’t plan to report every month about who came and where they went, I’m going to give you a tutorial on finding out yourself!
Then click on ‘Interactive reporting’ (there are useful data in the other categories), but for today’s lesson it is ‘Interactive reporting’ that you want.
You will get a screen that looks like this:
For the first exercise I picked the first choice: MAP.
A screen opens that asks for your start date and the last date. I chose November 1 to today, the 9th. It asks for nationalities and provides a drop- down (I chose all) and I chose for sort order ‘number of individuals.’
And presto, I got this map (below) to show where 563 refugees were placed between November 1 and today. On the page after the map I can see the numerical breakdown for all of the states that ‘welcomed’ refugees over the last week.
As usual Texas is numero uno!
(Reminder! These are just refugees admitted through the US Refugee Admissions Program, not unaccompanied alien children, not Special Immigrant Visa holders, and not asylum seekers!)
Now go back to the first screen and see your other choices for searches. You can find out which ethnic groups were placed in which cities in your state.
When choosing parameters for the ‘arrivals by destination’ search, choose ‘fiscal year’ and ‘destination.’ Just for fun I did Minnesota. Here are the ‘new Minnesotans’ that arrived this week.
You can find out the religions of refugees arriving (although not by state). And you can even find how many kids are coming (cost to your schools!) and how many senior citizens will be coming to collect their SSI.
I’ve never been able to find out which contractors settled which refugees. It might be there somewhere and if you find it let me know!
Here is what I did learn for the whole batch this week:
Of the 563 we brought in as ‘new Americans’ ….
226 are from the DR Congo
Moldova 56
Afghanistan 40
Ukraine 38
Syria 32
Burma 27
Liberia 26
Somalia 26
Eritrea 18
Iraq 18
Sudan 15
Plus smaller numbers from many other countries.
Of the 563, 154 (27%) belong to one or another Muslim sect. I was surprised to learn that a small number of the DR Congolese are Muslims. There is no Muslim ban!
Now you too can do this yourself and I recommend that you do it at least monthly and see who is coming to a town near you!
(Have fun, play around with it!)
For serious students of the refugee program, this post is filed in two categories here at RRW: ‘Where to find information’ and ‘Refugee statistics’. All categories are in a drop-down on the right hand side bar at RRW, here.
Fiscal year 2020 began on October first, but President Trump only signed the final determination two days ago.
The primary reason given for the lower than normal number is that there exists a massive backlog of asylum claims for those who are already in the country and are insisting they are refugees too!
Suffice it to say the wailing in the refugee industry has begun!
Their PR machines have been working overtime for 4 weeks in an attempt to get the President to change his mind on the 18,000 cap announced in the closing days of September.
Because refugees chosen by the UN and flown-in represent paying clients that keep the nine major contractors afloat. Asylum seekers, may eventually seek the ‘services’ of the contractors, but there is no per head grant money coming with them (at least not yet!).
If the ‘humanitarians’ are looking for immigrants to love and help, there are plenty of asylum seekers they could help with their own private charitable donations, right—not to mention poor and vulnerable Americans!
The United Nations quickly put out a statementsaying the UN High Commissioner for refugees is “troubled” by the final decision by the US government to admit ‘only’ 18,000 third world refugees over the next 11 months.
Inhumane Presidential Determination Banning Refugees is Signed
Historic low admissions goal will dismantle the life-saving refugee program and America’s legacy of welcome.
New York City–Last night President Trump signed his discriminatory and cruel Fiscal Year 2020 refugee admissions goalthat will cap admissions at 18,000 and limit arrivals based on category and country of origin. The signing of the presidential determination will now end the unprecedented moratorium on refugee arrivals that has blocked refugees from arriving in the United States since October 1st of this year.
CWS President and CEO Rev. John L. McCullough issued the following statement:
“President Trump has ripped our country’s welcome mat out from under the most at-risk refugees in the world, people we have pledged to protect. The dire consequences of this refugee ban will last for years if not decades to come as the refugee resettlement program is dismantled and our nation’s legacy of compassion and welcome is finally snuffed out.
Families who have waited years to be reunited have little hope of ever being together again. Refugee communities within the U.S. will lose their support systems as the infrastructure in place to support them disappears.
“While we are thankful that some refugees who have had their cases put on hold while we awaited this policy to be signed will now be able to arrive, the number of people who will find protection is tragically low and simply unacceptable. Thousands of lives are at stake. People of faith across the nation implore Congress to step in and block the destruction of the life-saving refugee resettlement program, and restore it to historic norms before it is too late.”
Thanks to a reader for sending me the State Department’s press announcementyesterday!
Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2020
President Trump signed the Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2020, following consultations with Congress conducted by the State Department, along with the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services. Our Departments will work closely to implement the President’s program, which provides for the resettlement of up to 18,000 refugees in the United States this fiscal year.
America’s support for refugees and other displaced people extends well beyond our immigration system. It includes diplomatic efforts around the world to find solutions to crises, like our support for the legitimate government in Venezuela against Maduro’s tyranny. Addressing the core problems that drive refugees away from their homes helps more people more rapidly than resettling them in the United States.
Keep refugees close to home until they can return and rebuild their countries!
Our support for displaced people also takes the form humanitarian assistance, and in Fiscal Year 2019 the United States contributed nearly $9.3 billion to supporting crisis response globally, the largest contribution of any country in the world.Helping displaced people as close to their homes as possible better facilitates their eventual safe and voluntary return. Their efforts to rebuild their communities help restore affected areas to stability, which is always in America’s interest.
Indeed, the security and humanitarian crisis along our southern border has contributed to a burden on our immigration system that must be alleviated before we can again resettle large numbers of refugees. Therefore, prioritizing the cases of those already in our country is simply a matter of common sense.The diplomatic agreements the United States has reached with our Western Hemisphere neighbors to address illegal immigration and border security will allow us to refocus resources on reducing the current backlog of asylum cases that now encompasses more than an estimated one million individuals.
One thing that never made sense to me is the fact that supposedly the contractors are so worried about saving refugees and yet are at the border egging-on more economic migrants to come in illegally.
If your concern is truly for refugees and their well-being, it makes no sense that one would support importing competition for refugee admissions. But it makes all the sense in the world if your goal is to change America by changing the people and that begins with hauling in more future Democrat voters.
Get the report!
One of the most useful documents available on the program each year is the report to Congress that accompanies the Presidential Determination. For serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program it is worth reading and saving.
I admit I haven’t read it all yet, but will! Here are a couple of charts that jumped out at me. They support the President’s assertion that asylum claims are swamping the system (many will turn out to be illegitimate).
(For newbies, asylum seekers get here on their own and say they will be persecuted if returned to their home country. They go through one of two legal processes and if determined to have a legitimate claim to refugee status they are given all the welfare goodies and services that refugees flown-in receive.)
Incredible! Look at the column on asylum grants!
And, then below see the charts on the backlog in the two systems available for migrants to claim asylum (to say they are refugees). Many of these migrants came across our southern border, applied for asylum and disappeared!
So what happened to considering the views of citizens when placing refugees?
I see no reference in either the statement from the White House on Friday or from Secretary Pompeo about local communities and state governments having any say in the placement of refugees as the President had announced on September 26th, see here.