Breaking News: Spartanburg, South Carolina targeted to be colonized as next refugee ‘seed’ community

Update July 13: Spartanburg citizens formalize ‘Pocket of Resistance,’ here.

Update June 6:  A Spartanburg resident answers the “compassion” argument, here.

Update June 5:  US State Department ignores Gowdy, sends first refugees to Spartanburg, here.

Update June 4:  More on the latest State Dept. response to Rep.Trey Gowdy, here.

Update June 3:  Rep. Trey Gowdy gets response to 2nd set of questions to US State Department, here.

Update June 1:  Jeb Bush meets with Jason Lee and other leftwing evangelicals, here.

Update May 26th:  Spartanburg has it all, here.

Update May 20th: Spartanburg County Council obviously afraid to take a role in the controversy, here.

Update May 5th:  Rep. Gowdy gets response from Kerry but wants more information, here.

Update April 19th:  Local and state elected officials want answers, here.

Update April 17th: More media pick up the story, here.

Update April 14th:  Rep. Trey Gowdy needs to help other towns, hold hearings, here.  World Relief admits they get “push back” in some towns, here.

Update April 13th:  Rep. Trey Gowdy, who represents the district, wants answers from Sec. of State John Kerry, here.

Update April 1st: If folks in Spartanburg have any doubts about how little control they will have once this office is established, see Concord, NH—no say in how many refugees come! Here!

Update March 31st:  Spartanburg citizens want impact statement and public meeting on refugee plan for the city, here.

Update March 23rd: Spartanburg residents, please note that mid-western towns are having difficulty coping with large numbers of refugees, here.

Update March 21st:  Folks in Spartanburg, where Syrians may be resettled, need to read about Indianapolis where the resettlement contractor admits the numbers will start small, but will grow!

Update March 19th:  See ‘Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home,’ here.

Update March 17th:  Everyone concerned about Spartanburg, must read about Worcester, Mass. here.

Update March 11th:  This post has received the highest number of visitors we have ever had to a post in just a couple of days.  I realized this morning that we needed a primer of sorts on what your town should do if the federal government is planning to “plant” refugees where you live.  See our Ten things you need to know and what you can do, here. ***Update*** Don’t believe me, check out what is happening in Manchester, NH, here.

Update March 10th:  This post went through the roof yesterday, thanks to all who sent it around.  However, one reader pointed out that I failed to make it clear that refugees are one class of immigrant which can tap into most forms of welfare without being US citizens.  That is why the Obama Administration is working overtime to expand the definition of ‘refugee’ so as to make our welfare system more accessible to the newly amnestied aliens.

Update! Please all of you South Carolinians forgive me for initially putting an ‘s’ in the middle of Spartanburg in my first post!  And, secondly, I was just informed that some parts of the Spartanburg area are represented by Rep. Trey Gowdy.  All readers should know that Gowdy is the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security that has jurisdiction over the Refugee Resettlement program and should know the threat this resettlement poses for his district!

Editors note:  In my previous post I said our next two posts would be about how far along the Obama Task Force on New Americans “integration” (aka seeding) plan is in a couple of cities that are overloaded with refugees, however, reader Robin spotted this news which is more pressing at the moment!  Spartanburg beware!  South Carolina beware!

Over the years, we have noticed that South Carolina has pretty much stayed out of the top tier of states where refugee seedlings are being planted.  Looks like those days are over as it was announced that World Relief (Evangelicals) one of the TOP NINE federal resettlement contractors is about to open an office there!

They must be having refugee overload problems in North Carolina!

World Relief, like the other eight contractors*** are all Progressive advocacy groups, six of them represent the ‘religious Left.’

Demand answers!

Anyone in Spartanburg who is concerned about this news, must speak up now!  You might want to look at how Athens, Georgia has so far been holding them at bay by asking the federal government and the contractor for a plan—who pays for this, where will the refugees work, is our school system ready for myriad languages and illiterate children, will our health department be overburdened, do we have enough public housing for our own low-income people, how about our police force, is it ready?  Those are the sorts of questions any sensible local government should be asking!  Tell the Mayor to ask questions!

For more question ideas, see our fact sheet.

Additionally, ask World Relief if the flow can be stopped once started if the town can’t afford it anymore?  Or if there is social disruption? I’ll tell you the answer now—NO!

The truth is that the UN/US State Department is running out of “welcoming” towns and cities, so they are constantly on the move to find new towns in which to “plant” refugees.  “Pockets of Resistance” are forming in overloaded communities.

From   They say they will resettle 65 refugees from Syria, DR Congo, and Bhutan.  Why not Muslim Iraqis and Somalis too?  Of course they will be in the mix because the UN is picking our refugees!  A city doesn’t get to choose the nationality of the refugees that will be dropped off!

Here is the story Robin sent:

Spartanburg will soon be home to dozens of people fleeing persecution in their homelands.

Refugees may begin arriving here as early as spring through a refugee resettlement ministry.

Lee, the new director of the World Relief subcontractor, worked with Somalis in Kentucky.

World Relief is establishing an office in Spartanburg. “In community with the local church, World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually,” according to the faith-based organization’s website.

Jason Lee has been named executive director of the Spartanburg office. He said 65 refugees are expected to move here this year.

Lee served more than five years as pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church. He’s also ministered to Somali refugees in Kentucky and is a leader with Come Closer Spartanburg.

Come Closer Spartanburg [they come up with such warm and fuzzy names for themselves!–ed] is a partnership of faith leaders, Christians and business leaders with a mission to “to unite God’s people for the purpose of loving our city to Christ.” One need identified is serving residents born outside the United States.

[What!  Has Spartanburg helped all of its own American poor people and it now needs to import more?—ed]

World Relief works with federal agencies to offer resettlement, placement and various services to refugees. According to the organization’s figures, it has resettled more than 250,000 refugees from more than 80 countries in the past 35 years.

Lee said it’s unknown what nations the refugees who will resettle in Spartanburg are from — Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo or Bhutan are possibilities.

Read it all, there is a lot of useful information in it.

Urgent!  Help save Spartanburg! I don’t normally ask, but please send this story around, especially to people you know in South Carolina!  Clearly they have no idea of what they are in for!

*** The federal resettlement contractors (almost completely funded by US taxpayers) looking for new resettlement sites:

Why are we importing community organizers (refugees?) from Saudi Arabia?

This story is from January of this year.  Thanks to ‘Pungentpeppers’ for sending it earlier, but I just never got around to it.

Fatmata Jabbie a refugee(?) from Saudi Arabia complains about her hourly wage at Walmart.

So, the gist of the story is that in late January a group calling itself Money Out Voter’s In held a rally in Washington protesting the 5-year anniversary of the ‘Citizens United ‘ Supreme Court decision.  You can read all about it here (but remember this is the Daily Kos!).

One of their targets is Walmart (for the record, I am no fan of Walmart).  And, who do we have speaking about Walmart’s purportedly low wages, but a “refugee” from Saudi Arabia. Huh?

Readers, we don’t take Saudis as refugees, but (if this woman is a real “refugee”) we must be flying to America Somalis and other Africans who got into Saudi Arabia illegally and calling them ‘refugees.’

I’ve been writing for years about how we are perverting internationally understood refugee law by bringing some of Malta’s overload of illegal aliens to the US as refugees.  Are we doing that for Saudi Arabia too?

Remember readers that Saudi Arabia deports most who manage to get into the country.  Here is one of many posts on Saudi Arabia kicking out Somalis who got into S.A.  They promptly deport other Africans as well.

Who is Fatmata Jabbie?

Fatmata Jabbie is a cashier at Walmart in Alexandria, VA. Originally from Saudi Arabia, she came to the US in 2010 as a refugee seeking a better life for her kids. She is a mother of two with a third child on the way, and supports her family making just $8.40/hour.

Fatmata works hard, and has asked Walmart repeatedly for more hours to support her family and even switched her schedule in an attempt to get full-time hours. As a pregnant working mother, she cannot afford Walmart’s health care. Meanwhile, the Walton family and Walmart as a corporation spend billions donating to politicians who support undermining public education. Walmart also maintains corporate policies that keep wages low and silence workers who speak out for better working conditions Fatmata sees how Citizens United has bolstered the power of billionaires like the Waltons at the expense of hardworking people and their families.

I’ll bet you a buck that you, the American taxpayers, are supplementing her “low” wages with generous welfare—food stamps, subsidized housing etc.

And, by the way, new baby on the way, where is hubby?

More importantly, where is Congress?  Isn’t it time to investigate the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department?


US: resettlement of tens of thousands of UN-chosen Congolese refugees well underway

Our many new readers may not know that the US State Department has agreed to a UN request to resettle 50,000 or so impoverished, uneducated, (mostly) women from DR Congo over a period of several years.


Congolese women and children waiting for their turn to come to America.


This is an informative article from Episcopal News Service that basically reports how needy these refugees are.

It is also interesting to me because we rarely see articles about refugee resettlement contractor Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of the top nine.  Apparently they are less media savvy as they rarely turn up in news stories (like this one) intended to be puff pieces on refugees.

We previously reported on the great need for mental health services for women from DR Congo, here.

From Episcopal News Service:

A Congolese refugee, Zaburiya arrived in Tucson seven months ago with five children, aged 10 to 26, after spending 18 years in a refugee camp in Rwanda.

Illiterate and not speaking a word of English, she became a member of a women’s empowerment group operated by Refugee Focus, which receives support from The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society’s Episcopal Migration Ministries service through funding from the United States government’s Office of Refugee Resettlement.

(The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society is the legal and canonical name under which The Episcopal Church is incorporated, conducts business, and carries out mission.)***


Through Episcopal Migration Ministries, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society partners with 30 resettlement affiliates in 26 dioceses nationwide. It is one of nine agencies working in partnership with the U.S. Department of State to welcome and resettle refugees to the United States.

For the umpteenth time, the UN is picking our refugees!

In 2014, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society and its partners worked to resettle 5,155 of the tens of thousands of refugees who came to the United States through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) screening process.


Over the next several years, UNHCR plans to resettle 50,000 refugees from the Congo, with 70 to 90 percent to be resettled to the United States, said Kurt Bonz, Episcopal Migration Ministries’ program manager…


“Most of the refugees have been in camps an average of 20 years, education is low, and many are single women with children who continue to experience trauma related to living in the Congo, the journey out and living in a refugee camp,” he said.

There is a lot in this story, read it all here.

So who are these refugees from DR Congo and where are they going?

I checked the State Department’s data base for the following dates:  10/1/2012 through 2/28/2015 and this is what I found:

We resettled 9,022 Congolese refugee “seedlings” in that approximate 2 and 1/2 year period.  Most were Christians of some sort, but I was surprised to learn that 356 were Muslims (from DR Congo?).

Then here is a list of the states that received over 200 Congolese refugees over that same 2 and 1/2 year time period (apparently all of these states have run out of American poor people to care for):

Arizona (862)

Colorado (290)

Florida (236)

Georgia (398)

Idaho (303)

Illinois (339)

Kentucky (405)

Maryland (259)

Massachusetts (322)

Michigan (417)

Missouri (301)

New Hampshire (260)

New York (325)

North Carolina (379)

Ohio (288)

Pennsylvania (445)

Texas (1078)  Working hard to turn Texas blue!

Utah (200)

Washington (273)

*** When you visit this post, you will see more about why this structure of the Episcopal Migration Ministries makes it hard to track their finances.  They must be claiming they are a ‘church’ and as such do not have to do a Form 990.

Asst. Secretary of State on Syrian refugees: If only you could meet them….

…..your heart would melt (she didn’t exactly say that!).

This is from one more article on the growing conflict about how many Syrian Muslim refugees we should admit to the US.  Frankly, there are so many of these stories, I’m having trouble keeping track!   This one is from the Associated Press, here.

Anne C. Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for PRM was formerly a VP (for advocacy!) at one of the federally-funded refugee ‘non-profit’ agencies she now contracts to resettle refugees—The International Rescue Committee. Was she a Soros protege at the International Crisis Group? Bio:

Anne C. Richard, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration echoes a sentiment that permeates our refugee admission policy in the US.  I’ve seen it used at the local level where the resettlement contractors parade out some sympathetic refugees in an attempt to soften any opposition to resettlement.

Our federal policy (what is right for America!) should be made in a clear-eyed way, not clouded by gooey emotions or done under pressure from the United Nations!

We might all have sympathy for those who live in hellholes around the world, but that doesn’t mean we have to invite them here in large numbers.

Honestly those promoters of more refugees for your towns and cities cannot give you any real reason as to why we need to do this without falling back on guilt-tripping emotionalism.

Here is what Richard told AP:

“These are people I think that if most Americans met them, their instinct would immediately be, ‘We have to help these people,'” Anne Richard, the assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, said in an interview with The Associated Press.


“I think if we talk about just this faceless mob of people from conflict-ridden lands, it seems very scary,” the State Department’s Richard said. “But if you meet individuals and individual families, you start to understand the very, very human nature of what it means to be a refugee.”

Everyone with such maudlin impulses should use your own resources, adopt a third world child or family, or send your own money abroad to help them there and leave the rest of us out of it!

Egg on face?

Last October Richard told the world at a meeting in Berlin (a kind of pledging event) that the US was stepping up now to bring in Syrians in a big way and said we have 5,000 in the pipeline that the UN has picked for us.  See our postIn December she said there were 9,000 in the UN’s pipeline to America.

If you missed it, see our hierarchy of who is in charge of refugee policy in the United States.

Another refugee off to the slammer on terrorism charges, this one from Afghanistan

Ho hum!  To tell you the truth I’m getting sick of these cases where we generously give “refugees” from Muslim countries asylum and they turn around and become killers, rapists or jihadists and taxpayers then must pay for an expensive trial and support them for years in prison.

Really, there should be a special fund set up in the US State Department budget to pay for the trials and prison time!  I know, I know, it is still taxpayer money, but maybe if it had to come out of the State Department’s hide they might choose refugees more wisely from the list the UN gives them!

From Banning-Beaumont Patch (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’):

Trial of Afghan refugee Sohiel Omar Kabir in Riverside. Sentencing judge: he betrayed our hospitality.

Two Southern California men who planned to commit “violent jihad” against American troops by joining terrorist groups in Afghanistan were each sentenced Monday to 25 years in federal prison.

Sohiel Omar Kabir, 36, of Pomona and Ralph Kenneth DeLeon, 26, of Ontario, were convicted last September following a nearly month long trial at the federal courthouse in downtown Riverside.

Kabir was found guilty of two counts of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and one count each of conspiring to kill American troops and conspiring to receive military training from al-Qaida.


In pronouncing sentence for Kabir, Phillips said it was “hard to understate the seriousness of the offense.”

“It wasn’t just talk,” she said. “We’ve seen all too often how little it takes for young men to cause havoc and loss of life. Just because his plan didn’t come to fruition — it doesn’t reduce the seriousness of what he intended to do.”

Kabir’s attorney, Federal Public Defender Jeffrey Aaron, argued for a 10- year prison term, citing mitigating factors, including what he said was his client’s low I.Q. Phillips was not swayed, pointing out that Kabir’s own family had acknowledged he was intelligent, though admittedly “lazy.”

The judge said Kabir had been given every break after his family fled to the U.S. as refugees and were given asylum.

“He is an example of someone who betrayed the hospitality extended to him by this country,” Phillips said.


I haven’t forgotten that I have to say more about the Uzbek alleged terrorists we have let in, but I truly am sick of these stories!