A Harbinger of what is to come?

A pair of articles published in Great Britain this past week should serve as a wake-up call to America about what rapid uncontrolled immigration could do to us (or is already doing to us).  (Hat tip: Infinicat).

The first from the Sunday Mail begins:

Almost 2 million new homes will have to be built just to cope with the immigrant influx, peers will be told tomorrow.


It means 263 houses must be constructed every day for almost 20 years – the equivalent of five cities the size of Birmingham during the next 18 years.

If you are thinking, well great, that helps the economy because all those workers will contribute and keep the housing industry booming, the second article from the Daily Mail  tells you why you would be wrong.

Many choose the cheapest possible rented accommodation so they can send more of their wages home, according to the report.

Months ago we wrote about this practice —sending money back home and out of the economy—called remittances.  

Another thing I wonder about when I read articles like these is where are the environmentalists?  Why are they silent?  Imagine 5 more cities the size of Birmingham!   My guess is they are chicken to speak up for fear of  being called racists by their multicultural buddies.   

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